Food Customizer

Chapter 163 Su Chen failed!

Four hours have passed since the competition, and the works of contestants from some countries have taken shape.

The contestant from Japan used eggs to make a seaweed sushi dessert, and paired it with fruit sauce to create a creative shape of a small fish.

The contestant from India was quite strange. After extracting the egg liquid with a syringe, he filled the empty eggshell with curry-flavored batter, and after steaming it, he was also making creative shapes.

Taiwan Novel Network โ†’๐–™๐–œ๐–๐–†๐–“.๐–ˆ๐–”๐–’

During these four hours, some of the audience at the scene had gone home to eat and came back.

The judges also left their seats from time to time to move their bodies in the empty space, and some even ran to the stage to watch the progress of the contestants' production up close.

All the contestants were busy, except for the contestants from China, who formed a sharp contrast with the others.

Liu Abao, Zhang Jiayi, and Zhang Heping were standing behind their chairs with their bodies almost stiff.

Zhang Jiayi blushed like a monkey's butt. She just took out her phone and looked at it. There were 99+ unread messages.

I don't know who posted the overseas live broadcast channel of her competition in the group of [Loving Family]. The third aunt and the second brother-in-law at home were all watching her competition.

This time it's good.

It took four hours to watch. During this long time, the family members charged their mobile phones several times, but they didn't see any movement of Zhang Jiayi.

The little girl was almost unable to raise her head.

And on the chair in front of the three of them, Su Chen was still sleeping. Because they had said not to disturb him before, no one dared to wake Su Chen.

"This won't work"

In the practice room, Su Chen had tried to make magnolia flowers for countless times. As he expected, this pastry, which was not difficult to make, had insurmountable difficulties in shaping.

If the pistil is to be made into a cylinder, the dough cannot be rolled.

Without rolling the dough, the crisp layer cannot be made, and the petals cannot bloom.

It's like entering a paradox zone, which is really uncomfortable.

"If it doesn't work, we can only use the splicing method in the end."

After another two-hour break, Su Chen immediately went into the practice room, put aside the unsolvable problems, and now he had to start the overall production of the pastry.

Because the theme of this time involves "creativity", a magnolia flower blooming in a frying pan alone is not enough to meet the requirements of creative desserts.

"Magnolia flowers grow on branches, and the color of branches can be made with cocoa powder."

Mix cocoa powder and flour to make dough, then roll it into strips with a diameter of half a centimeter, and use a toothpick to pierce the position where the flower is to be inserted, and then use a hair dryer to dry the moisture on the surface of the noodles.

Then send it to the oven for baking, so that the skin that loses moisture will crack, and it looks like bark.

"Next is the flower bud"

The sixteen hours in the practice room also passed quickly during Su Chen's repeated learning and production. When Su Chen returned to reality again, he opened his eyes slightly and saw that there was only one hour left in the six-hour countdown.

โ€˜I really should rest for a while.โ€™

The sequelae of using the practice room continuously with high intensity is that people will feel a little dazed, and feel like staying up all night playing games.

Su Chen took something out of his trouser pocket and handed it to Zhang Jiayi.

โ€œMy nose hurts a little, can you help me put it on.โ€ He pointed at his nose bridge.


Zhang Jiayi looked carefully and did not find any wound on Su Chenโ€™s high nose bridge, but she still carefully opened the band-aid and helped to put it on.


The moment the magic patch was attached to the bridge of his nose, Su Chen felt as if he had inhaled a mouthful of mustard, and a coolness rushed straight to his forehead.

This is the effect of the magic patch!

Enhance the effect of the enchanted organ.

At this moment, Su Chenโ€™s brain is in a state of fatigue. With the existence of the magic patch, he can force himself to reach the best state within the effect time!

"Abao, mix cocoa powder and flour in a 1:1 ratio to make dough."

Liu Abao's eyes lit up, "I knew it! Great!"

At the competition site, most of the commonly used ingredients provided were ingredients for Western cooking, and cocoa powder was too common.

"Old Second, low-gluten flour and lard." Halfway through his words, Su Chen found that they did not prepare lard themselves, and there was no ready-made lard provided at the competition site!


Su Chen could only change his mind, "Old Second, use that pork to make some lard for me first."

There was no lard, but there was pork!

The lack of ingredients could not stump the smart Chinese people.

