Food Customizer

Chapter 100: Jingzhou flavor, magical white jade hands

Liu Shengnan went out and came in, which only lasted about five minutes.

When I walked in after carrying the oily meat, I looked down.


How come this dish is gone again?

None of them looked like they had never eaten anything good. How could they eat all the food in the blink of an eye?

‘Six dishes won’t be enough, right? ’

It was the first time that Sister Katsunan came up with this idea.

After all, the portion given by the boss was really generous, especially the plate of over-fat meat, with almost no other side dishes, just large slices of meat!

Seeing that it was oily meat, Brother Fang Chang immediately became energetic.

It’s me, Boss Su, who actually thought of making such a classic local dish!

"Uncle, aunt, you can try it. This is a local dish in Jingzhou, and it is also Yuanyuan's favorite dish."

Jiang Yuan: When did I love eating fatty meat? What I like to eat is the potato slices inside the oily pork, okay?

"Hey, why are there no potato slices in today's oily pork?"

Jiang Wensheng no longer dared to underestimate the chef. He just asked out of curiosity, "Is this pork made from pork?"

Brother Fang Chang nodded, "Yes. They are all made of pork tenderloin, please try it quickly."

Jiang Wensheng nodded silently.

I thought to myself that this dish is really strange. If it was made entirely of lean meat, would it be delicious?

But he still took a bite to taste.

It's salty and fresh, and the seasoning is a bit like Shandong cuisine. How can the tenderloin be so silky?

It looks like it has been thickened during the processing, but you can't feel the presence of gorgon powder when you eat it, which is a bit interesting.

Jiang Wensheng took another bite and said, "Can I order some rice?"

"I'll go!" Fang Chang ran out of the private room and came to the kitchen very attentively.

"Brother! Sisters! Hurry up and get some rice! The oily meat is so delicious and goes well with rice. Everyone is waiting for the rice!"

Aunt Fang helped to serve the rice. Su Chen asked with some anticipation, "How was it? What did your father-in-law say?"

He really wants to know what the Huaiyang cuisine chefs think of the S-grade boiled dried shredded noodles he made according to the famous recipe.

Brother Fang Chang gave a thumbs up, "Absolutely awesome! No one said anything when he ate it, my father-in-law didn't even say anything, he just ate it!"

That's good, Su Chen nodded and felt relieved.

It seems that the side dish has been improved and the taste has changed, but not in an unpleasant direction.

Aunt Fang served the rice and put it on a tray.

Su Chen added, "The steamed oatmeal noodles are also ready, let's take them out together."

Liu Shengnan placed a steamer basket on a tray, which contained neat oatmeal noodles and three bowls placed around the steamer basket.

There are mutton soup, pork ribs soup, and vegetable soup with pickles.

These soups are different from ordinary soups. If you drink them directly, they will feel very salty, and may even be so salty that it is difficult to swallow!

Only by dipping it with oatmeal noodles can you neutralize the salty taste.

Auntie was carrying rice, Shengnan was carrying noodles, and Brother Fang led the three of them back to the private room.

The moment he walked into the private room, Brother Fang Chang was stunned, "Where's the fried pork?"

There is no oily meat waiting to be served on the table, there is just an empty plate with some grease!

Scattered on top are a few slices of scallions.

Several elders present, including Jiang Yuan, turned their heads and did not look at Fang Chang.

Brother Fang Chang understood.

Are you sending me out to fetch food, and then doing crazy work yourself?

Do you really treat me like an outsider?

Brother Fang Chang's father probably felt that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, so he scolded in a low voice, "What's your name? Hurry up and sit down and eat!"

Brother Fang Chang:? ? ?

Is it my fault that they co-authored it?

When Shengnan put down the oatmeal, Brother Fang's mother's eyes lit up and she introduced him very proactively.

"This is also one of our local dishes. It is a home-cooked dish. It is usually eaten by our elderly people. Their children don't like it very much. You two should try it quickly!"

As he said that, he started to help separate the oatmeal rolls that were stuck together.

