The graduates present were all very familiar with Liu Yun. After all, he defeated Erina Nakiri and became one of the top ten chefs. This achievement was no joke.

You have to know that Erina Nakiri is the God's Tongue of this generation. Normally, a chef with the God's Tongue will become the strongest of the generation.

This was the case with Nakiri Managi, so Nakiri Managi later became the only special executive of WGO.

They were very surprised that such an invincible existence was defeated by a peer.

However, they did not think of recruiting Liu Yun. Although their purpose of coming here was to find outstanding students and recruit them into their own store, if they were too outstanding, they would not be able to intervene.

Liu Yun's talent has already explained everything. Once graduated, Liu Yun will receive recruitment from all sides, just like the current Dojima Gin, who received countless recruitments when he graduated.

However, Dojima Gin still decided to stay with Totsuki, and has now climbed to the position of chief chef and board member of Totsuki Resort.

Although he is more skilled in cooking than Seiichiro, he is now in a high position and has a successful career.

So if Liu Yun continues to develop as he is now, he will end up in a situation similar to Dojima Gin when he graduates, and there may even be more forces recruiting Liu Yun.

So these graduates have no way to get involved, and can only find ways to recruit other students.

""My classmate, you look really cute. Are you interested in coming to my shop after graduation?"

While Donato Wutongtian was talking to Liu Yun, Qian Hinatako had already determined her target, which was Tadokoro Megumi, so she approached Tadokoro directly and grabbed Tadokoro's hand to invite her.

This operation undoubtedly made Tadokoro a little panicked.

"Hey, hey, hey, what about the fair competition? You sneaked away!"

Donato Wutongtian couldn't help but hear this. After all, Megumi Tadokoro was also his target. You know, Megumi Tadokoro is quite famous now.

Even Megumi Tadokoro, who was the last one in the original work, would be noticed by them, let alone the more outstanding Megumi Tadokoro now? As the top ten seed who is firmly in the top ten, these graduates will naturally not let her go.

"You two, Teacher Chapel is watching you, so please be more restrained. But this student, you are interested in Italian cuisine.…………"

Mizuhara Fuyumi scolded the two of them, which also made Tadokoro Megumi feel relieved. However, Mizuhara Fuyumi turned around and started to recruit people, which made Tadokoro Megumi unable to do anything.

Fortunately, Mizuhara Fuyumi was finally carried back to the podium by Inui Hinatako and Donato Wutongtian, one on each side.

"You guys, restrain yourself a little and don't scare the students!"

At this time, Gin Dojima appeared, and his appearance naturally made all the students look over.

After all, Gin Dojima is a legendary figure in Totsuki. As soon as

Gin Dojima said this, the other graduates didn't say anything more. After all, they couldn't compare with Gin Dojima in terms of status or cooking skills. They faced Gin Dojima just like this group of students faced them, like mice seeing a cat.

After seeing that the graduates had quieted down, Gin Dojima explained the situation of this residential training, and asked someone to distribute a manual with the specific content of the activity to everyone.

"The details of the activities are in this handbook. Please strictly follow the arrangements in the handbook, otherwise you will be expelled. In addition, your mentors, that is, the graduates, have absolute power."

"In other words, if they say you are unqualified, then you will be expelled. There is still some time today, so start the assessment according to the groups. In the next six days, please do your best to survive!"

Dojima Gin said with a smile, but in the eyes of most students, this smile was a devil's smile.

But now they couldn't think too much. Under the arrangement of the staff, they received the manuals and began to transfer according to the previous groups.

Due to the large number of students, the assessment locations are completely different. Some can be assessed directly nearby, while others need to be transferred to other areas.

The group that Liu Yun is in does not need to run so far, but what Liu Yun did not expect is that he actually ran into Shinomiya Kojiro at the beginning.

That's right, the person in charge of the first class is Shinomiya Kojiro

"This is convenient. Solving this hidden danger in advance will prevent this guy from running into Xiaohui later."

Liu Yun looked at Shigong Kojiro on the stage and planned to take action in advance to help Tanomo Hui solve this trouble.

"It's an individual assessment. I thought we would be divided into groups like in school!"

Hojo Miyoko, who was standing next to Liu Yun, was also a little surprised after hearing Shinomiya Kojiro's assessment requirements.

"The assessment of graduates will definitely cover all aspects and test their comprehensive abilities, so there are no surprises."

Liu Yun said that this is not surprising. These graduates are assessed from various aspects of basic skills, thinking ability, teamwork and so on. In a place like Totsuki, people who are extremely biased in one subject cannot graduate smoothly.

At this time, Shinomiya Kojiro also took out the recipes he had prepared. At a command, the students began to scramble for the ingredients.

So Shinomiya Kojiro also said that the number of ingredients is sufficient, but the earlier you choose, the more chances you have to get better ingredients.

Seeing this scene, Liu Yun also walked towards the food area, and then a rather strange scene appeared. The crowd that was originally scrambling for food split into two paths.

These two paths corresponded to Liu���and Nakiri Erina. After all, Liu Yun is now one of the top ten, so naturally no one dares to provoke him, so they dare not squeeze with Liu Yun.

As for Nakiri Erina, although she has lost her seat in the top ten, everyone is not a fool. They know very well that Nakiri Erina has only temporarily lost her seat in the top ten, and it is very easy for her to regain the seat.

She also has the ability, and even if she does not have the cooking skills of the top ten, she is the eldest daughter of the Nakiri family and has the tongue of God. How dare the classmates around her snatch the ingredients from Nakiri Erina?

So when Liu Yun and Nakiri Erina came over, they took the initiative to separate the two paths, allowing the two to arrive in front of the ingredients smoothly.

"I really benefited from you."

Since she came in with Liu Yun, Hojo Miyoko didn't have to squeeze with other students to get the ingredients.

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