Food Customizer

Chapter 129 Who said that he has a small appetite?


Zhang Li followed Ling Shuyu stealthily and sniffed hard after entering the door.


It was a fragrance she had never smelled before. It was not the smell of meat or any other seasoning, but a burnt smell!

This smell reminded Zhang Li of her somewhat strange hobby.

Every time she ate at home, Zhang Li especially liked to eat burnt rice.

For example, she liked to eat burnt rice in the rice cooker and burnt potatoes at the bottom of the stew pot. Everyone in her family thought that burnt rice smelled bad, but Zhang Li didn't. Anyway, it was delicious!

The smell she smelled now could be said to have hit her soft spot directly!

"Boss! What are you doing~"

Su Chen raised his head suddenly.


Why did Zhang Li come back, and why did Ling Shuyu come up too?

"Do it" Su Chen looked at the short legs in disbelief, "No, why are you back to the company again? Didn't you go home a long time ago?"

"Yes, I went home, but I forgot to bring my keys! Hehe, fortunately I forgot to bring my keys."

Su Chen was defeated by Zhang Li's brain circuit again.

"Abao, our two dishes seem to be a little insufficient."

Since you are here, you can't say that you didn't prepare it for you, you go back. This is not the Chinese style!

"Sweat! Then fry two more." Liu Abao was also a little confused.

He lives on the second floor, and Ling Shuyu is working overtime on the second floor. It would be fine if he didn't come. Now that he has come, it seems that he deliberately didn't invite him. It's uncomfortable!

Su Chen nodded silently, it can only be like this.

"We both have a small appetite, and we have eaten at night, so it's okay to cook less." Ling Shuyu said with a pout.

"Yeah, yes, not only do we have a small appetite, but I also brought something!" Zhang Li picked up the plastic bag in her hand and shook the duck goods.

Originally it was for Ling Shuyu, but since everyone is going to eat together, of course we have to share it!

Good stuff!

Su Chen said, "Duck food is still good with wine. Do you drink? If you do, go to the warehouse and get it yourself."

It was still the beer stored before, and it was covered with dust.

"I drink milk!" Zhang Li held the Yakult.

"I can drink less. Zhang Li can drive, right? Then I can drink a little." Ling Shuyu didn't drink alcohol, but she drank a little beer with Su Chen last time and felt quite relaxed.

She liked the feeling of being tipsy.

In this case, Su Chen was not vague.

The movements of his hands accelerated a bit, and Zhang Li came over to watch curiously, "Boss, what is this dish? What are you doing? I smell so good!"

Then do you know that you talk a lot!

Su Chen said patiently, "This is a Sichuan dish called Guoba Roupian."

"Ah?" Zhang Li's finger touched her chin, "I can't eat spicy food, will I be unable to eat it! Boss, can you put less chili? What if I..."

"Zhang Li." Su Chen stopped the spatula in his hand first, and said earnestly, "I remember there is some good tea in my office, you can take it and make tea for everyone later."


Finally, Zhang Li was sent away. It should be said that this girl is really problematic sometimes.

Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief and continued to make pure handmade Guoba.

This thing is very simple. You only need to add salt and five-spice powder to the remaining cooked rice, and then add two eggs and stir evenly. While stirring, you also need to sprinkle some flour until it is like a dough.

Then roll the dough into a thin pancake, and sprinkle a layer of black sesame seeds when rolling, which looks good and fragrant.

Finally, cut it into the shape you need with a knife, and fry it directly when the oil temperature is 70% hot!

"Boss, will this rice crust be hard to chew later?"

Seeing Su Chen's wild way of making rice crust, Liu Abao couldn't help but worry.

If any of the steps are wrong, the fried rice crust will be hard and human teeth can't resist it at all!

It is obvious that the rice crust fried by Su Chen is not cooked yet, and it is estimated to be only half done at most.

What is the difference between this and concrete?

"No, we have other processes." Although Su Chen didn't make it in the practice room in advance, he was still a little confident about the basic taste.

Take out a loin from the freezer, that is, the part slightly lower than the pork tenderloin and close to the pig loin.

Use a blade to remove the white tendons, and then cut it into thin slices of one and a half inches long and eight points wide in the direction of the meat grain.

