Food Customizer

Chapter 181 Damn, I was tricked by Feng Yaoyang!

As the CEO of the Urban Construction Group, Shang Mingke has a thorough understanding of many things.

For a cross-border railway cooperation project like this, basically the cooperation has been successful since the day the cooperation was finalized.

The so-called Party A came to visit and inspect.

These are all face-saving efforts, and even Westerners cannot escape this law.

Whether the cooperation succeeds or fails, he cannot decide, and Zhou Bin cannot decide either.

So when Shang Mingke heard Zhou Bin say that the next visit and inspection were unnecessary, he knew that the matter was settled.

Now that Zhou Bin is well entertained, when the project department of the Urban Construction Group starts construction in Arles in the future, the work will proceed much more smoothly.

"What do you mean?"

Zhou Bin glanced at the kitchen, "I think Jingzhou is pretty good, and it's not impossible to stay here for a day."

At this time, Ling Shuyu actually stood up, "It's just right, President Zhou, President Shang. We have a hotel on the 32nd floor, and the hotel standard is based on the living standards of athletes in the Games. If you two don't mind."

"Of course I don't mind!" Zhou Bin agreed without thinking much.

Even if he had to travel in a five-star hotel, to be honest, Zhou Bin knew that he had eaten a lot today, but his stomach was still a little hungry.

Think about it again, Boss Su's delicious hand-pulled lamb.

Anyway, the place where he lives has a bed to sleep on and a place to take a shower.

And people have said that this is based on the standards of athletes, so it must not be too bad.

"In that case, let's stay here tonight." Shang Mingke took advantage of the situation and said, "It's not safe to go back to Beijing at night."

Not to mention Zhou Bin, even Boss Shang himself felt that he didn't eat enough today.

Similarly, the hand-pulled lamb was really the best of Shang Mingke's heart.

Having been to so many restaurants and eating countless hand-pulled lambs, it was only today's meal that really made Shang Mingke see what hand-pulled lamb is!

Of course, if Su Chen had to make it again, it would be hard to make it to that level.

After all, the food restrictions are here, unless Su Chen is caught running to the prairie of Meng Province and personally picking a sheep.

The accommodation matters have been finalized.

Aunt Fang took the three guests and Shang Mingke's driver to the 32nd floor to book a room, four people in four rooms.

The group of people in the kitchen were left behind.

"Okay, okay, clean up what needs to be cleaned up, busy what needs to be done, and those who have nothing to do can go home." Su Chen also stretched his body.

He was quite satisfied with the reception tonight. Of course, if Shang Mingke hadn't made a surprise attack, Su Chen felt that this reception could be more perfect.

Except for the last pastry, the others were basically above the passing line, and even many dishes were above the full score.

Su Chen didn't care about the performance of the pastries.

Personal taste is personal taste. People like to eat desserts with high oil and sugar. The characteristic of our Chinese pastries is that there is not so much sugar and oil.

It is unrealistic to force others to like it.

But it is unrealistic to force Su Chen to make a Western-style pastry to cater to their preferences.

After a high-standard customized dinner, everyone was busy cleaning the kitchen, and the rest of the cleaning work was done by Aunt Fang herself.

Of course, Aunt Fang was only responsible for the cleaning of the kitchen on the 19th floor.

"Don't panic, I haven't cooked the noodles yet." Lu Yongliang had stretched the noodles a long time ago, and just now he saw that everyone was busy but hadn't cooked them.

"It's great, I can still eat a bowl of hot mutton soup noodles after a busy day."

"What is this? This is the legendary them eating meat, leaving us some soup, haha."

"Forget it, this mutton soup smells good to me, it has been stewed for so long, this soup is the essence!"

But cooking noodles is different from drinking soup.

Lu Yongliang poured the mutton soup in the pressure cooker into the big iron pot, and then added some of Su Chen's remaining vegetarian soup.

Then add some refined salt for simple seasoning.

When the mutton soup in the pot boils, add all the stretched noodles at once.

The big iron pot is boiling, and the noodles inside are rolling with the water. The noodles are very thin and can be eaten after about five minutes of cooking.

Lu Yongliang took the long chopsticks, and the others had already lined up in front of him and the iron pot with their bowls.