Zhang Laoer moved his somewhat stiff torso, "Okay."

Then, Su Chen took the flour himself, separated the egg white and egg yolk, and prepared to start making dough.

"What about me?" Zhang Jiayi asked excitedly.

I can't just do nothing, right?

Su Chen stopped what he was doing, "Just help out and follow our instructions!"

Even so, Zhang Jiayi was still excited.

Seeing the Chinese contestants take action, the audience and judges were immediately attracted.

"There is only one hour left before the end of the competition. Can they make a dessert in such a short time?"

"Now the contestants have almost finished making, except for the Australian and Chinese contestants, but the Australian contestant has been making it for more than four hours!"

"I think the Chinese contestants are just pretending, what can they make in such a short time?"

When the several employees from Delicious saw Su Chen making some moves, they immediately looked at Ling Shuyu.

As expected, it must be my boss Ling! He figured out the boss's routine in minutes.

With prediction, there is expectation.

Everyone looked at Su Chen very excitedly, looking forward to his next performance, and Su Chen's behavior also attracted more eyes to their operation table.

After Zhang Laoer refined the lard, Su Chen quickly made the dough and everything, and at the same time gave Zhang Heping a task.

"You find some white chocolate to reshape it, it needs to be round."

Zhang Heping touched his head, ran to the Australian contestant and took back a round ball mold, which surprised the four contestants.

"They are asking why we need their stuff?"

Su Chen said without raising his head, "Let's borrow it. It's like a chemical laboratory there."

I don't know how Zhang Jiayi translated it. Anyway, after hearing it, the Australian contestants looked dissatisfied, but they continued their production.

The production of magnolia pastry is almost the same as that of lotus pastry. The difference lies in the stamen.

Seeing Su Chen put the dough and the skin together and prepare to roll it, Zhang Jiayi asked a little confused, "Boss, what about the stamen?"

The pale yellow stamen is still outside.

Su Chen sighed, "The stamen can only be spliced โ€‹โ€‹at the end, otherwise it will be rolled flat."

Zhang Jiayi said "oh" and didn't say anything.

Roll one layer of dough into a rectangle, and then roll the dough into a rectangle, but only half of the dough.

Fold the dough to wrap the dough, and then roll it thin with a rolling pin. After folding it back, remove the irregular corners, cut it into squares and continue to roll it thin.

The number of times you roll it determines the number of petals.

Su Chen didn't roll much, just folded it three times.

This is more in line with the real magnolia flower. If there are too many petals, it won't look like it.

Then he used a sharp knife to carve out six round dough cakes in the middle of the rolled dough, and then used a rolling pin to gently roll the edges of the dough cakes thinner.

At this time, the spherical white chocolate that Lao Er had reshaped was taken back.

"I don't know how good it will be if I wrap it with chocolate, but there is no better choice now."

It stands to reason that white ingredients should be used to stir-fry a filling, but A Bao didn't live up to his expectations and gave up the competition, resulting in incomplete preparation of ingredients on site!

White chocolate is a stopgap measure.

The thin dough wrapped with the still slightly hot chocolate is made into a round shape like a steamed bun, and finally the round bun is slowly formed into the shape of a magnolia flower bud at the tiger's mouth.

Take a small handful of cocoa powder dough from Abao's basin, flatten it into a cross shape, and wrap it around the bottom of the flower bud, "This is the flower bud."

Throw the finished flower bud into the freezer and freeze for 2 minutes, then use a wallpaper knife to cut a cross from the top of the flower bud.

"This is much simpler than the knife method of lotus crisps."

The number of cuts on lotus crisps is the number of petals.

The number of times magnolias are rolled is the number of petals, that's the difference.


Seeing that Su Chen pulled six flower buds and put them on the plate for later use, Zhang Jiayi took a pinched pistil and said, "Why don't you put the pistil in too?"

Su Chen felt a little surprised. This girl could think of this?

"I can't put it in when rolling the dough. I'll splice it after it's fried."

Zhang Jiayi crawled and looked at the six flower buds, then looked at the pistil in her hand, "I think it's okay."

She took a flower bud on her own initiative, and then put the tip of the chopsticks in the middle of the cross blade and gently inserted it in.

"Do you think this is okay?"

The intervention of the chopsticks created a circular gap in the middle of the flower bud, through which the white chocolate inside can be clearly seen, and the size of this circular hole is just enough to put the pistil in.

