Food Customizer

Chapter 251 Su Chen fishes, and those who are willing will take the bait.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝔱𝔴𝔨𝔞𝔫.𝔠𝔬𝔪]

After resting in the corner for a while, Su Chenyue felt that the time was almost up and got up and headed back towards the happy egg fried rice.

Hold the pot in your left hand and the shovel in your right hand.

The exaggerated shape of the spatula once attracted the attention of passers-by.

After being given three barrels of Coke on credit by Su Chen, the owner of Happy Egg Fried Rice sat behind the counter of the shop and lit a cigarette for himself.

"Honey, what do you think these people are doing? Why did they set up a stall in front of our house?"

The woman stopped sewing her apron and looked up at the door. "This stall doesn't look like a stall. What can such a small stove be used for? Hey, look at their cardboard What words did you write?"

The boss took a puff of cigarette, puffed away the smoke, squinted his eyes and looked outside carefully, and couldn't help but read out along with the words on the cardboard, "Super Happy Egg Fried Rice?"

"Haha, are you trying to steal our business? But he bought the goods from our house for ten yuan, and then fried a portion himself and sold it for 12 yuan? With so many people earning two yuan for a portion of egg-fried rice, this Aren’t you talking nonsense?”

The woman was also a little confused.

Isn't this behavior just the behavior of a fool?

What we are saying is that if a passerby wants to eat egg fried rice, he can sit down and eat inside, and he can also get free pickles and tea. Then he can have a large portion of egg fried rice that is filling and tastes good, and it only costs 12 yuan. money.

Would this person choose to eat standing outside just because your stall is called [Super Happy Egg Fried Rice] and my restaurant is called [Happy Egg Fried Rice]?

Not even a sip of hot water.

"If these people want to borrow hot water from us later, we won't let them borrow it."

The landlady could only think of these things in her mind. She felt that her advantages were obvious. As long as she did not give her advantages to others, they would not be able to take away business from her store even if they turned the tables.

As for the man, he continued to squint, "How dare they sell egg fried rice for 18 yuan? Who would eat it, haha!"

Hearing this, the proprietress stopped what she was doing and squinted her eyes to look carefully.

The price was indeed written on the sign next to the small stove.


No, there seems to be a number after 18, 18.8?

"Why are there so many things here? They sell egg fried rice for an extra 80 cents, haha."

The man felt that something was wrong. The behavior of these people was too abnormal. He took a long puff of cigarette and the cigarette butt was flattened. He stood up, put his hands behind his back, and walked slowly toward the door.

After just taking a few steps forward, he suddenly stopped and said, "Honey, come here and see if they forgot to add the decimal point?"

The woman simply put down what she was holding and walked to the door to look at the card.

She opened the door, "Little girl?"

He Shuting looked back and said with a sweet smile, "Madam boss, what's the matter?"

The woman pointed at the playing card and said, "You marked the price wrong and forgot to add the decimal point."

He Shuting glanced at the sign and said, "Thank you~ But we wrote it correctly. This is our price."

The boss took a breath and said, "You mean, the egg fried rice you sell costs 188 yuan a serving?"

He Shuting nodded, "Yeah~ But it's not one share, it's your share. We'll sell it in two shares."

The man's mouth curled up and his brows furrowed tightly, "Tsk. Are you selling half a meal for eight or eight?"

As if he was afraid that the other party wouldn't understand, he changed his words and said, "One hundred and eighty-eight?"

He Shuting still stood there and nodded, "Yeah~"

After saying that, she sat on the steps where Ling Shuyu was sitting. This was a shady place out of the sun.

The boss closed the door, took his wife's hand and walked a few steps inside. "They're crazy. These people are probably crazy. Or they're Internet celebrities. I just saw two people with cameras in their hands." ”

The proprietress smiled and said, "What's wrong with Internet celebrities? Internet celebrities can't sell a meal for two hundred yuan. Isn't this a scam? Besides, people who eat are not fools. Who would eat such expensive meals?" "

The man nodded in agreement, "I thought they were here to steal business from us. It seems they are a bunch of ignorant young people. Judging from the clothes they wear, they are not bad. They may be the second generation of rich people here to experience life. "

The two looked at each other and smiled, their words full of fun.

The woman continued to mend her apron, while the man returned to the bar and opened an old laptop. As the music played, he logged in to his Fantasy Westward Journey account.

Sun and Xiaoting also found a cool place to stay. After chatting for a while, Director Sun nudged the young man next to him, "Boss Su is back. Quickly give me a shot."

The young man pointed the camera at Su Chen who was walking on the street.

The black suit was meticulously cared for, and the autumn sunshine approaching noon seemed to coat Boss Su's body with a layer of gold.

