Food Customizer

Chapter 176 Michelin is showing off? Boss Su, thank you for your help

Arriving at the hotel where Feng Yaoyang lived, Ling Shuyu quickly browsed the plan and briefly explained it to Su Chen.

[As I write this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Networkโ†’๐Ÿ…ฃ๐Ÿ…ฆ๐Ÿ…š๐Ÿ…๐Ÿ….๐Ÿ…’๐Ÿ…ž๐Ÿ…œ]

"This plan is interesting."

"you say."

Feng Yaoyang and A Wu were in their own room. Because they had just recovered from a serious illness, and they had to leave some space for the other company at this time, Su Chen and Ling Shuyu were in the living room looking at the plan.

โ€œIt looks like Iโ€™m getting a good deal, but in fact, Iโ€™m a little unsure about many places.โ€

Ling Shuyu took the thick plan and only opened a few pages to read it.

"Feng Yaoyang will invest in a large-scale food court in the development zone in response to the government's call."

Su Chen said, "Food court? Then what kind of cooperation does he have with us?"

Ling Shuyu turned back a page, "Talent, and the snack recipe in your hand."

"Oh?" Su Chen pinched his chin, "I am also short of talents now."

"That's it." Ling Shuyu pointed to one of the passages and showed it to Su Chen, "It will take at least three years for Feng Yaoyang's food court to be completed. He will provide us with a steady stream of talents during these three years."

"We promise that all students who graduated from regular chef schools will learn how to make snacks in our company. The salary will be paid by his food court. Each batch of talents is required to study at Taishui for half a year, and new talents will be replaced after half a year."

Su Chen thought for a moment, "In other words, he provides people and we provide efforts. Can we use these people for free?"

"Yes." Ling Shuyu closed the plan, "Mr. Feng does seem to be sincere. In order to promote cooperation, he promised to donate an entire floor as the college's learning base. As for what to do after three years, that is Itโ€™s our own business.โ€

In fact, this cooperation is straightforward.

It is equivalent to Feng Yaoyang donating a snack learning base on a certain floor of Meililai. Anyway, he has only one goal: to train a group of talents who can learn the craft from Su Chen.

When his food court is built, these people will be responsible for making various snacks and delicacies at various stalls.

The word "donation" is used very well, that is to say, the decoration and rent of this floor were given for free during the past three years.

Three years later, after Feng Yaoyang's food court officially opened for business, batch after batch of talents trained by Su Chen went to work there, and their cooperation with Meili was basically over.

"Mr. Feng really has some vision." Su Chen leaned back and said, "Aren't you asking me to work for him? How much money can I make from the rent and decoration of this floor?"

This is why Su Chen was hired as a teacher, and this floor is the salary paid to Su Chen.

"What I mean is" Ling Shuyu thought for a while and expressed his concerns, "the snack recipe is ours. As long as you hold it in your hands, you can create unimaginable value. The price offered by Feng Yaoyang is too low. โ€

Su Chen also nodded, "But it would be a good thing for us to be able to build a new food court in the development zone. Restaurants need to be gathered together, so the passenger flow will increase."

"You mean you agree?"

Su Chen made no move and looked at Ling Shuyu, "I'm afraid we all have to agree on this matter. This is an investment project that Jingzhou City finally managed to attract. Even if Feng Yaoyang doesn't work hard, there will be people we can't afford to offend. Persuasive.โ€

"Hey." Ling Shuyu sighed.

"I can agree, but there are two conditions."


Su Chen did not hesitate, "For every batch of students he sends, 10% of them must be left to work as delicious food."

Did Feng Yaoyang make a good calculation?

Su Chen also has his own plans.

Now there is nothing missing from Meililai, including money. It seems that there is not much money on the books, but in fact the cash flow of Meililai is very considerable.

As long as the timeline is stretched out a little, it will definitely be a terrifying value.

Only one thing is missing: talent.

It's not that easy to find a chef like Liu Abao. Including Cui Yu's many apprentices, he only managed to get two of them through coaxing and deception.

