Food Customizer

Chapter 109 Can a 300-month-old baby sign up?

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Crazy, Boss Su, absolutely crazy, this is what almost everyone thinks.

However, Su Chen doesn't think so. If he does this, Wang Xiaoyi has no reason not to come to eat, right?

I will take care of all three meals a day!

Isn't it just 10 teachers? Delicious can still afford this part of the expenditure!

It's delicious, free, and you can take the school bus directly to the company, saving the travel expenses, and you can complete the task secretly. How many wins are there in this wave?

It's simply a win!

Oh, yes, Su Chen thought of another thing, and arranged a place for these ten teachers to take a lunch break. Wouldn't that be great?

Su Chen left, leaving everyone in silence in the conference room.

The company has just started, and now it is holding such a public welfare activity?

In the future, more schools will move here, and the number of teachers will increase from ten to one hundred. Can you bear to be responsible for the meals of so many people for no reason?

Seeing that everyone was still struggling.

Ling Shuyu wrote the last word on the notebook and stood up.

"Just do what the boss says. Whether this matter is right or wrong is not something you need to consider."

Hearing this, Bai Xiaobo suddenly became unhappy.

It's not something we consider, is it something you consider?

"Boss Ling, you are a bit too much. Everyone is thinking about the company, and we must listen to the boss, but there is nothing wrong with worrying a little, right?"

Ling Shuyu snorted coldly, "You can worry, understand?"

"You!" Bai Xiaobo was about to get angry!

Ling Shuyu continued, "Yesterday was only the first day, and that kind of thing happened. As the person who distributed meals to the children, do you really have no responsibility at all? Didn't you notice that Zhang Dali asked for meals three times? If the boss doesn't say anything to you, don't you know the truth in your heart?"

Bai Xiaobo's words were forcibly held back.

Then, Ling Shuyu's tone became calmer.

"Maybe I used to think that the boss was just a good cook, but I fully agree with his decision today. Not only do I agree, but I will also do my best to complete the task."

Liu Shengnan had no prejudice against Ling Shuyu. She asked curiously, "Boss Ling, why do you say that?"

Ling Shuyu looked around, "Do you think that the incident happened on the first day yesterday? Does it have anything to do with our lack of manpower?"

Everyone was silent for a few seconds and nodded.

"The boss only used the profit of three or four hundred yuan a day, and the cost was probably less than one hundred yuan. He hired 10 teachers to help us take care of the children at noon. Have you really not thought of this?"

Hiss! ! !

The people in the conference room suddenly took a breath.

This seems to be true!

You are teachers. It's okay to come to eat for free at noon and take the children to the second floor?

Since you are here, it's not too much to discipline the children when they eat, right?

It's a bit difficult for He Shuting and Zhang Li to take care of more than 100 children, but what if these 100 children are evenly distributed among 10 teachers?

Each person is only responsible for about ten children, which is very easy, right?

Moreover, after lunch break, teachers can take the children directly to school, which adds another layer of security to the students' safety, and the children are most familiar with their teachers in school.

No matter how you think about it, this deal is worthwhile.

Just using three meals to recruit ten free managers, isn't this a big profit?

Seeing that everyone had nothing to say, Ling Shuyu said, "And if the teachers also come to eat, and if there are children who have stomach discomfort, the kindergarten teachers who have eaten the same dishes can also help us testify in time. The boss's move is to kill several birds with one stone!"

It seems to be true!

Everyone thought that if there were teachers eating together yesterday, when Zhang Dali had a stomachache, the teacher would at least say a few words for the company and persuade the parents not to worry.

Parents generally have a low attitude when communicating with teachers and are willing to listen to teachers.

If that were the case, yesterday's incident wouldn't have turned out like that!

"Hiss!" Bai Xiaobo suddenly stood up, "I understand! No wonder the boss can be the boss, and I can only be an employee! It turns out that the boss has considered this level!"

