"There are so many people, I guess most of the advanced students are here!"

Seeing the crowded appearance around them, Yoshino Yuuki and others were also a little emotional, but they did not find it strange. After all, this food battle can be regarded as a competition among the top ten.

In Totsuki, there are rarely conflicts among the top ten. The most common battle among the top ten is the battle for the top ten seats.

The competitions among the top ten are too few at other times.

Now this competition is held between Yue Tian, which means that Liu Yun must have the cooking skills of the top ten, so naturally a lot of students are attracted.

Except for a few who could not come due to something, the other students in the advanced department are basically here.

"After all, this competition is held between the moon and the sky. Once Ayun wins, although he is not one of the top ten, he has the right to be one of the top ten, which is no different from the world. It is normal to attract many people."

Isshiki Hui said with a smile. After all, his colleagues have been attracted, let alone other students?

At this time, Liu Yun and Nakiri Erina have already arrived at the field. The food battle between the moon and the sky is held at night. The reason is very simple, because of the moon.

The roof between Ye Tian can be opened, and after opening, it is just aimed at the position of the moon. It must be said that this gimmick is really good. The timer is the moon.

And after the game is over, when the participating students pass by with their dishes, bathing in the moonlight, it will indeed give people a visual impact.

"Commander-in-chief, the commander-in-chief is here to judge this time!"

When the three judges appeared, the students were shocked again, because the one sitting in the middle of the three was none other than Nakiri Senzaemon.

"The general manager has come out, is it because of Erina Nakiri's match?"

Sakaki Ryoko said with some surprise.

"Maybe it's not for Nakiri-scholar, but for Ayun."

Isshiki Hui shook his head. As a grandfather, Nakiri Senzaemon must know exactly what's going on with Nakiri Erina, and during this period of time, Nakiri Erina used the power of the Ten Elites to fight everywhere.

But Nakiri Senzaemon never showed up during this period. It's obvious that their food battle competition is just a child's play in Nakiri Senzaemon's eyes.

So Nakiri Senzaemon couldn't have come for Nakiri Erina, so he could only have come for Liu Yun.

"For Ayun?"

After listening to Isshiki Hui's explanation, the others nodded. While everyone was discussing, the competition was announced to start, because the moon had already appeared from the top cover.

Seeing this scene, Liu Yun and Nakiri Erina also moved, and both sides took out the ingredients they brought.

"They brought such a large piece of mutton, but only used a small part of it. Are they afraid that cutting it in advance will affect the freshness? The sheep must have been slaughtered not long ago!"

Erina Nakiri brought a whole leg of lamb, but it was obvious that she didn't need so much to cook, so she only cut a small part of the meat from the leg of lamb.

As for the other parts, they were thrown aside, and it was obvious that this part of the ingredients would not be used.

It can be said that Erina Nakiri has made sufficient preparations for winning this time. This sheep was selected by her personally from the Mito family's ranch.

Mito Yumei has also taken good care of it in the past few days. It was slaughtered not long before the competition, and in order to ensure absolute freshness, she only selected the best part of it for on-site cutting.

In comparison, Liu Yun's side was a little shabby. He brought a piece of pork belly bought in the market.

Of course, this piece of meat is not the discounted cheap meat that Soma Yukihira used when he faced Mito Yumei.

Liu Yun's piece of meat was also carefully selected in the market.

Although Liu Yun knows that his current cooking skills are very strong, he will not underestimate others, but he can't find other better ingredients at the moment.

Whether it is the judges or the students present, they are all chefs, and their eyesight is naturally not weak, so you can see the difference in the ingredients of both sides.

"Lady Erina definitely won this match. Although the meat that guy used was pretty good, it was totally incomparable to the ingredients that Lady Erina carefully prepared."

As a meat master, Mito Yumei could naturally see the difference in meat quality, and her philosophy was the same as that of Erina Nakiri, believing that high-end dishes made with high-end ingredients could definitely beat ordinary dishes made with ordinary ingredients.

Hisako Arato nodded in agreement. Of course, the only part she agreed with was that Erina Nakiri would win. As for Mito Yumei's evaluation of the ingredients, she disagreed. Hisako

Arato was absolutely loyal to Erina Nakiri, but her cooking concept was not as twisted as Erina Nakiri's.

So she believed that Erina Nakiri's victory was entirely due to Erina Nakiri's cooking skills, not simply because of high-end ingredients.

"You're going to compete with me with ingredients like this?"

When Erina Nakiri saw Liu Yun take it out, her face changed. After all, she had made full preparations for this match. She felt that she was underestimated by the other party.

"Hmm? Are you mistaken? I don't have a big family like yours, with such a wide network of people, and I don't have people who can deliver any food I want to my door."

"This ingredient is the best one I picked out in the market."

Liu Yun said. He almost guessed what Nakiri Erina meant, but Nakiri Erina overlooked one point, that is, not everyone is as rich and powerful as her, and people can directly deliver whatever they want.

Hearing this, Nakiri Erina was also stunned. It can only be said that Nakiri Erina's common sense in life is indeed too weak, and she is taken care of too well by Arato Hisako.

She did overlook this point. She knew Liu Yun's information very clearly. In this school, Liu Yun cannot be regarded as a noble, so it is naturally impossible for him to prepare as good ingredients as her.

Thinking of this, Nakiri Erina's little face couldn't help but blush. , not because of shyness, but because of embarrassment, she knew that she had misunderstood the other party.

The other party took out such ingredients not to look down on her, but because it was the best ingredient that he could take out, so she felt very embarrassed at this moment.

After taking a look at Erina Nakiri's appearance, Liu Yun also knew that the other party realized the problem, so he simply ignored her and started to make her own dishes.

Seeing this scene, Erina Nakiri also quickly calmed down her mood and made her own dishes seriously.

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