"It's best not to add anything to this thing, that's what it means to be fresh!"

Old Lu served a bowl to Liu Abao, who was in the first place, and then grabbed a handful of chopped green onions and coriander on the noodles.

The little smell came up all of a sudden, causing Zhang Jiayi and Zhang Li, who were in the line behind Abao, to sniff at the same time.

"I feel like I've gained at least five pounds in less than a month."

Zhang Li pinched her belly, "Don't tell me, I've lost ten pounds in more than a month."

Hearing this, Zhang Jiayi touched Zhang Li's belly in shock, "How is it possible! How did you do it?"

"Except for the company's meals, I can't eat anywhere else."

Speaking of this, Zhang Li still felt quite wronged.

Of the three meals a day, at most only two are eaten at the company. Sometimes when I'm busy, I don't have time to eat dinner at the company, so I think about having something to eat after I get home.

I can't eat the food my mother cooks at all.

For this reason, Zhang Li's mother cried several times. Later, Zhang Li packed her a meal from the third floor. From then on, the old woman never said a word to her again.

He even recommended the place where Zhang Li worked to everyone, attracting many potential customers to the delicious food.

Zhang Jiayi still found it incredible when she heard what Zhang Li said, "Everything I eat now tastes delicious."

The two filled up the noodles and walked past He Shuting who was queuing up while looking for a place to eat.

Zhang Jiayi: "It's strange. Shu Ting's figure has always been like this. I've never seen her get fatter or thinner."

Those legs are really not covered.

The girl is quite tall at 1.68 meters, but He Shuting's body proportions are unknown. She feels like her legs are all below her breasts, which is weird.

Zhang Li silently walked out of the canteen with the bowl and sat on the big round table.

Hey. My waist is on Sister Shu Ting’s thigh. Did I say anything?

Everyone shared a bowl of the lamb noodle soup cooked by Lu Yongliang.

Su Chen didn't eat. When he was cooking before, he took a bite here and a bite there. Now his stomach was quite full.

On the contrary, he was thinking about one thing. He knew that Shang Mingke would definitely not treat him badly, but Su Chen was still curious about what price Shang Mingke would give him for this order.

While this matter was still going through his mind, Shang Mingke's voice came from the door.

"I knew you would definitely want to eat!"

After returning to the 32nd floor and settling down, Shang Mingke immediately came to the 19th floor. At that time, he remembered that Lu Yongliang was stretching noodles, and he probably started cooking noodles at this time.

He really guessed it right.

"You're a lucky boy." The doting on Lu Yongliang's face is visible to the naked eye. This boy who came out of the ravine is now the pride of the whole village and the whole county. His old uncle also has a face!

After serving a bowl of noodles to Shang Mingke, there was not much left in the pot.

Lu Yongliang served himself another bowl of noodles. There was already more soup than noodles.

"Uncle Lu, please eat first. I have something to do with Boss Su."

"Well, you young people can talk about your own affairs."

Lu Yongliang took the bowl and went to eat at the big round table in the restaurant. Only Su Chen and Shang Mingke were left in the kitchen.


Shang Mingke took the noodles with chopsticks and sucked his mouth full of soup. "It's really good. The hand-caught lamb is delicious. The mutton soup is fresher than the meat, and the noodles are also delicious."

"Brother Shang, I think you will live in Jingzhou from now on, as if you don't have enough to eat in the capital."

Shang Mingke hummed, "Don't tell me, it's really rare to have such a full meal in the capital."

After that, Shang Mingke took out his mobile phone and shared a business card with Su Chen.

"Have the finance department contact this person and contact my company's finance department regarding the payment. How about this number?"

Su Chen saw that Shang Mingke entered a number in the dialog box.

The muscles in the corners of his eyes twitched involuntarily, "Of course it's no problem. It's okay if Brother Shang thinks it's okay. It's vulgar for us to talk about money before."

But I couldn't help but feel ecstatic.

Feng Yaoyang paid 100,000 yuan to eat snacks. This 100,000 yuan was not just for eating snacks, but also meant "paying homage to the dock".

Su Chen can still tell the difference.

If you really want to say that the price of those seven snacks is only 10,000 to 15,000 yuan, he will basically take the order.