Su Chen stared at Zhang Jiayi with some surprise, "You can do it!"

It is said that the person in charge is confused.

Su Chen's mind was all on putting the pistil in during the production process, but he ignored this method.

Damn it, I should have asked everyone to come up with ideas earlier, which caused me to waste more than ten hours in the practice room.

Look at the time.

There are still thirty minutes before the time stipulated in the competition!

Su Chen quickly called Lao Er and A Bao over, "It can be fried now, you heat the oil first, and I will take care of the finishing work."

There are pre-made toothpick holes on the branches made of cocoa powder. In order to insert the flower on the value, a grafting tool must be made for the bottom of the flower bud.

Su Chen chose white chocolate.

Because the flower heart has been made of white chocolate, if other ingredients are used now, it will seriously disrupt the overall taste of the magnolia flower.

Slightly heat the white chocolate, pinch it into thin sticks with pointed ends and thick middle and set aside.

Then fry a toothpick at the bottom of all the flower buds. Liu Abao heats the oil in a pan, "Boss, how much?"

According to the best temperature in the practice room, it should be 50% hot, about 150 degrees.

But now the situation has changed.

If the filling is fried with ingredients such as yam paste, then 150 degrees is completely fine, but the filling made with white chocolate will melt directly at 150 degrees!

"120 degrees"

As soon as Su Chen finished speaking, the Australian contestant rang the bell on the table, indicating that they had also finished making it.

Su Chen tilted his head and took a look, and was a little curious about the work of the Australian contestant.

Just look at their workbench has been cleaned up, and only the finished work is placed on it.

It is an.


And it is a whole egg!

In front of the work, a card has its name written on it.

"Translate it."

Zhang Jiayi muttered, "Verjus in Egg? The translation means pouring sour grape juice on the egg."

Liu Abao heard the voice and said, "This is a very common recipe."

Su Chen was a little embarrassed. Why didn't I know there was such a recipe?

"In the 17th century, people in England would eat boiled eggs with sour grape juice, which is what Jiayi just said, Angers."

"It's Verjus in Egg!" Zhang Jiayi helped correct the pronunciation.

Su Chen looked at it a few more times, and only saw that there was a small bird's nest under the whole boiled egg. In short, it looked like a bird's nest. As for how it was made, he didn't pay attention to it before.

"Okay, let's take a look at the dessert made by the Australian contestant!"

Zhang Jiayi's mouth shape followed the host's translation.

The competition process is like this. Whoever finishes first will be scored first.

Otherwise, it would be embarrassing for the contestant who finished in an hour to wait on the stage for four or five hours.

And some dishes should be tasted as soon as they are made. If you wait too long, the taste and texture will change.

"Can the contestant introduce this dessert first?"

Su Chen glared at Liu Abao, "Hurry up and make yours, what are you looking at."

Abao then ran to the cupboard to find vegetable oil.

Su Chen was watching the Australian contestant.

The female contestant in white chef's uniform stood in front of the camera and said, "The dessert we made is a modified version of Verjus in Egg."

After that, she used a small silver spoon to knock down the egg!


The audience thought that there was something fishy about the egg, so when they saw the contestant knocking it down like that, they all burst into surprise.

The eggshell was broken, and the contestant carefully used tweezers to pinch off the broken egg skin and placed it on the plate.

Then he used a spoon to dig out a small piece of egg white, revealing a cross section of the boiled egg.

It was just a very simple egg, and the yolk was still half-cooked and runny.

"Excuse me, contestant, what's so special about your dessert?"

After all, other people use all kinds of kitchen utensils to cook, but this group of Australian chefs use compasses, vernier calipers and other things to cook, which makes people feel confused when watching.

The female contestant smiled and said, "The egg white we are seeing now is coconut-flavored consciousness jelly, and the egg yolk is verjus cooked with spices."

"That is the sour grape juice." Zhang Jiayi added in a low voice, and quickly began to translate for Su Chen again.

"Panna cotta, um, is consciousness jelly."

Su Chen interrupted, "Just translate it directly, I can probably understand it."

Zhang Jiayi then continued, and she directly replaced some words that were not easy to translate with English, "Panna cotta has a coffee-flavored mousse at the bottom, and the bird's nest at the base is made of honey and syrup to imitate a Turkish pastry that looks very much like dragon beard candy."

