In this way, Liu Yun went back and forth for more than two hours, but finally found that the distance he walked not only did not increase but decreased.

At this time, Liu Yun was also very clear that his energy was too much and it was not suitable to continue, so he chose to stop training and rest.

The difficulty of the corridor is indeed very high, and you must be able to do two things at the same time, otherwise the gratitude will weaken, Shilin Temple will attack, and the movements will be deformed, and Shilin Temple will also attack.

This is not something that can be accomplished in a day or two, but Liu Kai can feel that he is making continuous progress every day.

Although he was abused badly in Shilin Temple, his cooking skills improved at such a speed, which naturally made Liu Yun very happy. It can only be said that he is also in pain and happiness now.

The next morning, Liu Yun got up and just went downstairs, and he heard a commotion

"Ah Yun, help me stop the deer from rushing towards them!" After a closer look, I found that it was Yoshino Yuki who was chasing a few chickens, ducks and a fawn.

Yes, there is also a deer here. This fawn is also raised by Yoshino Yuki, and the chickens and ducks are naturally the same. Because Yoshino Yuki often lets these small animals out and even brings them into the dormitory.

So you can often see these small animals walking through the Polar Star Dormitory, which also leads to Yoshino Yuki being often taught a lesson by Omido Fumio, but such verbal lessons are basically useless.

Yoshino Yuki has always adhered to an attitude of admitting mistakes but resolutely not changing them.

Omido Fumio is also very indulgent to everyone, so every time there is no follow-up after a verbal lesson.

Looking at these small animals rushing over, Liu Yun also subconsciously took action.

With extremely fast speed, his hands accurately grabbed the wings of the chickens and ducks, his right hand grabbed three chickens, his left hand grabbed two ducks, and his arm directly clamped the neck of the fawn.

In the blink of an eye, these small animals were all controlled by Liu Yun.


This scene not only stunned Yoshino Yuuki who was chasing after him, but also stunned the people who were going down the stairs.

Not to mention them, even Liu Yun himself was stunned for a moment. He just acted subconsciously, and felt that the speed of these small animals was much slower than before.

So he could catch these little guys accurately.

"This should be the effect of Shi Yi!"

Liu Yun, who came back to his senses after a moment of stunned silence, also knew very well that this should be the effect of Shi Yi. The mastery of Shi Yi can make the power more than ten times or even dozens of times more powerful.

Although Liu Yun is only at the entry level now, his control over power has become much stronger.

The training of focusing on the body last night was not in vain.

Although Liu Yun does not have the gourmet cells and does not have that terrifying physical fitness, after entering the Shi Yi, his control over power has become much stronger.

"Ah Yun, how did you do that just now? It was so cool!"

After everyone put the little animals back, Yoshino Yuuki stared at Liu Yun with shining eyes. There was no way, Liu Yun's action just now was really too cool.

After all, these chickens and ducks were running in different directions, so Liu Yun naturally needed to adjust his body movements if he wanted to catch them directly.

At that time, Liu Yun even flipped his body a circle and a half in the air, and after landing, he accurately controlled the little deer with his arms. That action was simply so cool

"Exercise more, you can do it too!"

Liu Yun made up an excuse to get away with it, which also made others give up the idea. After all, they had heard from Tansho Kei that Liu Yun had been exercising since he was a child.

They also exercised, after all, it was not possible to be a chef without good physical fitness, and they didn't want to be exhausted in the kitchen.

But compared to Liu Yun, they were still a lot worse, and such a gap required a long period of exercise to catch up, so they gave up.

After that, the group came to the farmland. Because Polar Star Dormitory adopted an independent management system, it naturally needed to be self-sufficient.

So there are farmlands here, and everyone is usually responsible for managing the crops here.

Yukihira Soma was also taken for a tour by everyone. During the period, Liu Yun also learned that Yukihira Soma challenged Isshiki Hui last night, and wanted to seize Isshiki Hui's position in the top ten.

But after everyone explained the gold content of the top ten in Totsuki, he gave up helplessly.

"Ah Yun, how did you manage to not make even a single mistake? And the tomatoes you threw in were all intact!"

After being busy for a while, everyone also discovered the difference of Liu Yun.

Just like when picking tomatoes, Liu Yun picked them with a basket on his back, and threw the picked tomatoes directly into the basket on his back.

This operation is fine if the tomatoes are a little raw, but the ripe ones will definitely be damaged due to the rough action.

But after careful observation, everyone found that Liu Yun could not only throw the tomatoes into the basket accurately every time, but also ensure that every tomato was not damaged.

This is the benefit of improving the control of strength. Now if Liu Yun is asked to play basketball, he doesn’t even need to understand the rules. He just needs to stand in place and shoot the ball.

He can guarantee a 100% hit rate of the basketball, even if he stands under his own basket, he can guarantee to hit the opponent’s basket.

Shiyi is so unreasonable after entering the door, and he used clever strength when throwing tomatoes to ensure that most of the force will be unloaded after these tomatoes are thrown in, and the tomatoes will not be smashed.

This also caused Liu Yun to work at an incredibly fast speed and without mistakes. One person can do all the work of others combined, the key is to spend less time than others and do it better than others.

After the busy morning, everyone who discovered this was also stunned.

As for Liu Yun, he was also using work to practice food righteousness. Food righteousness is not only something that can be practiced in Shilin Temple.

Now he has entered the second stage and needs to focus on the action and integrate it into his life.

So no matter what he does, he is actually exercising food righteousness.

It's just that the effect of such training is definitely not as good as that in Shilin Temple. After all, there are special equipment to assist training in Shilin Temple.

Although the effect is a little worse, Liu Yun can't stay in Shilin Temple all day, so such training is also very useful.

Liu Yun also had to admit that food righteousness is indeed quite comprehensive and can be exercised in all aspects of life. Not only can it save physical strength, but it can also improve efficiency. Improving food righteousness means an all-round improvement.

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