But Shang Mingke is different. He doesn't have much interest in the delicious food. Being able to bring such an order to the delicious food, although both parties are very satisfied, it also has the element of taking care of business.

The meaning is different.

"Brothers must settle accounts clearly. No matter how good the relationship is, we can't settle accounts vaguely in business. If I were to receive Mr. Zhou's specifications in the capital, I would have to pay the same price for a fine French cuisine and some drinks. ”

Shang Mingke finished the noodles in two or three gulps, drank all the soup in the bowl, and laughed sarcastically, "Since I have eaten here, it feels weird not to finish the noodles before going to bed every day. Go to bed early."

After saying that, he put the bowl in the sink and returned to the 32nd floor alone.

Su Chen was left unable to calm down in the kitchen for a long time.

The [15] entered in the dialog box really flattered Su Chen.

Just a few days after returning from Malaysia, the two orders on the 19th floor generated operating income of 250,000 yuan. Of course, the cost of Shang Mingke’s order was also extremely high, basically around 30,000 yuan.

But this order is also of great significance to Su Chen himself.

Now Su Chen was sure of one thing.

As long as the dishes are not too outrageous, it is not that difficult to conquer the taste buds of Wai Nuo Ren.

It is best not to cook some dishes with distinctive characteristics. For example, if Su Chen uses Hunan or Sichuan cuisine for this reception, he will probably mess it up.

With a good mood, Su Chen walked through the canteen on the 19th floor, where there was always a loud sound of slurping noodles.

When I returned to the office, I took a comfortable shower and got into bed to get ready for some rest.

One night, speechless

Early the next morning, Su Chen rolled over and refused to get up. As his life in the other world became more and more rhythmic, he had now begun to enter a period of laziness, and he no longer had the same motivation as at the beginning.

He simply lay on the bed with his eyes squinted.

As everyone knows, it’s on the second floor of Delicious Food.

"No, Mr. Zhou, no! Carlson, don't mess around! If you continue like this, something will go wrong!" Shang Mingke's usual calmness was replaced by panic on his face.

"It's okay, what can happen?" Zhou Bin held a big meat bun in his hand, "I really didn't expect that not only Boss Su's cooking skills are superb here, but even the world champion's cooking skills are so superb! Delicious, delicious!"

The fifth big meat bun.

Similarly, Carlson was eating the fifth big meat bun.

The two came out from the 32nd floor early in the morning, and after strolling around the 19th floor, they found no one.

They had nothing to do, so they strolled down one floor at a time, and finally came to the second floor.

There was actually breakfast?

But Mr. Zhou and Carlson didn't have cash, and their mobile phones couldn't scan the code to pay. Fortunately, Liu Abao knew that this was Shang Mingke's guest.

He said that he could pay first.

So there was this scene in front of us. When Shang Mingke came to the second floor, Zhou Bin and the others had already eaten four or five big meat buns.

He was really afraid that something would happen.

Fortunately, if Su Chen hadn't gotten up, the tea eggs on the second floor would not be available, because Liu Abao hadn't learned how to crack the egg skin while the egg was still raw.

This is a technical job.

Abao wanted to practice more, but later found that it was too wasteful of eggs, so he gave up.

When Zhou Bin went to the window again to get a big meat bun to eat, he found that Liu Abao was busy with another thing.

"What is this?"

Abao was stunned, "This is noodles."

He was a little unaccustomed to Zhou Bin's Mandarin, and felt that it sounded awkward.

"Noodles? Give me some, I want to try it!"


Shang Mingke covered his forehead, "Mr. Zhou, you can't eat like this, I'm worried that you can't bear it if you eat too much."

Zhou Bin waved his hand, "It's okay, once in a while, there's no problem, and my doctor is still in Beijing, right? I'll ask him to come over today!"

The Western style is really different from that of the Chinese.

In China, even big bosses like Feng Yaoyang usually don't go out with a private doctor, but it's different in the West.

These damn capitalists are really good at spending money.

Shang Mingke was speechless, "Okay, give me a bowl of noodles, I still can't get enough of the mutton noodle soup yesterday."

"Ah? Mr. Shang, you yesterday..."

"Oh! I mean, the mutton noodle soup yesterday was an employee meal, and it's a pity that we didn't get to eat it."