"I just love this mutton soup, it's so delicious when dipped in it!" Fang Chang's father dipped a large chopstick into the bowl of oatmeal noodles.

The gray oatmeal noodles were covered with sauce-colored soup and dripping mutton fat. Jiang Wensheng and Yuan Suzhen looked at it with horrified expressions on their faces.

If you take this sip, you'll probably die of mutton, right?

"Okay, I'd better dip it in some pork rib soup." Yuan Suzhen was indeed a little scared looking at the mutton soup.

People of the Jiangsu and Zhejiang generations eat relatively light meals and tend to have a sweet taste. They are really not used to eating this kind of dish with soybean paste, oil and salt.

Brother Fang Chang looked on angrily.

When I ate oily meat just now, I didn’t hear you say that you can’t eat oily and salty things.

But then again, You Mian, the eldest brother of the East and the West, also finds it very magical.

He remembered that when he was very young, if his family gave him steamed oatmeal noodles, he would get angry and cry on the spot!

Brother Fang Chang even once doubted, how could there be something as unpalatable as oatmeal noodles in this world?

But as he grew up, Brother Fang Chang gradually began to accept this staple food. Until now, if he doesn't eat a meal every few days, he always feels like something is missing in his stomach and is very uncomfortable.

Time is so cruel that it can change a person's tastes and hobbies!

Therefore, under the influence of Brother Fang, Jiang Yuan now also has a soft spot for this staple food.

"Come on, Yuanyuan, try it with the pork rib soup." Brother Fang Chang picked up a chopstick for his girlfriend.

Jiang Yuan said while eating, "I still like fried oat noodles."

Fang Chang's mother heard, "Then tomorrow Auntie will make fried oat noodles for you, you and Fang Chang come home to eat."

"Yeah!" Jiang Yuan nodded and agreed.

This scene was so sad for Jiang Wensheng!

She was obviously the daughter he raised since she was a child, but now she is so close to others and has to go back to someone else's house for dinner. Isn't the Huaiyang cuisine I made by myself better than this broken oat noodles? It looks so black!

Jiang Wen picked up a chopstick angrily, I want to try it today!

Dip it in the pork rib soup and put it in my mouth.


What kind of magical combination is this?

There are no pork ribs in the pork rib soup, only the aroma of pork ribs and sauce, and a particularly strong salty taste.

But dipped in this oat noodle, it can easily dissolve all those flavors?

And the taste of this oat noodle is also very magical. It doesn't look like white flour, nor like other flours. It seems that this noodle

Jiang Wensheng picked up some again to taste.

You can't smell anything when you put it in your mouth, only a faint aroma of some crops.

And the taste is slightly rough, it seems to be some kind of grain.

Seeing her father-in-law so curious, Fang Chang's mother smiled and introduced to everyone, "This oat noodle is a specialty of the north, and the crop is called oat wheat."

"The birth of oat noodles has to go through three raw and three cooked processes, which is not easy to say."

"Oh?" Jiang Wensheng, who is very interested in food, asked curiously, "What does this mean?"

Fang's mother smiled and said, "This oat wheat, when it is just planted, it must be threshed and fried before it can be ground into flour, which is one raw and one cooked."

"After grinding into flour, you must use boiling water to mix the noodles when cooking, which is two raw and two cooked."

"After mixing the noodles, you have to go through a third processing, which is what we see now, which is three raw and three cooked. I remember when I was young, when our wheat field fried oat wheat every year, the whole village could smell the fragrance."

That's it!

Jiang Wensheng said with emotion, "There are such magical crops?"

Fang's father laughed, "When you go back this time, I will ask Fang Chang to bring you some oat noodles to eat!"

Fang's mother shook her head, "This oat noodles must be made here. If you take it to other places, the water will not work."

"Ah?" Yuan Suzhen was very puzzled, "Why?"

It's all water, used to make noodles, why can't those from other places work? This is too mysterious, right?

This time, without waiting for the other party to explain, Jiang Wensheng said, "It is possible. A friend of mine from Guangdong Province brought their specialties to me with great enthusiasm. As a result, he worked in the kitchen for several times but couldn't make that taste. In the end, he could only blame it on the bad water in Yangzhou."

