Food Customizer

Chapter 178 It’s delicious, but not enough!

In the French-style room, three small white porcelain cups were served on the table.

Zhou Bin opened the lid with a little curiosity, and saw a cup of pure transparent gelatinous substance, which contained a piece of chicken that did not seem to have any seasoning added.

Such an appearance made Zhou Bin feel very strange.

Because when he saw the waiter put three small cups in front of the three people, Zhou Bin's first reaction was: French food.

But when the lid was opened, the dishes inside told him: This is not French food.

In French cuisine, there is no such appetizer cold dish.

The transparent gelatinous substance looks very Q-elastic. Although the chicken wrapped inside is a bit ordinary, you can still feel the coolness brought by this dish. The overall look has a delicate amber look, which can be said to be very beautiful.

After observing carefully for a moment, Carlson suddenly laughed out loud, "Is this pudding chicken?"

That transparent thing, what else can it be but pudding?

And his "pudding chicken" has a bit of mockery in the French meaning, because pudding and chicken are two ingredients that don't go together at all, and putting them together is simply a joke.

After Zhang Jiayi delivered the dishes, she didn't leave immediately, but told Su Chen what he had just told her in French.

"This dish is called crystal cold chicken, and the crystal is made by using a kind of vegetable from our China to make a thick soup and then solidify it."

It's just a very simple introduction.

Su Chen said that it only needs a general introduction, and as for how it tastes, it's up to the diners to taste it themselves.

In Su Chen's opinion, this crystal cold chicken is also a dish that doesn't require much cooking skills.

After the boiled dish forms a gelatinous juice, just add a little Ajinomoto and refined salt to it and stir it evenly.

In Cantonese cuisine, when this dish is finally formed, the chicken slices should be placed on the ham slices, and the original shape of the chicken should be arranged on the plate.

Finally, put the previously cut chicken head, chicken wings and chicken tail in their original positions, pour the glue on them and cool and solidify them. The final dish is like an amber chicken, which is truly delicious.

But in order to cater to the French habit of sharing meals, Su Chen had to change the cooking method.

Pour half a cup of vegetable juice into each small cup, and then put a piece of ham on it after it solidifies slightly. The chicken is placed on the ham, and then continue to fill the small cup with the large vegetable glue.

This is the crystal cold chicken in front of the three people!

To be more precise, this is no longer a cold chicken, it is more appropriate to describe it as cold pot chicken.

At this moment, in the back kitchen, three cold chickens have just been sent out, and the four kitchen helpers and Su Chen are gathered around an operating table.

"Awesome! This dish doesn't seem to have any skills, but it tastes so refreshing and delicious. The autumn heat is fierce, and I feel refreshed after eating a bite." After tasting it, Lu Yongliang felt so relaxed all over!

The temperature was hot to begin with, and it was even hotter when working in the kitchen. Just now, he began to sweat on his back while busy preparing ingredients.

After taking a bite of the crystal cold chicken, the coolness spread from the inside out, as if it drove away all the heat in the body. It was comfortable!

After all, Zhang Jiayi was the errand runner today, and she agreed to give her the opportunity to eat vegetables. Now, she used a spoon to dig into a piece of chicken in the bowl.

The chicken ham was wrapped with large pieces of crystal on the surface, trembling on the spoon. After putting it in her mouth, Zhang Jiayi couldn't help but hum.

The crystal only felt a little smooth when it entered the mouth, and then it immediately melted into juice and flowed into the stomach along the throat.

The coolness was refreshing, but it was completely different from the coolness of eating ice cream.

It was cool, but not cold. It was a very comfortable temperature, comfortable from the mouth to the stomach.

Then there was the chicken and ham left in the mouth.

Because the chicken was cooked alone without adding any seasonings, only a little Ajinomoto and refined salt were added to the crystal when it was cooled.

So when you chew the chicken, the saltiness is also vague, and the mouth is full of fresh and smooth feeling, the freshness of the chicken, and the natural aroma of the vegetable juice.

The two flavors are mixed together.

