Food Customizer

Chapter 133: Meat aspic and crispy vegetables, appetizer!

The sensible people have already stepped back two steps.

The ignorant people are still curiously surrounding Boss Su.

Bang bang bang bang!

Su Chen directly used the wild knife technique he named himself, waving his right arm quickly, and the knife fell with his hand, cutting all the noodles stacked on the chopping board into noodles about three millimeters wide at a very fast speed!

The big noise and exaggerated movements made the big men in Shandong Province dumbfounded!

Noodles can be cut like this?

Only Lao Ba had eager eyes.

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This knife technique, the knife fell with his hand, and if you look closely, the width of the noodles on the chopping board is almost the same. This is the effect that can only be achieved by practicing the knife technique to the extreme!

If I can learn this knife technique, won’t it be faster to make noodles in the future?

But Lao Ba also understands one thing in his heart.

Knife skills require comprehension, but practice is the most important.

Only after ten years of hard practice can such a skillful result be achieved.

‘Boss Su, you must have practiced for at least ten years, right? ’

‘It is indeed too reckless to look down on Boss Su this time. A chef with such skill is definitely not comparable to ordinary people. If you can stay with Boss Su for a while, you must have gained a lot, right? ’

It should be said that at the age of Lao Ba, many chefs have basically seen the end of their careers.

To achieve the top level is the position of chef.

If you want to go further, you have to start participating in competitions like Cui Yufen and Lu Yongliang, win various honors, and then enter a higher hall.

But this is not easy for people over forty!

Amid the exclamations of the crowd, Su Chen cut all the noodles rolled by Lao Ba in less than a minute.

If you look from the side, the cut noodles are close together, as if they have not moved at all.

But when Su Chen grabbed them with his hands, the whole noodles instantly turned into scattered noodles.

"What a magical skill!" Lu Yongliang laughed, "Every time I see Boss Su cutting vegetables, I feel a visual enjoyment."

"This knife skill, eh!" Cui Yufen didn't know how to comment, "It would be better if it could be more delicate. It doesn't look very suitable for the appearance of the fifth brother."

After all, Su Chen can be regarded as a handsome boy.

Suddenly using this extremely wild style of knife skills, it seems a bit inconsistent no matter how you look at it.

Since the noodles have been cut, the next thing is much simpler.

Su Chen has made SS-level stir-fried noodles once, and he has already fully understood the key points.

But this time, Su Chen decided to make a simple improvement to the stir-fried noodles.

In the past, eggs were added mainly because the food was relatively poor at that time, and there were no other ready-made ingredients. After using eggs to enhance the flavor, S-level stir-fried noodles were accidentally created.

Later, according to Su Chen's understanding, after the machine noodles were converted into handmade noodles, the stir-fried noodles naturally rose to the SS level.

Anyway, they were all used in advance, so Su Chen was much more generous this time.

Use the cut eyebrow green onions to start the stir-fry, and the full-level [Stir-fry] is simply handy.

The exquisite control of the heat made the kitchen soon filled with the fragrance of green onions.

The rich fragrance of green onions will have a double effect on the taste buds of people in Shandong Province.

Fragrant, but not mushy, this is the most perfect expression of controlling the heat. Even until Su Chen added the cabbage stalks into the pot, the previous eyebrow green onions were still white and green, and there was no sign of yellowing.

Only Su Chen himself knew.

Those green onions have completed their mission.

Many people make the stir-fry step of the pot. In order to maximize the fragrance of green onions, they must stir-fry the green onions until they are slightly golden, including when Su Chen first made it.

After the cabbage stalks softened slightly and the cabbage leaves were stir-fried to release some moisture, Su Chen directly added a full pot!

Clear soup!

Yes, it is the clear soup needed for making Shandong cuisine!!!

Since creating the S-level clear soup and milk soup, Su Chen has a special liking for these two soups. He cooks a pot of soup in the kitchen every day before going to bed.

When you get up the next day, you can hang it in 20 minutes.

This thing is worthy of being the treasure of Shandong cuisine. No matter what dish you make, as long as it is a dish that needs to be fresh, you can pour a spoonful of it on it. It is very useful!

