"As expected of Ayun, he surpassed me in just one holiday, so amazing."

Isshiki Hui sighed. He did not doubt Omido Fumio's judgment. Omido Fumio's cooking skills were not weak either. In such a matter, Omido Fumio would not make a wrong judgment.

So if Omido Fumio said this, it meant that Liu Yun really surpassed himself.

"It's a pity that if you want to become one of the top ten, you can only wait until the top ten of the third grade graduates, otherwise there will be two top ten in our dormitory!"

Yoshino Yuuki also felt it was a pity. Although everyone's ears are callused from listening to Ohmido Fumio's stories about the golden age, who doesn't want to see such a scene?

They all worked hard to improve themselves and move towards the goal of being one of the top ten, but it's not so easy to become one of the top ten. It's already great that Isshiki Hui has become one of the top ten in Polaris Dormitory. After all, there are only so few people in the whole dormitory.

"It's a pity indeed. Ah Yun, can you let us taste your cooking?"

Isshiki Hui nodded and looked at Liu Yun. He didn't disbelieve that Li Yun had the cooking skills of the top ten, but he was simply curious about how far Liu Yun had come.

When the others heard this, they all looked at Liu Yun, especially Yoshino Yuki, who was almost starry-eyed.

"Since everyone is curious, I will just make a dish."

Liu Yun said with a smile. He had a very good relationship with everyone in Polaris Dormitory. After all, he had read the original comics and knew these people very well. Besides, it was just cooking skills, not the realm of the fantasy world of immortal cultivation, so there was no need to hide it.

Coming to the kitchen, he looked around. There were quite a few ingredients prepared for today. After all, everyone was back, and they needed to get together after a holiday, so a lot of ingredients were prepared.

Not only were they prepared by Omido Fumio, but also by everyone themselves.

After looking around, Liu Yun found the ingredients he needed, a carp, pork, mushrooms, shrimps, chicken gizzards and bamboo shoots.

Speaking of which, the reason why there were chicken gizzards was thanks to Yoshino Yuuki. She raised a lot of small animals next to the dormitory, and she happened to kill one today.

"What kind of dishes are these ingredients used for?"

Looking at the fish, pork, and chicken gizzards, Yoshino Yuuki asked with some confusion.

"This question should be asked to Xiaohui, after all, Xiaohui knows Ayun best."

Isshiki Hui said with a smile, and everyone couldn't help laughing when they heard this. As for Tansho Hui, she blushed.

"I…………I'm not sure either. Ayun is best at Chinese cuisine, but Chinese cuisine covers such a wide range that I only know a very few representative Chinese dishes, and I'm not sure about the others."

Tanokoro Hui blushed and shook her head, indicating that she didn't know either. Although Sakura had been defeated, many things were not completely consistent with the mainland.

Therefore, most of the Chinese cuisine they knew were still some home-cooked dishes. What Liu Yun cooked now was obviously not in this category, so they were a little at a loss. There was nothing they could do about it. After all, the Chinese cuisine system was indeed extremely large, and they could only understand some representative dishes.

In fact, there were quite a few people learning Chinese cuisine in Totsuki, but most of them were led astray by Kuga Teruki.

At the beginning, since Liu Yun was also good at Chinese cuisine, Kuga Teruki had invited him, but Liu Yun refused without even thinking about it. After all, Kuga Teruki's propaganda itself was wrong. If he had not been Kuga Teruki's opponent before, Liu Yun would have taught this guy a lesson long ago.

While everyone was discussing, Liu Yun also took action at this time. The carp in his hand was not gutted as in the normal steps of killing a fish. The knife was inserted directly into the fish's mouth.

"Hey? Why do you have to cut like that?"

Yoshino Yuuki asked in confusion after seeing this scene.

"This is to remove the bones without damaging the fish body. I have seen this technique done by a master chef."

"However, this technique is very difficult. It requires not only strong knife skills, but also a good understanding of the fish's body."

Ise Hui said, but at the moment he finished speaking, Liu Yun's knife was already out, and he cut the fish's gills at the same time, and then a series of fish bones were pulled out by Liu Yun. The most incredible thing is that there is no fish meat on the fish bones.

"Am I dazzled? Why is there no fish meat on it?"

Zenji Marui rubbed his eyes. He suspected that he was dazzled. They had heard of deboning a whole fish before, but there was no doubt that it was impossible to make the fish meat disappear when deboning.

So he suspected that he was dazzled now. Not only him, but others also looked at Liu Yun in astonishment.

In fact, this is the horror of the secret technique, just like the Bull Blue Dragon Slash, which can cut a cow in an instant without even a drop of blood.

This time, Liu Yun used the secret technique of the whirlwind knife to debone the whole fish. The position of the tip of the knife easily separated the fish meat and fish bones in the fish body without destroying the integrity of the fish.

This incredible operation can only be done in the world of food, and it also requires the use of secret techniques.

It can be said that Liu Yun's deboning of the whole fish really brought a double impact to everyone in terms of vision and worldview.

"this…………Wasn't this really stuffed in in advance?"

Aoki Daigo couldn't help but ask.

"This fish was still alive before, we saw it clearly, no one is blind, okay."

Everyone who heard this couldn't help but roll their eyes. The fish hadn't been slaughtered before, and it was alive and well, so the fish bones were naturally not stuffed in.

In addition to the fish bones, Liu Yun also cleaned the fish's internal organs. The subsequent descaling work made everyone's eyes widen.

Because the previous deboning was done inside the fish, everyone could only see the processed fish bones, but couldn't see how Liu Yun's knife was operating inside the fish.

But now when descaling, they can clearly see how Liu Yun's knife works.

It is precisely because of seeing it that the visual impact has become stronger.

Because at this time, the knife in Liu Yun's hand directly danced out a phantom, the knife light flashed, as if a whirlwind enveloped the fish body, and this scene only lasted about a second.

One second later, Liu Yun put down the knife, grabbed the position of the fish's tail and shook it, and the scales on the fish's body fell off directly, and when they fell off, they did not scatter, but still maintained their shape on the fish.

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