If Delicious wants to continue to expand its scale, what it lacks is talent!

Now that Feng Yaoyang has given talents to him, there is no reason not to want them.


There is another thing that Feng Yaoyang doesn't know.

Snacks are different from various cuisines.

Almost all the preparation of snacks can be streamlined. Simply put, even a novice can basically make it pretty much the same as long as he follows the steps and recipes.

In fact, if you want to master a snack, the learning cycle is not long.

In other words, Feng Yaoyang imagined changing a group of students every six months, but Su Chen felt that it would only take one week for the students to get started.

What about the rest of the time?

Make money!

The venue was provided, and the employees were also provided. Although it only lasted for three years, the income in these three years was basically in vain!

"What is the second condition you mentioned?"

Su Chen suddenly became happy, "He has sent so many students here, right? The standard room on the 32nd floor is charged according to the cooperative price, 200 per room per day."

This price is relatively fair.

After all, the hotel in Meililai was originally provided for athletes to live in. The area is not very large, but the conditions are very good.

If it were other hotels of the same type, it would cost at least 280 per night, so it would not be a problem to set the cooperative price at 200.

Ling Shuyu was suddenly stunned.

She had never thought about this.

There were 50 rooms on the 32nd floor, and the three chefs from Delicious took up three rooms.

If the 47 rooms could be fully occupied.

It would be nearly 300,000 yuan in income per month?

"Boss." Ling Shuyu looked at Su Chen seriously, "You are really a business genius!"

Su Chen waved his hand, "You go and talk about the next thing. Mr. Feng will definitely agree, and he should have solved the accommodation problem for the students. As for the 10% of talents, you should go and talk about it."

According to Shang Mingke's evaluation, Feng Yaoyang does business with sincerity, not the type of profiteer.

Their generation of Hong Kong businessmen has a characteristic in doing business.

There is money, and everyone makes money together!

So Su Chen concluded that Feng Yaoyang would definitely agree to the 10% talent reserve, and it is very necessary for his food court to have a good relationship with him if he wants to gain a foothold here in the future.

After arranging some other precautions for Ling Shuyu, Su Chen got into Zhang Jiayi's car and returned to the company.

A few days ago, Su Chen was still worried about how to run a snack bar. According to Ling Shuyu and Liu Shengnan, if he wanted to run it, he could only choose to attract investment from outside.

This is why Su Chen temporarily shelved the plan.

The people attracted by outside investment are of varying quality. If they don't earn a good salary, it is naturally difficult to command them.

How can it be as comfortable as having your own employees?

"Boss, don't worry, when you have trained a group of talents, they will run out with the skills you taught and open their own stalls to sell snacks?"

On the way back, Zhang Jiayi asked after listening to Su Chen's chat.

The car happened to pass by a street, and there was a small stall selling grilled cold noodles at the entrance of the alley.

Su Chen pointed at the man.

"You said that you would provide him with a job now. Not only would he have five social insurances and one housing fund, but he would only have to work eight hours a day, and his monthly salary would be in the upper middle level in the city. There would be bonuses at the end of the year, as well as various employee benefits.

He wouldn't have to get up early and stay up late, wouldn't have to worry about whether he was capable enough, wouldn't have to worry about how much he earned today, and wouldn't have to worry about being chased by the urban management."

Turning his head, Su Chen looked at Zhang Jiayi's profile, "Will he agree?"

Thinking for a moment.

Zhang Jiayi looked at the road ahead, took her right hand off the steering wheel and gave a thumbs up.

"Conscientious entrepreneur!"

After returning to the company, because Feng Yaoyang's order was temporarily shelved, Su Chen didn't have to go to the third floor to continue working on the snack business.

On the nineteenth floor, Su Chen habitually went into the practice room.

Just in case, before Shang Mingke's guests left the country, he still had to continue studying the thirteen dishes.

Originally, the reception was supposed to start tomorrow, and Su Chen had already sorted out all the dishes.

Thirteen dishes, 11 of which were all A-level, and the main dish was even S-level!

This is already a very high standard.

