Food Customizer

Chapter 199 He is so fierce!

Hanjiagou, the entrance of the village.

Zhang Jiayi took a sip of the Red Bull on the handrail, "I admire myself, how did I do it?"

More than a thousand kilometers, according to the original plan, they would arrive in the afternoon.

They were supposed to go to the nearby service area to rest at night, but Zhang Jiayi didn't feel sleepy, so she dragged the others into the car.

After rushing all night, they arrived at the location sent by Liu Shengnan several hours earlier!

"So we arrived early but didn't notify them. Where can we find Sister Shengnan's in-laws now?" He Shuting asked.

Ling Shuyu stood by the car, looking at the village, and after a moment pointed in a direction, "There."

"Why?" Zhang Li said, and saw a group of people trotting in the direction Ling Shuyu pointed.

"It's a wedding, there must be a lot of people, it's right in that direction."

Immediately, several people got into the car again.

The people in the car were: Zhang Jiayi, Ling Shuyu, Zhang Li, and He Shuting.

Liu Abao and Bai Xiaobo drove another car. They were so sleepy that they slept in the service area at night. It was estimated that they would arrive in the afternoon.

The four girls drove the Raptor towards the crowd.

If Su Chen saw it, he would be very surprised.

I asked you to drive a car with better off-road performance. You drive the Raptor to me?

Okay, okay, you have money, right?

The car gradually drove to the crowded place, and the four girls were still chatting.

"What do you think the boss is doing now? He should be busy processing various ingredients, right?" Zhang Li blinked her eyes and fantasized.

He Shuting sighed, "I said Brother Abao, don't rest. How can the boss be busy now? Let's go and help."

Ling Shuyu rarely talked a lot, "Yes, no matter what, this is not just the boss's business, but also Liu Shengnan's business. We should help."

The car stopped in front of the red gate. The Raptor exuding the breath of a beast attracted several young and old men at the door to cast curious and envious eyes.

Zhang Jiayi slammed the door and jumped out, and was the first to enter the gate.

This is the right place, there is a wedding sign on the door.

Others followed closely, but just when the three girls were about to enter the door, Zhang Jiayi suddenly stepped out.

Shaking her head, "No, no! It must be the wrong way to open it."

"What's wrong?" Ling Shuyu asked.

"I'll go in again." Zhang Jiayi took a deep breath and mustered up the courage to enter the gate again.

"Squeak! Squeak! Squeak~~~"

The screams attracted the girls to swarm in and look curiously.

"Fuck!" Zhang Li burst out with a swear word, "What is that!"

"Killing pigs, haven't you seen it?" Ling Shuyu said calmly.

He Shuting swallowed her saliva, "So, boss! Boss, why did you go to kill pigs!!!"

Su Chen heard a familiar voice calling him.

The nearly 400-pound black pig was now lying on its back with its eyes rolled up. Su Chen bent one leg and pressed it under him, and the pig could not move at all!

Even so, it did not stop him from holding the butcher knife in his hand.


The effect of [Precision Strike] was exerted, and the butcher knife was accurately inserted into the throat, and then moved inward, and entered the heart.

The eldest cousin next to him seized the opportunity to bring a basin, and fresh blood flowed out along the blade, almost without splashing on the pig.

Gradually, the black pig lost its breath and would not move anymore, and the blood in its neck began to decrease.

The men next to him suddenly burst into cheers.

"Awesome! This guy is so awesome! He can kill a pig by himself!"

"Oh my god, how much strength does it take to hold down a whole pig by himself? Who is the animal?"

"Awesome! So awesome!"

"Killing pigs in a suit is really awesome! If he works in a slaughterhouse, he can make at least 10,000 yuan a month?"

Seeing that the blood was almost drained, Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief and stood up, "Okay, I'll leave the rest to you."

He's not good at hair removal.

The cousin made a hole near the pig's hoof, inserted something into it, and started blowing air with his mouth.