He was holding a wok in one hand and a spatula in the other, and was walking slowly towards this side.

"Boss Su is really a natural star. He looks better through the camera than in real life."

Sun Xiaoting also agreed very much.

Some people just look good in real life, but not so good when they are on camera. People like Su Chen who look quite handsome in real life but become even more handsome after being on camera have the unique star background.

"What a pity. If Boss Su could sing and act, he would definitely be able to make his debut."

The young man tilted his head and said, "You might be able to make a career if you know how to cook. Isn't Nicholas Tse a cook?"

Sun Xiaoting opened his mouth, but he didn't say what he wanted to say.

I thought to myself that young guys today are really ignorant. They don’t know how popular Nicholas Tse was when he made a movie and won the Best Actor Award before cooking, and how popular his singing was?

That's all, this has nothing to do with today's program, and he doesn't bother to say more.

Su Chen returned to the door of the hotel, placed the wok on the small stove, and threw the spatula in.

"Boss, what now? What should I do?"

Su Chen sat down between the two beauties, leaned back against the wall slightly, and closed his eyes, "Tai Gong Jiang is fishing."

Before He Shuting could react, Ling Shuyu tilted her head speechlessly, "Will you take the bait?"

Seeing that Su Chen didn't speak, he obviously acquiesced.

Ling Shuyu was a little anxious, "Boss, should we fry one portion first when there are more people? After the aroma of the rice comes out, maybe the customers will be willing to try it. After all, our price is indeed a bit expensive."

Su Chen didn't speak, and still closed his eyes slightly, looking like he was asleep.

Ling Shuyu looked at He Shuting helplessly.

Who makes Boss Su the captain? What they need to do is to obey the captain's command unconditionally.

It's like this when you're in the company, and it's still like this when you go out.

But the question is, did Jiang Taigong really catch a fish later?

As the time came to a little after eleven o'clock, people began to walk into the Happy Egg Fried Rice one after another. Ling Shuyu bent forward, followed by Su Chen in the middle, and said to He Shuting, "It feels like this place They are all office workers, similar to the company I worked at before.”

You can also get a glimpse of it from the way these diners dress.

Most of the people who came into the house to eat during this time were wearing various work clothes. Some were staff from nearby supermarkets, and some were staff from nearby shopping malls.

Or just wear an ordinary red T-shirt with a certain brand's logo printed on it.

Or he is wearing a black suit, skirt, high-heeled shoes and black high-heeled shoes. You can tell at a glance that he is a staff member in the mall.

Every time these diners enter the restaurant, they will stop for a moment and take a look at the trio at the door. When their eyes fall on the playing card, everyone is often a little dazed at first, and then moves on and walks into the Happy Egg Fried Rice House. .

"I just said this is nonsense. How can anyone sell half a portion of fried rice for 180 yuan?" The boss started to get busy in the kitchen.

He has been making such a simple thing as egg fried rice for three years in this small kitchen. He can make it at will without even using his eyes.

The woman who came in to serve the meal laughed out loud, "Okay, don't worry about others, just cook your rice."

The man smiled contemptuously and continued to fry rice with his head down.

Outside the door, as there were more and more guests inside, more than a dozen people were already sitting at the six small square tables, and He Shuting began to become anxious.

"Is the boss really asleep?"

Ling Shuyu didn't know either. She glanced at Su Chen who was calm and said, "It should be so."

"Then let's just sit here?"

Ling Shuyu lowered his eyes, feeling a little annoyed, "Otherwise, what else could I do?"

On the other hand, Su Chen was not in a hurry at all, as if this matter had nothing to do with him.

Nobody knows.

Su Chen was secretly thinking about something at this moment.

‘188 yuan, isn’t it too cheap? ’

‘These two girls are too anxious. It’s not even twelve o’clock yet. ’

Based on his experience as an anchor for many years, Su Chen understands a truth.

The world lacks everything except fools.

If a portion of rice costs 12 yuan, no one would care about it here because it just looks like ordinary fried rice.

But if it’s 188 a portion of rice, someone will always ask.

It might be curiosity, or it might be a joke, but someone will definitely ask.

This is just like the small stalls and Internet celebrity instant noodles that are found in many places on the street now.

It's obviously just imported instant noodles that cost three or five yuan a pack, but once the proprietress boils it and adds a piece of ham, it sells for 38 yuan in an instant. Aren't some people eating it happily?


Su Chen continued to close his eyes and recuperate his energy. Three days was a long time, and someone would always come to ask.

Su Chen also has absolute confidence that when the SSS-level egg fried rice comes out, no one can resist the temptation it brings.

Time passes minute by minute.

