Food Customizer

Chapter 234 It turns out that we are the clowns!

Aunt Fang and her wife walked into the restaurant hand in hand, followed by a large number of guests.

After the two entered the door, they went directly to the 19th floor under the guidance of Aunt Fang. Immediately, Aunt Fang started to greet the guests to take their seats.

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They just left the table closest to the inside empty, apparently to accommodate the host and some of the most important guests.

Although Xiao Bin is back, I don't know if it is because the temperament of children who have just entered college changes, but he is very resistant to this college entrance banquet. It is said that he has to complete school homework at home, so he will not come at all.

But often it doesn't matter whether there are parties involved in such a banquet.

As a result, Ling Shuyu, who was more educated at Delicious Food, became the person in charge of keeping the gift account today under Su Chen's arrangement. Fang Chang, who wanted to come to have a meal, sat next to Ling Shuyu. Responsible for counting money.

"My name is Zeng Li, aunt, and this is my red envelope."

Bai Xiaobo was surprised and took the red envelope from the other party's hand. It was a kind of cloth bag with a thick pile inside. After taking it out, the banknotes were still tied with white paper strips. It looked like cash just taken out from the bank.

"Twenty thousand exactly!"

After the woman finished speaking, she went inside to find a seat and sat down. Bai Xiaobo turned around and said in confusion, "Mr. Ling, I can't count all the 20,000."

Ling Shuyu gave him a look, "Just put the money back and write "aunt" on the outside of the red envelope."

Xiaobai did as he was told, lowering his head and muttering, "Xiaobin is a nice lady, and she must be quite rich."

After saying that, someone stretched out his hand and said, "Uncle, I was too busy to take out the money, so I just took a gift from home and put it here!"

Bai Xiaobo looked at the brand new MacBook that had not yet been opened, "Mr. Ling, is this the latest model?"

"Well, it seems to be sixteen thousand, so I'll just remember a computer."

Bai Xiaobo labeled the computer's packaging box with the words "Uncle". Before he finished writing, gifts and red envelopes were placed in front of him one after another.

Xiaobai was very busy, but at the same time everyone felt completely confused.

"Aunt Fang's relatives and friends are too arrogant, aren't they? How much money did that friend make just now?"

Ling Shuyu's face was also a little confused, "Ten thousand."

"There are only about 20 people here, and they have all received more than 300,000 yuan in gifts. This is outrageous. Where do you get so many rich friends?"

Ling Shuyu thought for a moment, but soon smiled brightly, "You don't understand this. Let me give you an example. For example, if Boss Su has a child in the future and is admitted to such a good university, he will hold a banquet for further education. , How much gift money do you prepare?”

Bai Xiaobo clenched his chin and thought for a moment, "I'll start with at least 20,000!"

"Isn't that right? It's not that these friends are rich, it's that the school that Xiaobin went to is so good. It's just a little behind Qingbei. In another ten years, the city will have to award certificates and bonuses. Woolen cloth."

The two looked at each other and seemed to have found the answer.

Well, it’s not that Aunt Fang’s friends are so arrogant, but that Xiao Bin is too ambitious. Although this gift is a lot of money, it’s still a blessing!

As many guests took their seats, Aunt Fang and Zeng Guofeng were also busy at the wine table greeting everyone and exchanging various polite words.

"Oh, Director Liu is here. Hurry up and sit down. Please come over here."

"Boss Zhang? Master Li? It's great that you two can come. Speaking of which, I have an important meeting next week. Boss Zhang must reserve a box for me then! Come on, come on, sit here. ”

"Boss Zhao! Haha, I almost sent someone to pick you up in Jingtai. Without you, we wouldn't be able to open this table today. Quanzi? Hey, it's just ordinary. I told you to just repeat the previous study in Qingbei. If you insist, What kind of weapons are you learning? Today’s children don’t listen to adults’ orders!”

After a while, even the round table near the inside was almost full, leaving only Aunt Fang and Zeng Guofeng.

On the table, there are eight cold dishes.