Zhou Bin then pouted and nodded, "You're right!"

At the same time, there was Carlson.

The three of them each carried a bowl of stir-fried noodles and came to the restaurant table to slurp and show off.

Not long after, Lu Yongliang also came down from the 32nd floor.

This old man lives in a free hotel and eats free food, and he doesn't seem to want to leave.

Delicious food doesn't keep idle people, but Lu Yongliang is an exception. Su Chen wishes there were more chefs like this for state banquets.

"Wow, eating so early?"

Shang Mingke was busy sucking noodles. He also said that Zhou Bin, he also put three big meat buns on his plate, "Hmm, Mr. Zhou got up early, so I came with him. I haven't eaten this stir-fried noodles for a long time, and it still tastes the same."

Carlson didn't understand what they were saying, but he couldn't stop himself, "Oh my God, this is the taste of noodles? I wish I could worship Boss Su as my teacher and go back to show those Italians what real noodles are!"

S-level stir-fried noodles.

One eats and one doesn't say a word!

Not to mention that they tasted it for the first time, even the group of people from Xinghui don't feel tired of eating it every day.

Although the food on the second floor is simple, there are only buns and stir-fried noodles for breakfast. If Su Chen gets up early, there are also tea eggs.

But the breakfast on the second floor is always crowded, and those employees of Xinghui come to eat every day.

It's also difficult for Zhou Bin and Carlson.

When they were in France, the two thought they had eaten everything and seen everything.

But when they arrived in China, they found out what they had eaten before!

It was just this morning, Zhou Bin and Carlson each showed off two bowls of noodles and six big meat buns.

They said they were going out for a walk with satisfaction, and Shang Mingke just smiled bitterly and continued to accompany them.

After Su Chen woke up on the 19th floor, he stayed up until 10 o'clock when Delicious came to work, and then he slowly got up and went to the third floor.

The first thing was to let Liu Shengnan hurry up to contact Beijing and get the money for this meal back.

Delicious, it's short of money!

The second thing was to find Ling Shuyu. After discussing cooperation with Feng Yaoyang last time, the Hong Kong businessman agreed to return to Hong Kong today, and also come to the company to sign the final contract at noon today.

If there is no problem with the contract, the snack project will start.

After Su Chen left that day, Ling Shuyu added another item to the cooperation with Feng Yaoyang.

During the construction of the delicious snack floor, Ling Shuyu must be responsible for supervision, and the project schedule must be changed from three months in Feng Yaoyang's contract to one month.

Feng Yaoyang agreed to this without much consideration.

The sooner the project is completed, the sooner he can send someone to learn.

When Su Chen was almost done chatting with Ling Shuyu on the third floor, he did not wait for Feng Yaoyang, but waited for another person.

"I was wondering if Boss Su was busy these days? It's so hard to catch you!"

Fang Chang still had his usual smiling face, "Boss Su, let me introduce you to a friend."

"No need for introduction, I know him." Su Chen glanced at the fat man following Fang Chang.

Isn't this the information seller?

Zhang Yi chuckled, pulled out Huazi from Fang Chang's pocket and was about to give Su Chen a cigarette.

"I don't smoke, thank you."

Fang Chang glared at Zhang Yi, "Boss Su, I heard that your snack floor is about to open soon! You said that cultivating talents for others is also cultivating. Don't we also have to cultivate a group of talents ourselves?"

Su Chen glanced at Ling Shuyu.

The latter said expressionlessly, "Elder Fang came here two days ago. He knows about the cooperation with Hong Kong businessmen. Moreover, the snacks also involve a lot of new ingredient supplies, and I signed them all to Fang's Meat Industry. ”

Su Chen nodded.

This also saves trouble.

Fang Chang seems a bit unreliable, but in fact, after working with him a few times, you will find that he is very reliable in getting things done.

Every time Su Chen requested ingredients, Fang Chang would basically complete them beyond expectations.

No matter what his attitude is towards other customers, his attitude towards delicious food is definitely worthy of recognition.

Now the cooperation with Fang's Meat Industry is not just about meat, but also involves various dishes, dry goods, condiments, etc.

"Tell me, what do you mean?"

