Food Customizer

Chapter 174 Nothing can happen again, right?

Hearing A Wu's words, Feng Yaoyang suddenly laughed for no reason.

"Haha! Can't help but continue eating?"

At this moment, the aura exuded by Feng Yaoyang made Ah Wu couldn't help but be stunned, and the rabbit head in his hand stopped.

"In 1993, in the Shanghai Stock Exchange, a Ningbo businessman gave me a pair of twins at night. I resolutely left the hotel and changed places to live."

"In Beijing in 2003, a local businessman took me to eat wild game. They were bear paws that were secretly brought back from abroad! They were placed in front of me, and I walked away without taking a bite!"

"In 2001, two bosses from Yangcheng and Aomen wanted me to invest in casinos and took me to Dongguan to spend the night. I took a taxi back to Shenzhen overnight."

"08 years"

Awu lowered his head and raised his hand, "Boss, I believe in your perseverance. In fact, if you just eat half a rabbit head, there will be no serious consequences."

Having said this, what’s the point of continuing to hinder it?

Human beings' psychological defenses are sometimes very strong, and sometimes they are fragile.

Obviously, Feng Yaoyang's defense at this time was no longer enough to resist the signals from his taste buds. Now that the feet are off the ground, the virus has started again. It is difficult for smart people to occupy the high ground!

Ah Wu could only sigh, then split a complete rabbit head from the middle, and handed it to Feng Yaoyang reluctantly.


Feng Yaoyang also put on disposable gloves. He had just watched Ah Wu eat for a long time, and he had basically learned the specific method of eating.

It seemed that he put the rabbit head into his mouth very skillfully, and first squirted the thick juice wrapped around it.

"Hey! It's so exciting!"

The taste is extremely spicy, which is definitely an unprecedented challenge for someone like him who doesn't eat spicy food all year round.

But this kind of spicy and special food is amazing.

It just stayed on the tip of the tongue. Although there was a vague tingling sensation on the tongue, it was quickly occupied by the new taste!

That is fresh and fragrant.

The spicy taste on the tip of the tongue mixes with the delicious aroma in the mouth, and the brain has begun to send signals frantically.


Where the hell are you waiting for the wool?

Hurry up and eat it, I can't stand it anymore, hurry up and stuff it into my mouth!

As the supreme commander of the body, Feng Yaoyang's hands were very obedient to the command of his brain. He shook half of the rabbit's head again, and then broke off a piece of bone with his hands.

Then he put the bone into his mouth and started to bite the rabbit meat wrapped on it with his tongue and teeth.

Anyone who loves meat knows this.

The more meat there is inside the bones, the more fragrant it is.

The rabbit head is of this type. Except for the layer of meat that is directly wrapped on the outside, almost all the rest of the meat belongs to this type!

It is difficult to eat it directly into your mouth. It is necessary to constantly cooperate with the tongue and teeth, and then use various techniques.

You can chew and bite at the same time to get the meat in the nook and cranny of the bones into your mouth.

"It's so cool, you idiot!"

Feng Yaoyang rarely uttered a curse word. The pleasure this rabbit head brought him was difficult to describe in words.

It was as small as half a rabbit head, and Feng Yaoyang didn't eat it for long before it was all broken into bone pieces of different sizes.

Every bone is very clean, and not a trace of meat can be seen.

"Give me another half."

Awu:? ? ?

What did you just say?

What age, what twins, are they all bragging?

Feng Yaoyang felt Awu's hesitation and blocked his mouth with just one sentence.

"Is there any difference between half and one?"

What a difficult question to answer.

Awu thought for a moment, yes, what's the difference between half and one?

He broke off another half of the rabbit's head and handed it to Feng Yaoyang, and very thoughtfully gave the upper half.

Because what I just gave was the lower half.

After Feng Yaoyang took it, he immediately started trembling with his mouth.

It was time to say anything, but after just staying there for more than ten seconds, the spicy feeling on his tongue was already beginning to lessen.

But the problem is that although it is obviously reducing, he feels extra painful. He just wants to continue this spicy feeling in order to continue this feeling of pleasure.

Bah, bah, bah~

Half of the rabbit head was skillfully dismantled and eaten completely. Feng Yaoyang looked at Ah Wu.

The first time this product was handed to me was the lower half.

The upper half obviously tastes more meaty than the lower half, and there is also a small bit of brain. Whether it is texture or taste, the upper half of the rabbit head is obviously more delicious.

