After knowing Kurokiba Ryo's situation, Yukihira Soma was actually very interested. He went directly to challenge Kurokiba Ryo, and his cooking also made Kurokiba Ryo somewhat interested.

However, at this stage, Yukihira Soma is actually not Kurokiba Ryo's opponent, because Yukihira Soma has not been hit by the residential training. Once he has adjusted his mentality, his progress will be faster. In fact, Kurokiba Ryo and Yukihira Soma are indeed very similar, this kind of like in personality. Both of them are people who refuse to admit defeat, and both are aggressive in cooking.

So after the two met, their friendship progressed very quickly, and both of them had a feeling of having found a soulmate.

"This is the first time I've seen Ryo-kun so happy."

Even Nakiri Alice was a little surprised. In the past, although Kurokiba Ryo would become excited and violent after wearing a headscarf, he had never been as excited as he is now. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that he was so happy.

"Maybe it's because they really found their soulmates, so there's no need to worry about them."

Yoshino Yuuki didn't care about that, and directly pulled Nakiri Alice away. During this time, even Nakiri Erina and Niwato Hisako were infected by this atmosphere.

At this time, Nakiri Erina was very envious of Nakiri Alice who blended in with the crowd.

Because Nakiri Alice did what she wanted to do most, she also wanted to do so, but she couldn't do it, because she always linked her behavior with the face of the Nakiri family.

So she would not do anything in front of outsiders that would damage the face of the Nakiri family, and put on a layer of disguise for herself.

Niwato Hisako on the side knew the situation of her eldest lady very well, so she did not participate in it, but accompanied her eldest lady.

"Little girl, it's too tiring for you to live like this. Aren't you tired of wearing a mask at such a young age?"

Omidou Fumio has already seen the problem of Erina Nakiri. She is not living in vain at such an old age, so she couldn't help but remind her.

However, in the face of such a reminder, Erina Nakiri only responded with a few simple words.

Seeing this, Omidou Fumio gave up. She knew very well how paranoid this kind of person was. It was not possible to convince the other party with just a few words. Moreover, the two sides did not have any close relationship, so she didn't need to spend such effort.

So after the reminder was fruitless, Omidou Fumio naturally didn't care.

""Yuuki, what do you think about me moving to your Polaris Dormitory?"

Nakiri Alice suddenly asked this question. She had not been back for long. She had been staying in Nakiri International before, and after coming to Totsuki, she basically lived in the Nakiri family's residential area in the central area.

She liked the atmosphere of Polaris Dormitory very much, so she had an urge to move here.

"Move in? Of course you can. With your cooking skills, it's easy to pass Aunt Wenxu's admission test."

Yoshino Yuuki nodded quickly when she heard this. After spending some time together, everyone was not disgusted by Alice Nakiri's quirky personality, so it would be great if they could have another roommate like her.

"Check-in assessment? What is that?"

After hearing this, Alice Nakiri was a little confused.

"Because the Polaris Dormitory is a special dormitory, it adopts an independent system and is not managed by the academy. Therefore, if you want to live in Polaris Dormitory, even if it is arranged by the school, you must get the consent of Aunt Wenxu."

Yoshino Yuuki told Alice Nakiri about the situation of Polaris Dormitory. Alice Nakiri had heard some things about Polaris Dormitory from Hojo Miyoko and others, but she didn't know much about the admission assessment.

"I see. It seems that the dormitory manager has very high requirements. Otherwise, there wouldn't be so few people here, and they are all elites!"

Alice Nakiri knew that the people living in Polaris Dormitory were basically elites. Even the two weakest ones were above the average level of their classmates. This shows how high Omido Fumio's standards were.

But she didn't care. She was still quite confident in her cooking skills.

""Miss, I agree to move in too!"

At this time, Kurokiba Ryo came over. He and Yukihira Soma had a very good chat, and he felt like he had met a soulmate. So if he could live here, they could spend more time together, so he was happy to do so.

Hearing this, Nakiri Alice was speechless. It had only been a short time, and she felt like she, a follower, was about to be kidnapped.

Afterwards, the two of them found Ohmidou Fumio, who said that they were more than welcome to move in.

Although she had never seen Nakiri Alice's cooking skills, she had seen Kurokiba Ryo's, and Kurokiba Ryo's cooking skills were very close to the top ten.

As for Nakiri Alice, although her cooking skills were Not as good as Kurokiba Ryo, but not far behind.

In this case, these two will definitely become the top ten after the second year. Together with Tanshoki Megumi, there will be three top ten.

Yukihira Soma also has great potential. Maybe he can become one of the top ten by then. Four quasi-top ten plus two top ten, that's six for sure.

More than half of the top ten live in Polaris Dormitory. Although it's not as good as the golden age, they can afford to change the head coach, right?

So Ohmido Fumio welcomes the two very much, but the procedures still have to be followed. Tomorrow, the two will be asked to undergo the check-in assessment. To put it bluntly, it's just a formality. With the cooking skills of these two, it will be easy for them to move in.

"It looks like there will be a party tomorrow night, Marui, remember to clean up your room…………No, you would have cleaned up your room even if I didn't remind you."

Since there were outsiders today, no one went to Marui Zenji's���But tomorrow will be different. Tomorrow, new roommates will arrive and we can continue to gather in Marui Zenji's room.

"Don't come to my room again!"

Marui Zenji looked mad at this time, but judging from his tone, he didn't seem to be mad, but rather a little expectant.

This also made Liu Yun wonder if Marui Zenji had some M attributes, otherwise he wouldn't be like this.

"Alice, are you really going to move here?"

Erina Nakiri was a little surprised when she heard this.

"Of course, there is nothing bad here. It has everything it should have, and most importantly, everyone has a good personality and the atmosphere is good."

Alice Nakiri said that it is better to live here than in the Nakiri family's residential area. Compared with here, the Nakiri family's residential area seems a bit deserted.

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