Fang Chang licked his face and sat down, "I'm thinking that the snack restaurant will open soon. Wouldn't you train a group of talents first? This has been trained by Hong Kong businessmen, and sooner or later they will have to return it. Let's train a few talents ourselves. Isn’t that one of our own? Look, I brought someone here for you!”

Su Chen knew that something was wrong.

"It hasn't opened yet."

Fang Chang quickly waved his hand and said, "Don't panic, as long as you agree. We will do things according to the rules. Whatever your rules are, we will follow them."

Su Chen gave Ling Shuyu a color.

"Boss Fang." Ling Shuyu took out a contract.

Fang Chang immediately pressed back the half-opened contract and said, "Mr. Ling, just say it. It's unnecessary. Who among us is following the other!"

Ling Shuyu said, "Currently there is no plan to cultivate talents ourselves. There will be in the future, but the delicious snack stalls will not give too much profit to the vendors. We have adopted a working system plus commission plan."

When it came to work, Fang Chang became less playful and said, "Please elaborate."

"Working hours are still based on the business hours on the third floor. From 4pm to 10pm, ingredients are prepared starting at 2pm every day."

This is a fully calculated eight-hour work system.

"The salary can only be the lowest wage standard in Jingzhou City, which is a salary of 3,150 yuan."

This Fang Chang is a boss and knows it very well.

A salary of 3,150 yuan, after deducting five insurances and one housing fund, is basically just over 2,000 yuan.

Zhang Yi felt half-hearted when he heard this.

He works as a programmer in an Internet company, and his current salary is more than 10,000 points.

"Then there is commission. Ten percent of the net profit is used as employee commission, and the previous month's commission is paid every month."

When the conscientious and obedient Fang Chang heard this, he slapped the table directly, "Boss Su, you have to help this good brother of mine. He has an elder and a younger one."

Su Chen quickly stopped the director and said, "Don't tell the truth. I'm recruiting people. It's the same for everyone. After our snack restaurant is launched, let your friends try it out and learn for a few days. If you feel you can do it, we'll do it. If you think it's not, we'll leave it alone. Okay, is this okay?”

"Okay, thank you. In this way, I will be the host tonight, and everyone will have a delicious meal!"

Boss Fang is still very generous.

However, Su Chen refused Fang Chang, "Pull him down. Every time you act as a host, I will suffer. I can't bear your boss treating you to dinner. It's okay to invite you all out for a hangout at the end of the year."

"That's no problem. I'll take everyone to Sanya for vacation at the end of the year!" Fang Chang was also happy.

The better the delicious food develops, the better Fang's meat industry will develop.

Now that the snack restaurant is about to open, Fang's Meat Industry's new orders have suddenly increased a lot, in other words.

If the business of Delicious Food is good, it needs more raw materials, and Fang's business will naturally be good, let alone Sanya. As long as Boss Su can open more and more floors, even Wuya, he has to go!

After bragging a few more words, Fang Chang took Zhang Yi away.

"Boss, is this appropriate?" Ling Shuyu was a little worried that something would happen if Feng Yaoyang found out.

Su Chen crossed his legs indifferently, "What's inappropriate?"

"Feng Yaoyang cooperates with us because he is interested in the recipe of delicious food. Boss Fang cooperates with us because he is interested in the future of the company. People in the world are bustling for profit. Whatever is within the rules, do it freely. "

Ling Shuyu didn't feel he understood it very well, but he understood it somewhat.

Anyway, just follow the boss and be done!

She has seen Su Chen's business before.

However, Zhang Yi felt a little uneasy after leaving Taishui.

"Fang Chang, I can earn 10,000 yuan now. When I get here, Boss Su will give me 3,000 yuan without deducting five insurances and one housing fund. Is this okay?"

Fang Chang kicked him angrily.

"You're such a stubborn person. Isn't the 10% commission I'm giving you money?"

Zhang Yi's eyes dimmed, "It's money, but it's a bit too little, isn't it?"

"Heh." Fang Chang looked at him from the corner of his eyes, pointing with his hand from the steering wheel, moving towards the large empty building in the development area in front, "Can you look at it from here to there?"

"Do you think the snacks at Delicious are the same as those at the food court? You rent a stall and whatever you earn is yours?"