There are such magical things in this world?

The people present were amazed when they heard it.

During a few casual chats, this oat noodle kuoluoluo was eaten up, and Jiang Wensheng's mind had a slightly improved view of Jingzhou cuisine.

If it tastes like this, it is indeed OK, but the raw materials are a bit rough.

Seeing that the plate on the table has become empty again, Brother Fang Chang is anxious.

What do northerners fear most when eating?

What they fear is that the plate is empty while eating, and they always feel that they have not treated the guests well.

"Hey, Boss Su is a little slow in serving the dishes today, but it is not the same as usual." Fang Chang talked about something else, easing the awkward atmosphere at the table.

Father Fang Chang said bluntly, "We ate too fast!"

Jiang Wensheng and Yuan Suzhen lowered their heads in embarrassment.

Indeed, the speed at which they ate was somewhat beyond Su Chen's estimation, and at this moment, Su Chen was also rushing to make this legendary black meat stew!

"I think stewed vegetables are better when the potatoes are mashed into paste. Wrap the mashed potatoes on the vermicelli. When you take a bite, wow!" Bai Xiaobo imagined it in the kitchen, and his mouth was watering.

"Nonsense, stewed vegetables are better when they are fried with potatoes and fried tofu. What you said is not stewed vegetables, but stewed vegetables!" He Shuting also argued.

Liu Shengnan tried hard to recall the stewed vegetables she had eaten. It seemed that what they said made sense. She liked all of them.

Aunt Fang was also a little unsure, "Sometimes I fried it, and sometimes I just stewed it directly."

After soliciting opinions from all sides, Su Chen sighed.

This dish is too difficult!

No matter which method is used, Su Chen can only achieve A-level at most, which is already his peak level in the practice room.

But the three Huaiyang dishes are all S-level, and the three Jingzhou dishes are all A-level, which obviously makes the local dishes lose the upper hand!

'If it really doesn't work, just serve six big meat buns? ’

But the big meat buns don’t have a very obvious Jingzhou flavor.

“Boss, is there a possibility?” Liu Abao, as an outsider, began to speculate.

He had never eaten this black meat stew, but after listening to everyone’s discussion, he roughly understood the meaning.

“It’s this thing, it’s mainly about the word stew? I don’t know what method you are talking about, but stew, it must be stewed.”

Su Chen thought about it.

“Stewing is very different from boiling and stewing. If you say so...”

As he spoke, Su Chen also began to prepare the ingredients.

Yes, this dish only has cut ingredients, and has not been further processed.

Liu Abao's words felt like a wake-up call.

Su Chen thought silently.

What does stewing mean?

It means pre-processing all the ingredients. When stewing, the ingredients are actually already mature, and then all the ingredients are stewed together with the broth.

What about stewing? Slow stewing over low heat, and boiling over medium heat.

These three seem to have the same operation, but in fact there are great differences in the processing of ingredients and the use of heat.

"Abao, help me prepare a portion of sliced ​​cabbage and fried tofu."


On Su Chen's side, he heated the oil in a pan and prepared to fry the previously cut rolling potato cubes.

While lighting the fire, Su Chen thought of something.

The white jade hand that can be used once a day has not been used yet, and if the forecast is good, at least there is no customer order to make today.

It is a waste if it is not used.

As soon as he thought about it, the skill was activated. He didn't feel anything special. The skill text description was: Enhanced perception.

Su Chen didn't care much. He reached out to grab the handle of the pot and slid the oil inside.

Just when he touched the handle of the pot!


Su Chen's movements suddenly paused. What does this mean?

There was no sign at all. The moment his right hand touched the handle of the pot, his brain seemed to suddenly know something.

The oil temperature is not high enough.

What logic is this?

Turning the wok and letting the oil in the pot swirl around in it, Su Chen didn't observe at all, and his mind knew another thing.

The oil temperature is high enough!

Immediately turn to medium heat, and put all the potato cubes into the pot while maintaining the oil temperature.

Not enough time.

This sudden thought made Su Chen very incredible. Could this be the perception ability after the white jade hand was activated?