Almost all are relatively common dishes, such as braised beef, iced vegetables, Qianlong cabbage and other refreshing appetizers.

Then there is a can of strange drinks in front of each person.

Zeng Guofeng returned to his seat. When he stood up, the guests present immediately fell silent.

"Thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend my son's college entrance banquet! If I had known that this kid wouldn't come by himself, we should have made arrangements to treat everyone to dinner a month ago! I will punish myself with a drink for my son ah!"

Zeng Guofeng pulled open the ring of the unknown drink with a pop.

As soon as I picked up the can, I heard the woman sitting at the table next to me laugh and say loudly, "Boss Zeng is now traveling to the province? Don't be too busy, our sister Fang still has to go out to find a job." , I don’t feel sorry for my wife at all~”

The other guests burst into laughter.

Aunt Fang was sitting there, her face slightly sullen.

This Zhou Lirong sounded like she was making fun of Zeng Guofeng, but in fact, wasn't she just insinuating that today's banquet was not grand enough?

What does crossing the border mean?

Is it none of your business that I'm looking for a job?

But after all, it was the host today, and Aunt Fang really couldn't say anything. She could only hold the can and stand up with her husband.

"This is a very good restaurant that I recently discovered. It would be difficult to get an appointment if I didn't have a good relationship with the owner. I hope everyone has a happy meal and drink today! I also punished myself with a drink for my ignorant son!"

Although Lao Zeng was choked, he was not angry at all.

Holding Aunt Fang's arm, she was about to punish herself when she saw that Aunt Fang had almost finished the contents of the can in three gulps.

‘I don’t know if this is beer or what’

"Hiccup~" Aunt Fang drank the drink in the bottle in one gulp, feeling very satisfied.

Well, what Boss Su provided today was his homemade fruit wine.

There is a very obvious bayberry flavor when drinking, and the wine taste is almost undetectable. Only when you drink it in your stomach can you feel the slightest aroma of wine in your mouth through your breath.

It doesn’t cause nausea or heartburn, and it tastes delicious!

Seeing this, Zeng Guofeng smiled and sighed, and then he also raised his head.


As soon as Zeng Guofeng poured a mouthful into his mouth, he immediately stopped and looked at the can with no packaging content suspiciously.

‘It smells like bayberry, wine, with a hint of sparkling water. ’

'But it doesn't irritate your throat or burn your throat, and it's very smooth when you drink it.'

What the hell is this?

Isn't it delicious?

Tons tons tons tons tons.

One bite is immediately boring!

Seeing this, Zhou Lirong, who was speaking, couldn't hide the yin and yang in her words, "Oh, you two should be careful when drinking. Be careful not to drink this kind of three-nothing product to your body."

After that, he put the can of drink in front of him in front of Aunt Fang.

Aunt Fang's eyes lit up inexplicably when she saw this action.

Is there such a good thing?

Obviously, Boss Su only prepared one can per person, and Aunt Fang also understood Su Chen's temperament very well. After eating several times, this drink was always limited to one serving per person.

It's fine if you, Zhou Lirong, don't drink, but I haven't had enough yet.

But Zhou Lirong's words made many guests feel a little embarrassed. Some guests even pretended to be casual and put their drinks in the center of the table to express their refusal to drink.

Or put it directly in front of the people around you.

"Everyone who uses chopsticks is not particular about what they do. Eat well and drink well! I'll put a table first, and I'll toast everyone one by one later!" Zeng Guofeng didn't care if someone said something unpleasant.

A businessman like him always has a smile on his face, no matter how others treat him, the main thing is that he has a good temper and a good temper.

As soon as Zeng Guofeng sat down, Zhou Lirong came over and brought two other sisters with him.

The three of them were holding cups filled with water, "Director Liu, you are the biggest official here today, let's give you a toast! Since we don't have any wine or drinks, I'll use water instead of wine!"

The middle-aged man who was called Director Liu stood up and held a glass of water and said with a smile, "I won't drink during lunch. Boss Zeng and I have been friends for a long time. I am happy for them that Xiaobin has been admitted to a good university!"