"Kabosu jelly is sprinkled around the bird's nest as a decoration, and our eggshell is made of chocolate."

After listening to the female contestant's introduction, even Su Chen couldn't help but take a breath.

This egg is not ordinary!

In other words, this egg looks like an egg, but it is actually made of various other dessert ingredients!

When the close-up shot was given to the eggshell, Su Chen's eyes fell on the close-up shot on the big screen.

"Wow! These guys are crazy!"

The thickness of the eggshell looks like less than one millimeter.

No wonder all kinds of strange molds and tools are used. If it is not an extremely precise tool, it is difficult to make such a thing.

The egg white and egg yolk inside the egg are made in a process similar to the dessert that Su Chen made for Ling Shuyu before.

Put the milk jelly in a mold, and after it solidifies, use a spoon to dig a round pit, and then fill it with sour grape sauce cooked with spices.

The six judges unanimously gave 10 points for creativity!

Su Chen silently agreed.

As for creativity, it is not too much to give this egg a full score.

Amid the cheers of the Australian contestants, the six judges left the stage one after another, and the next step was the tasting stage.

After tasting one by one, the score of this dessert got an average taste score of "9.9".

Su Chen felt that there was no big problem with this score.

After all, the ingredients used were there. Although he did not have the opportunity to taste them, just looking at the ingredients

The eggshell is just plain chocolate flavor.

The egg white inside tastes a bit like pudding, the sour grape juice of the egg yolk and the coconut milk flavor of the egg white, you can tell the taste after a while.

It must be a sweetness that is difficult for ordinary Chinese people to accept.

But the judges still gave it a high score, which shows that the perception of desserts between Chinese and Westerners is different.

Westerners are really good at eating sweets.

And this dessert finally got the highest score of 9.9! ! !

Amid the cheers, the Australian contestants also left the stage, and at this moment, only the Chinese contestants were left on the stage.

There was nothing to see, whether it was the audience or the judges, they could only focus on Liu Abao's group of contestants.

"What's going on with them? Are they just six small balls? What kind of dessert can that be?"

"I can't imagine what kind of dessert can be made with animal oil and flour, but it's definitely not the dessert I like."

"Hurry up! My grandma next door is waiting for me to go home and cook for her!"

After all, an outrageous score like 9.9 has already appeared. What's the point of continuing to drag time here?

"Boss, the temperature is enough!"

Su Chen nodded. Under the effect of the magic sticker, his nose could even smell the fragrance of the heated vegetable oil.

Su Chen placed the branches made of cocoa powder that A Bao had baked earlier horizontally on the plate.

"Now is the time!"

Chopsticks picked up a flower bud and immersed it in the heated oil.

'It's worthy of the magic sticker.'

The moment the flower bud was immersed, Su Chen's eyes found that the oil temperature was still a little high.

Unlike the lotus crisp, the blooming process of the magnolia flower is more like using oil to open the petals, rather than exploding!

Immediately turn down the heat.

With only a slight temperature difference, it can be observed that the bubbles on the surface of the petals immediately calmed down.

Both the audience and the judges were puzzled by Su Chen's action, because it seemed that there was nothing special about this dessert.

The flower bud was soaked for about thirty seconds.

From the position of the knife edge, small bubbles gradually began to emerge.


A Bao's voice was trembling. He was not sure whether the situation he saw was normal.

"This is the effect of the oil pastry inside. Only when the oil pastry is fried can it bloom. Don't worry."

As soon as Su Chen finished speaking, the outermost layer of the flower bud began to slowly bloom outward!

One layer, two layers, three layers!

The director seemed to have discovered the difference here and immediately zoomed in the camera of the oil pan again!

On the big screen, the audience observed this change more clearly.

The three layers of petals bloomed, revealing the stamens that fell on the white chocolate inside. It was at this time that Su Chen immediately took the magnolia flower out of the oil pan.

"Don't fry it anymore or the white chocolate will melt."

Take out the toothpick at the bottom of the flower, insert the pre-prepared connecting rod, and insert the other end into the hole of the branch in the plate.

In this way, a snow-white magnolia flower appears on the cocoa pink branch.

"Amazing skills! Boss, you are amazing!"

Su Chen glanced at A Bao.

The familiar feeling came again

"Don't brag, who of you writes better, write a poem on the plate with jam."

