Food Customizer

Chapter 186 Su Chen takes action, three Sichuan dishes!

Three sets of ducks are famous for using three different types of ducks, with fat and tender meat, three different flavors, and beautiful appearance.

At this time, the Jiang brothers made this dish!

Without caring about the feelings of the ladies on the scene, the two of them picked up the duck and the wild duck respectively, and killed them all.

They bled and plucked the feathers skillfully, and processed the internal organs quickly. Jiang Wensheng's wild duck was relatively small, so after processing it, he also processed the pigeon.

This operation made the faces of several ladies twisted.

"If I had known it was so cruel, I would not eat chicken." Zhang Li looked at the three living birds, which became white and clean in the blink of an eye. It was really a bit hard to accept.

Ling Shuyu glanced at her, "You said the same thing last time when we ate rabbit head."

Zhang Li:  ̄□ ̄||

"These two brothers are too slow, let's go out for some tea." Cui Yufen watched for a long time, and waited for half an hour before the two brothers started to prepare.

The three-piece duck dish is made with a whole duck, which is still quite time-consuming to calculate.

Lu Yongliang took a look and was not very interested in this dish.

He simply went to the lounge outside with Cui Yufen to drink tea, while others remained in the kitchen, including Su Chen.

'Domestic duck meat is fat and tender, wild duck has a lot less fat due to long-term foraging and large amount of exercise, and the meat is relatively firm. Pigeon meat is also less fat and high in protein. This three-piece duck is indeed a bit of a thing! '

Su Chen knew how to make this dish, but he had never tried it or tasted it.

When I was a host, I went to eat Huaiyang cuisine, but I never tasted this dish.

Because at that time, Su Chen discovered a problem. For dishes that are time-consuming and labor-intensive, restaurants nowadays basically don't make them seriously.

Either they are prepared in advance and heated up, or they are directly pre-prepared.

Apart from other things, supermarkets now start selling pre-prepared Buddha Jumps Over the Wall!

Can it be delicious?

After the three ducks were processed, Jiang Wusheng was obviously the main force today.

He chopped off the tibia at the butcher's mouth of the duck, and then cut a knife at the place where the duck neck and duck wings were connected.

The duck skin was cut, and the tibia was easily pulled out.

Then the duck skin was turned over, and when turning it over, the knife was very careful to cut the place where the duck meat and duck bones were connected, and this was cut all the way to the end of the thigh, leaving the joint bone of the calf.

A deboned duck appeared on the chopping board.

After digging out the internal organs, the membrane in the abdomen was also torn off and thrown into boiling water for washing.

Su Chen watched with relish.

'A good chef is not only good at cooking. '

'He must also be able to handle a variety of ingredients. ’

Jiang Wusheng’s method of handling ducks left Su Chen with a deep impression.

With this method, even in a slaughterhouse, those people may not be as delicate as Jiang Wusheng.

Almost without any waste, all the duck bones were removed. Similarly, Jiang Wensheng also handled the wild duck and pigeon in the same way.

The two brothers worked together to cook, and the speed was quite fast.

The duck and pigeon were washed in a boiling water pot together, and then the production was done.

Just watch Jiang Wusheng put the pigeon into the wild duck’s belly from the bone opening, and then put in mushrooms and ham slices, and then put the pregnant wild duck into the duck’s belly, and then put mushrooms and ham, and finally put the duck in a boiling water pot and continue to wash.

This dish belongs to the casserole type of dish.

Wash the duck, put a bamboo mat in the casserole, put the duck breast down, pour ginger, green onion, flour and cooking wine, and then fill it with water.

Jiang Wusheng put the casserole with three ducks on a high fire to boil the water, and then turn the high fire to low heat, "Okay, wait and eat!"

He also set an alarm clock for one and a half hours, "When the time is up, cook it for the last time and it will be done."

Su Chen nodded silently.

This dish is a dish that relies more on the quality of the ingredients.

Since the Jiang brothers brought living things, it means that the duck and pigeon are definitely good things that have been carefully selected.

'You will have to eat more when the time comes! '

This kind of dish that eats ingredients, the taste is almost the taste of the ingredients themselves, and there will not be much change.