After saying that, he drank the water in the glass and sat down.

The chopsticks in front of me were stuck in my face, but I didn't pick them up to eat.

Zhou Lirong ran to Boss Zhang again, "Boss Zhang! Our friend didn't come today, and he asked me to bring you a message. He said that he was going to have dinner with some foreign guests next month. How about your Jingzhou Hotel? Leave a seat for us, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, definitely, and we must let Master Li cook for us. Our family can’t eat the food cooked by Master Li now, and we don’t like to eat at home every day!”

Boss Zhang of Jingzhou Hotel and Chef Li also stood up.

"If so, Jingzhou Hotel welcomes you all at any time. We will definitely leave a private room when the time comes. Don't worry!"

The two of them also drank boiled water together, turning a blind eye to the Sanwu beverage cans in front of them.

On the contrary, it was Boss Zhao, the big boss of Jingtai.

Watching this scene with a smile, until Zhou Lirong came to him to chat, Boss Zhao boldly opened the can in front of him.

Kill it in three mouthfuls.

This action made Zhou Lirong, who was toasting, frown, and she returned to her seat unhappily.

The guests at other tables have already started to take action, eating what they should eat and drinking what should be drank, and from time to time they would say "delicious" or "this dish is good".

Zhou Lirong sneered, and without lowering her voice, she chatted with Xiujuan next to her, "This kind of banquet is all thanks to my relatives' support. I can't eat this thing anyway. Whoever likes it can eat it."

It looks like you are chatting with the people around you, but in fact, most people nearby can hear what you are saying.

Zeng Guofeng looked embarrassed, "Everyone, eat, eat!"

The people at their table were motionless.

The guests at this main table are a little different from other places. Half of them are directors from public institutions where Zeng Guofeng needs to travel frequently when doing business, and the rest are from big hotels in the city or other business people.

Everyone did not move their chopsticks and just chatted, indicating that they were indeed not very satisfied with the banquet here today.

Lao Zeng sighed and turned to look at Aunt Fang, but didn't say a word.

"They don't eat, you eat."

Aunt Fang gave him a piece of braised beef, and she almost finished the plate of cold dishes by herself.

Boss Zhao, who was sitting opposite them, turned slightly and whispered to Master Zhang, the Jingtai chef next to him, "Try the bayberry wine and see if you can make it again when you go back."

Seeing Master Zhang addicted to the Qianlong cabbage in front of him, Boss Zhao said angrily, "Don't be stupid like the two rice cooks at Jingzhou Hotel. The boss and chef here are not simple. I queued up two people before." It’s not even scheduled for a month, so try today’s dishes and bring some back to our restaurant.”

Master Zhang nodded firmly, "Don't worry, boss, I can make this dish."

"Yes." Boss Zhao's face remained calm and his voice was very low, "Let's talk less and eat more. This place is crouching with tigers and hidden dragons. It's easy to offend people if you talk too much."

Master Zhang nodded slightly and extended his chopsticks to the cold ice dish.

After all, Jingtai is a privately-owned hotel, so it is more casual in the selection and formulation of dishes. It does not have to worry about many things like Jingzhou Hotel.

In addition to doing business, Jingzhou Hotel also has some social responsibilities. It is not suitable to handle too many dishes from other provinces. It mainly promotes local dishes.

So over the years, I have felt like I am stuck in my own ways, rarely communicating with outside restaurants and chefs. It is normal for them not to know the specifics of delicious food.

Zeng Guofeng took a bite of the soy sauce beef, and his somewhat melancholy expression suddenly disappeared and turned into a surprise.

"This beef is good! Everyone, hurry up and try it. Even those with bad teeth like me can bite it. It's really good."

After that, he took three or four more slices for himself.

Others laughed and shook their heads.

I thought to myself that Lao Zeng's college entrance banquet was really not decent. Two bosses of a big hotel are sitting here, and you can praise them so much. Isn't this just degrading people?

Everyone still didn't eat, just laughed and chatted with the people around them.