"Let me do it." Zhang Jiayi rolled up her sleeves and found a bag of jam, "What to write?"

Su Chen was frying magnolia flowers again at this time. The magic sticker made his brain particularly clear, and he could do two things at the same time.

While observing the state of the magnolia flower, he said, "March is a beautiful spring."

Zhang Jiali held the arm of her right hand with her left hand, and her right hand kept shaking on the plate, and beautiful running script appeared on the plate.

The appearance of Chinese characters attracted many viewers to stand up and watch, and some even took photos with their mobile phones to try to translate what it meant.

"The world is full of vitality in Yangzhou."

"After passing under the magnolia flower, the collar and sleeves are also stained with fragrance."

After the poem was read, a new magnolia flower was inserted on the branch, and this was repeated six times, and finally all six flowers were inserted on the branches.


A Bao rang the copper bell on the table fifteen minutes before the end of the game.

When this complete Chinese dessert appeared on the big screen, the audience began to get restless.

"Artwork! This is completely a work of art! How can someone perfectly replicate a flower?"

"Oh God, how did he make the flower bloom in the oil pan?"

"Is this a magical skill that only that country in the East has?"

"I swear, if this dessert is placed in front of me, I will definitely not be able to put it in my mouth. Doing so is simply destroying a work of art!"

In the same session, Zhang Jiayi was responsible for introducing this dessert in English.

"Magnolia, the petals are made of flour and lard, the center is made of white chocolate, the stamens are also made of flour and lard, and the branches are made of cocoa powder and flour."

In other words, all the flowers on the plate are edible!

It was time for the judges to comment.

"I swear! This is the most amazing skill I have ever seen. If it weren't for the full score of 10, I think I would give it a higher score!"

"If the shape of the food is not determined in advance, it is difficult for people to control its development direction. You have done this, ten points!"

"Only God knows, seeing this flower blooming during the frying process, I feel like being kissed by an angel, perfect score~"


After a series of reviews, this magnolia dish also received full marks for creativity.

Abao breathed a long sigh of relief, "Boss! We have a chance!"

Su Chen lowered his head, "Don't be too happy too early."

In Su Chen's opinion, getting full marks for creativity was a bit of a mistake.

The comments of the six judges focused on the blooming process of the magnolia. In other words, it was the existence of that shot that allowed them to give a high score of 10 points!

If this dish had been made early enough and completed together with most of the previous teams, not so many people would have noticed Su Chen's frying process. Just seeing the finished product may not have given him full marks. Points for creativity!

Next, is the tasting stage.

The first judge stood in front of the operating table, looked at it for dozens of seconds, and then smiled and shook his head, "If I eat this flower, I will feel uncomfortable for a week."

Although he was reluctant to part with it, but in a professional spirit, he very carefully picked the flowers from the branches and put them all into his mouth at once.


The audience burst out in disbelief, seeing such a beautiful flower being eaten by someone.

What a sin!

In the audience, several delicious people looked at the judge's expression nervously.

"Oops, it's not good!"

"It's over. I see that the judge's expression is not intoxicated. Isn't this pastry delicious?"

"How is that possible!" Zhang Li pouted, "The boss's food is the most delicious in the world!"

But that doesnโ€™t count.

"Just" the judge said with a crooked corner of his mouth, "It has a very strange taste. I only tasted the taste of Baiqiao. Sorry, my score is 6.5 points."


The moment he heard the score, Liu Abao almost ran away!

"I don't know why, but when I chewed it, my mouth felt like it was coated in flour, 7 points."


Abao raised his voice, "That's called crispy! Do you understand that that's crispy? If you don't understand, don't talk nonsense!"

Su Chen pulled Abao's arm, "Talk less and listen more."

"This dessert has almost no flavor, sorry, 6.5 points."

After six judges commented one after another.

The final score of the [Magnolia] pastry made by Liu Abaoโ€™s team: 8.5 points.

"Damn it! How is it possible? How could that pastry not be delicious? Shady story! This competition is definitely a shady story, it's a secret!" Fang Chang stood in the audience and was unhappy at the time.

Jiang Yuan used her strength to drag him back to his seat, "Sit down! Sit down first! What are you yelling about? It's embarrassing!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Sister Shuyu, please speak quickly! What should we do? Why do we only have 8 points!"

"Damn, this competition has to cater to Western tastes! Who made the judges all Europeans?" Old Seventeen punched the seat hard.