Things like chicken essence are about to be withdrawn from Su Chen's kitchen. After all, industrial products are not as real as the original flavor.

Seeing Su Chen use clear soup like this, the chefs present were also shocked.

Just add this clear soup and a spoonful of milk soup.

Let alone cooking noodles, it's delicious even if you cook a pot of shoe horns!

Seeing this, several nephews were sure that the noodles must be delicious, but they would have to eat it to know how delicious it was!

It was not until the slightly whitish clear soup in the pot boiled that Su Chen mixed the cut noodles and added them.

The ratio of soup to noodles was 60:40.

Less than five minutes later, Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief, "This pot of noodles is good. Who will eat first and who will eat later? Just serve yourself?"

Several nephews who had been ready to fight rushed up immediately, but before they could do anything, Lu Yongliang took the lead and stood in front.

"Respect the old and love the young! Brothers and sisters, eat the first pot of noodles first, hehe!"

Despite his age, Lao Lu was quite strong. He carried the pot noodles with a cloth on his back and walked away. He didn't forget to ask Cui Yufen, "Help get an anti-scalding mat."

There is no need to hold the noodles anymore, so I simply put a large pot of noodles directly on the big round table in the cafeteria.

Jiang Wensheng was holding a spoon, while Jiang Wusheng looked at the cauldron eagerly and quickly took the bowls and chopsticks.

"It's so exciting! I didn't expect it. I thought I would be able to eat big buns today, but I didn't expect noodles to be on it too. My fifth brother is too fierce!"

"How else can I be the fifth brother? He is invincible!" Jiang Wensheng's flattery became more and more arbitrary.

Under the angry gazes of more than a dozen big men, the four old men happily went to the canteen and started eating noodles.

"What's the point of respecting the old and loving the young? This is simply relying on the old and neglecting the old!"

"Yes, we can't encourage this kind of power and evil. The next pot must be eaten by our brothers and sisters. Whoever's tongue is not made of meat, we are also hungry!"

"well said!"

When Su Chen saw this group of indignant nephews, he simply started cooking with three pots on the stove.

As for the fourth bite, there was still the bucket of crispy vegetables on top. Su Chen looked at the crispy pot before making noodles.

You can vaguely see that the cabbage on top has begun to shrivel, which means water is flowing out. The magic of this crispy pot is that it will not actively add water.

By slowly raising the temperature, the water in the cabbage is forced out.

In this step, Su Chen learned from the method of Boshan Crispy Pot.

Not surprisingly, there is already cabbage juice around the two big stick bones at the bottom. Slightly increasing the heat can speed up the cabbage juice extraction.

After adjusting, Su Chen added a layer of pure oil to the three pots, turned on the stove one by one, and then added the green onions in order.

The interval between adding ingredients to each pot is clearly known, so that the taste of one pot will not be less than perfect due to time issues during production.

In about ten minutes, three large pots of noodles were cooked!

"I'll do it, I'll do it!" Old Seventeen took the initiative, imitating Lu Yongliang's method, and went directly to the canteen outside with the big iron pot.

Su Chen didn't need to do anything at all. Everyone used their subjective initiative. Those holding bowls took bowls, and those holding spoons followed suit.

Not long after, Su Chen stood at the door of the kitchen, looking at the two large round tables full of people in the cafeteria.

All the apprentice nephews were looking longingly at the big pot in the middle of the table, holding big bowls in their hands, feeling like they were waiting to eat during the Chinese New Year!

Wang Peixin was holding the bowl. He and his senior brother Liu Fu sat at the same table.

"Don't grab it, everyone comes according to seniority." Otherwise, Liu Fu is a thief.

He first served himself a bowl and said, "Second brother is not here, then you can come to third child."

The third senior brother took the spoon with satisfaction and served himself some noodles.

This kind of behavior made Lao Shiqi and Wang Peixin gnash their teeth. They dared to be angry but dare not speak out. They had no choice but to make us younger!

We people in Shandong Province are very particular about seniority!