It wasn't until Director Liu stood up that the awkward balance at the dinner table was broken.

"Um, Old Zeng! I had some work today, and I came here specifically to deliver gifts to Xiao Bin. I won't eat this meal. I have to go back and deal with the work at hand."

Zeng Guofeng swallowed the beef in his mouth in two gulps, "Director Liu, the hot dishes haven't been served yet."

People are leaving before the hot food is served.

Isn't this a slap in the owner's face?

Otherwise, just don't come. Since you're all here and sitting here, you have to finish eating before you leave, right?

Director Liu smiled and shook his head.

He is the office director in charge of urban construction and has the most dealings with this group of real estate developers. Within the scope of his authority, he has never eaten anything.

I accomplished something for Lao Zeng two days ago, but I didn't expect to treat him to this meal today. Director Liu was really not very happy.

After all, these days, if he doesn't have the guts to eat naka, he can just satisfy his appetite.

"I won't eat any more. Please enjoy your meal. I'm leaving now."

When Director Liu dropped these words, the meaning was obvious.

You, Zeng Guofeng, know that what you did this time was disgraceful. It depends on you how you want to make up for it later.

Zeng Guofeng was embarrassed and wanted to hold out his hand, but before he could say anything, he saw that Director Liu had already left the table.

At the same time, the owner and chef of Jingzhou Hotel were also getting up.

The director of Jingzhou Fusion Media also stood up.

Almost instantly, apart from Aunt Fang and his wife, only the owner and the chef of Jingtai Hotel were still sitting at the main table.

The movement here also attracted the attention of several tables around, and everyone looked over. Zhou Lirong even watched the excitement and did not think it was a big deal.

"What did I say, Old Zeng? You are just being picky now. How can a big boss be so picky? How about I intercede for you? Let's ask Boss Zhang to arrange a few tables at Jingzhou Hotel now. It's not too late to free up space." ”

Boss Zhang laughed loudly and waved his hands hurriedly, "Don't talk nonsense, but don't talk nonsense."

Zeng Guofeng had no time to pay attention to her and hurriedly followed Director Liu, "Director, look at this. My wife at home is not sensible. When women do things, they just hiss!!! Secretary Zhang?"

"Secretary Zhang, don't yell, I'm still the director now." Director Liu walked to the door, turned around and started the education mode, "And my surname is Liu, Old Zeng, you are really confused! I am a public servant Staff, it doesn’t matter if I just eat some noodles, but today you invited so many of your colleagues to come here for dinner, and you can’t even save your face. How can I sign for you in the future? It’s not me, you.”

Zeng Guofeng's eyes were not on Director Liu. He looked behind Director Liu in confusion, "Secretary Zhang! Are you here too? This, this, this. Hurry, take a seat!"

Director Liu immediately became angry.

What the hell am I telling you, and what are you doing? Why are you, Zeng, so ungrateful now?


Director Liu was about to get angry immediately. He turned halfway along Zeng Guofeng's figure, and there was an extra person wherever he looked!

His tone immediately changed.

"Old Secretary!" The anger on Director Liu's face instantly turned into an extremely flattering smile, "Old Secretary, are you here?"

Secretary Zhang was the city secretary who was invited by Mr. Gong of Jingzhou Energy the night before.

Don't say that Director Liu is confused.

The director of Jingzhou Fusion Media was also dumbfounded when he saw the people accompanying Secretary Zhang.

"Director Wang? What are you, Old Zeng? Did you tell me earlier that you and Director Wang are good friends? Last time, you were promoting the new community."

Wang Jianguo from Jingzhou TV station didn't finish listening. He crossed over to the director of the Media Center and stood next to Secretary Zhang.

I heard the secretary smile kindly and say, "Haha, I heard yesterday that Boss Zeng's son was admitted to a good university. There is a promotion banquet today. Of course, I have to come over to congratulate him. This is to set an example for parents in the city. Education must be done well." of."

Secretary Zhang walked to Ling Shuyu's ceremony table and said, "Boss Zeng, don't be too little!"

