Chapter 354: The Canned Gold!!

Although David relied on King Kong to take out an army in the cyberpunk world, to put it bluntly, the upper limit is here, after all, it is not easy to find several bosses like Adam Heavy Hammer.

The other party’s existence that has really transformed more than 90% of his body can be said to have become a machine.

But that level of combat effectiveness is not too high, and Xia Ming’s instantaneous disappearance is not at all a means that can exist in Lucy’s consciousness.

Seeing Lucy in a daze, others also told Lucy about the secret realm

This is undoubtedly more powerful for Lucy, unlike other people who can quickly accept, Lucy’s three views were directly shattered, after all, the cyberpunk world is a solid technology world.

All kinds of things and technology are inseparable, and people like Lucy have known these things since they were young, and suddenly a fantasy thing has emerged, and she can’t accept it

After the crowd explained something simple, Xia Ming also returned, still holding a can in his hand.

“This is… Canned gold?! ”

The group looked at the can in Xia Ming’s hand with some shock, the existence of the golden can was indeed quite surprising to them.

“What is the Golden Can?”

Yuzu asked with a confused face? Even Reem, after all, he didn’t know much about the world, not to mention the two of them, and now Lucy was also confused.

“This thing…”

Xia Ming told everyone the meaning of the existence of the can of gold, this thing is specially used to seal things.

Originally, the canned food was supposed to be used to store food, but the canned gold was not, and the canned gold was not originally created to store ingredients, but to seal something that could not be solved.

For example, Ayu’s ghost shell, this thing almost ate the ancient ocean to extinction, and finally was directly sealed by the blue nitro with a can of gold.

After dealing with NEO, they also plan to use this thing to seal the fully resurrected NEO, NEO has an unlimited lifespan, and will be reborn again after killing, which is similar to Blue Nitro, so it can only be dealt with by sealing.

In the original work, Qiao Ya also used this seal to seal the three tigers, but at that time, the combat effectiveness of the three tigers was completely above this, so it could not be sealed at all, and to put it bluntly, there were some problems with Blue Nitro’s own cognition.

Their level is only more than five thousand and less than six thousand, such a level is already a mythical existence for normal humans, but for the vast universe, it is nothing.

Plus these materials are also made from the seven beasts, so the level ceiling is placed here.

The reason why the Three Tigers destroyed the Golden Can after a while was entirely because he was observing the food luck.

Because in order to replicate something, he must carefully observe and parse it, and this is the case with food luck.

Otherwise, to deal with the existence of Qiao Ya, the serious three tigers three times five divided by two will be done, there is no need to talk nonsense with Qiao Ya, the reason why there is so much nonsense is also because of observing food luck, copying food luck.

Qiao Ya didn’t know this, and thought that the three tigers were completely sealed by themselves, which can only be said to be quite ridiculous.

Even the three tigers can’t be closed, let alone NEO, judging from the situation that NEO can even swallow a supernova explosion, NEO after full resurrection can easily destroy the can of gold.

“Seal? Isn’t this something that only exists in movies and novels? ”

Lucy also felt a little unfamiliar with the word seal, and a person in the age of science and technology suddenly came into contact with this kind of thing, and indeed could not adapt.

“But for us there is a blue nitro sealed inside this can of gold.”

Xia Ming spoke, and his words also made everyone who had seen the Golden Stone Stele suddenly suddenly.

“So, this is one of the blue nitros that was sealed by those predecessors during the Great War.”

Alice said with some surprise, the matter of sealing was recorded on the golden stone tablet at the beginning, and now everyone has encountered one of them.

“That’s right, if nothing else, it should have been sealed at that time, and now the blue Nitro inside has not completely fallen into a dry sleep.”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said, through the perception of the five senses of God, he could easily sense the strength of the creatures inside.

“Haven’t fallen into a dry sleep yet? So tenacious vitality, by the way, why is the can of gold in such a place? ”

While it is indeed a bit surprising that it did not fall into a dry sleep, everyone is more concerned about why there is a can of gold here.

“The Golden Can is not surprising here, after all, the best thing to do after sealing the Blue Netro is to throw this thing away.”

“Normally no one else can find it, because it contains a living blue niterol, so people with high food luck will skip it directly and will not be attracted to attention.”

“And even if it is picked up, it can’t be opened under normal circumstances.”

“This is much safer than storing it in a human city, after all, this thing is difficult to detect.”

Xia Ming said, don’t look at Komatsu, they easily got the can of gold, it was because of Komatsu’s food luck, and what was stored in that can at that time? It’s a ghost shell.

The oni shells have died, leaving only the rich meat, which is quite delicious, so Komatsu will get it.

Otherwise you won’t find this thing at all.

Now the seal inside is blue Nitro, unless the other party is completely in a state of dry sleep, and people with high food luck may find out, otherwise it will not be touched at all.

Xia Ming also relied on the five senses of God to discover this thing.

So it’s much safer to put it here than in the city.

“Then let’s just throw away this thing, after all, the blue Nitro sealed inside has not yet dried up, this thing is quite dangerous.”

Everyone knows one thing very well, that is, the blue Nitro is very dangerous, after all, the level is placed here, the average is five thousand upwards, although it is less than six thousand, but now this level even Xia Ming only has to look up to.

“No, strictly speaking, this thing is not particularly dangerous for me now, although the blue Nitro has not completely fallen into a dry sleep, but such a long time of sealing, the other party’s calorie consumption is very serious.”

“Blue Nitro can’t violate this, now the strength of the other party, there are more than two thousand levels left at most, this level, I should be able to handle it with all my strength.”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said, blue nitro will also be consumed, just like the comparison between nitro that has just come out of dry sleep and the nitro after eating food, the two cannot be generalized…

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