Customers of Happy Egg Fried Rice come and go.

From noon, to afternoon, and then the sun begins to set.

But in front of the Super Happy Egg Fried Rice stall, no one came to ask. Ling Shuyu and He Shuting got up and walked around in circles several times, and they began to feel anxious.

What's more important is that except for breakfast, they haven't eaten all day today, and the captain has no intention of cooking.

They are both hungry.

Especially when she saw Sun Xiaoting and the staff member ordering takeout and eating burgers. He Shuting rubbed her belly and looked at Ling Shuyu innocently, "Sister Ling, what should I do?"

Ling Shuyu, who has always been very calm, glanced at Boss Su who was still asleep and said, "Wait a while, if there is no one there yet, we will think of other ways."

Said this, but Ling Shuyu didn't have any good ideas in mind.

The one hundred yuan start-up capital had been spent by Su Chen, and he still owed the fried rice boss nine yuan, which was very uncomfortable.

Seeing that the sun was about to set, Ling Shuyu couldn't bear it anymore.

There was no place to sleep tonight.

She turned her head to look at Boss Su who was still in the same position, and reached out to wake him up, and that was at this time! ! !

"Fuck! What is this, fried rice? Selling for 188 for one more word?"

Ling Shuyu and He Shuting, the two of them immediately became energetic and looked towards the voice excitedly.

In front of him

A man wearing a wrinkled gray short-sleeved shirt and a pair of equally wrinkled pajamas pushed his glasses, "Robbery?"

Zhou Hai confirmed that it was not his eyes that were blurry, but that the cardboard did indeed say that a serving of fried rice cost 188 yuan.

He took out his mobile phone and took a photo, sent it to a group on his mobile phone, shook his head and walked towards the happy fried rice.

He Shuting wanted to explain how delicious this egg fried rice was, but when she saw the man walking in, she took back the words on the tip of her tongue.

Because she had also eaten Boss Su's egg fried rice, which was indeed delicious, but to say that it was sold for 188, it was really a bit too much.

Zhou Hai was about to push the door open and go in.

He received several messages in the mobile phone group.

"Wow, a plate of egg fried rice for 188? This is probably not a state banquet chef setting up a stall, right?"

"Awesome, Mr. Zhou, please give us a live broadcast. Mr. Zhou, who earns over 10,000 yuan a month, is reluctant to eat 188 egg fried rice?"

"It's so funny, this egg fried rice is probably fried with gold, Poseidon, please give us a portion, let everyone see if it tastes good."

Zhou Hai took back his hand that was about to push the door.

With a smile on his face, he began to reply to the message.

"Do you think I'm a fool? Give me a red envelope, I'll go and try it, it's really delicious."

As a freelancer, Zhou Hai's work and rest schedule is relatively disordered, but also relatively free.

His usual habit is to go to bed at four or five in the morning, and then wake up in the afternoon, go downstairs to eat a large portion of egg fried rice, pack another portion and start staying up late to write.

Well. Zhou Hai is a miserable online novel writer.

The income is not bad, but Zhou Hai, who is addicted to writing, basically has no time to go out and spend money. His daily life is extremely simple. Except for going out to eat, he basically stays at home to write.

This group is one of his local author groups.

The people in it are all young people like him. Sometimes when someone's manuscript fee explodes, they will organize everyone to have a meal together, which is a little fun in the ordinary life.

[Civet cat loves coriander: Isn't Poseidon's new book going to write about food? This is a very good topic, hurry up and try it! ]

[K: 9494, hurry up and try it. If it tastes good, we will go over and try it now. 】

[Love to eat braised pork: You don't dare to eat 188 fried rice with a monthly income of 30,000? It will embarrass the Qinzhou authors if it gets out. 】

Seeing these comments, Zhou Hai suddenly couldn't stand it anymore.

Do you really think I'm a fool?

Just when Zhou Hai was about to send a message to fight back.

A big red square appeared on the phone interface! ! !

[Civet cat loves to eat coriander: Damn, it's an exclusive red envelope? 】

[K: I'm giao! I can't grab it! It's too much, Mu Ye. 】

[Love to eat braised pork: Mu Ye is awesome, what does this red envelope mean? 】

Mu Ye is the only one in this group who doesn't write books. Zhou Hai and others only know that he is a relatively wealthy reader in Qinzhou.

Often when he enjoys reading books, he will give them inexplicable rewards of hundreds or thousands.

Well. The authors in this group are all Mu Ye's licking dogs.

Just when Zhou Hai was hesitating whether to open the red envelope.

I only saw Mu Ye, who usually doesn't talk much, speaking.

[Old Mu: I'll pay, you go eat, and start live streaming. ]

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