Wang Jianguo also handed out a red envelope.

Both of them received two hundred yuan, which is a normal gift for ordinary people in Jingzhou City.

"Oh, that's what you said, please take a seat over here!" Zeng Guofeng was so dumbfounded that he couldn't care less about Director Liu and Director Ma now.

He just took Secretary Zhang and Director Wang to the main table, and then arranged them to the chair where Director Liu stood up and left.

Wang Jianguo arranged for the chair where the director of Fusion Media left.

Director Liu, who also turned around and came back, was stunned.

Not Lao Zeng, is there anyone who does things like this? You let Secretary Zhang sit in my seat, what should I do?

But he, Director Liu, was not even a hair in front of Secretary Zhang. He could only stand humbly behind him. He wanted to say something, but it was not convenient to disrupt other people's chat.

"Hey? You're waiting for me, right? Haha, you didn't even use your chopsticks?"

When Secretary Zhang reached this position, he definitely didn't need to give face to anyone. He sat down without being polite, took the new chopsticks sent by Aunt Fang, and took a bite of the cold lotus root slices in front of him.

"Yes, the food in this restaurant is very good."

There are very few condiments in the cold lotus root slices, and you can only taste a little salty taste. You can feel the crispy texture of the lotus root slices more when you shake them.

Let’s just say that I spent 200 yuan to eat here today. What’s wrong with the city secretary? Doesn’t the city secretary need to eat?

Wang Jianguo did the same. He stretched out his hand unceremoniously and started eating, "It's just in time. If it were a little later, everyone's DVD operation would have started."

The two directors are standing in the back. They can't even sit down now, and it looks very ugly standing up.

The other people who were following them were also a little embarrassed and didn't really know what to do for a while.

At this moment, Bai Xiaobo, who was observing the movement here, suddenly shouted at the top of his voice.

“Welcome Jingzhou Energy to congratulate us!”

Xiaobai is quite smart. The main reason is that when Bai Xiaobo saw Secretary Zhang and Wang Jianguo, he finally realized something that Boss Su told him in the morning.

‘If those guests from last night come again today, please remember to shout for us. It's not easy for Aunt Fang to raise a college student, and you rarely get the chance to earn this kind of respect. ’

Following Xiao Bai's voice, everyone looked around.

Everyone present took a breath.

If Secretary Zhang and Director Wang are able to come, it is because Xiaobin has good grades and went to a good university. One is responsible for publicity and the other is responsible for praise, which makes sense.

Chairman of Jingzhou Energy, what are you doing here as a power generator?

Mr. Gong smiled and placed a two hundred yuan red envelope on the gift table.

"Don't look at me, everyone, it's time to eat and drink!"

He walked straight through the crowd and sat beside Director Wang.

Here, just now was the director of Jingzhou Local Electric Power.

The director stood awkwardly behind Mr. Gong. He was not his immediate boss. It could only be said that his immediate boss was afraid of him.

"Mr. Gong, you are coming too."

Mr. Gong from Jingneng seemed to have not heard the words behind him, "Oh, I had dinner here yesterday. I couldn't sleep when I went back. I just felt that I didn't eat well. I came here today to congratulate my eldest nephew on passing the exam. University, Lao Zeng, you won’t welcome me, right?”

Zeng Guofeng swallowed his saliva and said, "Welcome! Very welcome. You are usually busy and I don't dare to bother you. Cutlery, here is the cutlery!"

I was murmuring in my heart, why did I become your eldest nephew? I didn’t remember that our old Zeng family had such a relative.

Mr. Gong took the chopsticks with a smile, "This pickled raw food is delicious. You don't like eating it?"

No one really ate the raw pickled food on the plate. Mr. Gong immediately took a third of the plate for himself, and the rest was divided between Secretary Zhang and Director Wang.

The three Li Rong people next to them were all dumbfounded, and they no longer knew what was going on.

"When did Sister Fang get involved with such a big shot?"

"No, I haven't heard that her family has anything to do with the city. How come the TV station has a relationship with them?"

