Food Customizer

Chapter 243 Am I also a part of his cooking process?

There is still a long time to explore the story of Delicious Food.

After Cai Sirong returned to the kitchen with Coke, she temporarily put away her curiosity about Zhang Li, gave Liu Guochu and Su Chen a bucket of Coke each, and then asked the latest question.

"Boss Su, did you make this Coke yourself?"

Su Chen did not confirm or deny, "The recipe of Coke is known to the whole world, it is not something strange."

This is true. Even if ordinary people want to make their own Coke, it is actually not that difficult as long as they have the equipment.

There have been several beverage companies in China that have tried to do Coca-Cola business, but Coca-Cola is too big and it is definitely not easy to steal their business.

When Cai Sirong heard what Su Chen said, she nodded thoughtfully.

I just felt that this was what Su Chen meant by acquiescence.

Cai Sirong opened the Coca-Cola with a pop, and drank half the bottle in one gulp.

"Hiccup~" She took the aluminum bottle in front of her and looked at it carefully. She didn't find any words on it, and said in surprise, "Boss Su, your craftsmanship is really good. If Coke with this flavor is brought to the market If you sell it, many people will definitely buy it!”

Su Chen ignored this nonsense.

If the standard of good business was the quality of products, then the world would be wonderful.

He drank the Coke in the bottle in one gulp, then flattened the Coke bottle with his hands as usual and threw it into the trash can. Liu Guochu was stunned by this operation.

He also squeezed silently, but he could only deflate the bottle, not flatten it.

‘Boss Xiao Su’s hands are strong enough. ’

The three of them drank Coke and rested for a while. Su Chen continued to get up and prepare the last two dishes.

Second floor.

Wang Jianguo came to Ling Shuyu's office with a plan. At this time, he transformed into a hundred thousand whys and was asking questions frantically.

"Mr. Ling, do you think the theme of the collision between state banquets and private banquets that you mentioned can be well expressed through the plot model of our station?"

"Mr. Ling, if everyone is an amateur, how will we promote our program in the early stage? Without promotion, there will be no traffic. Without traffic, the program will be a failure!"

"Mr. Ling, there is one more thing I don't quite understand. Why do you want to participate in this show? Is it because you are also good at cooking?"

Ling Shuyu's fists were clenched tighter and tighter.

Why did you mention cooking to me?

Back then, she, Ling Shuyu, came to MeiLai with great ambitions, hoping to become the No. 1 chef in the MeiLai company besides Su Chen!

As a result, I was stunned in the kitchen for nearly a month, and finally returned to the position I was most familiar with, doing the things I was most familiar with.

Not talking about cooking is Ling Shuyu's bottom line.

"Wang Tai, if you are just asking these questions, I actually have details in my plan. I still recommend that you read it carefully."

"By the way, where is Boss Su? Why isn't he here? I asked Cai Sirong to guard Boss Su, but why is Xiao Cai missing?"

Ling Shuyu continued to immerse himself in his own affairs, "Boss Su has a big order today, and it's also an order from the state banquet chef. He's busy right now."

"Oh?" Wang Jianguo's eyes suddenly lit up, "Who is the chef? I remember that there are already several state banquet chefs in our company?"

Ling Shuyu put down his pen impatiently and raised his head, "Wangtai, it's on the 19th floor. You can go and see for yourself. I guess it's currently being worked on."

"Yes, yes." Wang Jianguo put away the plan.

In an instant, I had forgotten the purpose of coming to the delicious food. I was just curious about which state banquet chef had thrown himself into the trap?

Yes, after learning how those state banquet chefs added delicious food, Wang Jianguo gave this evaluation: he fell into a trap.

Carrying his briefcase and quickly running to the nineteenth floor, Wang Jianguo went straight to the kitchen.

Su Chen, who was about to handle the ingredients, stopped what he was doing.

Cai Sirong waved her hand, "Wangtai, why are you here?"

Liu Guochu looked at the person who came in inexplicably and asked Su Chen, "Is this your friend too?"

Su Chen said, "This is the director of Jingzhou TV Station."

Liu Guochu frowned and said nothing, thinking about how Boss Su knew everyone.

Does a restaurant owner still need to have a relationship with a TV station?

Anyway, when Liu Guochu was in Hunan Province, people from TV stations always came to him and begged him for interviews and news.

Wang Jianguo glanced at Liu Guochu and thought he didn't recognize this person.