"Indeed." Liu Shengnan also sighed, "The boss's thinking is indeed not something we can keep up with. Such a thing has become a social welfare event, which is really great!"

"Great trick, great trick!" Liu Abao clapped his hands, "It's worthy of being Boss Su, haha, it turns out that in addition to cooking, Boss Su is also so good at running a company."

"It seems to be quite good!" Aunt Fang was thoughtful, but her mind was a little confused. There was a question she couldn't figure out.

For the company, it was just a small price to get such a big benefit. For the teachers, they can eat delicious meals for free and don't have to eat in the cafeteria every day. For the old chef in the kindergarten, it's a regular job anyway. If no one eats, his work will be much easier, and he will still receive his salary.

Everyone has received real benefits.

Who lost out?

‘As expected of Boss Su, you can come up with such an excellent idea, awesome!’

‘Boss Su should be the mayor of Jingzhou!’

Su Chen, who had left the meeting room, had been watching the surveillance in his office. After hearing and seeing this scene, he immediately wrote down the deep-seated reasons for this plan in his notebook.

Prepare to take it out and show it to others when it is useful in the future.

"Thank you, everyone. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have thought of this at all."

Sure enough, there is strength in numbers!

The first priority was temporarily solved, and Su Chen continued to work on the reception affairs in half a month.

On the other side, the kindergarten of the government agency.

Wang Xiaoyi had just finished a class and returned to the office rubbing his waist.

"I'm so tired! Today's life skills education is to learn how to use kitchen utensils. The children are doing really well!"

"Has your class learned this? The progress is really fast."

Wang Xiaoyi leaned back in the chair and drank water, "Is there anyone who went to Delicious to eat at the company at noon? I had breakfast there this morning, it was super delicious!"

"Since Teacher Wang said it's delicious, it must be delicious." Another teacher joked.

Although Wang Xiaoyi doesn't like to go out with them, she often shares some restaurants with everyone, and the restaurants she shares are often unanimously affirmed by everyone.

"I just don't know how much it costs? If it's expensive, I can only eat it occasionally." The female teacher opposite sighed.

The salary of kindergarten teachers is not high, but it is stable. They only need to go out to eat occasionally.

While everyone was chatting, the guard brought something in.

"It's a letter from the company next door. It doesn't say who it's addressed to. It's a letter to all the teachers in the kindergarten."

Putting down the letter, the guard left.

Wang Xiaoyi took the letter and said, "A letter to all the teachers in the kindergarten?"

"In order to take on the responsibility of giving back to the society and thank the hard-working gardeners for their contributions, our company has decided after a meeting."

"All teachers in the kindergarten can eat for free in the cafeteria on the second floor of our company (including breakfast, lunch and dinner), effective immediately."

"All teachers who need to eat, please contact Ling Shuyu, the person in charge of the small dining table on the second floor of our company, to register."

The contact information of Ling Shuyu was attached to the back of the letter.

As soon as Wang Xiaoyi finished speaking, several teachers in the office stood up.

"Free meals?"

"Three meals a day?"

"Oh my god, this company is too awesome, right? They actually give our teachers free meals. Could they be relatives of some school leader?"

Sometimes the school will give teachers some benefits, such as birthday cake coupons. After going there, you will find that you can buy everything except cakes.

These are all people with connections, and the teachers don't care about it, it's free stuff.

"It shouldn't be a person with connections." An older teacher analyzed with a water cup, "If it is a person with connections, what should we do with the chef in the back kitchen?"

"Why are you talking so much? Just register first. You will know when you go to check at noon. There is a school bus to take."

Wang Xiaoyi took the phone, "Then I will register everyone!"

Others don't know about the food at Delicious, but she knows it very well. It can make her wonderful reaction that has been interrupted for three years reappear!

And even if there is no sudden letter, Wang Xiaoyi has decided to go to Delicious at least once a day and walk the road of overcoming again!

Now with such benefits, it is just right to save money for herself.

It's a waste not to eat!