Zhang Jiayi swallowed it in one mouthful, and suddenly said, "I can actually taste a healthy taste!"

Su Chen smiled and nodded, and he also took a big mouthful.

This dish really gives people the feeling of a healthy taste.

Whether it is chicken or vegetable, the taste of the ingredients is well preserved, and in the practice room, this dish finally only reached the A-level evaluation.

Too much restriction on ingredients, resulting in a need to work hard on ingredients in order to upgrade to a new level.

The self-grown vegetable and this Qingyuan chicken are the greatest efforts of Delicious to come to the company to plunder ingredients.

"What do you say in the private room?" Su Chen swallowed it in one mouthful, and felt refreshed, as if the busyness brought by the preparations just now was swept away.

Zhang Jiayi sighed, "No one said anything, except the red-haired guest who said it was pudding chicken, and then I came out."

Su Chen nodded slightly, knowing what was going on.

It seems that the red-haired guy is the three-star chef brought by the distinguished guest this time.

It doesn't matter what he says. The purpose of Delicious is to serve every customer who customizes the food well, and those who find faults are not included.

"Although this dish is good, it has not yet reached the standard of delicious food, but it is definitely qualified as a cold appetizer." After Su Chen gave his final evaluation, "Wait a moment and prepare the second dish. Bar."

If Su Chen's words were heard by Zhou Bin, he would be confused and speechless.

Because he was in the private room at this moment, Zhou Bin excitedly picked up the small bowl and shoveled it into his mouth with a spoon.

However, the small cup only contained a few mouthfuls, which was not enough to eat.

But this is the specialty of French food!

Each dish is very small, but if you cook thirteen dishes at a time, you will be full no matter what.

Listening to the clinking sound of the spoon and the cup, Zhou Bin put down the cup with some dissatisfaction.

"I originally wanted to say that the temperature in Beijing has been getting higher and higher in recent years. It was very uncomfortable to sleep with the air conditioner on all afternoon. Now this small bowl of food is refreshing. Mr. Shang, your good friend's craftsmanship It’s very good. Although I have been cooking abroad for more than 30 years, I was in Guangdong University when I was a child. At that time, I had never tasted such a dish. ”

Shang Mingke glanced at the red hair without revealing any trace.

Carlson had already eaten all the food in his bowl. It was obvious that this dish aroused his interest, but because of his face, the three-star chef did not say anything unnecessary.

"Mr. Zhou, you can rest assured about the food here. The dish just now is indeed Cantonese cuisine. Even I, a person who often eats in various restaurants, have never seen it eaten this way. It is very consistent with this. Season, as long as you’re satisfied.”

Of course Zhou Bin was satisfied.

The texture of the vegetable juice after solidification, the simple and pure taste of the chicken, all hit his picky taste buds.

And now, he has long passed the age of eating and drinking. After starting to pay attention to health, Zhou Bin likes the most authentic dishes without adding condiments.

After taking the full bite just now, the healthy taste filled his mouth, which made him feel relaxed and happy, and he couldn't help but have great expectations for the next dishes.

After chatting for a while, the second dish was delivered.

The one in front of the three of them was a larger cup than the one just now. It was oval in shape, a bit like a jar.

Even from a distance, Zhou Bin could still feel the heat coming from the porcelain jar. He carefully opened the lid and looked down.

"This is"

The only contents he could recognize were pieces of meat.

The slightly pink piece of meat has no trace of fat on it. It is pure lean meat with not even a shred of meat fiber visible, which shows how tender this piece of meat is.

The overall soup was light yellow and transparent. The moment he opened the lid, hot air hit his face, and Zhou Bin couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"This seems to be some kind of fruit?"

Zhang Jiayi spoke up at this time, "The name of this soup is Sydney Pear Stewed Pork. It is made from domestic varieties of crown pears and high-quality pork chops, and is slowly simmered in water for two hours. Please use it with caution. "

After listening to the introduction, Zhou Bin was very satisfied and scooped some soup with a small spoon.