A Bao was cooking by himself, but he couldn't help but observe Su Chen's technique. He was surprised to see Su Chen cutting meat, "Is it too thin?"

"The thinner this thing is, the better it tastes."

Liu A Bao was even more confused after hearing this. Since it was rice crust meat slices, it was most likely a stir-fry. Stir-frying still has some requirements for the thickness of the meat slices. If it is too thin, it is easy to overcook the meat due to the problem of heat.

That would not be delicious.

But since the boss said so, A Bao still chose to believe it unconditionally.

The meat slices were also cut, and the rice crust was also fried.

Su Chen began to add various seasonings to the bowl. It is said that Sichuan cuisine is the king of seasoning. In fact, it is not only about spicy seasoning, but also the seasoning of other dishes is also very strong.

There is a very special point in the seasoning of this dish, that is, only the scallion white is used.

Cut the scallion white diagonally into six-centimeter-long segments, peel the ginger and garlic and cut them into three-centimeter square slices for later use.

Add the remaining clear soup from the day, a spoonful of sugar, a spoonful of vinegar, a small amount of cooking wine and water powder, and a few drops of soy sauce to the bowl.

‘Sweet and sour? ’

A Bao watched silently from the side. The pomegranate egg in his hand was basically formed. This is a snack type in Hubei cuisine, and it is very good to go with wine.

After Su Chen mixed the meat slices with water powder, cooking wine, and salt in the bowl, he added a piece of pork to the mixture.

The lard was only about 70% melted, and Su Chen poured all the meat slices into the pot, and then put the scallion, ginger, garlic slices, and the prepared magnolia slices and green mushrooms into it.

The ultra-thin meat slices only need a very low temperature to complete the surface shaping. Su Chen stirred it slightly with chopsticks and poured the seasonings prepared in the bowl into it.

‘Oh my god, this dish feels so wild’

‘The oil temperature hasn’t even risen yet, and it feels like the side dishes are just a little bit of oil, and they are not raw at all, right? ’

The extremely low oil temperature caused the bowl of soup stock to not even have a single drop of oil when it was poured into the pot.

A Bao felt that his forehead was sweating slightly. What kind of dish is this? Isn’t it too wild?

The key is that the soup was poured in and it was not heated up yet, but it was served again!

I’m going to

Su Chen brushed the bottom of the pot, and this time he chose to pour in vegetable oil. After boiling the oil over high heat, he returned the previously fried rice crust to half doneness.

‘This is almost right, we can’t chew concrete slices! ’

A Bao nodded silently, and Boss Su’s re-frying was more reliable.

Su Chen concentrated on controlling the heat until the rice crust slices floated on the oil surface and turned golden yellow, and then he took them out again and put them on a plate.

‘This dish is not complicated to make, but it is particularly unfriendly to novices. ’

‘There are many steps, and the heat must be controlled accurately. But if you make it well, it’s not bad as a home-cooked dish. ’

Su Chen felt this way after making the whole dish.

At this time, Su Chen turned around and asked A Bao, "How is your dish?"

A Bao nodded, "It can be taken out of the pot now."

"I have to eat this dish while it's hot. If you're done, I'll prepare for the final production."

"Yeah, no problem!"

A Bao has already started to look forward to it. What is the so-called final production process that can combine the half-cooked meat slices with the hard rice crust?

Hearing this, Su Chen burned the remaining six cents of oil in the pot until it smoked!


The meat slices with soup in the bowl were poured on the rice crust, and then the boiling oil at the bottom of the pot was poured directly on it at lightning speed!



A huge amount of oil smoke suddenly rose from the plate, and the soup on the meat slices was bubbling with small bubbles under the high-temperature oil. The oil-water mixture seemed to have life under the high temperature, and it tried its best to drill into the fried rice crust!

The rice crust made a constant rustling sound.

Su Chen said, "Because there is such a sound when pouring oil, this dish is also called, Tang Xiang meat slices!"

As soon as the voice fell, the kitchen was instantly filled with an extremely strong sweet and sour aroma!

"Shu Yu, there is also a frying pan, you fry some peanuts."

Ling Shu Yu was stunned and pointed at himself, "Me?"