Then he smiled and said to Su Chen, "Boss Su, I'm here today to find Mr. Ling's plan for her. Have you watched the program we will do next?"

Su Chen didn't look, but she heard what Ling Shuyu said.

"I know the situation, and I think Mr. Ling's idea is good. It depends on your TV station's decision. It just so happens that the banquet hall and famous cuisine department here will start to be renovated soon. I will have time then."

Liu Guochu heard this conversation.

Something's wrong. Isn't this a restaurant? Why is Boss Su talking to the TV station about doing a program?

"Wait a minute!" Liu Guochu raised his hand to interrupt the conversation between the two, "What show? Boss Su, are you going to debut as a star?"

Su Chen smiled and said, "No. This is a government-enterprise cooperation program. It mainly promotes our local tourism resources in Jingzhou and uses food to promote it."

Liu Guochu didn't understand. "So you want to make a food show?"

He turned to look at Wang Jianguo, "We are going to make a food show on TV? Can the ratings be good, you guys?"

This caused Wang Jianguo a big embarrassment.

If the ratings are good, should we still worry about it now?

"Aren't we talking to Boss Su?"

Liu Guochu said, "Are we just going to cook local Jingzhou cuisine, or are we going to cook cuisines from all over the country?"

Wang Jianguo became a little impatient.

Other state banquet chefs maintain a certain aloofness, so why does this chef have so many problems?

"We do everything. Our theme is the collision between state banquets and folk banquets. The main focus is the competition between folk delicacies and state banquet delicacies."

Liu Guochu stopped talking this time, instead frowning and thinking about something.

He didn't even listen to the subsequent conversation between Wang Guojian and Su Chen. After thinking for a long time, Liu Guochu grabbed Wang Jianguo's arm.

"Brother, you are saying that we are going to have a food show now, and the theme will be a state banquet and a people's banquet. Let me ask you something, do you still lack a chef for the state banquet?"

Wang Jianguo and Su Chen were stunned at the same time.

What kind of tiger-wolf talk is this?

What do you mean, is there still a shortage of chefs for state banquets?

"Look at my appearance and image. Can I be on TV?"

Wang Jianguo:? . ?

"I mean, actually I can also cook for state banquets. I used to cook for leaders of various countries in the state guesthouse. Hehe, Hunan cuisine has not been on the table in recent years, otherwise we would still have to be in the state guesthouse. a regular customer!”

Su Chen sneered, "The foreign old man and lady are here, you can't serve someone a piece of fried pork with chili pepper, right? There is a meeting in the afternoon, and the buttocks are burning after eating them, how can we have fun?"

After all, there are many non-spicy dishes in Sichuan cuisine, and a dish of boiled cabbage has established its status as a state banquet. This Hunan cuisine is truly

Liu Guochu was a little amused when Su Chen said, "It has to be spicy, and it will kill those idiots."


Su Chen waved his hands and didn't want to talk to him anymore. If he kept talking like this, the company would be 404ed.

Wang Jianguo was also a little bit agitated. Why did this old master have no clue?

If you really want to kill those idiots, just feed them hot pot.

When the time comes, the Japanese guests will grab the duck intestines with their hands.

The leader of Saudi Arabia directly fished out the fat intestines, and the leader of Magnesia looked at the duck's bloody brain.

It was the third brother's turn to take action, and he pricked his hand and blistered it.

"Pfft!" Wang Jianguo amused himself thinking about this scene.

‘Sin, sin, sin. Let’s go back and knock on the electronic wooden fish tonight. ’

When Liu Guochu saw him laughing like this, he thought he was laughing at himself, so he stopped talking nonsense and said, "Can you tell me, if it's really a show, can I be included in it?"

Just now he suddenly thought of something.

Why can’t Hunan cuisine be served at state banquets now?

Of course, Su Chen was talking about one reason, but there is actually another reason, which also has something to do with the current leader's love for him.

But the most important reason, in the final analysis, is the issue of popularity.

Although the popularity of Huaiyang cuisine is just that, at least it won't go wrong if it appears at a state banquet.

Hunan cuisine is hard to say.

But there is another possibility.

That is, when a certain cuisine reaches a certain level of amazing popularity, its shortcomings will be infinitely hidden.

Just like French cuisine, it is also very popular all over the world and is well-deserved as the world's number one cuisine!

But is it really delicious?

But people are famous, so the same applies to other cuisines. If Hunan cuisine can be made to achieve a high prestige and popularity in some way, then one day when foreign leaders come, they may even ask for Hunan cuisine by name. .