Since the Jiang brothers' dishes are also done, except for Lu Yongliang, the dishes for tonight are basically complete.

Finally, when the three-piece duck was almost cooked, the others came to the kitchen to prepare all the dishes together and that was it!

Su Chen looked at the time.

There were about two hours left before the two people's meal time.

The beef slices had been baked and were now being steamed in the steamer. The other ingredients were basically ready and they could start making them when someone came.

"Let's go, let's go out and rest for a while. It's still early for dinner."

"Let's go, let's wash our hands first." Jiang Wusheng and Jiang Wensheng washed their hands and took off the chef's uniform with blood spots.

The two followed Su Chen to the lounge.

Others did not come to join in the fun, including Lao Shiqi and Zhang Laoer, who also stayed in the kitchen to clean up the mess.

"Xiao Su, why did you suddenly think of organizing everyone to have a meal together?" Cui Yu tasted the tea in the lounge.

Su Chen sat down next to Lu Yongliang, "It's been a long time since we last met, so of course we have to get together."

Until now, Su Chen's words were still so firm and he didn't mention anything about the fact that the presidents of the two provinces of Sichuan and Hunan were coming to have dinner.

"If you ask me, my fish must be the most delicious in today's dinner. Just wait for me to show you my skills later!" Lu Yongliang's face was red, and he was obviously more energetic than the previous few days.

Every time he encounters such lively things, the old man always glows.

"Not necessarily! The two brothers have been studying the three sets of duck dish for a long time. Slow stewing for an hour and a half can not only fully release the flavors of the three ingredients, but also the tender duck fat will soak into the meat of the wild duck and pigeon, ensuring that it is ready for cooking. For a moment, you guys will eat without saying a word!" Jiang Wusheng said proudly.

It was obvious that he was confident in his dish.

After all, three sets of duck are now very rare in restaurants on the market.

Let’s talk about ingredients. It’s normal for a whole duck to cost a hundred yuan in a restaurant. Wild duck is a little more expensive, let alone pigeons.

Just these three authentic ingredients cost three or four hundred dollars.

In addition, the restaurant also has to make money, so the price of this dish will run into the hundreds. Most people cannot afford it. Even if they can afford it, the restaurant still finds it troublesome to make it!

Cui Yufen sneered at the words of these two people and took a sip of black tea, "None of you have ever eaten double-explosion chrysanthemums?"

Everyone looked at each other.

It seems that I have never eaten this dish before.

Jiang Wusheng studied in restaurants since he was a child. Later, he gave the restaurant to his younger brother and started to play in the museum.

Jiang Wensheng is pretty much the same. He has been busy working in his own restaurant for most of these years and has no time to play outside.

The two of them really don't know much about this pair of anus.

"I've heard of it, but I've never eaten it." Lu Yongliang said, "The ingredients used in this Double Explosive Chrysanthemum are pretty good, but the cooking techniques are very demanding and ordinary people can't make it."

Cui Yufen nodded with satisfaction, "You'll find out later. By the way, what dishes did Xiao Su prepare today?"

Su Chen smiled lightly, "Everyone is cooking, so I just prepared a staple dish, crystal shrimp cakes."

Several people automatically ignored the first two words and only heard the last two words.

Shrimp cakes?

That's a bit underwhelming indeed.

Cui Yufen was slightly disappointed, but she didn't say anything. She thought tonight was going to be a fight between dragons and tigers for dinner. Since Su Chen only prepared an ordinary shrimp cake, she was definitely going to win.

Jiang Wusheng said at the right time, "The shrimp cakes are good and can fill you up. We have indeed ignored the issue of staple food, haha!"

After finishing speaking, seeing that no one was smiling, Jiang Wusheng put away his smile in embarrassment.

I thought these people were too uncooperative.

Afterwards, Su Chen chatted with everyone for a while, especially about the home-cooked food on the third floor.

Since these people broke up, they have not been to the opening on the third floor. This time, they must let everyone taste the home-cooked food here.

Although those dishes are all home-cooked stir-fried dishes, they generally cost between 20 yuan and 60 yuan in restaurants.

But precisely because they are home-cooked stir-fries, they come from all over the country and can be found in almost every cuisine.

After chatting until about five o'clock, Su Chen looked at his phone.