‘Ah Wu has a different mind now’

‘It’s not honest to give me something to eat? ’

Looking at the plate again, there were obviously ten rabbit heads, but now there was only one left.

Laughing to death.

He ate so quickly that he was reluctant to eat half of it for me. Maybe it was not because he was worried about my health, but because he wanted to eat it, right?

Feng Yaoyang suddenly became unhappy.

"Go and see when that brain is ready."

Awu groaned and stood up with the complete rabbit head in his hand.

"What does it look like to put things down? Let others see it and think we can't afford it!"

Awu reluctantly agreed, and then put the rabbit head back on the plate.

‘Fight with me? ’

The moment A Wu turned around, Feng Yaoyang immediately took the rabbit head over and broke it open from the middle. It immediately began to squeak violently.

It’s so enjoyable, so enjoyable!

This scene was seen by Su Chen in its entirety.

"Boss, is the brain almost ready?"

Su Chen waved his hand, "Don't talk about the brain first, is it okay for you, boss?"

Awu turned his head and took a look.

Feng Yaoyang was now very skillfully sucking half a rabbit head, even sucking it in his mouth, and he could even remove the rabbit bones with one hand!


Su Chen pulled Awu, "You can't wake up a person who pretends to sleep."

"Indeed." Awu sighed, "I can't stop someone who really wants to eat."

"The brain will be ready in three minutes, do you still want the rabbit head?"

Awu thought about it.

I ate eight, and the boss ate two.

To be honest, the texture and taste of this rabbit head are really invincible. Regardless of whether the boss eats it or not, he can still eat a few more.

"How about ten more?" A Wu said, "If possible, a few more brains."

Su Chen nodded, "Don't worry, I baked ten brains at a time, and there is only one layer of the oven left. If you like it, I will bake more later."

A Wu waved his hand hurriedly, "No, no! Ten rabbit heads and ten brains are already a lot, I can't eat that much."

The two chatted for a few words, and the three minutes were up.

Baking brains is even simpler.

Just put a layer of green onions on the bottom of the tin foil bowl, then put the washed brains on it, and finally pour the fried sauce into it.

The characteristics of this sauce are that there is less water and more oil. It is better to say that the brains are simmered in oil at high temperature than baked.

Su Chen took the brains out of the oven, "I'll take it to you, be careful not to burn yourself."

Under the baking temperature of more than 200 degrees, the grease in the tin foil bowl also reached a very high temperature.

If you accidentally spill it on your hands, the consequences will be disastrous.

But Su Chen is not afraid of the heat.

When the five brains were placed on the table, Su Chen deliberately looked at Feng Yaoyang. This big boss who had not eaten chili for more than a year was sweating profusely because of the spicy rabbit head.

A layer of fine sweat beads could be clearly seen at the tip of his nose.

Even so, Feng Yaoyang was still sucking and trying to suck the meat shreds in the bones.

After seeing the brains coming up, Feng Yaoyang took the chopsticks and was about to reach in.

"Boss, this is also spicy."

Awu was just reminding him in a friendly way, but why did this sound so harsh in Feng Yaoyang's ears?

Feng Yaoyang didn't say anything, but raised his eyelids and glanced at Awu.

I thought this guy has a lot of ulterior motives!

There are so many brains, there are five of them, can you finish them?

What's wrong with me eating one?

'If it doesn't work, I'll have to say something harsh to Awu after I go back in a few days. ’

Feng Yaoyang ignored Ah Wu’s reminder.

He picked up the chopsticks and picked up a piece of brain flower from the tin foil bowl.

It was covered with freshly sprinkled green garlic and chili peppers, pickled green onions and crushed peanuts after being taken out of the oven.

He took a bite.


The spicy and fresh taste at the entrance was not inferior to the spicy rabbit head!

And this spicy and fresh taste was completely different from the spicy and fresh taste of the rabbit head.

Because of the small ingredients added later, the taste was more complex and the flavor was more intense.

With a light sip, you don’t even need to bite it with your teeth.

The unique smooth and tender taste of the brain flower immediately hits you, spreading throughout your mouth. The overall dish feels natural and the fusion complements each other.

"This is what we call a real delicacy! Even people like me who don't like spicy food find it so satisfying. I can't imagine what those who like it will feel like."

I can't imagine it again

Feng Yaoyang took a bite, and the next bite followed.

In addition to the spicy and fresh fragrance, there is also the burning feeling brought by the boiling oil. Every bite is that kind of hot and hot feeling.