When the spoon was turned around and transferred to Old Seventeen's hand, "Oh, it's finally my turn! I'm very fast!"

Lao Shiqi's technique was very good. He filled his big bowl with just two spoons.


Wang Peixin burst into tears. Is it finally my turn?

He reached out to take the spoon, but his hand was still on the handle of the spoon, when another hand suddenly appeared.

"This noodles is really delicious. Boss, I'll have another bowl!" Liu Fu took the spoon and glanced at Wang Peixin specifically, "Boss, are you trying to steal it from me?"

Wang Peixin's hot tears immediately turned into tears of sadness, "Don't rob, don't rob!"

He said he respected the old and loved the young, but in his heart he wished he could punch Liu Fu to death.

You're already on your second crop, and I haven't eaten yet!

Liu Fu filled a bowl of noodles, and the third senior brother also finished it.

After the third brother finished eating, the fourth brother

Wang Peixin watched in bewilderment as the noodles in the pot became less and less, until the spoon was turned back to Lao Qi's hand.

"Pei Xin, it's not that senior brother doesn't want to help you, it's just that" Old Seventeen sighed heavily, "this noodles is really delicious!"

The last noodle was scooped up by Lao Qi into his bowl. Wang Peixin looked at his clean bowl, and the baby felt bitter!

Fortunately, after making four pots of noodles at once, Wang Peixin licked his face and ran to another table, then served himself a bowl. Although there was more soup and less noodles, it was still better than nothing!

Wang Peixin watched the fellow apprentices slurping noodles and drinking soup. He had no time to swallow the saliva in his mouth.

When the chopsticks are put into the bowl, they are not picked at all, but are pulled directly into the mouth!

He shoveled a large piece of noodles directly into his mouth with chopsticks.

“Fresh, fragrant and pure!”

This is a very distinctive feeling the moment you enter.

All the flavors, in the final analysis, come from the green onions that Boss Su added to it, and the aroma of the green onions is completely stimulated by using a boiling method.

With this bite, Wang Peixin felt like he was running in a green onion field!

The oncoming aroma of green onions is refreshing!

After chewing it for a few times, the texture is yet soft. This complex taste blends together, bringing an unprecedented teasing to the mouth.

Even a veteran like Wang Peixin, who has been immersed in the kitchen for many years, couldn't help but let out a satisfied moan in his throat.

"It's so enjoyable!"

From the mouth to the stomach, the hot noodles and noodle soup flowed past. Although it was the summer in August, the warmth radiating from the body from the inside out did not make people feel uncomfortable. On the contrary, it felt like all the pores were covered. The comfort of being opened up.


No wonder the brothers ate it so quickly. There really was something in the noodles!

Wang Peixin drank the noodle soup in the bowl in two gulps.

This thing looks like a lot, but when you actually eat it, you can eat it after a few big mouthfuls.

I don’t know why, but the feeling I had when I ate steamed buns in the morning came back – it felt like I hadn’t eaten them!

No, have another bowl!

The four pots of noodles were divided among everyone in just ten minutes.

The person who ate the slowest was Cui Yufen.

Her original plan was to eat only half the bowl, but she couldn't resist and ate the whole bowl.

When she was thinking about whether she should have another bowl, Lu Yongliang had already finished four bowls. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Cui Yufen would have found it hard to believe, how could this guy eat so fast?

It feels like the noodles are sucked directly into the stomach, and there is no chewing at all!

"Are you still doing it?" Cui Yufen asked a question cautiously.

She wanted to keep herself elegant while trying to make the idea of ​​'I still want to eat' not so obvious.

Su Chen didn't take a bite.

He stood by and watched everyone eat, and the shock in his heart was beyond words.

If Fang Chang and the others are just more ferocious when eating noodles.

So when these big guys were eating noodles just now, they felt like

In a pigsty, rows of pigs, chirp, chirp!

There is no image or elegance at all. If someone who doesn't know sees it, they will definitely think that they are a group of refugees from somewhere!

"The rolled noodles have been cooked. And this is the number of noodles everyone reported." Su Chen said a little innocently.

Not having enough food has nothing to do with me!