I have to say that you can feel the elegance of this dish just by looking at the quality of the soup.

Slightly yellow, but still transparent.

When the small spoon was put into the mouth, a small amount of soup automatically flowed into every corner of the mouth. The sweet feeling from the tip of the tongue to the throat made Zhou Bin couldn't help but make a very satisfied sound.

"It feels good! The chicken just dispelled the heat, and this soup seems to have dispelled the coldness in my body, but this combination of ingredients is something I have never seen before."

Sydney is a fruit and meat is meat.

The combination of these two can produce such a wonderful collision.

Shang Mingke also took a sip.

I thought that it had been so long since I had eaten the dishes cooked by Boss Su, but I didn’t expect that Boss Su’s craftsmanship has reached this level now?

The fragrance of snow pear itself should be relatively simple, but when mixed with the meaty aroma of pork, the taste becomes mellow.

But the taste of pork does not affect the fragrance and sweetness of the pear itself at all.

Then put a small piece of pork meat into your mouth.

Not woody, not hard, it has a rotten and mushy texture when chewed.

‘This soup is definitely the best soup I have ever tasted. Although it is hot soup, I feel that there is nothing more suitable than it in this season! ’

The main reason is that you can't taste much other flavors from this soup, just the aroma of snow pear and meat.

This means that no condiments are added when the soup is stewed.

"It seems that we are relatively lucky." Shang Mingke said after taking a few sips. "Fortunately, I said hello to my friends in advance. Otherwise, this kind of soup that needs to be simmered for two hours may not be edible. superior."

Carlson, who was immersed in cooking, suddenly raised his head when he heard this, "A qualified restaurant must meet the needs of guests at all times. This is just a basic quality."

Hearing this, Shang Mingke suddenly became interested, "Mr. Carlson, please forgive me. How many Michelin stars do you think a dish like this can achieve?"

When talking about his major, Carlson talked endlessly.

“Michelin will never evaluate whether a restaurant meets star standards based solely on the dishes themselves.”

"It should be evaluated comprehensively from the quality of the ingredients, the cooking skills, the integration of flavors and the level of innovation."

Shang Mingke curled his lips downwards, spread his hands slightly and looked at the dish in front of him, "I think this soup dish fully meets the standards you mentioned."

Carlson was embarrassed for a moment and then immediately added, "Of course. There is also the environment and service, as well as the value of various dishes. In short, Michelin's rating standards are never a single standard."

Shang Mingke was about to continue to quarrel with him, but the conversation between the two was suddenly interrupted by Zhou Bin.

"Oh, Mr. Shang, I know this is very rude, but I would like to ask you, can you ask your friend if you can have another portion of this soup? I really like its texture and taste."

When Shang Mingke was talking to Carlson just now, Zhou Bin didn't say a word. He was busy drinking soup, eating meat, and even ate all the pear in the jar.

If the mouth of the jar wasn't a little small, he would have liked to stick his tongue in and lick it clean!

Usually, whether it is pears or pork, they are ingredients that Zhou Bin rarely touches, for no other reason than they are too cheap.

How much does a pound of pork cost? How much does a pound of Sydney cost?

The meat and fruits that can be seen everywhere in the streets really can't whet his appetite.

But each mouthful of soup gave Zhou Bin an unprecedented experience.

Not even an exaggeration.

After drinking the can of soup just now, Zhou Bin felt that his uncomfortable throat was much better. It was really magical!

That's why I made this seemingly rude request.

Shang Mingke was stunned for a moment, "Please wait a moment."

In the kitchen, a large group of people.

Yes, a large group of people!

They are surrounding a large porcelain basin.

"It tastes delicious! It tastes like the soup my mother made when I had a cold and cough when I was a kid, hehe!" Zhang Li took one sip after another, and she drank with pleasure.

Ling Shuyu inserted a piece of snow pear with chopsticks and took a small bite very elegantly, "It would be great if this dish could be introduced as well."