"My family tried every means to invite Mr. Jingneng and Mr. Gong to dinner, but they couldn't. When did Mr. Zeng get in touch with Mr. Gong?"

The three women were confused.

Each of the three people here is beyond their reach. The most important thing is that all three of them have received a gift of 200 yuan, which makes it look like they are a very poor group of people who can afford thousands or even tens of thousands. level.

However, before the three women finished gossiping, Aunt Fang walked to the table.

"Um, Lirong, Xiujuan, Shuhua. Didn't you just say that today's food is not to your liking? There is a rest room here. You go and rest first. I will cook you a bowl of noodles myself later."

Li Rong, who danced the most happily, tilted her head with questions on her face.

He seems to be asking: Sister Fang, what do you mean?

Just now was just now, now is now, can it be the same?

Just now I could leave at any time because the food was not delicious. Now such a big leader is sitting here eating happily. You want me to leave here because the food is not delicious?

Before Li Rong could think of how to deal with it, she heard Aunt Fang continue.

"It just so happens that these three have no place to sit."


These three are none other than the drivers brought by the three leaders.

Li Rong glanced at Secretary Zhang's seat, stood up depressedly, and forced a smile, "Ah, my stomach is not feeling well today, and I can't eat and drink too much. Please take a seat."

The three drivers sat down directly without being polite.

And the three women, like the directors at another table, couldn't leave, and they were embarrassed to stand there. They didn't know what to do at all.

Similarly, there was Boss Zhang and his Master Li from Jingzhou Hotel.

"Boss, what should we do now?"

Boss Zhang turned his head back and lowered his voice, "Such big leaders are here, it's definitely not appropriate to leave now. Our seats haven't been taken yet, so just sit down, who cares."

Boss Zhang's voice was suppressed by Bai Xiaobo's voice.

"The chef of the state banquet, Cui Yufen, and Lu Yongliang are here!"

The restlessness caused by this voice was even greater than when Secretary Zhang and his friends came just now!

After all, the city's secretary and the like are all people who exist in the news, and the state banquet master is even more of a fantasy person!

Everyone cast their eyes and saw Cui Yufen and Lu Yongliang coming in, each with four people behind them.

The two first gave the stage a red envelope of 200 yuan each, and then told the eight people behind them to find a place to stay, and then went to the main table to shake hands with Zeng Guofeng.

"My nephew's graduation banquet, you didn't notify us earlier, and we almost came late."

Cui Yufen shook Aunt Fang's hand, "We sisters don't say much, but don't refuse this little gift."

As a permanent guest here, every time Aunt Fang took people to clean the 32nd floor, she was only responsible for checking other rooms, but Aunt Fang cleaned Teacher Cui's room herself.

It was so clean and so careful.

Later, Cui Yufen simply cleaned with Aunt Fang herself, and the old lady was idle anyway.

After a few visits, the relationship between the two gradually improved, and they called each other sisters in the company.

This title made Zeng Guofeng a little confused.

My son is now the nephew of Secretary Zhang, the nephew of so many leaders, and the nephew of two state banquet chefs. When did my Zeng family become so prestigious?

But the most confused person was not Zeng Guofeng, but Boss Zhang and Master Li who were about to sit down!

Especially Master Li.

As the chef of Jingzhou Hotel, because of the taste of Jingzhou people, he improved a lot of new dishes with his excellent Shandong cuisine skills after coming to Jingzhou Hotel, which made the business of Jingzhou Hotel much better for a while.

At this moment, he stood here, looking at the woman who was about to sit in the seat that originally belonged to him.

"Teacher Cui Cui?"

Cui Yufen slightly tilted his head to look at her, and didn't recognize her.

He turned his head back and continued to chat with Aunt Fang.

"Do you know her?" Boss Zhang frowned and asked, because his position was taken by Lu Yongliang, "Didn't you say that you were an apprentice of the state banquet chef?"

Master Li was almost dumbfounded. He nodded in confusion, "I am an apprentice of the state banquet chef, it's her, it's Teacher Cui, Teacher Cui, don't you recognize me?"