Cui Yufen knew she was in the wrong. Indeed, she only signed up for one bowl and got one.

But who knew that this noodle would be so delicious?

This feeling of wanting to eat but not being given anything is really irritating.

"Okay then." Cui Yufen sighed, "Is there a place where I can sit for a while? It's time to take a rest and leave."

"Please come this way." Su Chen led his "brothers and sisters" towards the lounge on the 19th floor.

The house is not big, so it can only accommodate these old brothers at most.

Turning back to the cafeteria, "Fellow brothers, if you want to rest, you can only move to the second floor."

"Why don't you rest? I have a ticket for the bus later. I should leave soon."

"Indeed, if you don't leave, it won't make sense. By the way, Boss Su, how much are the noodles for lunch?"

Su Chen said, "You have to ask my accountant for this. She hasn't been here all the time. We just need to tell her how many bowls of noodles she has eaten later."

I'm not afraid that some people will overpay and pay less. They are all respectable people and cannot do such a thing.

At this time, Lao Ba asked, "Boss Su, when will the crispy pot be ready?"

Su Chen thought for a while, "I need to make it for at least an afternoon, right? And this is a new attempt for me. I may not be able to eat it at night. I have to soak it all night. If I want to eat it, I'll have to wait until tomorrow morning."

Lao Ba said oh, returned to his seat and sat down.

He frowned tightly, not knowing what he was thinking about.

Liu Fu touched his belly and thought for a long time, "Uncle, I think..."

Su Chen quickly interrupted Liu Fu, "Don't mention it. My name is Teacher Cui, Second Sister, and I also call you Senior Brother. Let's discuss our own affairs."

Otherwise, wouldn't this be too messy?

Of course, Shang Mingke could have some fun. Su Chen was quite happy when he thought of Lao Shang calling him uncle in a serious manner.

"Okay then." Liu Fu said, "Are you particular about this crispy dish? Why do you say it is a new attempt?"

Su Chen didn't deliberately hide it, "You should also have seen the layer of pig skin I leaned on the edge of the bucket, right?"


When the other brothers heard this, they all gathered around. Everyone has eaten crispy pot since they were young, and their own version is not the same as other people's.

Different places mostly use different ingredients.

But Su Chen's approach is really novel.

"That's what I think. In the past, when making traditional crispy dishes, everyone would cut the ingredients before putting them on a plate and eat them cold. Some people also like to eat them hot."

Old Seventeen took over and said, "We only eat hot food at home."

"Yes." Su Chen said, "Because if you eat it cold, the fat will solidify if meat or something is added to it."

You can imagine that scene.

There is no need to imagine that when Su Chen was an anchor, he and his friends ordered crispy dishes once in Shandong Province.

The store brought over a plate of fancy ingredients, and you could still see solidified white lard on it.

It’s really a headache. In that case, you can’t eat it cold at all!

"That's why I came up with this idea. Everyone, let's just come to the kitchen and have a look."

Su Chen was the youngest, but now he was like a teacher, leading everyone in to watch the dish.

“I left a gap around the edge of the bucket so I could use a spoon to decant the oil out later.”

"Then I thought, since it's all eaten cold, and all kinds of ingredients are available, why go to the trouble of classifying the various ingredients? In that case, it won't be much different from braised food?"

The others were thoughtful, thinking about what Su Chen said.

"So I referred to the method of pressing the head meat, and put a big stone in the bucket! As the ingredients become softer and softer, the stone will gradually sink, and while sinking, it will further press out the fat in the elbow."

"And the pig skin on the edge will be in contact with the cabbage juice for the first time. As the temperature gets higher and higher, the pig skin will begin to melt and blend with the soup to seep into the ingredients inside."

"If nothing goes wrong, after another night of soaking and cooling, well, you can imagine it."

The rest of the things can't be described.

Liu Fu frowned and hissed, "The next day, the melted pig skin will form jelly with the soup, and the salty, fresh and chewy jelly will wrap the stewed ingredients to be soft and rotten inside to form a pot of pressed porcelain meat, and then?"

Su Chen nodded, "Then use a knife to slice it, you can eat it directly, or you can eat it with a small sauce."

