Chapter 401 Billions of knives cut out in an instant!!

Fortunately, after Flozer died, the remaining body was just a simple body, and there was no power control and food demon of Flozer himself.

Therefore, after Qiao Ya occupies this body, the strength that finally bursts out is actually very average, otherwise if it is a complete body of Flozer, then it should not be in the fourth echelon, it should be in the first or second echelon.

“Is this guy so strong?”

After hearing Xia Ming’s words, everyone was stunned, and even these girls around Xia Ming were stunned one by one, Xia Ming has always been almost an invincible messenger.

But now Xia Ming actually said that he would be killed, and it was the kind of power to resist, no matter how you look at it, it is outrageous.

“Surprised? Although my strength is not bad, but this level is almost five thousand or so, I can’t do it! ”

Xia Ming was a little funny, Qiaoya’s level should be around five thousand, slightly lower than the blue Nitro, but higher than most other creatures.

“Five thousand! What was the level of those beasts killed in the forest where we were before? ”

Hearing that Xia Ming jumped out of a five-thousand-level level, the others were blinded, after all, although there were powerful beasts of eighty or ninety in the sea of trees near the Shulin Temple where they were before, they had not touched 533, and they did not dare to touch it.

According to the beasts they compared to the beasts they defeated, they felt very unreal, after all, they were all fighting with two-digit beasts, and the two-digit beasts were not too high, this suddenly came five thousand, what degree would it take to be so strong.

After a group of people discussed, Qiao Ya had already confronted Granny Setsuna.

“That kitchen knife, why does Granny Setsuna look surprised?”

Everyone still had a certain understanding of Granny Setsunai, but they were also very surprised to see that Mother-in-law Setsuna would turn into such a shocked expression.

“That kitchen knife is called Cinderella, it is the kitchen knife used by the chef god Flozer back then, and Setsuna’s mother-in-law was also in contact with Acacia master and apprentice for a long time because she was the partner of Master Jiro.”

“Strictly speaking, Granny Setsuna should be regarded as Flozer’s apprentice, after all, the three apprentices of Acacia are all food hunters, but only Granny Setsuna is a cook, so Flozer must have taught Mother-in-law Setsuna a lot of things at that time.”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said, although the two do not have the name of master and apprentice, but the fact of master and apprentice is definitely there, although Flozer has appeared very little, it all appears in the memories of Acacia and Sanhu and others.

But there is no doubt that Flozer shows extreme gentleness and simplicity, and even after she knows Acacia’s choice, she does not interfere too much with Acacia’s choice.

It’s just that because of the involvement of her own children afterwards, Flozer sent her children away, for Acacia, Flozer originally didn’t want to care so much, but what she didn’t expect was that Acacia at that time would be so frustrated.

So this made Flozer begin to doubt his judgment, so that instead of choosing to resurrect later, he let Joa exploit the loophole, so there were a series of errors in Acacia’s plan.

These coincidences eventually made Acacia’s plan successful, if it were to be exactly according to Acacia’s plan.

Then the final result is that the entire earth is destroyed by Acacia, and then NEO still exists, and Acacia pits all his relatives, friends and descendants when nothing can be changed.

“It turned out to be Flozer’s kitchen knife, no wonder Granny Setsuna was so shocked, she should be angry now.”

Looking at Jienai’s mother-in-law’s almost angry gaze, everyone was also very clear about the current situation of Jienai’s mother-in-law.

However, in the next second, Joa directly cut out a knife, this knife, Setsuna’s mother-in-law also took out her own exclusive kitchen knife, Setsuna’s exclusive kitchen knife is called Taki Sali, which has a special transformation ability and can turn into many different forms

And the effect is also divided into combat and defense, after Joya’s knife and Jiunai’s mother-in-law’s knife collided together, the rear stands were completely pierced, and then the blade light cut through the entire city, tearing the ocean, and directly rushed to a place where everyone could not see it at all.

“It’s so strong, it’s just a simple sword, but I don’t know how many sword rays have been cut out, tearing the entire earth and sea in an instant!”

Seeing this scene, everyone’s eyes widened again, and the powerful ones keenly captured that this knife was not a sword light, but countless sword lights.

“This amount, I can’t count at all, I counted thousands of knives, but the speed is too fast, so the rest is completely unclear.”

Estes spoke, as a battle freak, just now she was also trying to see how many knives there were.

But unfortunately, with her strength, she can only see a few thousand sword lights, and the rest is not clear.

“It’s normal, even if it’s me, he only sees more than 100 million knives clearly.”

Xia Ming shook his head, even if he urged the vision of God to see it in the moment just now, he could see more than 100 million swords clearly, and according to Xia Ming’s estimate, this slash also had at least billions of sword lights.

It is always because the level gap is too large, even the five senses of the gods cannot completely cross the distance of thousands of levels.

So now that Xia Ming can see so much, it’s already good.

The five senses of God do not mean absolute, you know, the reason why Xia Ming can cross thousands of levels now is because of various increases, among which the five senses of God have been counted.

Therefore, this level gap is too big, so that Xia Ming can’t fully see it clearly.

“Already hundreds of millions? And Xia Mingjun couldn’t even see clearly, this was just a simple wave, he didn’t expect to be able to cut out so many knives! ”

Everyone felt a little afraid, except for them, it was even more blind, just now hearing Estes say that this moment thousands of sword lights already felt incredible.

As a result, Xia Ming turned his head and said that it had exceeded 100 million, which was even more exaggerated to the extreme.

“Sure enough, this level is not something we can mix at all, fortunately, these are just images, if this is true…”

Makarov could not imagine how desperate they would be if this were true.

“This is really shocking, even we gods can’t imagine it!”

Loki also had a little bitterness at the corners of his mouth, although he knew that the creatures of this world were very strong, but to this extent, she really had a long understanding…

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