Chapter 345 Death Falls and the Newcomers!!

Continuously eating food that is not known to be many times larger than his body is a new life experience for Reim.

And what you eat is laughed at in the blink of an eye under the action of gourmet cells, and the digestive ability of this period becomes incomparably strong, and what you eat will disappear in an instant, completely turning into calories, not even residue.

I can only say that the gourmet cells produced by the system are indeed very good, very good to use.

Although he was shocked by the amount of food he ate, it was only a momentary shock, and when he came back to his senses, he felt that it was nothing, and the most edible thing among all of them now was Xia Ming.

Xia Ming’s stomach can now be said to be a super bottomless pit, in fact, for Xia Ming, as long as he does not consume too many calories, he can eat as much as he wants, but there is a point, his upper limit of food intake is getting higher and higher.

Food is becoming more and more terrifying under the development of absolute adaptation, and the amount of calories stored in Xia Ming’s body is constantly soaring.

So he can be said to exaggerate to the extreme.

Although everyone’s cell level has exceeded a hundred, there is no comparison with him in terms of food intake.

“Xia Mingjun, where do we go next?”

After eating, everyone looked at Xia Ming, after all, where to go was basically decided by Xia Ming.

“Death Falls, sparkling silk-footed fish are also good ingredients, and the oil in its growing environment is also good.”

Xia Ming is also very interested in the sparkling silk foot fish, at this stage, he should be the only one who can catch the flash silk foot fish, this thing is a very sensitive ingredient, the strength cannot be higher than a certain level, otherwise it will not be able to be caught at all.

After all, even Setsuna’s mother-in-law can’t capture it, and although she can easily cross the Death Falls, she can’t capture the ingredients.

“Sparkling silk foot fish, I remember that this is a very sensitive ingredient, it seems that only Xia Mingjun can catch it.”

Everyone naturally knows what kind of ingredient it is.

“Is this ingredient powerful?”

Rem asked with some curiosity, she already knew how terrifying everyone’s strength was, but she was also very surprised that only Xia Ming could capture this kind of ingredient.

“No, it’s not like that, the weaker the catch of this ingredient, the better, because the sparkling silk foot fish is a very sensitive ingredient, even if it is threatened at any point, it will not be edible.”

“If you want to catch the sparkling silk-footed fish, you must be caught by ordinary people in a very gentle way, and as for the stronger existence, just getting close can make the sparkling silk-footed fish directly scrapped.”

“The reason why only Xia Mingjun among us can capture is entirely because Xia Mingjun is the strongest among us in terms of aura convergence, even if Xia Mingjun is in front of us now, as long as he wants, we can directly let us ignore his existence.”

Alice opened her mouth and said, she absolutely understood Xia Ming, Xia Ming’s trick to hide his breath, that is really invincible.

All this is because of the help of these bug abilities within it, so that Gong now has such a perverted hidden ability.

Xia Ming’s current operation is almost equivalent to erasing his own existence from this world, of course, this is an exaggerated statement, but in the eyes of everyone, it is actually almost the same.

Xia Ming himself is also aiming in this direction, do not get rid of his sense of existence, then no creature can find themselves.

Of course, it is not that it cannot be recovered after erasing, but it can be converted freely.

This is also a kind of hidden means, but Xia Ming is still too far away from the real erasing of his own sense of existence.

But now it is possible to hide one’s breath from being sensed by the Shining Silk Footfish.

Although he was still far from his goal, Xia Ming did not feel that he would be weakened by others, after all, this was one of his strongest points.

“As it is, what a strange ingredient, then this ingredient should have been caught at any time.”

For this ingredient, Rem also felt that there was no capture, and it was difficult, just find someone to help catch it.

“It’s so simple, the place of Death Falls…”

Megumi Tasho recounted the situation of the Death Falls.

“People who can enter and exit alive can’t find many in the entire human world, let alone bring people in directly, and they also bring an ordinary person, which is not something ordinary people can do.”

“So capturing ingredients becomes quite contradictory.”

After Tian Suohui finished speaking, Rem said that he really thought too simply, this world is really a little perverted excessive, the impact of this waterfall, taking an ordinary person in, isn’t that death?

Although she can do it now, she is because she has gourmet cells and has so many delicacies, but which of these delicacies does not require strength and luck to capture.

She has someone to bring so she can improve quickly, but the normal food hunter brings someone to bring?

Why is it that people who can enter the food world in the food age are basically gathered at food clubs and IGO and NEO? How many people do they add up to? These are the elites that can be found in the human world.

Not all food cells can improve so quickly, and there are different grades between food cells, and there are food demons.

There are two concepts of food demons and no food demons, and it stands to reason that in addition to being given by the system, other naturally obtained or innate food cells will have food demons.

Although there are food demons who can get some characteristics of food demons, such as the Four Heavenly Kings, but relatively, the food they eat is also a big problem.

The reason why the Four Heavenly Kings quickly improved was because of the list of ingredients that Yilong gave them directly.

Yilong knew what ingredients were best for them and could make them improve quickly, so he gave that list, but others did not have such treatment.

They can only try to find it on their own.

But if nothing else, let’s talk about the highly toxic potato, which is the ingredient suitable for the gourmet cells of Ayu.

If you didn’t know from the beginning, who would eat this Acacia Sect thing, even the super poison that Coco can’t ignore, replace it with others to eat it, and die in an instant.

So finding the right ingredients for cells is a big problem.

The food cells of the crowd come from the system, although there is no food demon, there is no food demon characteristics, but the food cells of the crowd are suitable for all ingredients.

Of course, some special ingredients can make the cells lift faster, there is no doubt about it.

There are advantages and disadvantages, but with Xia Ming present, this obviously has more advantages than disadvantages.

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