As soon as the voice fell.

Su Chen clearly heard the sound of several people's throats surging.

"Just thinking about it makes me think it must be delicious!" Old Seventeen imagined this cold dish in his mind.

Wang Peixin was not full to begin with, and now that they said this, his stomach was even more rumbling, "That is to say, the jelly is wrapped with various ingredients, lotus root, chicken, elbow meat, pig's trotters, and fish, hiss!!!"

"Oh my god!" Liu Fu said in shock, "If I eat this in one bite, I can't imagine how happy I will be!"

Others were also a little shocked.

This crispy pot has been made in Shandong Province for many years, and it has a history of hundreds of years. I have never heard of this way of eating!

Boss Su is right, this is really a new dish to try.

But no one knows how it tastes.

Anyway, everyone just thinks that this is delicious!

"No, I must try this dish, Boss Su, if it tastes good, can I promote it when I go back?" Liu Fu said seriously.

Su Chen spread his hands, "It doesn't matter. Food should be for everyone in the world. What's the point of hiding delicious food?"

This is one aspect.

There is another aspect that Su Chen didn't say.

For this method, the maker himself needs to have an extraordinary understanding of the three skills of [cooking], [stewing] and [simmering].

If there is any mistake in the middle, the whole pot of food can be easily ruined.

Especially the low fire at the beginning, the time and heat are the most difficult to master.

If you are not careful, the big bones will burn, and the ingredients at the bottom will burn first. As time goes by, the whole pot of ingredients will be soaked in this burnt smell.

It's really not that easy to do it well!

So, even if Liu Fu learns it, there is no need to worry at all. Once these dishes reach the S level, they are no longer something that ordinary people can figure out.

But Su Chen's reaction still made Liu Fu very impressed and praised, "Boss Su is very generous!"

After saying that, Liu Fu turned his head slightly to the brothers behind him, "You should leave, I won't leave today, I will stay and try the new crispy pot made by Boss Su, I have never eaten this kind of food before."

Not to mention others, Lao Ba was the first to agree, "I won't leave either! I haven't eaten crispy pot for several years. I finally came across it, I have to eat it before leaving!"

For some older people, eating crispy pot is almost as important as the New Year.

Wang Peixin was a little regretful, "The Beijing people have urged me several times, I can't do it, I have to leave."

There were dozens of men, and they chatted with each other for a few more words. In the end, those who should leave left, and those who wanted to stay to eat crispy pot stayed.

Among them, Lao Shiqi was the one that Su Chen paid special attention to. When they had dinner the day before, Su Chen remembered that Lao Shiqi was a very skilled chef, and his specialty was the pot-roasted pork elbow.

And Lao Ba.

This super-talented chef is exactly what Su Chen needs most now.

Whether he can stay for a long time is another matter. He can stay for a few days. If he can't stay, he can only find another way!

In this case, Su Chen simply said, "This crispy pot will be ready tomorrow morning at the earliest, so everyone should take a rest first."

After that, he went back to the office first.

The production of the crispy pot still needs to be observed from time to time. For example, when a certain period of time comes, the floating fat must be skimmed out quickly.

Otherwise, when the fat soaks into the meat, the taste will change.

Regarding the sports meeting, you need to contact Fang Chang. Ling Shuyu has already told him about this on the phone.

After returning to the office, Su Chen hurried to deal with this matter.

But strangely, Fang Chang did not reply to WeChat or answer the phone until the evening.

'It should be something. '

The crispy pot in the kitchen has been made, exactly as Su Chen expected.

After more than four hours of slow cooking, the large stone on the surface sank nearly ten centimeters, which means that the ingredients in the bucket were almost all pressed down.

Su Chen went to the kitchen to skim the fat every once in a while in the afternoon. The fat in the only big pork elbow that contained fat was almost squeezed out.

‘It depends on the effect of soaking overnight and cooling tomorrow! ’

Without thinking too much, Su Chen was sure that this dish would be successful, because it was made according to the method in the practice room!

The only pity is that time is limited, and with the wide variety of ingredients, it is extremely difficult to find the secret to the SS level, even if Su Chen has the best taste.