"Ten percent. I'm afraid your pockets won't be big enough to put the money in."

Fang Chang, the supplier, knows exactly how Delicious is doing.

Fang Chang did consider a question before. Why is Boss Su's third floor only open for six hours a day when the business is so good?

If it's open 24 hours a day, wouldn't the profit be several times higher?

After carefully studying the supply list, Fang Chang came to a conclusion.

Boss Su is making money within his ability. If the business hours are extended, the negative effects will be much greater than the extra money.

Even if it's only six hours, it's already a level that all restaurants in Quanzhou City can't match.

This account is very easy to calculate.

When the Hong Kong businessman came to eat a few days ago, Fang Chang even planned a project for his good classmate.

When the time comes, don't learn anything else, just learn that rabbit head!

That thing is braised, and the things that are prepared in advance can be fried on the spot.

According to the current level of Delicious, no matter what you sell, you have to line up to sell it. If you can hold on for six hours, it will be a terrifying turnover.

It is not an exaggeration to sell 3,000 rabbit heads a day, each rabbit head is 15 yuan, and the profit is at least within the range of 50%. Zhang Yi takes a commission of 10%.

Can Zhang Yi keep this money?

"I won't waste my time talking to you. This is all I can do for you. We are all adults. We should think about many things by ourselves."

Fang Chang threw half a bag of Huazi to Zhang Yi, "Get out of the car quickly. The snack building will be open for a month. I have to contact the source of goods for Boss Su."

The goods needed for snack production are very diverse. In order to ensure the quality of the source of goods, Fang Chang still did not trust his subordinates to do it.

This time he had to do it himself. Some goods even had to go to other provinces in the south to find them. But no matter who the source of goods was, they would eventually be processed and inspected at Fang's Meat Industry's factory before they were finally sent to Delicious.

Fang Chang dared not make any mistakes in this link.

It is precisely because Fang Chang is so dedicated that Ling Shuyu dares to give all the new supply orders to Fang.

However, at Delicious, Su Chen stayed in Ling Shuyu's office with his eyes closed and rested for a long time.

He admired Fang Chang in his heart.

In terms of age, Fang Chang is not much older than himself. At the age of 26 or 27, he can do his own business so well.

His father is in a slaughterhouse, and he himself is in the fine meat industry. After getting on the ship of Delicious, Su Chen actually didn't give any help.

Many opportunities were seized by Fang Chang himself.

When Fang Chang first brought Jiang Yuan to dinner, he could only order a dinner for 500 yuan.

Even because his business was not big enough, Jiang Wensheng did not agree with this marriage.

In a few months, Fang Chang turned into Boss Fang, and it was no problem for him to take all the employees of Delicious to travel abroad.

This person still has to rely on himself.

Zhang Yi was timid, afraid of wolves in front and tigers behind, but it was not Zhang Yi's fault.

It would be the same for anyone. His wife and children were waiting for dinner at home, and he rashly quit his job with a monthly salary of over 10,000 yuan to sell snacks?

Every family has its own problems.

After Su Chen sighed in his heart, he felt that life was indeed interesting. It was a long time since he had seen Zhan Yang, and he didn't know how his power station looked.

Forget it.

Su Chen opened his eyes, "You are busy first, Feng Yaoyang will call me when he arrives at the company."

Ling Shuyu responded lightly, "Shengnan is a little busy recently, I'll let Zhang Li go over to help first."

"Okay." Su Chen left the office.

This is also a problem, and it is a problem that cannot be ignored.

As the company grows larger and larger, Liu Shengnan can't support the financial department alone, and until now, the company still does not have a clear office area.

'There are a lot of things to do, one by one. ’

Su Chen just needs to grasp the general direction. The core of Delicious is still [delicious], so the craftsmanship must not be abandoned.

When he came to the second floor, he wanted to take a walk, but he saw Shang Mingke and others sitting there laughing at the door.

Su Chen quietly withdrew. If he went in, he was afraid that he would be dragged to chat again.

He simply called Bai Xiaobo and called him to the 19th floor.

"Are there any urgent orders recently?"

Bai Xiaobo had a bitter face, "Boss, you finally remembered me. I was almost scolded to death by customers."

Su Chen touched his nose, a little embarrassed.