"Yeah, hurry up. It's time to eat!" Su Chen walked out with the steaming hot rice crust meat slices.

A Bao followed him out carefully with his dozen pomegranate eggs as if he was holding a treasure.

Zhang Li was making tea on the dining table, raised her head and sniffed, "It smells so good!"

After Su Chen put the plate in his hand on the table, he asked, "Little Zhang Li, is there anything you don't like to eat?"

Zhang Li bit her nails and thought for a long time, "It seems not!"

Su Chen and A Bao looked at each other.

Why does Zhang Li always give people the feeling that she is easily deceived by delicious food?

The three of them sat down, and Ling Shuyu came out with a plate of peanuts.

Su Chen glanced at it and thought it was not bad. Although the peanuts were a little overcooked and the color was darker, at least he knew to add salt!

At this moment, there were four dishes on the table: birthday duck, pot-crusted pork slices, pomegranate eggs, and fried peanuts. The duck brought by Zhang Li could barely be considered a dish.

Zhang Li took Yakult, and the others each took a bottle of Big Green Stick and poured it into their own glasses.

Although the alcohol content of this Yanjing beer is not high, it is very easy to get drunk.

"Come on! To celebrate the successful completion of Teacher Cui's order this time, everyone will go first!" Su Chen took the initiative to raise the glass.

Ling Shuyu and others also made great contributions to the fact that they could make peace with Cui Yu this time.

They traveled thousands of miles to buy the ingredients that Su Chen needed.

Especially green onions.

This sounds crazy, but in fact, only those who have eaten it know that the green onions in Lu Province are really different from those in other places.

Otherwise, why do many people think that pancakes with green onions are delicious when they travel in Shandong Province, but it turns out that it’s not the same when they buy pancakes from the supermarket!

To ​​put it bluntly, the green onions are not good. The green onions native to Shandong Province are unique in the country.

"It should be." Ling Shuyu clinked the wine glass in his hand with everyone else and drank it in two gulps.

When Zhang Li's Yakult clinked with everyone else's, it looked very inconsistent, "I want to try the beer too."

"It should be okay to drink less." Ling Shuyu filled up the remaining beer in her bottle first, and then poured it for Zhang Li.

I completely forgot who would drive me back later.

Su Chen and Liu Abao took a sip of wine and ate a peanut.

‘Well, it’s a little overcooked, but it’s still edible. ’

This peanut dish is at most B-level in the practice room, but food has this characteristic.

In addition to their own preferences, people tend to ignore the taste of a specific food in a specific atmosphere. Even the most ordinary food can always bring the top physical and mental pleasure and good memories.

For example, the bowl of beef noodles I ate with my girlfriend when I was 18 years old.

“Family, how about trying my pomegranate egg?” Abao is still quite confident about this dish.

Pomegranate egg is a bit of a natal dish for Abao. He became a senior technician with this dish, and even made many people think that Abao has the ability to surpass his master!

Unexpectedly, his debut was the peak!

“Why is it called pomegranate egg? This egg is a bit strange!” Zhang Li picked up an egg with her hand, looked at it, and felt a little bit unpredictable.

"Don't you think this egg looks like a pomegranate?" A Bao was a little unhappy.

Zhang Li stared at it carefully, "Does it look like a pomegranate?"


If possible, A Bao really wanted to take the egg back and beat Zhang Li until she cried.

"Doesn't it look like a pomegranate?"

Su Chen stopped the two of them, "Let me try it too. It looks a bit like a pomegranate, but it still requires some imagination."

"It's very troublesome to make this dish," A Bao pouted.

Su Chen also noticed, "A Bao is right. This dish is a bit similar to the snow egg, but it first steams the egg until the egg white solidifies, and then pokes a hole in the top of the egg to take out the egg yolk."

After Su Chen's introduction, Ling Shuyu also took an egg and looked at it.

From the hole on the top of the egg, you can see that it is filled with stuffing made with diced ham. In addition to the aroma of ham, there is also a smell of sesame oil and marinade.

It smells so beautiful!

Su Chen said again, "But I have a suggestion."

"You say!" A Bao quickly put down his chopsticks and listened carefully.

Earlier today, the group of Shandong Province chefs all realized it, but A Bao hid in the back and didn't realize it at all. Now he finally has the opportunity to realize it. How can he not be happy and excited!