In the end, this dish was only rated S level.

Su Chen, who was bored in every way, was sitting on his beloved recliner, going to the practice room to learn a few dishes, and then returning to reality to watch videos on his mobile phone.

I went back and forth like this several times, and finally fell asleep slowly.

The next day, early in the morning.

Su Chen got up at around five o'clock as usual.

After washing up in the house, I was going to go to the second floor to see how Zhang Heping's work was going.

I just walked out of the office.


Why is there any movement inside?

Su Chen walked towards the kitchen and was stunned the moment he opened the door.


This room is none other than Liu Fu and others!

The eight senior brothers who stayed behind and did not go home, as well as Lu Yongliang and his party, were actually at this point.

Just come!

He was still pointing around his crispy pot! ! !

Crazy, you guys!

"what's the situation?"

Su Chen broke through the crowd and got into the innermost place, and followed everyone to look down.

That pot of messy ingredients, after one night, the big rocks on the surface seemed to have sunk a little more!

And on the edge of the stone, that is, the circle where the pot lid is exposed, is squeezed out a circle of aspic that looks very elastic.

The meat jelly is sauce-colored and translucent, with almost no trace of impurities visible inside. Just looking at it makes me want to dig out a piece and eat it with vinegar.

Of course, dipping it in vinegar is the way Jingzhou people eat it.

"I can't wait! Boss Su, I woke up early this morning wondering what this crispy pot would be like. I didn't expect everyone else to be the same, so we just came together!"

Su Chen didn't care about anything else. He glared at Zhang Heping who was crowded in the crowd, "No, shouldn't you be making buns on the second floor now?"

"But if you promise me something delicious, I have to eat it!" Zhang Heping couldn't help but feel confident. Seeing Su Chen's face darken, he quickly added, "Don't worry, boss, I've already made ten cages." Once the buns are steamed, you can crack the eggs and cook the tea eggs! ”

Su Chen's expression softened slightly.

This is not enough, can’t it cure you?

"Okay, since everyone is here so early, let's start the pot!"

Lift the lid of the pot and take out the big stone.

A group of people stretched their necks to look, and the ingredients that were originally full were now squeezed together.

The gaps between the ingredients are full of solidified aspic.

"Help me." Su Chen raised his chin to his second son.


The two of them lifted the bucket to the operating table together. Su Chen moved very lightly and used a knife to cut the jelly in the bucket along the location of the ingredients.

Then he very carefully laid the bucket on its side, and then turned it upside down with the mouth full.

Zhang Heping was very discerning and helped Su Chen hold one side, and the two of them worked together to take down the stainless steel bucket from bottom to top.

Every time it was pulled up a little, the crowd couldn't help but scream in surprise.

Until the entire bucket is removed.

At the top are two big sauce-colored bones, and at the bottom are the peppercorn packets and the steamer tray.

Get these inedible things.

A giant, trembling cylindrical piece of meat appeared in front of everyone.

"Oh my god, this is so spectacular, hurry up and take a photo!"

"Awesome! Is this something that people can imagine? It looks so delicious, but I don't know how it tastes."

"Holy crap!"

"Boss Su, cut it off quickly and try it. I think it's been thinking about it all night!"

Su Chen laughed sarcastically.

Is this your excuse for breaking in so early in the morning?

Then again, didn't Aunt Fang lock the door last night?

Taking out a long knife, Su Chen made two gestures at the big piece of meat, looking for the most suitable angle.

Cut this thing in half right from the top, right in the middle!


The crowd screamed again.

From the outside it looks like that.

Viewed from the middle section at this moment.

This thing is like a delicate amber. The chicken and fish inside are clearly visible, as are the pork trotters and elbow meat.

They seemed to have been set in amber, and the sauce-colored translucent aspic trembled slightly on the worktop, exuding an alluring light under the light of the kitchen.

Divide the large aspic in half, then cut each one in the middle until it is cut into five or six centimeter sections.

Su Chen then took one of the pieces, pressed the aspic with one hand, and banged the knife with the other hand, cutting the aspic into slices about three millimeters thick.