"Cantonese cuisine is a cuisine that is emphasized in the Chinese famous recipes. It is always a good idea to learn more."

Now all Su Chen has to do is to see if other dishes can be improved to a higher level!

In the evening.

Shang Mingke waited for an hour in the guesthouse of the Urban Construction Group, and finally saw Zhou Bin, who had just woken up, coming down from the building.

"Mr. Zhou."

Zhou Bin extended his hand and shook it gently, "Mr. Shang, are you ready to eat now?"

"This way please." Shang Mingke led the way and introduced, "This is the headquarters of the Urban Construction Group. It's getting late now. I'll show Mr. Zhou around tomorrow."


The three of them walked into the restaurant, "This is our employee cafeteria. I have arranged the kitchen Mr. Carlson needs, and all kinds of spare ingredients are fresh. There are three chefs left to help."

Zhou Bin laughed a few times, "Mr. Shang, you can arrange a simple dinner so orderly. It will be very pleasant to cooperate with you."

Shang Mingke smiled and nodded, "Please sit down."

Zhou Bin shook hands with Carlson, "Thank you, sir."

"This is what I should do." Carlson carried a suitcase, which contained the clothes he brought with him and the kitchen utensils he had used for many years.

After entering the kitchen, Carlson's brows began to frown slightly.

Although this kitchen looks clean, the placement of everything is not particular at all.

'This is someone else's territory, and it's just an ordinary company cafeteria. โ€™

Carlson tried to comfort himself.

He immediately opened the toolbox, took out his own knives from it and put them on the chopping board, "Excuse me, where is the food cabinet?"

The three masters in charge of helping in the kitchen looked at each other.

"What is this red-haired guy saying? Why can't I understand it?"

"Yes, Mr. Shang arranged for us to help in the kitchen, but he didn't say that we have to know foreign languages. It seems that he wants something from us?"

"Don't panic, I knew a few words of English when I was a child, let me communicate with him!"

A slightly younger chef walked to the operating table with a smile, "Lalou, it's Stuart Mitte! Ah, OK?"

Carlson: ? ? ?

Carlson was already unfamiliar with the place, and was suddenly asked this question by this black-haired guy, and he was directly confused.

He looked at the other person speechlessly, strolled around the kitchen, and finally found the cabinet where the food was stored.

After opening it, Carlson began to look through the food stored inside.

"Why is this chicken frozen?"

"Don't you even prepare steak?"

"Oh my God, you put the fish fillets in the storage room at minus 18 degrees Celsius! Oh my God!"

The three helpers looked at each other in shock when they saw Carlson dancing and shouting in front of the food cabinet.

"Don't panic, I'll go find Mr. Shang." The young chef felt that his English sentence just now was not good, so he walked up to Carlson with a smile and said, "Three grams of oil."

Then he left the kitchen confidently.

Shang Mingke was chatting with Zhou Bin. Zhou Bin also felt very incredible about the changes in the country in the past thirty years.

"In the past, I could only see some domestic news on TV and the Internet most of the time. I didn't expect that there was a big difference between what I experienced in person and what I saw."

Shang Mingke poured tea for the other party, "Yes. These thirty years are the thirty years of rapid development of our country. You have a good rest today. Tomorrow I will take you to go shopping and feel the changes in the capital."

While we were chatting, the young chef suddenly ran out, leaned in front of Shang Mingke and whispered softly, "Mr. Shang, the red-haired gentleman has a bit of a language barrier with us. I think he seems to have some problem, please." Why donโ€™t you go and take a look?โ€

Shang Mingke still maintained the same posture as before, "Mr. Zhou, please sit down first. I'll go to the kitchen to see if I can help."

"It's okay, it's okay, you go first."

After arriving in the kitchen, Shang Mingke stretched out his right hand while speaking, "Carlson!"

He spoke French fluently, and the red-haired man immediately turned around when he heard it.

"Carlson! What's the problem?"

Carlson slapped the operating table, "Shang, it's nonsense! Come and see what stupid things your chef has done!"