I can't stop, I can't stop at all!

Awu didn't even sit down because he was scared by Feng Yaoyang's crazy energy.

When he cooks on weekdays, some dishes need to add some chili to enhance the flavor.

But in order to protect the boss's health, Awu will choose the kind of chili that only enhances the flavor but is not spicy. Even so, when he sees chili, he will be severely reprimanded by Feng Yaoyang.

What about today?

Don't say I saw it.

Whether it's rabbit head or brain flower, it's just pickled with various chili peppers!

It's so delicious, Awu is really speechless.

'Does the boss have any opinion on me? '

He thought secretly in his heart.

‘If he really has something against me, I won’t care about him tonight, let him eat to his heart’s content, and when his illness relapses, he’ll know how good I am.’

Since he had made the decision, Ah Wu simply returned to the window.

“Is it really okay to eat like this? Don’t let the spiciness get you sick.”

Su Chen regretted seeing Feng Yaoyang’s behavior.

If I had known that this person didn’t care about the cold, I should have prepared a spicy snack and two non-spicy ones to neutralize it.

Feng Yaoyang’s body couldn’t stand these three consecutive spicy snacks.

Let alone Feng Yaoyang.

No one could stand this way of eating, and tomorrow’s chrysanthemums would be the inevitable result, not to mention anything else.

“The rabbit head is ready.”

Awu nodded, his expression still somewhat lonely. He brought the plate to the table and did not sit down, but continued back to the kitchen window.

He didn't want to care anymore.

"They say good advice is harsh to the ears, but my boss is right."

Su Chen knocked his elbows on the window sill, holding his chin with his hands and quietly looking at Feng Yaoyang who was taking deep breaths to cool down the heat.

"You're right, good advice is harsh to the ears, and good medicine is bitter to the mouth. Sometimes it's okay to let him suffer a little."

Awu sighed and nodded, "I hope nothing big happens."

That's right, because after Feng Yaoyang showed off his five brains, he started showing off his bunny head again.

What was it in 1993, what was it in 2003, in front of his performance at this time, he was fragile and vulnerable.

Fifteen minutes later.

"Rabbit head, five more!"

Su Chen silently fired ten, but only took out five.

ten minutes later.

"Brainflower, five more! Oh yes, and the rabbit head."

The five roasted brains and the five rabbit heads left before appeared in front of Feng Yaoyang.





After eating so much food, Feng Yaoyang felt that his lips were starting to lose consciousness, but he didn't know why, but he just felt so good!

The rabbit head itself is not big, and there is not much meat on it. It is almost impossible to eat enough.

As for the brains, again, they are not as big as an adult's fist. After the temperature drops slightly, one can be eaten in just three or four mouthfuls.

When Feng Yaoyang finished his thirtieth rabbit head and brain flower, he finally lay back and touched his belly.

"Well, Ah Wu!" Feng Yaoyang shouted, "There are still tofu puffs, right? That one is definitely not spicy. I can eat more. You order two portions of tofu puffs for me first. I won't eat as much tofu puffs today as yesterday."

After saying that, Feng Yaoyang took a sip of water with satisfaction and added, "I'll go to the toilet first."

Ah Wu made a sound and looked at Su Chen helplessly, "Boss Su, let's have three portions of tofu nao. I'll take one portion too."

Su Chen also sighed.

"Okay, then just wait a moment."

The preparation of Emei tofu brain is also very simple.

For example, the tofu curd in the north is more complicated to make and requires soaking soybeans a lot of time in advance.

But for Emei tofu brain, you only need to use lactone tofu directly.

Of course, the effect will be better if soybeans are used to soak it, but the condition that determines whether the tofu is delicious is not the use of tofu.

It’s the use of ingredients.

Su Chen just scooped half of the clear soup into the pot and took out a piece of lactone tofu to start making it.

Awu took out the ringing phone.


Su Chen's ears were also very keen. Although he couldn't hear the voice on the other end of the phone completely, he could still vaguely make out something.

"Hiss!!! Come to the toilet."

"Boss, what's wrong with you?" As A Wu spoke, he looked at Su Chen and gestured with his mouth, "Where is the bathroom?"

Another painful voice came from the phone.

"You come first, heh!!!"

Su Chen didn't sound right, "Let's go, I'll take you there."

At the same time, I had a bad feeling in my heart, and I didn't even bother to take off the apron in front of my belly.

He quickly took Awu and went straight to the toilet!

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