Just one of them was cut and put on a plate.

"Taste it?"

A lot of chopsticks were placed in front of everyone.

This is the moment you have been waiting for!

Everyone brought their chopsticks and picked up the slices of crispy vegetables on the plate. People like Lao Shiqi could pick up three slices at a time!

Cui Yufen had to be the most polite.

He picked up a piece of crispy vegetable and put it in his mouth. After chewing it for a while, he said, "Okay, this is the best crispy vegetable I have ever eaten."

Liu Fu ate several pieces in a row until the plate was empty before he sighed, "Boss Su, sometimes I really doubt that you are not from this world."

"Huh?" Su Chen looked at this guy speechlessly.

Does this NPC have an IQ?

It was hard to tell whether Liu Fu's expression was painful or happy, in short, it was very twisted, "I wonder if you are the angel sent by God to save our taste buds!"

"How did you come up with this method? Is this really something that humans can think of?"

Old Eight smacked his lips and tried hard to feel the aftertaste in his mouth, "It's wonderful, it's wonderful!"

"What can I say, everyone? This is really just my new attempt, tell me about it." Su Chen joked.

Cui Yufen also sighed continuously.

How could such a good seedling not be my apprentice?

But now he is my brother, not bad!

"I feel that I am not qualified enough to comment on this dish, but since my fifth brother asked me to say it, I will say a few words."

Cui Yufen closed his eyes slightly, recalling the crispy dish just now.

"Because of the way my fifth brother arranged the ingredients, even if you cut it like this, each slice contains a variety of ingredients."

"All the ingredients are wrapped in aspic, which is very elastic when you put it in your mouth, but the aspic is very tender. After it melts, the first thing that comes to your mind is the freshness and the fragrance of the vegetables."

Lu Yongliang nodded and said, "This is against common sense, but it is indeed the case."

It stands to reason that aspic should not smell like vegetables, but meat.

The next one is Liu Fu, "When you take a bite, the taste and flavor of various ingredients will burst out! Just for a moment, I can instantly feel the softness of the lotus root, the softness of the chicken, the elasticity of the pig's trotter, and even the chewiness of the lean elbow meat. It's so cool!"

Cui Yufen continued with a smile, "There is no conflict between the taste and flavor of so many ingredients. Instead, they complement each other. Boss Su, your crispy dish is wonderful!"

More than wonderful?

Su Chen already knew the result.

The reason why this dish can have such an effect is entirely the result of Su Chen's hundreds of attempts to match ingredients in the practice room.

Chicken is versatile, and its presence will not affect the taste of any ingredient, but will have the effect of enhancing the freshness.

There is no conflict between pig's trotters and pork elbows. The side dishes of lotus root noodles and fried tofu are also used with these meats in ordinary production.

As for the kelp of Spanish mackerel, it adds the freshness from aquatic products to this dish.

This freshness is completely different from the freshness of chicken.

The two pieces of pig skin on the outermost layer have long been boiled and melted, turning into meat jelly visible to the naked eye at this time.

Su Chen smiled at the masters, "Then what do you think is the right price for this dish?"

Liu Fu said seriously, "In terms of calculation, the 58 yuan for this dish just now is not expensive."

"Well, the price of 58 is more popular, but for this taste, 88 is also OK." Cui Yufen gave his own suggestions.

Everything can't just talk about ingredients, but also pay attention to taste.

The same dish can only be sold for 28 in ordinary restaurants, but it can be sold for 38 in big restaurants because it tastes good.

The same is true for crispy vegetables.

If we only talk about the ingredients, that plate is about 58, but it is too much of a loss to sell such delicious food for 58, it should be at least 88!

The second sister has spoken, Su Chen dare not disobey.

He immediately cut another plate out, "88 per serving, who wants it?"

Cui Yufen: o((⊙﹏⊙))o

So Boss Su, you are waiting for me here?

I fainted, I should have said 18 per serving!

"Fifth brother, you are so humorous"

Su Chen shook his head, "You helped me set the price, and I decided. Since everyone thinks it tastes good, from today on, meat jelly crispy vegetables will officially land in the cafeteria on the second floor of Delicious Lai and become a permanent cold dish!"