If this is true, it would be awesome!

This is almost a direct forced improvement of cooking skills!

Whether it is the heat or the degree of maturity, as long as it is any program that can be controlled by humans, as long as you touch it with your hand, you will immediately know the specific information!

The time is just right.

When Su Chen had this idea in his mind, he immediately took out all the potato cubes and put them in the colander to control the oil.

What a magical skill!

On the other side, A Bao's fried tofu has also been served.

Su Chen started another pot, and the spoon scooped a little oil in the lard basin, and an idea popped up in his mind.

It's a little little.

So he pressed the spoon down again, scooped a little more, and then put the lard into the wok.

With the blessing of the perception ability of the white jade hand, Su Chen's movements became faster, whether it was adding seasonings or cooking time, he almost didn't need to think about it!

Add star anise and ginger powder to the pork in the wok and stir-fry until the color becomes slightly darker, then pour the cut cabbage slices into it and start stir-frying.

Under precise control of the heat, the juice in the cabbage leaves was quickly fried out until it evaporated to the point where there was no more water in the pot.

Add the fried potato cubes and fried tofu, pour in the soy sauce and stir-fry evenly.

"Chicken soup."

Liu Abao quickly brought the chicken soup that had been cooked in advance, and Su Chen poured in half a bowl without even thinking about it. The chicken soup even submerged the ingredients in the pot.

"Boss Su, isn't this a bit too much?" Liu Abao was a little puzzled.

If it is a stew, there is actually no need to make so much soup, because the ingredients are cooked in the stew, so the time required is relatively short.

If there is too much soup, it is easy to turn it into a pot of "boiled" ingredients.

Therefore, the stewing method not only requires a short time, but also requires thickening in advance. This is a principle that every chef must understand.

"No, you will know later."

Su Chen looked confident.

But the soup that is boiling more and more in the pot does not look so clever.

At this time, Brother Fang Chang came to the kitchen again.

"Boss Su, are there any more dishes?"

Fang Chang looked a little listless, just like a wilted eggplant.

"Yes, it will be ready soon."

"Ah? What dishes? I feel like six dishes are not enough."

Su Chen said with a hint of doubt, "How could that be? My portions are all very large, and the last dish is even larger."

Not only is the portion large, but black meat stew is eaten as a staple food in Jingzhou.

Many families often stew a pot of dishes, and then each person has a bowl, which basically fills them up.

At most, add a steamed bun. Let's just say that we have taken rice just now, how can it not be enough?

Brother Fang Chang sighed, "Maybe the dishes you cook are too delicious? Every time, they are gone before you can eat a few bites."

Su Chen shrugged his shoulders, "That can't be helped. I didn't prepare any other ingredients. These dishes should be enough to fill you up. Take a look."

Su Chen lifted the lid of the pot, and a large wok was full of ingredients.

"This is good!" Fang Chang was relieved when he saw it was a stew, "I'm sure I'll be full with this."

Su Chen nodded, "There's more."

As he said that, he put a handful of thin vermicelli into the pot, covered the pot and simmered it for about half a minute before opening it again.

Then he used a spatula to stir all the ingredients.

After being stirred like this, the white potato vermicelli immediately turned into a sauce color and looked extremely soft.

Liu Abao slapped his forehead, "I see, how could I have forgotten this?"

"Potato flour absorbs water by itself, and after being stirred like this, the starch inside seeps out, which is equivalent to thickening. Boss Su, you are so talented!"

Su Chen didn't care.

Sometimes cooking requires a bit of talent.

"It will be ready soon, wait a moment."

After stirring the ingredients evenly, turn on the high heat directly!

The vinegar pot slid around the edge of the pot, and the kitchen was immediately filled with the unique aroma of old vinegar.

Holding the pot in his left hand and the spatula in his right hand, he poured the full pot of stew into a huge bowl.

"Hey, serve the dish yourself."


Brother Fang Chang walked towards the private room happily with the fragrant and hot stew.

And Su Chen still had one last thought in his mind.

A nearly perfect dark meat stew!

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