Su Chen washed his hands and looked at his suit. His pants were a little dirty, but it was okay.

He wiped his hands on his pants and walked to the door, "Can't we come in the afternoon?"

The four girls were so shocked by the scene just now that they haven't come out yet.

Killing pigs!

The boss who kills pigs in a suit!

Is this still the cheerful, sunny and handsome boy?

Zhang Li whispered, "Boss, if it's this favor, I may not be able to help you."

Su Chen laughed, "You don't need to help. Are you tired? You take a rest first, I'll continue to work."

Zhang Jiayi stretched her body, "I'm really tired after driving all night, I need to sleep for a while."

Liu Shengnan had already noticed it and took Zhang Jiayi's arm, "Come on, everything is ready inside, you go to the kang and sleep for a while."

"Kang?" Zhang Jiayi was obviously a little excited, "Let's go, let's go!"

The other girls said that they were not sleepy after sleeping all the way, and they wanted to stay in the yard to help Su Chen work.

Of course, the premise is that you can't kill pigs!

At this time, Su Chen had already killed two pigs, not to mention that he actually felt a little satisfied.

"The meat is stewing over there. I will just add some seasonings and dipping sauces. You can do whatever you want."

Su Chen looked at the watch. It had only been stewed for less than an hour.

Han Cheng kept adding firewood to the earthen stove. He had to keep the fire on medium and low for at least three hours.

If the stove was occupied, nothing could be done.

Su Chen simply took the girls back to the house. Zhang Jiayi had taken off her shoes and lay on the kang.

"Hey, it's quite comfortable! But people outside can see me. Isn't it not very elegant?"

"Just draw the curtains." Su Chen reminded.

"That's right." Zhang Jiayi stuck her butt up and drew the curtains. She resumed her lying position and fell asleep soon.

Ling Shuyu came back from outside at this time, "Hey, change your clothes. Yours is all dirty."

"Hey?" Su Chen looked at the clean suit and then at Ling Shuyu.

"Don't look at me. Aunt Fang asked me to bring it. She said she saw the clothes in your closet when she was cleaning and didn't have time to take them."

"Okay." Su Chen changed rooms and started to change clothes.

Outside the yard.

My cousin and a group of old men were busy removing the hair from the black pigs. They saw Su Chen taking off his clothes from the window.

"Tsk, no wonder he is the boss. Look, so many beauties are chasing after him, and he started taking off his clothes in the morning."

In the countryside, it is inevitable for the old men to talk about this while working.

My uncle smoked a cigarette, "This guy has good physical strength. He can crush a pig to death. It's really not the physical strength that a human should have. I guess one wife will not be enough in the future."

"It's definitely not enough. Don't you see that the curtains are drawn over there? What a macho man!"

The movements of several old men were a little slower, and they all cast envious eyes.

But their eyes were soon attracted by something else.

After a while, the eldest cousin sniffed, "What's that smell? Is it the smell of the meat stewed over there?"

"It seems so? Let's go and take a look."

Several people ran to the earthen stove, and the smell of meat became stronger and stronger.

"Han Cheng, what's stewed in here, why is it so fragrant?"

Han Cheng answered honestly, "Pork elbows and pig's trotters."

"That can't be so fragrant, let me see what's in it." The eldest cousin directly lifted the lid of a pot.

Everyone looked together, only to see that there was really only pork and pig's trotters inside, and two small bags wrapped in gauze.

"There are some green onions and ginger in there, and the other one is mung beans." Han Cheng said.

The eldest cousin sniffed hard, "My God, can mung beans and elbows be so fragrant? What kind of combination is this?"

Although I don't understand it, my sense of smell will not lie.

Immediately, the eldest cousin put the lid back, glanced at the relatives next to him, and walked out of the yard with his mobile phone.

"Hey, wife, isn't my cousin getting married tomorrow? Well, you should ask for leave for the child and come back to the village."