Su Chen quickly waved his hand and shook his head, "Do you know how expensive this meat is? I spent more than 30,000 yuan on that pig! More than 30,000 pigs are only about ten kilograms of high-quality meat. The cost of this dish is too high to suit Popular recommendation.”

Although it is more than 30,000 yuan, there is still a lot of stuff left, and it is currently being processed in Fang Chang's store.

Su Chen also wondered if there were so many good things left, and when he was done with this period of time, he could prepare a table of butchered pork dishes for everyone. He thought it would be quite enjoyable.

"What? More than thirty thousand!!!" Liu Shengnan quit, "Boss, how much does this order cost? You seem to have never told me."

Su Chen shrugged, "Brother Shang hasn't said how much we will pay yet. Don't worry about him doing things. He won't treat us badly."

As soon as he finished speaking, a slightly joking voice came from the door.

"Boss Su, you're quite relieved about me, aren't you?"

Everyone looked at it.

Liu Shengnan immediately lowered his head in embarrassment.

"Why are you here in our kitchen if you're not staying with the client?" Su Chen asked.

Shang Mingke has long been familiar with the employees at Meililai. Whether they are talking or doing things, they are very different from what they usually do at work, and they feel a bit relaxed.

"The dishes cooked by Boss Su are delicious. The customer asked me to ask if I can add another portion."


Su Chen looked back at the pot on the operating table, and then turned back, "I only made three cans of stew. If you really want to eat it, you can only get another can from this one. The problem is that we have all eaten it. "

Nothing wrong.

Shang Mingke saw this large group of people gathered around a basin. Everyone had a spoon in their left hand and chopsticks in their right hand.

"Leave him alone." Shang Mingke waved his hand, "Give me a spoon, too. This soup is really good!"

Immediately, he also immediately joined the crowd, croaking and showing off.

With the addition of Shang Mingke, the soup seemed to become even more nervous. No one cared about talking, and their hands were almost exhausted.

Seeing this, Zhang Jiayi simply used a big spoon to serve herself a bowl of meat and pears and left the crowd.

A pot of pear stewed with meat was completely wiped out by everyone in an instant.

Shang Mingke finished his meal and said, "You have to eat like this to feel satisfied!"

Lu Yongliang glared at him, "Isn't it clear that you are snatching food now? What's the matter? You can't eat delicious food in the capital, so you came to Jingzhou to snatch food from us?"

Shang Mingke laughed happily, and after saying hello to the old man, "Everyone is busy first, and I will go out to deal with it. That red-headed man is a Samsung chef, I don't think he understands anything. He will really cause trouble later. If so, Boss Su, please ignore him."

Su Chen nodded and smiled, "Go and get busy. The third course will be served soon."

After returning to the private room.

Zhou Bin looked at the returning Shang Mingke expectantly, "How is it, Mr. Shang?"

There was regret on Shang Mingke's face.

"Really sorry"

Zhou Bin immediately raised his hand, "No, no, real chefs should have some rules. Even though I have a good relationship with Carlson, if I make such a request in his restaurant, he will not satisfy me. ”

Carlson originally wanted to laugh at Shang Mingke's relationship with the company's boss, but Zhou Bin's topic led him to this.

He had no choice but to explain forcefully, "If the feeling of tasting a delicacy for the first time is amazing, repeated tastings will reduce this feeling. The happiest moment of human beings is actually the moment closest to happiness. When you are completely satisfied, On the contrary, I won’t be so happy.”

Shang Mingke remained motionless on the surface, but in his heart he became more and more disdainful.

To put it bluntly, it’s just to whet your appetite!

Just hang on, I just ate in the kitchen and it was so good!

Although it was a pity, there was really nothing that could be done. In Zhou Bin's heart, the boss of this company must be that kind of hidden master.

Otherwise, why was there not even a single person eating on this floor after they arrived during meal time?

It is very common for such a peerless expert to have some rules.

I'm lucky to have tasted two such delicious dishes. It's really too much to ask for more.

And now the third dish that Zhou Bin was looking forward to was being cooked in full swing in the kitchen.