The morning passed quickly amid the teachers' anticipation.

During this time, Wang Xiaoyi ran to the kitchen to greet the old master, saying that the teachers in the office would not eat lunch today.

The old master was only surprised for a moment, and then he smiled happily.

With a few fewer people eating, he felt much more relaxed.

At twelve o'clock noon, He Shuting and Zhang Li came downstairs to pick up the kindergarten children.

"We will know immediately whether the boss's method is useful or not."

Zhang Li held her hands in front of her chest, "I'm sorry, Sister Shuting, I should have hidden the meatball yesterday, hey, you didn't have lunch, why didn't you tell me?"

He Shuting pinched Zhang Li's cheek, "Thank you! By the way, I brought you chocolate from home today and put it in your drawer. Remember to eat it in the afternoon!"

"Thank you~"

The school bus stopped on the side of the road, and He Shuting came to the door and prepared to greet the children as usual yesterday.

As a result, the first person to get off the bus was a woman I had never seen before, who should be the kindergarten teacher.

The teacher stood at the door and shouted at the inside of the car, "Everyone, get off and line up now! Everyone must stand in line!"

Then several other teachers got off the car. They divided all the children into groups of ten on the roadside. There were ten teams in total, and each person led a team. "Teacher He, is it okay?"

He Shuting was so excited!

Although the children were very well behaved yesterday, it was inevitable that a hundred people would be a little naughty. Just going up to the second floor from here made her very tired.

What about now?

He Shuting didn't need to move at all. The teachers arranged everyone directly.

"Yes, please follow me, teachers."

The two walked in front and led everyone in from the stairs.

After returning to the second floor, He Shuting was about to ask everyone to sit down and eat quickly, but she saw the teachers directing the children.

"Class one sits in this row, and class two sits over here."

The ten teams were divided into classes in an orderly manner, and with the presence of teachers, the little guys changed their previous noisy and noisy appearance and all sat in their seats obediently.

Good guys!

This operation made Bai Xiaobo, Zhang Li, and Liu Shengnan, who were preparing to share the food, dumbfounded.

"No wonder they are teachers, this is amazing, these little guys are well behaved with just a few words!"

"Thanks to the boss, I suddenly think this free meal is a good idea, so we can worry less."

"Indeed, not only do we worry less, but the key is that with the teachers here, it is also safe!"

The few people chatted for a while, and seeing that everyone was already seated, they began to serve each child according to the amount in the healthy diet table.

As for the teachers, they sat at a few other tables next to the children's seats.

"Teacher Wang, come here to eat?"

Wang Xiaoyi sat alone in a corner, raised his head and waved to the teacher who was talking to him, "No, no! I'll eat here!"

"Teacher Wang is really an idol! Little fairies also need to eat."

In a corner where no one noticed.

Su Chen!

At this moment, he was hiding himself and secretly looking into the cafeteria. He started observing when these students came in, and his eyes were always on Wang Xiaoyi.

Seeing Wang Xiaoyi put the rice in front of her, she chose Longjing shrimp for the first bite.

"Why do you have to crawl on the table every time you eat a bite?" Su Chen was very confused.

At the same time, a prompt text flashed in his mind.

[Deliciousness value from Wang Xiaoyi +99]

Sure enough, because Wang Xiaoyi had tasted Longjing shrimp in the morning, although it tasted good now, the experience value had dropped a lot.

After eating a portion of Longjing shrimp, the final experience value provided was only a dozen, and Wang Xiaoyi did not eat another bite and crawled without moving.

'It seems that eating the same dish repeatedly can reduce sensitivity, but this cannot verify my guess. '

Su Chen looked for a while and went back to the 19th floor first.

To verify the guess, we can only wait for Wang Xiaoyi to eat another dish with different ingredients but the same taste and flavor, which will have to wait until the evening or tomorrow noon to verify it.

Here, Wang Xiaoyi was alone in a corner, breathing a sigh of relief.