Indeed, he has neglected Bai Xiaobo's work recently. As the product manager of Delicious, Bai Xiaobo has received many orders.

But Su Chen is always busy with orders that go directly to the boss.

This makes it a little difficult for Bai Xiaobo to continue his work.

But there is nothing he can do about it. The Hong Kong businessman is a big order, involving subsequent cooperation, Shang Mingke is an old friend, and there is also the relationship with Lu Yongliang. It is not appropriate not to help.

"Don't be sad, just tell me a little bit."

Bai Xiaobo took out his notebook, "There are too many orders! But I rejected most of them."

"I basically pushed all the home orders to the third floor. I rejected all the wedding orders. The orders that are hard to refuse are already scheduled until the end of the year, what do you think?"

Su Chen felt cold.

Is this a rhythm that wants to exhaust me to death?

"Why are there so many?"

Bai Xiaobo suddenly felt even more aggrieved, "Boss, I'm afraid you don't know at all how popular you are on the Internet and in the food circle. Many of the orders here are from the anchors who visit the stores."

"I rejected all of these." Su Chen did not hesitate.

His delicious food does not need to be judged by others.

"Even so, it will be scheduled for a month later." Bai Xiaobo quickly pulled the mouse, "And then there are some chefs from all over the province who want to visit you. What about these?"

Su Chen thought for a while, "If you are looking for trouble, push it away, and if you are communicating, you can slow down."

With the boss's instructions, Bai Xiaobo's efficiency quickly increased, "There is another order that I'm a little unsure about, and I originally wanted to report it to you today. The other party urged me quite urgently."

"you say."

Bai Xiaobo observed that there was no one around, so he lowered his voice and said, "This order has something to do with Mr. Feng, that Hong Kong businessman."

"Oh?" Su Chen sat up straight, "Elaborate."

"I also asked Mr. Ling to ask Feng Yaoyang to find out the specific situation here, otherwise I would have almost offended someone!"

Su Chen became serious.

I have been really busy during this period, and I have no time to deal with employee reports.

Just listen to Bai Xiaobo say in a confused voice, "Let me tell you about the status of this order first. The budget is only one thousand yuan."

That's not much.

"The number of diners is three."

"Huh?" Su Chen was shocked.

If it was the beginning of Delicious Food, this would be normal. At that time, we needed people but no one, needed things but had nothing, and all we had was good craftsmanship.

The price of the delicious food nowadays is indeed a bit insulting!

"But the person who placed the order has a special status. You know that Mr. Feng came to the development zone to invest this time. He was initially planning to start a food street project. Before I met you, Mr. Feng did a lot of preparation work. "

Well. Su Chen nodded. Such a big businessman would definitely not invest for no reason.

"Among them, he first paid homage to the dock in Sichuan Province, and then went to Hunan Province to pay homage to the dock."

"I can see it," Su Chen said, "If it's a food street project, snacks are only one of them, and the real money maker is the restaurant. The only cuisines that can gain a foothold across the country now are the Sichuan and Hunan cuisines."

Not to mention that in today’s streets and alleys, hot pot and barbecue are basically very popular. Except for local restaurants, most restaurants with these two cuisines are better at doing business.

Su Chen had just come into contact with Cantonese cuisine. If he really wanted to open a Cantonese restaurant in Jingzhou, he would probably lose his head in compensation.

Feng Yaoyang most likely focused on the food street project at the beginning. This person is also very clever. He invested in the food street and wanted to take all the restaurants in the food street into his own hands, so he went to the cooking school in Sichuan and Hunan Provinces. It is only natural that the association bid farewell to the dock.

Just like the one hundred thousand yuan, in addition to testing Su Chen's true level, it was also a sum of money to make friends.

This means that I, Feng Yaoyang, will be engaged in catering in the development zone in the future. With this little money, we can make friends.

If you accept it, everyone will live in peace and cooperate with each other for a win-win situation.

If you don't accept it, then there is another way.

Bai Xiaobo didn't understand this, but he still nodded along with the boss, "If you ask me to say that Mr. Feng is unreliable. He went to visit the dock himself and didn't explain it clearly to anyone. After finalizing the cooperation with us, the two parties The people asked him about the cooperation these days, so he told them everything. This time, they came to the door. "

Is there still such a thing?