"Now, that's it. I have another order to make tonight. Customers will be dining at six o'clock. You guys sit down first and I'll go make the order first."

Seeing Su Chen stand up, the Jiang brothers stood up immediately. Jiang Wusheng rubbed his hands with a slightly excited expression, "Fifth brother is cooking. You have to watch and learn everything you say. Is that convenient?"

"Of course it's convenient." Su Chen didn't hesitate.

"I'll go too! Just watching Lao Wu prepare the ingredients these days makes me feel itchy in my heart."

Cui Yufen saw this and stood up with everyone, "Since everyone is going to watch Lao Wu cooking, I will go and watch too."

Lu Yongliang glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, quite disdainfully.

He couldn't stand Cui Yufen's point of view. He always held back when he spoke and did things, couldn't he be more open and generous?

But he didn't dare to say that.

The group of people followed Su Chen to the kitchen. The hygiene here had been kept clean under the leadership of Lao Qi and Zhang Lao Er.

Only the ingredients of the masters on the operating table have not been touched at all.

"How about we all come together? Anyway, the tools here are enough." Su Chen saw everyone standing on both sides and opposite of him, and the inexplicable pressure suddenly came.

Being watched by a bunch of state banquet masters cooking, everyone has to be a bit clever!

"There's no rush, you do it first. Let's work together when you're done. Then we can have a good meal in a down-to-earth manner." Cui Yufen answered for the others.

Su Chen had no choice but to nod.

Take a deep breath and focus all your energy and attention on the ingredients and tools in front of you.

I have to say that the magic patch is very effective.

If it didn't affect his appearance, Su Chen would like to stick this thing on the bridge of his nose all day long.

It feels like cheating!

The ears are clear, the brain is bright, and the eyes are anxious. The level of perception of the five senses is almost magnified several times. This feeling is simply not good.

The first dish to be made now is the most difficult Dengying beef!

Because the beef slices have gone through the process of drying and kang, they are very easy to store after being made. They can be stored for a week in the summer, and even for a month and a half in the winter without deterioration.

So this dish is good as a snack most of the time.

But when you eat it when it has just been fried and cooled, the taste is at its best, which is very wonderful.

The steamed beef slices reabsorbed the water. Just watch Su Chen take it out of the pot, add rapeseed oil to the pot, and add the old ginger after it is cooked.

That is to say, after adding the old ginger, he immediately moved the pot aside and waited for the vegetable oil in the pot to cool down. At the same time, he could continue to fry the flavor of the old ginger into the oil.

Lu Yongliang and the Jiang brothers looked at each other.

Regarding this step, the three of them were quite puzzled, but they didn't say anything.

According to their understanding of cooking, if you want to use oil that has fried old ginger, just fry the ginger slices until golden brown, take them out and discard them.

Just waiting for the oil in the pot to cool down, the old ginger will indeed not be fried. Is it necessary to waste so much time just for a piece of ginger?

This is something the three of them can't quite understand.

It's just that in this situation, whoever speaks first loses, so the three of them were speechless and just continued to watch Su Chen's actions quietly.

At this time, everyone had returned from outside after finishing their work. It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to watch Boss Su cook!

It's a great experience every time!

To everyone's surprise, Su Chen put the pot aside and stopped caring about it.

Then he started to take out other ingredients.

"What is Xiao Su going to do?" Cui Yufen couldn't help but be curious and turned to ask Lu Yongliang.

"I don't know either. It looks like some kind of pastry?"

Mrs. Jiang also wanted to make a guess, but after seeing the ingredients prepared by Su Chen, the two of them were a little unsure.

First, Su Chen beat a bowl of egg whites and prepared dry starch and wet starch.

Judging from these three ingredients, it does feel like making some kind of pastry.

But soon.

Su Chen took out chicken breast again, and Brother Fang Chang's pork belly, which was processed into sandwich fat.

Even Lu Yongliang praised him for not feeling a few pieces of fat.

When Su Chen took out the walnut kernels from the refrigerator, everyone frowned.

Why do I feel like these things don’t match up so well?

Every ingredient can indeed make a good dish, but if you mix and match these ingredients, you really can't imagine what it will be, especially since Su Chen has a pot of hot oil hanging on his hand, which makes everyone even more excited. I'm confused.