"Your method is to take out the egg yolk, mix the ham cubes with egg liquid, and then steam them in the pot. My suggestion is that you can first fry your ham cubes with lard and clear soup, and bring some soup into the pot when you stuff them."

"And to be honest, I personally think that frying and stewing are a bit redundant. It completely destroys the taste of the ingredients themselves. Of course, this is just my personal opinion, you can try it later."

These are the most real feelings of Su Chen after tasting it, and they are also the most direct feelings brought by the top of taste.

"This" A Bao thought for a while.

Su Chen said nothing more after he finished speaking. This pomegranate egg has no egg yolk, and it was shallowly fried in sesame oil and stewed for a few minutes in the final production.

In this way, it feels like eating a tiger skin egg. Although it is called tiger skin, it does not have the taste of egg yolk, which makes the characteristics of this dish not prominent enough.

But it is still okay to give it an A grade.

"But it is still delicious!" Zhang Li has already started to work on the second pomegranate egg.

A Bao drank a glass of wine alone, and it felt like something was growing in his head!

If you do it as Boss Su did.

The ham fried with broth and lard will stimulate the internal fragrance, and the ham flavor can be directly soaked from the inside of the egg when steaming.

Without frying and braising, the taste and taste of the egg white will remain in its original state.

Liu A Bao tried to imagine that feeling and taste.

Hiss! It seems that it will really be more delicious?

Moreover, in this way, there is a sense of simplifying the complex, and the production process is also simpler and faster.

Thinking of this, A Bao even had an urge to go to the kitchen and try it again.

Su Chen saw his thoughts.

"Don't worry, skills are not acquired overnight. Let's have a drink first!"

Ton ton ton~

The two drank another glass of beer, this small beer, and then another sip

No, where is the rice crust and pork slices?

I was just busy chatting with Abao, and didn't pay attention to what was going on on the table. Where is the plate of rice crust and pork slices?

It's clear that Abao and I didn't eat a bite, and then I saw that the two girls opposite were gnawing on a duck leg respectively, where did it go?

"Boss, the pork slices you just fried are really delicious, the rice crust is crispy, and the pork slices are tender, hehe!"

Zhang Li still has the nerve to say.

Ling Shuyu nodded in disapproval, "It would be great if it could be added to the recipe on the second floor."

Good guy!

Su Chen and Abao looked at each other, and they were obviously helpless.

Is this what you call a small appetite? There was only a little duck skeleton left in the big bowl of duck.

On the contrary, the duck that Zhang Li bought was hardly touched, so Su Chen had to silently pick up a piece of fish tofu and chew it.

"Oh, by the way, boss!" Ling Shuyu had eaten and drunk his fill, wiped his mouth clean, and took another sip of wine, feeling very satisfied. "Today, Director Li not only asked me to do the design, but also told me something else."

"What is it?"

"You know about the Summer Youth Tournament, right? Director Li also mentioned it during a casual chat. It is said that the government has won this competition in order to promote the development of Gaoxinfa. Isn't there a stadium not far from us? The competition will be held there."

Su Chen nodded, "I will find a way to get some tickets later. Everyone can go and have a look. What is the competition?"

Ling Shuyu was stunned. She didn't understand Su Chen's train of thought. "That's not what I want to say."

"What is it?"

Ling Shuyu said seriously, "The venue for the Summer Youth Tournament is available, but the problem of accommodation and dining has not been solved yet. It was originally decided to be held in the city, but it was opposed by the organizing committee, saying that the city is too far from the stadium and it is afraid that it will affect the performance of the players!"

This is just looking for trouble, Su Chen thought, it's only a dozen minutes away, how far is it?

"Now the government is also worried about this. If we build a separate accommodation area and canteen, it will be useless after the sports meeting. This investment is a pure waste. But if we don't build it, this project may fail!"


Su Chen suddenly felt that Ling Shuyu was talking about something else?

"My idea is, can we take the initiative to contact the authorities? Use the form of a loan to get this investment. They will pay us to open a new department, and we will pay the money back after the company is profitable."


Su Chen's heart suddenly started beating wildly!

I wish you all a happy new year!

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