If you don't participate and just watch Abao compete, then forget it. At most, it's just for fun.

But my own boss came to help. Such an exquisite Chinese dim sum only received such a low score in the end. It really made the employees who came here feel a little defensive.

"Stop talking." Ling Shuyu stared at Su Chen on the stage, "This is the difference between China and the West. You have all eaten Western pastries, and you all know the taste. Our pastries are indeed very different from Western pastries. โ€

Several people continued to watch the competition with angry expressions, wishing they could tear the judges' mouths apart right now!

Next is the announcement of the winner of the game and the second theme of the finals.

No surprise, the Verjus in Egg made by Australian contestants received the highest score in this competition!

Magnolia from Liu Abao's team received full creative points due to chance, and ultimately ranked sixth.

There were 8 teams that won this theme competition, and they almost got the tickets for the second theme.

Su Chen and others changed their clothes and returned to the rest room, where they were immediately surrounded.

"Boss! It's a shady story, it's definitely a shady story! Let's complain!"

"Grandma, that Magnolia is definitely one of the best in the whole country, but it almost failed?"

"What the hell kind of competition is this? Why doesn't he like it? Who is that bearded judge?"

Su Chen raised his hand and asked everyone to calm down first.

"That's how competitions are. The judges have the highest say. If someone doesn't like it, they just don't like it. And the jury also has unified judgment standards. The pastries we make do not meet other people's standards."

Magnolia flowers can only be called cakes, and there is one word difference between them and desserts.

"What we have to do now is not to complain." Su Chen turned to look at Liu Abao, who was the protagonist of this competition, "Don't be discouraged, think about a new theme."

At the end of the competition, the jury announced the second theme of the finals: caring for children.

Nowadays, many children suffer from anorexia due to various reasons when they were young. As a result, they are unable to absorb the nutrients they need during their growth, resulting in stunted growth.

The medical treatment for anorexia is also very limited, because in some children anorexia is a psychological problem.

In order to overcome this problem, not only countless doctors have made great efforts to this end, but also countless chefs are trying to create various exquisite dishes to improve this phenomenon.


The second theme of the finals is to care for children and work hard to cure anorexia.

By then, the six judges at the competition will be replaced by six children with anorexia.

Their symptoms are all kinds of strange. Some don't like to eat meat, some don't like to eat vegetables, some don't like to eat anything at all, and some children even vomit because adults force them to eat!

The only condition that determines the winner is whose dish will be loved by the children.

Preparation time: three days.

Ingredients: no limit.

Dishes: three courses.

"The boss is right." Ling Shuyu said, "Since it is not the final outcome, then it is enough to get the ticket. The real outcome will be in the next round. There is no need to worry about the score."

Liu Abao calmed down for a while, "Boss, I listen to you!"

Su Chen patted him on the shoulder and felt that everyone was still in a low mood, and immediately said, "What does Delicious come to the company for? What we do is delicious customization!!!"

"Now there is a customer whose child is suffering from anorexia and needs us to prepare three exquisite dishes to cure his child. Now, brothers and sisters, please return to your respective posts?"

Su Chen's words seemed to wake up the employees.


This competition is no different from gourmet customization!

Itโ€™s nothing more than no money, but a trophy!

Bai Xiaobo's eyes suddenly became determined, "I'll go back and check the information right now, and come up with a gourmet plan before dark at the latest!"

Liu Shengnan: "I will contact the transportation. If there is a need to use domestic ingredients."

He Shuting and Zhang Li looked at each other and said, "Always follow the boss's instructions!"

Zhang Heping and Lao Qiwei are new here. They have never seen this kind of attitude from the employees of Taishui Lai, and they can't help but be a little bit infected.

Su Chen said, "Let's go, go back and eat quickly."

On the way back, the employees finally felt better. Ling Shuyu glanced at Su Chen from time to time, only to feel that the boss's mood was a little gloomy.


Su Chen was calm on the surface about Magnolia's defeat, but actually he was a little speechless in his heart.

This was the first time that he truly realized the differences between Chinese and Western cuisine!

Su Chen was even a little doubtful at this moment.

When he was a food anchor, a short video genre emerged on the Internet.

It is some Chinese living abroad who make various domestic delicacies, and then they are well received by foreigners.