Carlsen in the corner has now changed his strategy.

While Su Chen was cooking, he silently held a small notebook and kept writing and drawing in it. He must have recorded all of Su Chen's steps!

The walnut kernels Su Chen brought out at the end were not the kind of things bought directly from the supermarket.

They are walnut kernels that have been soaked in boiling water, peeled off and then fried!

Su Chen used a knife to chop these walnut kernels into particles the size of mung beans. This completed the first ingredient.

Immediately afterwards, the chicken breast with the tendons removed and the fat meat sandwiched with pork belly are all chopped into minced meat.

Put the chicken mince into a basin, dissolve it with a little water, then add the pork mince and stir evenly.

"This is probably some kind of pastry. I can tell that it is somewhat similar to the fish cakes in Hubei Province." Lu Yongliang saw something at this time.

Cui Yufen glared at him, "I feel like we are making meatballs. Isn't this the step to making meatballs? Right Xiao Su?"

The two big guys were secretly competing with each other. The Jiang brothers were trembling on the sidelines, and no one dared to say a word.

Su Chen lowered his head to do his own thing and said, "We'll find out later."

Stir the minced chicken and pork, then add the egg white.

Then add Shaoxing wine, refined salt, water, wet starch, and continue stirring.

At this time, Wang Peixin seemed to have discovered a new world, and his eyes widened with excitement, "Isn't this grits? I loved eating this food so much when I was a kid!"

Grits, a famous food in Linyi, Shandong Province.

Perhaps only the locals know this best. Outsiders can understand glutinous rice as: porridge.

It is a kind of food made from chicken, beef or mutton, wheat kernel flour and various other condiments. It tastes pretty good.

Outsiders only know Linyi fried chicken, but they don’t know that when they get up in the morning, if they can go to a steaming rice dumpling shop and eat a bowl of steaming rice dumplings, that would be a top-notch enjoyment!

Hearing Wang Peixin's words, Su Chen finally stopped what he was doing.

He had to correct this mistake.

"This is not rice dumplings, this is rice dumplings."

Several people were stunned because when Su Chen said this, he said two sounds.

You know, the word "糁" is particularly interesting.

There are two pronunciations in the dictionary, one is san and the other is shen, but in Linyi, they call this famous food: sa.

In fact, it’s all written in one word.

Su Chen said, "It's just a state to stir into chicken grits, not what you said."

Wang Peixin touched his head and smiled awkwardly.

His grandma's uneducated truth was exposed again!

After Su Chen finished speaking, he lowered his head and continued to make. After mixing the chicken grits, he added the chopped walnuts and finally chose a small square porcelain plate.

Apply a layer of oil to the bottom of the plate, pour the stirred chicken grits on top, and slowly spread it with the side of a knife while pouring.

Spread the chicken grits, which look like liquid but are actually not very liquid, into a quarter-high square and put it into the steamer.

Set a ten-minute alarm in front of the operating table.

In this way, the peach crispy chicken cake is more than half done. While the steamer is in use, Su Chen puts his hand over the oil pan next to him to test it.

Hmm. The temperature is still a little too high.

After Su Chen's epiphany in the practice room, he thought of the secret of how to make the beef slices not oily but translucent.

That is the oil temperature!

The oil temperature must not be kept at a certain temperature during the frying process, but the beef slices must be cooked in the process of the oil temperature going from low to high.

This is the real secret!

Just a slight test will tell you that the oil temperature is still too high.

Ignoring the oil, Su Chen took out a set of black cuttlefish from the fish tank that was transported back overnight.

Sweet and sour Dongpo cuttlefish, this dish is uncomfortable.

Even if the most authentic cuttlefish in Leshan is selected, it is at best an A-level dish.

This just proves what Su Chen said at that time.

‘People in ancient times never had good food! ’

The food they thought was delicious in that era is just mediocre in modern times, but chefs from generation to generation have preserved these dishes and put them in famous recipes.

This is outrageous!

‘With Lao Lu’s method, this sweet and sour cuttlefish is perfect! ’

Two slaps, the cuttlefish was knocked unconscious.

In an instant.

Su Chen turned into a ruthless fish-killing machine!

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