Su Chen mixed the mandarin fish fillets that had been marinated for fifteen minutes and then spread them on the surface of the fish fillets.

Then roll the ham in the middle and use a toothpick to make a seal.

After continuing to dip a layer of dry dough flour on the surface of the fish roll, heat up the oil in the pan!

When the fire raised the oil temperature to 70% hot, Su Chen slowly put thirty-six meat rolls into the pot at once.

High-temperature frying can quickly shape the fish rolls. It took less than three minutes for Su Chen to take them out of the frying pan.


Su Chen gave an order, and Liu Abao sent the plate he had placed in advance to the side.

Ling Shuyu frowned and looked at Su Chen's actions in setting the plate, "This French food is quite boring to eat."

It’s time to say it or not.

One mandarin fish Su Chen can make thirty-six meat rolls, with ham rolled inside. After removing the sealing toothpick, add a layer of fried dry powder on the outside.

This fish taco looks really big.

On the large plate brought by Liu Abao, there were three bowls and plates, forming a triangle on the plate.

A new small disk is placed in the center of the triangle.

The bowls and plates were: squid juice, rose wine, Huai salt, and a fish roll was placed on the small round plate in the middle.

No wonder Ling Shuyu expressed such doubts.

Liu Abao also sneered, "Let them pretend as hard as they can. The better they pretend, the more enjoyable we will eat!"

Why not?

Su Chenlong only served three of the thirty-six fish rolls. What to do with the remaining thirty-three?

Then doesn’t it have to be shared among the people in the kitchen?

Otherwise, there will never be a hungry cook in any year.

"To be honest, I also think this so-called table manners is a burden." After Su Chen laid out the third fish roll, he also garnished it with a small vegetable leaf.

The look and feel immediately improved a lot.

"Good food means eating it deliciously! If you encounter delicious food, if the people who eat it can't get enough of it, can it still be called delicious food? Foreigners are just picky, come on, let's eat it by ourselves!"

Zhang Jiayi swallowed her saliva and said, "No, you can eat later. Wait until I come back with the food!"

"That's it! Let's eat when we come back with the food!" Zhang Li also shouted, with a very worried expression.

It reminded her of the time when she first arrived at Delicious Food, when delicious food was always stolen.

Su Chen raised his hands and said, "Go ahead and wait for you to come back."

Of course, Boss Su has always been a person who keeps his word. He ordered Liu Abao to prepare four more bowls of sauce. Everyone looked at the fish rolls in the basin and drooled, but without Su Chen's order, no one could do anything.

Not long after.

Zhang Jiayi is back.

Everyone was excited, but Zhang Jiayi came back not only with three food delivery people, but also with one person!

"Brother Shang, don't you even need to accompany your clients?" Liu Abao was shocked.

How can anyone go to the kitchen just once to eat a dish?

Isn't this too rude?

Why does Shang Mingke care about this? "I knew you had a lot left over! It's okay. I told Mr. Zhou that I would go to the kitchen to see if there is any extra."

Having said that, Shang Mingke came over to get started, "This fish roll is really delicious. It doesn't have much seasoning on its own, but when mixed with ham, it doesn't lack the taste. You can taste the original taste of the fish without losing the flavor." Various flavors, Boss Su should come up with this kind of thing sooner!”

Immediately, I dipped it in a little bit of squid sauce and had a fish roll in one bite!

Someone started to take action, and others started to take action too. After chattering in the kitchen for a long time, everyone let out a long sigh.

"How wonderful!"

"What is that sauce? Why haven't I seen it before?"

Liu Abao explained, "Bitter juice, also known as British black vinegar or Worcestershire sauce, is a condiment that originated in the United Kingdom."

This is the ready-made sauce that Su Chen bought directly from the imported supermarket.

Including rose wine is also ready-made.

But these three kinds of dipping sauces bring completely different flavors to the fish rolls.

