Just when everyone was talking about Erina Nakiri, the door suddenly opened, and then a girl dressed very boldly walked in with a group of decoration workers.

"This is it, let's see how to transform it."

The person who came was Mito Yumei. After taking a look, Liu Yun was also a little emotional. No wonder she was called Meat Charm.

On the one hand, this nickname was because Mito Yumei was a meat master who was good at cooking various meat dishes. On the other hand, it was because Mito Yumei's figure was indeed top-notch.

And the key is that this girl is also very bold in her dressing, so she got this nickname.

Mito Yumei's school uniform should have been modified. It must be said that the other party is really brave. Just this dress made Tadokoro Megumi blush.

For a girl next door like Tadokoro Megumi, this dress is indeed a bit too bold.

""Hey, hey, hey, Roumei, what are you doing? The Gaifan Research Society hasn't been disbanded yet!"

Konishi Hirokazu said angrily. Although the Gaifan Research Society was destined to fall, it's still there now, isn't it?

As a result, Mito Yumei brought people to the door at this time and wanted to renovate this place. This is too much.

"It's only a matter of time anyway, so do you still want to struggle? Also, if you call me Roumei again, I will be rude to you!" What

Mito Yumei hates most is that others call her by this nickname, so she is looking at Konishi Kanichi with some dissatisfaction.

As soon as these words came out, Konishi Kanichi shut up. Indeed, Mito Yumei was telling the truth. He had no way to compete with the other party. He was not even as good as Mito Yumei, not to mention that there was Nakiri Erina standing behind Mito Yumei?

Afterwards, Mito Yumei couldn't help but publicize Nakiri Erina's concept again, and this concept made people very unhappy.

The people present, including Liu Yun, were very disgusted with such remarks, and Soma Yukihira directly confronted Mito Yumei.

"It turned out to be that arrogant transfer student, huh? Tanaka Megumi? Liu Yun? Why are you here too?"

After seeing Soma Yukihira, Mito Yumei was a little unhappy. After all, Soma Yukihira's map cannon included her, or in other words, he bombarded all the students.

But after seeing Tanaka Megumi and Liu Yun, Mito Yumei was a little surprised.

After all, Tanaka Megumi and Liu Yun are indeed very famous. Whether it is Tanaka Megumi or Liu Yun, they are higher than her in the private ranking of students.

This ranking is because the first-year students have not yet undergone the autumn selection and there is no accurate ranking, so the students privately rank them according to their own understanding.

If it was just Konishi Hirokazu and Soma Yukihira, Mito Yumei would not take it seriously, but Tanaka Megumi and Liu Yun are completely different.

"I just came to visit the research club, but I have to say that the concept you promote is really annoying. The quality of ingredients should not be raised to the level of cooking."

"The birth of food, originally from the beasts that died in the flames, or the primitive humans who discovered this, after a long time, various kinds of food were born."

"The earliest dishes were just roasted meat. Even if you use the best ingredients and the most complicated cooking methods to make the so-called most advanced dishes, the source is still the roasted or even burnt meat."

"I have to say that you don’t have much ability, but you have a lot of ideas."

Liu Yun's words also made Mito Yumei silent. She really didn't know what to say.

After all, Liu Yun was telling the truth. Their current behavior is like a rich kid whose ancestors were ordinary people. Their ancestor was just an ordinary worker, although he got rich in the end because of some opportunities.

But these descendants know the history of their ancestors' rise to wealth, but now, they still look down on ordinary people.

In the end, Mito Yumei couldn't find a point to refute, and this time because it was Liu Yun who was speaking, she not only couldn't argue with the other party, but even her cooking skills were not as good as the other party. In desperation, Mito Yumei could only choose to leave.

This also caused the plot to deviate again. Originally, Soma Yukihira should have declared war on Mito Yumei here, but now Mito Yumei left early because of Liu Yun before he could declare war.

"so…………Is this the problem solved?"

Yukihira Soma looked at Mito Yumei and others who were leaving with some doubts and asked

"How could it be so simple? If I don't disband the research club, we will have to compete in a food battle. You all know the result of a food battle, and we will definitely lose."

Kanichi Konishi shook his head. This is already a dead end.

"What if I participate in the food battle in your place?"

Yukihira Soma asked

"It's useless. Although I don't know how good your cooking is, even if you can defeat Erina Nakiri's subordinates, it will eventually lead to Erina Nakiri's personal attack. She is one of the Ten Elites, and we have no chance."

Konishi Hirokazu once again rejected Yukihira Soma's proposal. He had already planned to give up and give up. It was useless to resist now, so in the end Yukihira Soma's proposal was not accepted, and the three of them had no choice but to leave here.

"I have completely lost my fighting spirit. What a pity for such a research club."

Looking at the recipe in his hand, Soma Yukihira shook his head helplessly.

"After all, she was facing Nakiri, one of the top ten, so it was normal for her to give up."Tanokoro Megumi shook her head. She knew everything Nakiri Erina did, and she couldn't do anything about it.

They returned directly to Polaris Dormitory. On the other side, Mito Yumei found Nakiri Erina and told her about her encounter with Liu Yun and what happened in the Donburi Research Club.

"Did he say that? It's really unpleasant, but he has the confidence to say it, and you are wise not to conflict with him."

"But this is a good opportunity, Hisako, challenge him."

Erina Nakiri has been trying to learn Liu Yun's Whirlwind Blade for a while, but has undoubtedly failed.

Now that Liu Yun is involved in this matter, she might as well take this opportunity to see how strong Liu Yun is now.

If possible, she would like to take this opportunity to learn Liu Yun's Whirlwind Blade. She has been studying the Whirlwind Blade for a while, but still has no results. Now the opportunity is here, she plans to start directly from Liu Yun.

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