"It seems that everyone has regained their fighting spirit. In this case, let's start the last part of this training camp."When

Dojima Gin said this, everyone who thought they had been freed was thrown back into hell.

"No…………No way, and, shouldn't that be the speech at the end of the training camp? Why is there more?"

At this time, the students were about to collapse. They even opened champagne at halftime. However, when they saw a group of waiters looking at everyone with a smile and saying welcome, they were confused again and looked at Dojima Gin with a puzzled look.

"The last project is to congratulate everyone for passing this training. The instructors cooked a table of delicious dishes. Next, your status will change from students to guests."

Dojima Gin's words once again surprised everyone. After all, they thought it was a terrifying special training, but they didn't expect it to be enjoyable.

This wave of ups and downs was like riding a roller coaster. The students didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

However, the rich aroma coming from the restaurant at this time made them give up thinking and rushed into the restaurant directly. Under the guidance of the waiter, the group found a seat and sat down.

The table was already filled with a variety of dishes.

"These dishes were all prepared by the graduates. Of course, one of them was prepared by Liu Yun. I wish all of you a happy meal."

Dojima Gin said as he took the graduates to find a seat. They also had to eat. Although they were the ones who made the dishes, they were only responsible for making one dish.

They were also looking forward to the dishes made by others, especially Liu Yun's grilled fish. The fragrance had not dissipated after more than ten minutes, and it was still extremely strong.

So after sitting down, a group of people directly targeted Liu Yun's grilled fish. Liu Yun did not make a portion for everyone. It was not that he could not do it, but it was not easy for him to give everyone a portion for a table of dishes.

However, the fish he used were relatively large, so the portion of grilled fish was quite large, enough for everyone to eat.

In addition to the other dishes, let alone being full, it would be impossible to eat up the whole table of dishes with a normal appetite.

Everyone aimed at the grilled fish and picked up their chopsticks directly. As the chopsticks went down, as the fish skin was broken, a more intense fragrance filled the air.

At this time, the students also discovered the grilled fish with a strong fragrance, so they couldn't wait to taste it.

For a moment, the fragrance of other ingredients in the entire restaurant was suppressed by the fragrance of the grilled fish.

"This aroma is so overbearing that the aroma of our dishes is completely suppressed!"The graduates were helpless when they saw their dishes being suppressed. They could only say that Liu Yun was indeed quite strong.

After all, Liu Yun's cooking skills were above average among them, and the spices he developed using Shi Yi were not comparable to them, so it was normal that the aroma was suppressed.

Moreover, after the perfect fusion of the sauce and the fish, this delicious taste was rare. Although this dish did not reach the special level, it was already at the top among the top.

The secret sauce plus Liu Yun's fire ability, the dishes made with these two are no joke.

After a meal , the students were also satisfied, and then Dojima Gin announced something again, that is, as long as they do not leave the resort tonight, they can enjoy the treatment that only guests have.

Hearing this, many students were even more excited and burst into tears. These students' families are either rich or noble. Although the fees of the Totsuki Resort are very expensive, it is not a problem for them.

However, after this training and torture, they are so excited. After all, they felt that they were not treated as human beings before, just like a group of coolies, who were either making dishes or on the way to make dishes every day.

"Ah Yun, you must have made the grilled fish in those dishes just now!"

Since the training camp has ended, Liu Yun naturally does not need to continue to serve as a mentor, so he naturally returned to the students.

When everyone was eating, they began to guess which dish was made by Liu Yun.

After that, everyone locked their eyes on this grilled fish.

Because the characteristics of these graduates are too obvious, and there are not many Chinese dishes on this table, it is not too difficult to determine which one is made by Liu Yun.

"That's right, I did make that grilled fish. It's pretty good, isn't it?"

Liu Yun smiled and nodded.

"It's not just good, it's definitely the best grilled fish I've ever eaten, and the aroma makes me drool just thinking about it now."