Lu Yongliang dipped in some rose wine, "This wine will destroy the crispy texture of the fish roll, and it will taste soft, but it is not inconsistent at all. Not bad." He took a bite and left half of the fish roll. The fish roll was dipped in the sauce and brought to the mouth in one bite.

After a while.

"The juice is the most delicious."

No wonder Shang Mingke rushed in and ate a fish roll directly dipped in the sauce.

There were more than thirty fish tacos, and everyone ate two on average, and some who were quick could just eat three.

Zhang Jiayi is the main contributor today. She has no problem eating three and no one will say anything.

"Brother Shang, are you really okay with running around?" Su Chen was still a little worried.

"It must be okay, otherwise I wouldn't run around. Okay, you guys are busy, I'll go out first."

Shang Mingke straightened his clothes and wiped his mouth with a kitchen towel to avoid being caught eating in the kitchen.

After returning to the private room, Shang Mingke immediately put on a very embarrassed expression.

"This Boss Su is so uninteresting! There are obviously a lot of ingredients, but he just won't cook more for us!"

When Zhou Bin heard this, he also felt quite regretful, "Mr. Shang, this is the master's style. I once made an appointment with the Japanese sushi god, and he didn't even let me choose what sushi I would eat! I would eat whatever I want, wouldn't that? More hateful?"

Shang Mingke nodded fiercely, "There is no way, who can let others do well?"

Carlson finally couldn't help it anymore, "I admit that this master in the kitchen is indeed very skilled, but if the customer strongly requested and refused to make it, it would be a bit rude. How about I go and talk to him?" Talk to him?"

Carlson, who originally wanted to find fault, had no such thoughts after eating three dishes.

on the contrary.

Now Carlson's mind has already become active.

After tasting the three dishes, Carlson can be sure that this master hidden in the kitchen is definitely not inferior to himself in terms of skills.

Especially the first dish, the crystal cold chicken, which he nicknamed chicken pudding, was obviously not difficult at all, but it tasted so delicious in this hot autumn.

There are so many dishes to come, so maybe there will be something more experienced than the first dish.

If you can observe such dishes, it will be normal to return to a restaurant in Paris and do a little fusion and innovation.

Fortunately, a New York food magazine has already booked an interview for next month, and Carlson can then come up with this amazing dish to deal with those annoying reporters.

But Shang Mingke shook his head, "No need, this friend of mine has a weird personality. Since everyone thinks it tastes good, let's continue eating. There will be a lot of dishes later, right?"

Zhou Bin felt itchy, but he could only nod silently.

Three Cantonese dishes in succession seemed to have awakened his Chinese taste that had been dormant for many years. After living abroad for so many years, Zhou Bin had never been too fond of Chinese restaurants.

I've been there a few times, and I wanted to miss the taste of my childhood.

But without exception, all the dishes were deep-fried and then stir-fried with heavy oil and salt. Just looking at them made him lose his appetite.

Over the past few years, Chinese food has left a very stereotyped impression on this overseas Chinese who has lived abroad for many years. Now that he suddenly tasted this unique dish when he returned to China, Zhou Bin's childhood memories that had been sealed for many years seemed to begin to loosen. .

Regret mixed with expectation, after Su Chen, the back cook, took everyone to taste the fish roll, he started to get busy again.

After being cooked in boiling water for ten minutes, the reshaped sturgeon is being taken out and continued to be reshaped, cutting it into domino-shaped one-and-a-half-minute thick slices.

At this time, Su Chen took a deep breath.

He even closed his eyes slightly, recalling in his mind the scene of him practicing this dish crazily in the practice room.

The cooking techniques of Cantonese cuisine are very different from other cuisines.

While we pay attention to the heat, we also pay attention to one word: fast!

Add a large amount of vegetable oil to the pot, put the cut sturgeon directly into the oil that has been heated to 70% heat, and fry it for a while before taking it out immediately. The sturgeon, which has been cooked for ten minutes, is now about six degrees of maturity. become.

This is the level that Su Chen has made thousands of times in the practice room. There will be no mistakes. In addition, the effect of the magic power sticking to the back of the hand makes the maturity control even more perfect.