Su Chen raised his hand, "Wait a minute, tell me again. I didn't understand. What came to your door?"

Bai Xiaobo organized the conversation for a long time, "That's it. Feng Yaoyang first went to Sichuan Province and found the local culinary association to discuss cooperation. Didn't he lack people and skills? It is estimated that the culinary association there also wanted to manipulate Mr. Feng. "

"But Mr. Feng wouldn't let him take control! So he went to Hunan Province to find a culinary association to discuss cooperation, but he also hit a wall."

"It's not like hitting a wall." Su Chen said directly, "The conditions given by Feng Yaoyang are okay. They provide money and people, and they are responsible for cultivating talents. In the end, the talents return to Feng Yaoyang's company. There is nothing wrong with that."

"But this cooperation was not negotiated." Bai Xiaobo said with certainty, "Mr. Feng said this himself!"

"and after?"

Bai Xiaobo spread his hands, "Then it turned out like this. Suddenly they cooperated with us, but the other two parties refused to agree. After understanding the situation, such an order suddenly appeared. I wanted to refuse it at the time, but The other party told me that if I really want to refuse, it’s best to let the boss do it himself.”


Su Chen laughed dryly, the cooking associations from Sichuan and Hunan provinces are coming from bad intentions.

If you want to refuse, let the boss refuse in person?

But the cooperation between you two and Mr. Feng has failed. Why don't you go to him and come to me?

"Okay, I understand this. Are there any other important orders?"

Bai Xiaobo muttered, "Compared with the others, this is the most important. Other orders can at least be pushed."

That'll do.

Su Chen waved his hand, "You go ahead, I understand. For other orders, you make a schedule according to the specific situation. Once Mr. Shang leaves, we will start working at the rate of one order per day."

As long as there is no special demand for ingredients, Su Chen can still accept cooking one meal a day.

"Yeah." With the boss's instructions, Bai Xiaobo's work became much easier.

After sending Bai Xiaobo away, Su Chen sent another message to Shang Mingke.

It's a pity to leave such a smart person unused.

After a while.

Shang Mingke held his chin and crossed his legs, "I understand."

"That is to say, the Sichuan and Hunan Provincial Associations originally wanted to use Feng Yaoyang to gain greater benefits, but they didn't expect this guy to turn around and find you. Now they regret it!"

"Yes." Su Chen clapped his hands, "If they regret it, then they will go to Feng Yaoyang. What's the point of looking for trouble with me?"

Shang Mingke shook his hand to stop Su Chen from talking, "You don't understand this. Going to Feng Yaoyang makes me look very embarrassed. Going to you is different. They don't know who you are. So as long as you suppress your prestige, it can be regarded as teaching Feng Yaoyang a lesson."

"Bah!" Su Chen was very unconvinced, "Suppress me? They thought of it."

Shang Mingke put away his crossed legs and leaned forward slightly, "If you ask me, you should not offend these two associations."

"Tell me in detail."

Shang Mingke paused slightly, "People in the same circle should not make the relationship stiff. Who knows who will use whom in the future."

Su Chen was quite disdainful of this statement.

Shang Mingke saw it and smiled, "Of course this is just my suggestion. After all, they didn't do anything to hurt you. They just placed an order for you. You can refuse or accept it. It's not appropriate to directly give them a Hongmen Feast."

"Brother Shang, just say it directly." Su Chen smiled helplessly.

Obviously, Shang Mingke already has a good idea, but he is hiding it.

"Don't take yourself too lightly. The Cooking Association is not an official organization. You are now sworn brothers with Uncle Lu and Master Cui in Beijing. With the trophy of the world champion, you are heavy enough."


Su Chen laughed dryly. If he didn't say that, he really didn't know that he was so awesome.

"Take this order and do it normally. At the same time, you can also host a banquet to invite Teacher Cui to have a simple meal, just to keep in touch."

Hearing this, Su Chen hesitated for a moment.

He is still young, and it is not good to show off when facing those old men.

But Lu Yongliang and Cui Yufen are different, so it is reasonable to let them stand up for me.

"It has to be you" Su Chen gave a thumbs up.

Shang Mingke, worthy of being Shang Mingke!

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