Yoshino Yuuki almost drooled as she spoke

"Because I used a secret sauce, which I prepared specially. If you are interested, I will make some for you when I go back."

Liu Yun has always been very generous to his friends.

"Secret sauce? No wonder the aroma is so strong, it's really great."

Everyone nodded quickly. Except for the newcomers, they have been with Liu Yun for quite a while, so they naturally know how good Liu Yun is to his people.

After that, the group came to the entertainment area, where there were a large number of entertainment equipment. At this time, everyone came to the table tennis table under the leadership of Tanaka Hui.

This is the sport that Tanaka Hui is best at, and Liu Yun is also very clear about this. To be honest, before activating Shikirinji, Liu Yun was really no match for Tanaka Hui in playing table tennis.

The only person in the entire Polar Star Dormitory who can compete with Tanaka Hui is Isshiki Hui, and Isshiki Hui can only compete with Tanaka Hui for a short time, and it is basically impossible to defeat Tanaka Hui.

Liu Yun I have complained in my heart more than once that if this was not a food anime, then the most suitable career for Megumi Tadokoro would not be a chef, but a table tennis player.

How old is she now? Her level is indeed beyond the reach of others.

However, after activating Shokurinji, learning the food justice, and strengthening his body, it was much easier for Liu Yun to defeat Megumi Tadokoro.

After all, Megumi Tadokoro's movements now seemed to be slowed down countless times in his eyes, and his strength is now terrifyingly strong.

He can easily use a table tennis ball to knock the racket in the opponent's hand down.

However, for those who saw Megumi Tadokoro playing table tennis for the first time, Nakiri Alice and others widened their eyes.

"that…………Is this still the Xiaohui I know?"

Alice Nakiri couldn't help rubbing her eyes. It was outrageous that the extremely gentle girl next door had such a side.

At this time, Kurokiba Ryo, who was the opponent of Megumi Tadokoro, had entered a violent state. In the original work, Megumi Tadokoro lost to Kurokiba Ryo in the subsequent competition of the autumn selection.

But now, Megumi Tadokoro's cooking skills are no less than Kurokiba Ryo, and the most important thing is that now it is not a competition of cooking skills, but table tennis, which is Megumi Tadokoro's best field.

In the original work, Isshiki Hui also used an outside trick to defeat Megumi Tadokoro, telling Megumi Tadokoro that she had won the place for the autumn selection, so as to distract Megumi Tadokoro. Victory was achieved by focusing on one's attention.

Kurokiba Ryo's physical strength was indeed not a problem, but in this area, he was still no match for Tanadore Megumi, even though he had entered a violent state.

But at this time, Tanadore Megumi had already entered a serious mode of table tennis, and this was not something Kurokiba Ryo could challenge. (To read violent novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

After losing points several times, Kurokiba Ryo could only retire with regret, and he was not even unwilling to accept it, because he was purely defeated by a completely one-sided crushing.

So in the end, Kurokiba Ryo gave up fighting with Tanadore Megumi in this area, (bjea) there was no way, he simply couldn't win.

"As expected of Xiao Hui, she is no match for Ryo-kun. She was beaten like this. This is the first time I have seen Ryo-kun give up!"

Alice Nakiri said speechlessly. In the past, when she was defeated, no matter in which aspect, Kurokiba Ryo would make harsh words and then show with practical actions that she could defeat the opponent.

But this time the gap was too big. This was not a victory that could be won by sheer strength.[]

"Ah Yun, it's your turn!"

After Kurokiba Ryo and Tanaka Hui finished playing, it was naturally Liu Yun's turn. At this time, Liu Yun picked up the racket without any nonsense. He was the one who was abused before, but this time, he wanted to get back at the opponent.

Even if the opponent was his childhood sweetheart.

It must be said that Tanaka Hui, who entered the serious table tennis mode, had a very strong aura and was in a completely different state.


However, just after Tian Suohui served the ball, Liu Yun hit the ping-pong ball back at a speed that was almost impossible for the naked eye to see. It hit the edge of the table and passed Tian Suohui at an extremely fast speed.