The fish fillets were placed on the grate to control the oil first. Su Chen quickly put the fish slices into the oil pan again. This time, it only took three seconds before he took them out and put them aside. Oil control.

Heat another pan and heat oil.

Holding the pot with the left hand, the right hand is like a shadowless hand, and quickly puts the minced garlic, green onions, ginger slices, dried mushrooms and xun slices into the pot.


The pan was only stirred three times, and then the oil-controlled sturgeon slices were put into it. At the same time, refined salt, Ajinomoto, and white sugar were immediately added, sprinkled with three drops of cooking wine, and stirred three times again!

This set of movements was done in one go and very coherently. With everyone watching, Su Chen didn't seem to stop there.

Use your right hand to continue adding seasonings.

This time, it was clear soup, sesame oil and pepper. After stirring it three times, dip your right hand into the gravy mixed with water chestnut powder and pour in a few drops. Add a little bit of oil and ground fish minced. Stir it three more times. .

This dish is done.

Lu Yongliang touched his forehead somewhat uncomfortably. No wonder young people have to do the cooking now, and old men like them don't even bother to go.

Just this Cantonese cooking technique, what a physical strength it is.

Several other chefs were also a little shocked.

"Is this your first time showing off your skills, boss? And you said you don't have a master?"

"Boss, please tell me who you studied under. How can I learn this cooking technique if no one teaches me?"

"Yes, boss, tell me, we are all going to die of curiosity!"

Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look at the chefs, "Master Chen Huashun, come from Foshan!"

"Chen Huashun? Is this a master from Foshan? Is it because we don't know much about Cantonese cuisine that we haven't heard of it?"

"Buying is another hidden master. It's normal that you haven't heard of him."

"I just said that our boss must have a master, hahaha!"

Zhang Jiayi rubbed her head and said, "Chen Huashun practices Wing Chun."

Ling Shuyu also nodded slightly, "This is a line from a movie."

The three chefs looked embarrassed and didn't know what to say for a moment. They had long known that their boss liked to show off, but they didn't expect that they could do it to themselves.


Su Chen put the sturgeon fried in the pot into a plate, and then used chopsticks to carefully rearrange it on three small plates, "Jiayi, serve!"

"Come on~"

In the private room, Zhou Bin and others swallowed their saliva at the same time when they saw Zhang Jiayi bringing in the fourth dish.

Seeing the pieces of meat on the plate again, Zhou Bin was a little puzzled for the first time. He really didn't recognize what they were.

Even Shang Mingke didn't recognize him.

In fact, we can't blame them.

The dish itself of stir-fried sturgeon is recognizable, but in order to be more showy and more in line with the taste of French cuisine, Su Chen used a small plate to place three slices on each plate after frying, and then Garnished with cherry tomatoes and coriander, the main thing is a very beautiful appearance!

"This is Cantonese style stir-fried sturgeon slices. The raw material is a four-pound sturgeon fish."

After speaking, Zhang Jiayi left the private room.

"Fish?" Zhou Bin was quite puzzled, "Mr. Shang, why is this hot fish appetizer and the main dish still fish?"

Although Shang Mingke doesn't know cooking skills, he can really talk about it.

"Mr. Zhou, this sturgeon is different from ordinary fish. You will know after you try it."

Zhou Bin nodded slightly, picked up a piece of fish fillet rolled into a cup shape with a fork and put it into his mouth.

Take one bite.


The tenderness of the fish as expected did not appear, but a very crisp texture and a very delicious taste.

“It’s really different from eating ordinary fish!”

Shang Mingke had already finished all three pieces of meat. Needless to say, this dish was really good.

The sturgeon meat itself is quite chewy, which is different from the soft feeling of other fish. In addition, Su Chen's modified knife left the fish tendons intact!

Take that bite.

The crunchy texture, coupled with the flavor that I don’t know how to adjust, highlights the characteristics of the sturgeon and at the same time, you can’t taste other miscellaneous flavors at all.

Just one word, fresh!