Couldn’t this be used again at the state banquet?

Wang Jianguo hesitated, because according to Ling Shuyu's plan, there were actually enough candidates.

At this time, Su Chen spoke, "Don't ask after Wang Tai. We haven't decided on the specific plan yet. We'll talk about the selection later. Let's finish today's things first?"

Liu Guochu still refused to give up and dragged Wang Jianguo, "Well, Wangtai, don't leave either. Let's eat here tonight. It's my treat! We can chat while we eat, or we can chat after eating."

Wang Jianguo suddenly became happy.

Just now I was thinking about how Boss Su would cook the food himself. What kind of excuse should he find to skip the meal? After all, it was a customer's order, so it was really hard to find an excuse.

Is this coming?

"Then it's better to be respectful than to obey. Hehe, it just so happens that I also have a lot of things I want to talk to you about!"

Su Chen looked at Wang Jianguo in surprise.

This person has the innate body of eating rice!

Last time Fang Chang invited a guest to dinner, this person came to have a meal for no reason, and the next day he spent 200 yuan to have another meal.

This is definitely an accident today. How can I even get this?

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. If we continue talking, we won't be able to cook the food today."

After such a long time, the red soup and broth that I had cooked earlier were all ready, the fish skin was also processed, and there were still two final dishes that I had not started to prepare.

The name of this grass is a bit funny.

Braised frog.

When preparing this dish, Su Chen once wondered whether the famous 'braised chicken rice' on the market was actually braised frog chicken from Hunan Province?

But later I looked up the information and found out that Braised Chicken is a dish that originated in Jinan, Shandong Province, and indeed has nothing to do with Braised Frog.

This dish is a game dish.

Other game cannot be eaten, but frogs are OK, as some people now specialize in breeding them.

Wash the slaughtered frogs, cut off the feet, break the leg bones, and then cut each frog into four pieces and put them in a bowl.

Add three qian of Shaoxing wine, eight qian of wet starch, and one qian of soy sauce and mix well.

Take the loofah, peel it, wash it, remove the pulp, and cut it into slices of eight centimeters long, five centimeters wide, and one and a half centimeters thick. Cut the garlic cloves into slices.

Chop the perilla leaves, and remove the stems of the mushrooms and use them directly.

Although this dish is just stewed frogs, it actually uses quite a few side dishes.

After the ingredients are processed, continue to put them aside.

"Hey, the last dish! By the way, hasn't Mr. Maolin come yet?"

Liu Guochu glanced at his phone, "He said he has arrived and is chatting with Mr. Lu and Master Cui on the third floor. Just call him when we eat later."


Su Chen nodded, thinking that Zhang Maolin's job was pretty good, as he was paid to eat.

Where can you find good food? If anyone wants to get official recognition, they have to invite Zhang Maolin to have a few bites and taste it.

But this job is good, but it's really not something that ordinary people can do.

'I will do this job when I retire. '

After all, we have the top of taste, so there is no pressure to taste a dish.

The last dish is beets.

In a sense, if it is not a dish with very distinctive characteristics, it is difficult to say which cuisine a dish belongs to in the category of "beets".

Most of these things are the crystallization of the wisdom of China for thousands of years. Our ancestors made fruits into new dishes in various ways, some of which are for easier preservation.

Some of them are formed by the fusion of multiple fruits to form a more unique flavor.

For example, the dish that Su Chen is going to make now is a new way to eat fruit - honey pear.

Take twelve whole pears of almost the same size, first cut off the two ends of the pear, and then use a knife to dig out the pear core from one end.

At this time, the beautiful things come.

To be honest, this is also the first time that Su Chen has tried carving flower knives.

Liu Guochu watched Su Chen's movements and used an ordinary sharp knife to carve the shape of a chrysanthemum at the position of removing the core a little clumsily.

'It turns out that Boss Su also has shortcomings.'

As Liu Guochu, who has seen Su Chen's wild knife skills, has a new idea in his mind at this moment.

In his opinion, Su Chen belongs to the type of big opening and closing, and carving is a delicate work in knife work. It is impossible to learn it well without more than ten years of practice.

After shaping all twelve pears into the same shape, Su Chen slowly placed the pattern upwards, put all twelve pears into a clay bowl, put three crystal sugars in each of the pits, and put them into the steamer.

After boiling water over high heat, Su Chen said, "Call everyone over, we'll be eating soon."

