"Accommodation training? What is this for?"

On this day, Polaris Dormitory received a letter from the school. Looking at the letter in his hand, Soma Yukihira asked in confusion:

"This is a special assessment for students in the Totsuki High School. Totsuki is different from other schools. Most of the exams in other schools are unified."

"But Yuanyue is different. Yuanyue has various special assessments all the time. You also heard the commander-in-chief say at the beginning of the school that only a handful of us can successfully graduate from this school."

"I heard that after a year of training, more than 90% of the second-year students dropped out of school in their first year, and even fewer in their third year."

"This residential training is the first special assessment we are going to go through!"

Yoshino Yuuki briefly explained to Yukihira Soma.

"I know this, and it is said that although the content of the residential training is roughly the same every year, the details are constantly changing, so even if you know there is a special assessment, you can't prepare in advance." said Alice Nakiri on the side. Although she was in Nakiri International before, she still knows something about Totsuki.

"Yes, it is hard to guard against changes in details. The assessment of residential training depends entirely on the questions set by the examiner. As for what the questions are, they are all decided by the examiner himself."

"The examiners change every year, and they are basically graduates from Totsuki, so it is difficult to guess the content of the examination in advance."

"As for the fixed assessment content, for example, although the breakfast assessment is held every year, the time is uncertain. The specific content will not be issued until you arrive at the resort."

Ishiki Hui also spoke up. Having experienced it once, he was naturally very familiar with residential training, and he did not hesitate to tell what he knew.

The school did not actually prohibit the spread of such news. After all, people who have been in Yuanyue Middle School for a few years basically know some of the content of the senior department assessment.

After all, there are a lot of senior department students taking the assessment, and they need to face those guests when taking the assessment, so it is impossible to restrict the news, so there is no restriction.

The content of the residential training is useless even if it is known in advance. After all, every student needs to face all the graduates, and the assessment of these graduates is also carried out from all aspects.

As long as one of the assessments fails, then they will be expelled. In other words, there is no possibility of loopholes. As long as the cooking level is not enough, then they will inevitably be eliminated, and there is no such thing as passing by luck.

"This school's assessment is really interesting, it's actually conducted in this way!"

After hearing this, Yukihira Soma was also very surprised. Although Kurokiba Ryo's expression did not change, his heart was not calm either, because this kind of assessment of the big waves washing away the sand and raising the Gu was his favorite.

"Don't worry, everyone. Although hundreds of students will be eliminated in each residential training, it is actually very easy to pass this test with your cooking skills. Just take it seriously."

Isshiki Hui said with a smile. He could see that most people were a little worried, which was normal. Students with good grades might also make mistakes and do poorly in the exam.

In Totsuki, such mistakes are not allowed during special exams. In residential training, if you fail an exam, you will be expelled directly, no matter how good you were before.

So with such a low tolerance rate, everyone is inevitably a little worried.

Isshiki Hui also saw this, so he spoke to comfort them.

"Yes, if the members of our Polaris Dormitory can't pass this test, how can other students pass it?"

Liu Yun said with a smile. He was not worried about these. As for Shinomiya Kojiro, to be honest, he didn't care too much now.

What happened in the original book should still happen if nothing unexpected happens. Although Liu Yun changed Tansho Kei's concept, her personality is still that of a girl next door.

So she won't compete with others for resources, but will be more humble. Once she is humble in Shinomiya Kojiro's class, the consequences will naturally not be very good. That guy has a big problem with his character.

In other words, this incident is bound to happen and cannot be avoided, but it can be solved.

With Tansho Kei's current In this situation, she is considered one of the top ten, so she naturally attracts a lot of attention. When she was expelled from school, Dojima Gin would intervene immediately, and as long as Liu Yun got involved, things would get out of hand and it would be easier to solve.

Even if it was a cooking competition, Liu Yun was not afraid of the other party. Although Shinomiya Kojiro has graduated for such a long time, he is not a top chef, and the threshold of top chef is not so easy to cross.

What's more, Shinomiya Kojiro's cooking skills have stagnated for a long time due to psychological problems. After Liu Yun's inheritance and food righteousness improvement, he also has the cooking skills of a senior chef, so he is naturally not afraid of this guy.

"You said it so easily, you two are the top ten, and Senior Isshiki has already experienced this kind of assessment, we ordinary students can't compare to him!"

Yoshino Yuuki rolled her eyes. Although she knew that she should have no problem passing, she was still a little nervous.

After hearing what Yoshino Yuuki said, Liu Yun didn't say much. Anyway, there were still a few days left, and everyone should be able to relax after a few days.

In the next few days, everyone still lived their campus life as usual. After a few days as a buffer, everyone in Polar Star Dormitory also got rid of this nervous mood.

At this time, the group had already boarded the bus to Totsuki Resort.

"Totsuki Resort, this is a super luxurious hotel!"

At this time, Yoshino Yuuki was a little excited, because except for Alice Nakiri, everyone else in Polaris Dormitory was not aristocratic, so Yoshino Yuuki was a little excited.

After all, the consumption of Totsuki Resort is notoriously high. Just for accommodation, the most ordinary room costs about four thousand a day. That's right, because Sakura was defeated, the currency is naturally not Sakura coins.

Otherwise, it would cost about 80,000 Sakura coins to exchange for it. This is just the most ordinary room. It can be seen how high the consumption of Totsuki Resort is.

So seeing Yoshino Yuuki's excitement, no one said much

"Yuki, you'd better not hold out too much hope. We are students, not guests, so the resort can only give us a place to stay. As for other services, don't expect too much!"

Liu Yun reminded her, so that Yuki Yoshino would not turn into ashes and shatter to the ground. He gave her a shot of vaccination in advance.

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