Cui Yufen frowned and thought about it, and suddenly realized, "Oh~ You are the little chef who interned at the International Hotel for a few days that year? People get old and their memory is not good."

Master Li grinned immediately. Being recognized by Teacher Cui in front of so many people is undoubtedly a strong guarantee for promotion and salary increase!

I heard Cui Yufen slowly said, "I only have those twenty or so apprentices. I'm sorry. I have handled too many young chefs who have not entered the door in the past few years. It's really hard to remember."

He said he was embarrassed, but there was no embarrassed look on his face.

Master Li's face turned red and blue after hearing the second half of the sentence.

The three people standing in the aisle, Li Rong, were really confused this time.

Let alone Secretary Zhang and his group, even the chef of the state banquet came to support Sister Fang?

When did she make friends with so many legendary figures?

Before they could figure it out, the old lady named Cui Yufen stood up directly, and her voice was so fucking loud.

"Originally, Teacher Lu and I couldn't make it back today, but I heard that my good sister Xiao Fang is going to hold a graduation banquet for her son today."

All the guests turned around to look.

If the people at the main table just now were the highest level they could come into contact with, then now, the people at the main table are completely people that ordinary people dare not even think about in their lifetime!

And these people are sitting in front of them alive, and they have to eat the same big banquet with them.

In a trance, it makes everyone feel unreal.

Cui Yufen raised the 'three-no drink' in his hand and continued loudly, "And today our boss, Boss Su Chen, is cooking in person! This is incredible. Once Teacher Lu and I made the decision, we immediately changed our schedule and finally got back before Boss Su served the dishes."

"Here's a toast to everyone, and also to Boss Su!"

The state banquet chef raised his cup, so the guests present naturally felt embarrassed to say anything.

Even the old lady is not afraid of getting a stomachache from drinking, so why should others be so hypocritical?

Seeing that everyone was going to drink the drinks, Li Rong and the other two ran behind Aunt Fang, "Sister Fang, give me the drinks you just gave me."

Aunt Fang put the three cans of drinks on her lap like a calf, "You said you didn't want to drink, and now you regret it?"


She opened another can of fruit wine and drank it all in one gulp.

With this toast, everyone tasted the drink that no one had been willing to drink before.

The crowd gradually began to make noises.

"What kind of drink is this? It tastes really good?"

"It tastes a little like alcohol but not strong. It tastes good. Where can I buy it?"

"I've never seen such a drink on the market. It's really good. It doesn't sting the throat at all."

Many people looked at this aluminum can without any characters in disbelief after taking a sip, and took a sip without believing in evil.

It tastes really good!

It tastes stronger than fruit juice, but not too sweet. It tastes more fragrant than wine, but not too spicy.

Just as everyone was praising it.

Zhang Li with short legs and He Shuting with long legs.

The two of them walked over from the direction of the cafeteria with square plates in their hands, talking in their throats as they walked.

"The first dish, fried water fish with garlic sprouts!!!"

As soon as He Shuting finished speaking, the light in the lobby on the 19th floor suddenly dimmed.

And in the direction of the lounge, a projection suddenly appeared on the white wall.

"Welcome to Delicious Catering Company. This is the live broadcast room that leads directly to the kitchen. I wish you all a happy, safe and comfortable meal!"

Ten dishes were placed on ten tables.

Those who didn't understand were still watching the live broadcast on the projector in a daze. In the picture, a handsome young man in a suit was busy with a kitchen knife.

If it wasn't Boss Su, who else could it be?

And those who understood very well, such as Secretary Zhang and his group.

Seeing that others were busy watching the projector, Secretary Zhang and General Manager Gong smiled at each other.

This is fried water fish with garlic sprouts!

When they ate this dish the night before, they only took a bite each, a glimpse, and the taste they just tasted was gone.

This time

With the addition of Director Wang from the TV station, the three of them picked up the chopsticks calmly, and then picked up several pieces of meat in their own small bowls.

He almost took away half of the meat on the plate before he stopped.


Storm, inhale!

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