The hotpot made by the son-in-law shocked the father-in-law, the dumplings made by the daughter-in-law attracted countless neighbors, and the mother-in-law went to the park to cut noodles for a thousand euros a day.

Are those things real?

As far as Su Chen knows, in some of the more popular Chinese restaurants abroad, the food preparations have been modified, rather than being made according to domestic methods.

So, are the contents of those short video outputs true?

If it is not true, that would be too bad, because the popularity of this short video will give Chinese people an illusion.

Our Chinese cuisine is unrivaled in the world!

I also went to Wall Street to set up a stall selling pancakes and earn a thousand dollars a day!

Is there a possibility that foreigners really like to eat burgers stuffed with butter instead of pancakes stuffed with Weilong?

It is important to clarify this issue.

Domestic, Beijing.

Zhao Hui slapped the desk several times frantically, "No eyesight! No eyesight! The magnolia flower made by Boss Xiao Su can only get such a low score? What's so good about that broken egg? What's so good about something sweet? food!"

A great craftsman in Beijing and the pastry chef of National Restaurant, his defense was completely broken after he saw that Magnolia was no match for an egg.

"Contact Boss Su for me immediately! In the finals, I will teach him the most awesome pastry! I will shock the world with him!"

"Help me ask Boss Su if there is anything he needs! National Hotel fully supports it!"

Zhao Huilian's apprentice had never seen his teacher so angry before, so he hurriedly agreed and trotted out to find Su Chen's contact information.

Hubei Province.

Lu Yongliang's face flushed with anger.

"I asked Boss Xiao Su to help, not to let others lose face!"

"Hurry up and tell Abao that the Hubei Province Culinary Association is on standby. If you need any local ingredients from our province, just ask! I'll ask Shang Mingke to fly over!"

Shang Mingke:? ? ?

I donโ€™t have a plane!

Cui Yufen, who was inspecting Lu Province, took a deep breath.

"Fifth brother went to the competition without any preparation. Isn't this old man named Lu a trick?"

"Send the information about our competitions in previous years to Boss Xiao Su. I still have some experience fighting those foreign devils."


"Boss Su has missed the mark, haha."

If Wang Xiaoyi were here, she would be surprised. Isn't this the uncle who competed with her at the auction that day?

"Mr. Feng, are you sure Boss Su can meet your expectations?"

The middle-aged man known as Mr. Feng touched the tip of his nose and said, "His garlic golden egg fried rice is really delicious. If you get it from Xiangjiang, it will definitely sell very well! But if you do business."

His eyes fell on the TV, where Su Chen had just left the stage.

"It depends on the result of this competition of Boss Su."

Feng Yaoyang, a Hong Kong businessman.

Invited by Jingzhou City Investment Promotion Bureau, he came to Jingzhou to inspect the development zone project. According to the meaning of the Investment Promotion Bureau, Feng Yaoyang was expected to invest in building a style street in Jingzhou.

But Feng Yaoyang, who has such a big business, is not a fool.

Although all the discounts can be given, this investment is not a joke.

So he deliberately came to Jingzhou in advance without notifying anyone. He has been strolling in the streets and alleys of Jingzhou for a month and watched the sports meeting.

I unexpectedly found that there are two companies in such a desolate place as the development zone!

There is nothing to say about the GG company, it is just for cheap rent, but the catering company attracted Feng Yaoyang's attention.

It can open a restaurant in such a place, and then attract Internet celebrities from all over the country to come and check in, and even one person setting up a stall can cause a street to be blocked!

What's more ridiculous is

In order to find out what was so magical about this Boss Su, Feng Yaoyang joined an [information group] and spent fifty yuan to join the group!

As a result, the intelligence was not obtained, and the group was disbanded in an afternoon. If the group owner had not returned the money quickly, Feng Yaoyang would have called the police on the spot.

Now he is watching Su Chen's competition abroad. It is a pity that he did not win the first place, but the competition is not over yet.

Feng Yaoyang lit a cigar.

"If he can win the championship, the direction of cooperation may change."

"Find a way to contact Boss Su and say that I am his fan. If there is anything he needs, we can still provide some help."

Su Chen, who is far away abroad, did not know.

This competition, which is not well-known among most ordinary people, is actually a little well-known in the chef circle!

And his situation has also fallen into the eyes of countless practitioners in China.

For a time.

The entire chef circle of Xiaguo was surging.

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