Great, I have added another permanent dish to myself.

This thing is not difficult to make. I will go back to the food practice room and do it step by step. I can write a formula and give it to Zhang Heping.

According to the fixed ratio of ingredients and the fixed time to do fixed things, it does not require a lot of technical content, just follow it.

This is the charm of the fixed S-level dishes!

"Khan! Give me a plate, I really admire you, Boss Su." Liu Fu was the first one who couldn't wait.

Eighty-eight is eighty-eight, anyway, this dish is not common and not often eaten.

Other brothers also paid out of their own pockets, and no one advocated treating this time.

After all, the buns cost more than 8,000 yuan yesterday morning and the noodles cost more than 5,000 yuan at noon. It would be inappropriate to let others treat again.

"It's a pity for Pei Xin, he can't eat such delicious food." Lao Shiqi also paid out of his own pocket to buy one.

He also took a photo and sent it to Wang Pei Xin.

After a while, Wang Pei Xin replied to the message, or a voice message.

"Damn it, Old Seventeen, you are so mean! I am enjoying my meal so much in the morning, and you don't care about me?"

"Damn it! I've blocked you! Unless you bring me a portion back to Beijing, our brotherhood is over!"

Old Seventeen heard Wang Peixin's angry voice and put away his phone contentedly, "Boss Su, can I make the sauce myself?"

"As you wish." Su Chen was busy cutting cold dishes for everyone, and didn't care about the sauce.

Everyone has their own preferences, and you have to make the dipping sauce yourself to suit your taste.

Su Chen cut all the crispy vegetables into slices and put them on plates, making 20 plates in total!

Put them on the operating table, and whoever wants to eat can scan the code to pay first, and then take it.

Su Chen just woke up this early in the morning and earned two thousand yuan with tears in his eyes. Life is so boring!

Lao Ba, I guess, didn't feel satisfied after eating one plate, and saw that there were fewer and fewer crispy dishes on the counter.

He immediately won the last two sets, "This is the taste of childhood!"

No, it even tastes better than childhood!

If possible, Lao Ba would like to be like his second senior brother and directly join Boss Su's company.

Unfortunately, his family and career are both in Shandong Province. This kind of decision cannot be made easily. He is not yet as free and easy as his second senior brother.

A portion of crispy vegetables doesn't taste like much.

After all, ordinary cold dishes are eaten before meals. You can just take a few bites and it's done. Who can eat cold dishes as a main meal?

It’s just these big guys from Shandong province.

"Hey, I'm not satisfied with it! Boss Su, why don't you make another bucket? I won't come back today. I'll wait to eat it at night!" Liu Fu was serious.

Su Chen smiled and shook his head, "I can't do anything today. I have to go out to do some errands today."

There has been no news from Brother Fang Chang, and Su Chen is also worried.

I have to go see for myself today what's going on.

"Okay, I'm going downstairs to eat steamed buns. Grandma, when will you learn Boss Su's skills? I really don't want to eat your crappy steamed buns."

"If you don't want to eat it, don't eat it! Some people eat it. Look at that boy with black glasses. He can't eat five or eight pieces on any day?" Zhang Hepinghe was not afraid of his senior brother and directly talked back.

Liu Fu didn't bother to be stubborn with him, "It doesn't matter. You're treating me to the buns this morning. It's grandma's."

We ate several plates of crispy vegetables in the morning, but everyone didn't feel overwhelmed at all. Instead, they felt appetizing.

I can't wait to continue eating ten dozen steamed buns now.

The only pity is that Boss Su didn't make the buns himself today, so he could only eat Zhang Laoer's buns.

Seeing this situation, Su Chen also knew that half of his plan had basically failed.

The sports meeting hasn't started yet, so even if we keep people here, it doesn't mean much.


Su Chen had a plan in mind.

Delicious food is a bond of friendship, it cannot be in vain!

Are these brothers and sisters called for nothing?

Cavin. A lot has been deleted. I need to think about it carefully.

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