Shang Mingke followed Carlson to the refrigerator, which contained various ingredients.

There are various ingredients and fruits in the refrigerated area, and meat products are in the frozen area.

What's wrong with this?

Shang Mingke was a little confused. He didn't know what made the chef of a three-star Michelin restaurant angry.

"They froze the fish in a freezer at minus 18 degrees Celsius, and even adjusted the freezer for storing vegetables to four degrees Celsius! Shang, please forgive me for not being able to make today's dinner with such ingredients."

Hearing this, Shang Mingke's brows immediately wrinkled.

In his opinion, although this Carlson was a chef hired by Zhou Bin from Paris, he was receiving money to do things for others.

Since you collected the money, you have to do this!

Everyone is a food maker, and Shang Mingke couldn't help but compare Carlson and Boss Su in his mind.

If it were Boss Su, he would never complain about the ingredients. He would just find a way to make the not-so-good ingredients into great food!

In fact, if it were Boss Su, no one else would be allowed to do these things.

Shang Mingke knew very well that Su Chen had always done all the orders on the 19th floor personally.

Even if there is any temporary problem, we will try our best to deal with it.

This is the attitude a gourmet should have.

Instead of getting angry or even threatening that you can't cook today's meal because the ingredients don't meet your standards.

Maybe, this is the thinking of the Chinese people themselves.

"Mr. Carlson, many of the ingredients here were purchased by me specifically from the kitchen today."

Shang Mingke immediately took the blame on himself.

This matter is not a big deal, but if it is left to the subordinates, they will really be unable to withstand it.

"Since you think there is a problem with the freshness of the ingredients, I will ask someone to buy the freshest ingredients now."

Carlson's attitude and tone were slightly more soothing, "Shang, there is a problem with the storage of the ingredients, and I just observed that many of the ingredients do not meet our three-star Michelin standards! It is not just the reason for freshness, but also more Itโ€™s still a matter of origin.โ€

There was no apology at all in Carlson's blue eyes, "With ingredients that do not meet the standards, the dishes made are destined to not become real gourmet food. I will not allow this to happen on my hands."

Shang Mingke was quite embarrassed by this red-haired foreigner.

At this moment, the distinguished guest's voice came from the kitchen door, "What happened?"

Shang Mingke turned his head.

Suddenly I felt like I had lost all face.

It stands to reason that the best restaurant in Beijing should be used to entertain distinguished guests. Since the distinguished guests like to eat French cuisine, they should go to the Fangguo Restaurant.

But just because Mr. Zhou brought his own chef, he strongly requested to find a place with a kitchen on the plane.

That's why Shang Mingke chose the canteen of his unit.

What's the result now?

Not only did the chef stop cooking, but he also went to Zhou Bin to complain?

Although Shang Mingke is Party B, given his status, he can't help but feel a little angry at the moment.

In fact, Shang Mingke suddenly thought of a possibility.

Could it be that Carlson suddenly made things difficult for him because of someone's instructions?

He strode directly up to the two of them, interrupting Carlson's complaining speech.

"Mr. Zhou, there is a good friend of mine in a city less than three hours away from Beijing. He is the champion of the World Cooking Competition and a master of cuisines from all over the world. It's still early, so why don't we set off now? We can just have a meal when we get there.โ€

Carlson opened his mouth, but before he could speak, Zhou Bin said in a slightly curious tone, "Oh? The champion of the World Cooking Competition? Interesting. But we have to wait a long time to eat here. Can we drive over now?"

Shang Mingke nodded, "Very convenient. China's transportation has developed to a level you can't imagine. Leave now and arrive in two and a half hours."

"Interesting. Then"

Shang Mingke took out his phone and said to the phone in an unquestionable tone, "Arrange a car and leave for Jingzhou in three minutes!"

Hang up the phone.

Shang Mingke called Su Chen again.

"Boss Su, thank you. My guests and I will arrive in Jingzhou in two and a half hours."

After two calls.

Shang Mingke's face turned green when he saw that Carlson!

I'm very busy today because I invited my father-in-law to dinner. Sorry.

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