All the preparations for the eight dishes were done.

The only thing left to do was the last step of each dish.

Liu Guochu looked at the side, "I'd better trouble Miss Cai."

Cai Sirong nodded, and when she ran to the door, she heard Liu Guochu and Wang Jianguo chatting behind her, "Now is the moment that truly reflects the peak of a chef's skills, but you can't miss it."

Miss Cai's facial muscles suddenly stiffened.


But she could only obediently go and call people. After all, it was impossible for Boss Su to call, and Liu Guochu would not go either. The only one left was her big boss.


She rushed into the elevator in two steps and went straight to the third floor!

In the kitchen, Su Chen glanced around, looked at all the things he had prepared, and reached out to silently put the magic patch on his nose.

"Boss Su, is your nose uncomfortable? Will it affect cooking?" Liu Guochu asked with concern.

Su Chen shook his head, "It's a habit."

After that.

In front of the pot of fresh mutton, the alarm clock ticked.

Su Chen walked over directly, took out all the mutton that had been cooked for 20 minutes and was already soft, put it on the chopping board and chopped it into 80% square pieces.

The wok was placed on a high fire, and one or two ounces of lard were heated to 80% hot. All the mutton pieces were put into the wok. It was simply stir-fried for three or two times, and then Shaoxing wine, soy sauce and refined salt were added, and stir-fried for another two minutes.

The clay bowl with a bamboo sieve at the bottom was taken out, and the stir-fried mutton skin was neatly arranged on the sieve with the skin facing down, and the scallion knots, ginger slices and red dried peppers prepared before were placed on top, and three spoonfuls of mutton broth were scooped in.

After the cooking, the mutton soup in the clay pot was boiled by the high fire.

The natural unique aroma of mutton began to emanate along with the seasonings.

This is a completely different taste from stewed mutton and roasted mutton.

It is a very strong meaty aroma, but not like the aroma of braised pork, but a very delicious meaty aroma.

Liu Guochu and Wang Jianguo looked at each other and both of them swallowed their saliva involuntarily.

After boiling, Su Chen turned the fire to low heat.

He picked up another wok, put in lard and heated it to 80%, and then stir-fried the processed pickled cabbage and fresh red pepper.

After simply stir-frying two or three times, he immediately scooped out a spoonful of the boiling soup in the clay pot and poured it into the pot.


Liu Guochu's eyes became more and more fierce.

'The action without a little thought looks like this dish has been practiced thousands of times. '

The key is that when that spoonful of soup is poured into the pot and meets the hot oil, a strong aroma bursts out.

Liu Guochu knew that this dish was done!

Perhaps few people have ever tasted spicy and sour braised mutton seriously, because even in Hunan Province, few restaurants can really make this dish well.

On the contrary, there is a similar dish that is really popular all over the country - mutton in sour soup!

When making mutton in sour soup, some restaurants will stir-fry the bean paste and hot pot base in advance, and then add sauerkraut to cook the mutton, and the meat is often thin slices of mutton rolls.

This is purely a trick. Although it has sourness and spiciness, it only uses the "cooking" process, so at most it can only use thin slices of meat.

It doesn't taste good!

But Boss Su's is different. The mutton that has been slow-cooked for 20 minutes has already become extremely soft. After adding the original soup and condiments to the bowl, it can be easily savored.

And when the new condiments collide with the mutton soup in the wok, they create a magical aroma.

Su Chen then added green garlic, and at the same time added the wet starch prepared in advance to thicken it.

Add some MSG and drizzle some sesame oil.

Take out the bamboo grate from the earthenware bowl and place it on a porcelain plate, flip it into the bowl, and then flip it into another clean, warm porcelain plate.

The fried hot and sour ingredients are poured on top of the mutton together with the juice, and washed coriander is dotted around the porcelain plate.

A dish of braised hot and sour mutton with red color, thick soup, spicy and sour flavor, successfully appeared in everyone's eyes.

Liu Guochu was about to say a few words of compliments.

Then I heard the alarm bell ringing from the pot next to the spicy and sour mutton!

‘Good guy! Boss Su's pinch at this time was quite accurate! ’

Liu Guochu endured the secretion of body fluids in his mouth, clenched his fists and continued to read.

But at the same time, a new question popped up in his mind.

Is it possible that before Boss Su cooked the dishes today, he even included the time we spent drinking Coke?


Giving me a Coke is part of his cooking process?

Damn it!

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