‘Finally I finished eating the shrimps. Damn it, how can this shrimp be so delicious? ’

‘The combination of shrimps and tea leaves, this is something only a genius can think of, delicious! ’

Then, she looked at the other dishes on the plate.

Tiger skin peppers!

The green peppers were cut into three or four sections, each about three centimeters long, and the skin looked wrinkled.

‘If it’s just a pepper, there shouldn’t be any problem! ’

Wang Xiaoyi gave herself a psychological placebo, after all, it was just an ordinary pepper.

And it didn’t look very exaggerated, just some sauce similar to oyster sauce flowing on it.

After all, isn’t it still a pepper?

Wang Xiaoyi stuffed a piece of pepper directly into her mouth.

Could it be that a pepper can also


Damn it!

Wang Xiaoyi covered her mouth and tried to restrain herself, trying not to make the strange noises louder.

This was crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. It tasted very spicy, but I couldn't feel any spiciness at all. What was going on?

She finally swallowed the spicy pepper in her mouth.

The remaining strong vegetable aroma mixed with the strong garlic aroma, and the tip of her tongue still had a hint of sweet and sour taste.

"Wow, the food is so delicious that I can't help but tremble. What should I do?"

Fortunately, Wang Xiaoyi was eating at the dining table in the corner, and no one noticed this scene.

Only Su Chen was suddenly refreshed by a huge number [9999] in his mind.

Awesome! ! !

On the other side, other teachers gathered at two tables to eat side by side.

"I thought it was some leader's relative who was trying to cheat us out of our welfare funds, but I didn't expect this chef to be so good! Baji, Baji~"

"Hurry up and try this chili pepper, my god! I can eat five bowls of rice with this chili pepper, it's so delicious! It's much better than those restaurants outside!"

"Such delicious dishes, I can actually eat for free every day? Oh my god, I'm coming to eat tonight, and I'll call my boyfriend over too!"

"But they don't give free food to our family members, so your boyfriend will have to pay for it himself!"

"If he pays for it himself, then so what? Such delicious dishes are worth it even if they cost a little more. Besides, I'm free and my partner pays for it, isn't this equivalent to a 50% discount? It's still a good deal!"

Several people started to calculate the bill while showing off the dishes in front of them.

At the partition between the two areas, Xinghui office employee Wang Rui pushed his glasses, "Zhang Li, why can they eat in the children's area, but we have to eat in the adult area?"

"Because they are teachers, and you are not."

"Can teachers eat in the children's area? I also want to eat that shrimp. Look at the teacher over there, she cried because she liked it so much!"

Zhang Li looked in the direction Wang Rui pointed.

Ah, Teacher Wang is such a cute girl, why does she cry when she eats delicious food?

Is it really because she has never eaten such delicious food before?

I really have to secretly give her extra food in the future!

"That's not allowed! You can only eat here. This is the company's rule!"

Wang Rui snorted, "I'll go find Mr. Ling!"

Running to Ling Shuyu's office, Wang Rui asked a question very mysteriously, "Mr. Ling, can we still participate in the small dining table now?"

Ling Shuyu was immersed in writing something. When he saw that it was his former colleague, he nodded and said, "Okay, the fees are posted on the wall."

Wang Rui didn't even look at it and asked again, "We have a 334-month-old baby who wants to sign up too!"

Ling Shuyu pointed to the office door, "Look there."

"What's wrong?" Wang Rui was a little confused and didn't see anything.

"Get out of there now."

"No, Mr. Ling"

"Get out!"

Wang Rui walked out of the office like a persimmon, and Zhang Li turned over and asked, "How are you, are you exhausted?"

"Mr. Ling is still the same Mr. Ling, and he doesn't even want to respect me as a customer!"

"Put me down! Don't come to eat if you can!" Zhang Li returned to the kitchen arrogantly.

Damn it?

Wang Rui stood in the adult area, looking at Zhang Li’s back in confusion.

What the hell?

What’s wrong with not being able to do that!

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