The speed was so fast that Tian Suohui could not react at all.

"have to…………Score, what a beautiful goal!"

Sakaki Ryoko exclaimed after she reacted. The ball just now was so beautiful. It was already on the edge of scoring. If it went a little further, it would have flown out directly.

And the most important thing is the speed. The speed was so fast that no one could react, even Tanaka Hui who had been staring at Liu Yun.

Tanaka Hui didn't react until the ball hit the wall behind.

This scene also scared her, but she didn't admit defeat directly. Instead, she chose to continue fighting with Liu Yun, but the result was a miserable defeat. She was defeated in a few seconds.

Liu Yun's actions naturally attracted the attention of other students. After that, many students wanted to challenge Liu Yun. It happened that Liu Yun also wanted to experience how lonely it was to be invincible, so he agreed.

Although it was not in culinary skills to be able to compete with the top ten, a large number of students were very interested. Soon the ping-pong table was surrounded by a crowd. Fortunately, everyone from Polar Star Dormitory was here from the beginning, otherwise they probably wouldn't be able to squeeze in.

"Next one!"

After defeating the opponent in front of him in a few seconds, Liu Yun also let the next one take over. In this way, the students took part in the relay race one after another, but the result was undoubtedly a disastrous defeat.

No one could even get a point from Liu Yun.

In the end, after the disastrous defeat of the 68th student, the other students did not dare to continue to approach him. They already knew that they were really no match for him in table tennis.

"It's amazing! This is much better than those professional players. They are no match for him at all!"

The students gave up, but some were unwilling to accept it. Of course, they did not continue to compete with Liu Yun in table tennis, but in other sports.

Badminton, billiards, and even arcade games, but the result was that Liu Yun won with an overwhelming advantage.

Liu Yun, who has the moral integrity, is invincible in these aspects.

"Invincible, simply invincible. His cooking skills are outrageous, and his other skills are also terrifyingly strong. He is simply the king of all-around!"

In the end, the defeated students gave Liu Yun the nickname of the king of all-around. After all, Liu Yun is really invincible, and there is no rival in any aspect.

"Hisako, why do you think a person can be so omnipotent?"

At this time, Erina Nakiri was also here. Normally, she would rarely come to such a place. She would only stay in the room and play cards with Hisako Arato.

But this time, Liu Yun made a lot of noise. Many students who stayed in the dormitory to rest were blown out, including Erina Nakiri.

If it were someone else, Erina Nakiri would not be interested, but Liu Yun was different. After all, this was an existence that easily defeated her.

So after learning that the person who made the noise was Liu Yun, Erina Nakiri also brought Hisako Arato here. It's quite interesting to watch these games, especially when one of them is completely invincible. This kind of operation that abuses the weak gives people a feeling of reading a cool article, so she also watched it with relish.

When everything was over, she realized how omnipotent Liu Yun was.

Although she is very strong in cooking, she is not good in other aspects. She can't even use a washing machine. As for these entertainment and sports, they are almost unfamiliar areas for her.

"Liu Yun's situation can't be described by common sense at all!"

Xin Hu Fei Shazi said that Liu Yun is a monster. It is outrageous that a person can be so versatile.

In fact, what they don't know is that most of Liu Yun's operations are actually learned on the spot. He has not tried some sports and entertainment projects, such as billiards.

But his precise control of strength allows him to hit any ball he wants.

After a little familiarity, he can even accurately calculate the trajectory of the ball, and it is easy to hit a dozen balls in sequence with one shot.

As for arcade games, after being familiar with the buttons and game mechanisms, it is a test of reaction power. In terms of reaction power, Liu Yun is naturally invincible.

He can accurately block the time to choose defense and attack without leaving any flaws. This is the benefit of food righteousness and strong physical fitness. Of course, the super sense of touch also plays a big role. These things are used against ordinary people, which is a complete dimensionality reduction attack.

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