"Are you crazy?" The wife's irritable voice came from the microphone, "The child is doing well in school, why are you asking for leave?"

"Listen to me." The eldest cousin sniffed the smell in the air again, "The boss of the company where my cousin's wife works is the chef. This boss has some skills, and the food he makes must be delicious. No matter what, you just bring the child back, it must be right."

"How can a big feast be so delicious?"

The eldest cousin lit a cigarette.

Damn, mung beans and pork elbows?

Inside, Su Chen also rested for a while after changing his clothes. Seeing that the time was almost up, he took the girls out of the house.

The handsome guy in a suit and the beautiful girls, the appearance of several people always attracted the attention of the villagers.

Su Chen has gotten used to it, but the girls are obviously not used to it yet.

"Okay, let's start preparing the dishes. I'll cook the elbow. Shuyu, take my notebook and prepare the other ingredients according to the records on it."


Ling Shuyu took He Shuting and Zhang Li to the operating table and rolled up their sleeves to prepare the ingredients.

Don't forget that Ling Shuyu also had a dream of becoming a chef like Su Chen, but later he was overwhelmed by a simple recipe.

But he was still able to handle the ingredients.

For example, the first dish Su Chen gave her was a big pot stew.

This dish is known as "the most popular dish at the banquet" in Jingzhou, including when Su Chen first cooked Jingzhou dishes for the Jiang brothers, he also made a similar dish.

That dish is called "black meat stew", which is a bit similar to the big pot stew, but the selection of ingredients and cooking methods have changed a little, but the overall taste is the same.

There are 30 tables, each with a pot of food, so a big iron pot may not be enough to make it, and the ingredients needed are huge!

The three of them stood in front of the operating table, each holding a kitchen knife, and in front of them was a large basin of peeled potatoes, which were peeled and washed by Han Cheng's mother and the aunts.

A potato the size of a fist can be cut into about five or six pieces, which is very simple.

On Su Chen's side, he took out all the pork elbows and easily separated the elbow bones with a kitchen knife.

Then he put them in a large aluminum basin to cool naturally.

While waiting for the cooling, the eldest cousin had almost processed the two pigs. If someone was not already cutting them, Su Chen would have wanted to take a knife and disassemble them himself.

I asked my cousin for a piece of lean meat from the hind leg, cut it into small pieces, and started chopping it on the chopping board.

The lean meat was chopped into minced meat, and the original soup in the pot had almost settled down.

"Someone come." Su Chen called.

This iron pot is really not good, especially when you want to stir the soup in the pot.

Han Cheng stood up, "Brother Chen, what are you doing?"

Su Chen found a stainless steel bucket and covered it with a piece of gauze, "Filter the soup in the pot through this gauze."

Han Cheng agreed, and was still wondering in his heart, why do you scoop water out of the pot all day?

In this season, the speed of food cooling is still very fast.

Su Chen took out the cooled pork elbows one by one and cut them on the chopping board.

This cutting is also very particular.

You have to press the pork elbow with your left hand and cut it slowly with your right hand, cutting the pork elbow into slices of 1.5 inches long, 8 points wide, and 1.5 points thick.

After cutting one, use a kitchen knife to put the elbow meat slices into the stainless steel basin at once while taking advantage of the bottom. After entering the basin, the shape of the whole elbow remains unchanged.

After putting all 30 elbows into the basin, put them into the steamer.

Fortunately, there are still many steamers at home. Northeastern people always like to make a lot of food that they can't finish eating during the New Year, so this thing is quite big.

In addition to the ones at home, there are also ones borrowed from other villagers.

Two layers of steamers are stacked directly on four large iron pots, a total of eight steamers! The cut elbow meat is placed inside.

"Han Cheng?" Su Chen said, "Add fire. Keep the medium fire and keep steaming for one hour."

Han Cheng, who had just filtered the original soup, had no time to rest and immediately went to carry firewood again.

Freeing up a stove, Su Chen poured the filtered original soup into the pot and boiled it, then added some water and the chopped lean meat.