"Let me just say, it's impossible to serve two fish dishes in a row. Although this main dish is fish, it is still very different from ordinary fish."

Not only is there a big difference in cooking, but the difference in ingredients is even greater.

After that, Shang Mingke wiped his hands and said, "You two eat slowly, I'll go to the kitchen to see if there is any extra. This dish is good and to my liking."

Seeing Shang Mingke leaving, Zhou Bin happily lowered his head to taste the sturgeon.

The fish meat is firm and chewy, the fish tendons have a strange but very comfortable texture, and the light seasoning does not affect the taste of the fish at all.

What a great time!


Zhou Bin looked down at the empty plate. For the first time, he felt that French food was really rubbish. Why couldn't he eat more of what he liked?

It would be great if there was a big plate full of food for everyone!

After Carlson ate three pieces of fish, his desire to visit the kitchen became even stronger.

"Mr. Zhou, I think something is not right with Mr. Shang."

"Huh?" Zhou Bin wiped his mouth and finished the four dishes. He didn't know if it was because of the delicious taste or something else, but he just felt like he had eaten them.

Usually when eating, he is almost full at this time, but now he just wants to continue serving food quickly!

Carlson whispered, "Every time after eating, Mr. Shang would run to the kitchen and return empty-handed. I feel like there must be something going on in the kitchen. How about we go take a look?"

Zhou Bin took a breath, "Isn't this inappropriate?"

How can a place like the kitchen be entered casually by guests?

Carlson nodded, "This is indeed inappropriate, but aren't Mr. Shang and the boss good friends? You and Mr. Shang are good friends, which means that you and the boss are also good friends. And you also want to visit the boss, I It seems appropriate now.”

It had to be said that Zhou Bin was already very curious about his boss, so being teased like this by Carlson made him feel quite prickly.

"You think it's okay?"

Carlson patted his chest, "I swear! This is definitely not impolite behavior."

Zhou Bin hummed, "I think so, shall we go?"


The two immediately stood up and walked towards the kitchen.

Who knows, in the kitchen at this moment.

"I just said, how can a four-pound sturgeon be so small? Come and eat! Uncle Lu, your cooking is also delicious. Everyone will eat it!"

Shang Mingke simply rolled up his sleeves, holding a fork in his left hand to eat the stir-fried sturgeon, and holding chopsticks in his right hand. He was not polite to the abalone stewed with dragon bones made by Lu Yongliang.

The keel is the sturgeon keel that Su Chen pulled out. After being stewed with abalone, the bones become translucent.

Known as a living fossil, the bones of sturgeon are basically cartilage. After being stewed for such a long time, it tastes crunchy and refreshing!

From time to time, I would add a piece of abalone.

So beautiful!

Zhang Jiayi was stunned, "Mr. Shang, if you hadn't been running to the kitchen all the time, I don't think you would have had enough to eat tonight."

"That's not the case!" Shang Mingke ate another abalone, stuffed the sturgeon slices into his mouth and said, "It's troublesome for foreigners to eat. They can obviously eat so much, but they have to hold it and squeeze it. It's not fun!"

After he said this, he moved on the abalone again, and everyone else suddenly stopped.

"Eat, everyone, you're welcome! Anyway, I paid for it, so treat it as my treat. Well, you're welcome, eat, eat, eat!"

"No, Mr. Shang." When Ling Shuyu faced Shang Mingke, he was still a little frightened. It was probably the shadow left behind a few months ago, "That"

"What about this and that? We all have such a good relationship, eat, eat, eat!"

Shang Mingke continued to show off in his mouth.

Su Chen coughed twice, "Brother Shang, that you"

"Boss Su, are you polite to me? There are no outsiders here, so I won't be polite. Eat, eat, eat!"

Everyone sighed heavily and immediately lowered their heads together.

At the door, one has red hair and one has black hair.

As soon as they opened the door, they saw a figure frantically stuffing something into his mouth.

Even more uncomfortable.

Zhou Bin: I can fucking understand Chinese!

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