While skimming off the foam, he added salt and MSG to the soup.

"Brother Chen, is this dish too bland?" Han Cheng asked.

From the beginning to now, this is the first time that Su Chen has added seasoning to a dish, only salt and MSG.

Su Chen saw that there was no more foam floating up, "You'll know after you eat it."

Han Cheng: Why do I feel that this scene has happened before?

Seeing that he was busy adding fire, Su Chen used a large ladle to filter the soup in the pot through the gauze again.

The role of minced meat is to further rinse the impurities in the soup, and the original soup becomes very clear after filtering!

"It's a pity that the tools are limited, otherwise I really have to make a big bucket of clear soup."

At present, many dishes are a bit compromised, and Su Chen can only make them as less compromised as possible.

One hour later.

Su Chen opened a pot lid to take a look. After the second cooking, the elbow meat in the pot has been steamed to be extremely soft.

With a light touch of the chopsticks, you can insert it into the meat. Just by looking at it, you can tell that this thing is definitely soft, fragrant and glutinous, fat but not greasy!

The fat has been boiled and steamed out!

Su Chen reached out and took it directly. Every time he took out a pot, he scooped a spoonful of filtered soup into it, just enough to cover the elbow meat inside.

After all 30 pots of meat were scooped with soup, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, seal these small pots with plastic wrap and take them to a cool place."

Han Cheng touched his head and looked at the pots and bowls.

That is, the clear soup base, with a few pieces of elbow meat soaked in it.

And this elbow meat is even the most natural color of white meat and red meat, without even a little bit of other colors.

'Can this be delicious? '

Even though it smelled really good just now, he still had this doubt.

After all, meat needs to be dipped in some sauce to taste good. Pure natural meat like this really doesn't look very appetizing!

Due to Su Chen's status, Han Cheng couldn't say anything.

He had to follow the instructions and cover all the basins with plastic wrap, and then asked his mother and aunts to carry the small basins to the cool south room.

"The green bean frozen elbow is ready, we have to hurry up." Su Chen saw that it was already noon, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency.

"This earthen stove can't be used like this, we have to redistribute it."

When making elbows just now, five pots were occupied at once, which directly led to Su Chen having no choice but to wait for four or five hours.

Or he lacks experience in making a big banquet!

After rethinking for a while.

Su Chen found the beef that Ling Shuyu had marinated an hour ago.

After thawing the beef, Su Chen immediately cut it into pieces and soaked it in water. It was not until an hour ago that Ling Shuyu took it out and put it in a basin to start marinating.

The method of marinating is also very simple.

According to the ratio in Su Chen's notebook, Ling Shuyu added soy sauce, cinnamon powder and soybean paste to the basin.

Originally, according to Su Chen's meaning, the braised beef must be marinated for at least 24 hours.

Why does the braised beef taste ordinary at ordinary homes?

It's because of this step!

The whole piece of beef is marinated in the braised meat sauce. Although it has all the flavors after it is cooked, it is missing something.

Ordinary people can't tell what is missing, but those who really know the business know it.

It's missing the bottom!

Now there is not enough time. In order to better marinate, Su Chen can only add salt to it to catalyze the process. The effect is definitely not as good as slowly marinating in the refrigerator, but now it looks good.

The meat color has disappeared and has almost turned into a sauce color.

Su Chen took out the large piece of beef wrapped in soybean paste and cinnamon powder, put it in a large bucket and began to wash it with clean water.

"This dish will definitely be the highlight of the banquet!"

According to common thinking, the braised beef in the cold dish is just a casual meal at the banquet.

But Su Chen is confident that the braised beef he made is definitely something they have never eaten before!

How can the braised beef made by two processes of pickling and braising not be delicious?

The washed beef pieces were placed aside.

Su Chen took dozens of small stainless steel basins and began to match the various spices he had allocated and the auxiliary ingredients.

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