Food Customizer

Chapter 265 Mao Lin, you are not a human being!

As we all know, in the production of Chinese cuisine, the commonly used measurement units are: appropriate amount, a little.

So when Su Chen was holding a measuring cylinder and carefully looking at the operating table, the people who had just walked into the kitchen were a little confused.

Even Wang Wenquan suddenly had an idea in his heart: Could it be that the secret to being promoted to a second-level chef is to strive for excellence and use all ingredients or condiments accurately to the small unit of grams?

Not to mention him, even the national chefs of Delicious were a little dumbfounded. This was really the first time they saw Boss Su use a measuring cylinder to cook, which was really amazing.

"Are you all here?" Su Chen put down the measuring cylinder in his hand, smiled, and looked at everyone, "Are you waiting for dinner in the banquet hall?"

Li Wenkui laughed a few times with a little embarrassment, "In the kitchen. In addition to the association's scoring today, Master Wang and I also want to see Boss Su's cooking process on the spot. You are right. No matter who gets the right to host this event in the end, for us, communication is still the most important thing."

Su Chen just nodded slightly and said nothing.

Continue to pick up the measuring cylinder, and then pour the beaten egg liquid in a bowl into the measuring cylinder.

He picked up the measuring cylinder, put it under the light and looked at it carefully, then used a water-absorbing ball to reach into the egg liquid, pinched it, and sucked out some of the egg liquid in the measuring cylinder. Su Chen stopped when the egg liquid reached a certain scale, and put the small measuring cylinder on the table with great satisfaction.

Then pick up another measuring cylinder.

Repeatedly, until all 24 measuring cylinders were filled with equal amounts of egg liquid accurate to milliliters, he started other work.

However, this operation has made everyone present look confused.

Wang Wenquan racked his brains but couldn't figure out what kind of dish was this that required such a precise instrument to measure the volume of egg liquid?

Why did it feel like Boss Su was a bit mysterious?

Out of curiosity, everyone continued to watch.

Unexpectedly, it was Su Chen who stopped now.

"Everyone, we are having a seated meal today. Why don't you move to the banquet hall?"

The association comes here to score based on comprehensive conditions. It is not just the taste of the dishes. The environment of the banquet hall and the dining experience are also factors that need to be considered.

This time it is not Li Wenkui's turn to speak.

Zhang Maolin and several colleagues looked at each other for a few times. Although they did not speak, everything was unspoken.

Mr. Maolin said softly, "Anyway, the banquet hall is so big. We have also visited it. It is the same to eat anywhere. If Boss Su doesn't mind, I think it would be great for us to eat here, and we can also see how you cook."

Compared to what to eat today, everyone is more curious about what Su Chen is going to do.

The 24 measuring cylinders have completely aroused everyone's curiosity.

Su Chen shrugged and gave Bai Xiaobo a look.

Xiaobai immediately left the kitchen very understandingly, and soon moved a few chairs to the empty workbench in the back kitchen.

From this point of view, the dining place is a bit "makeshift", but no one has any objections, so there is nothing to say.

Lu Yongliang curled his lips and said nothing, but he was very emotional in his heart.

The "Delicious Law" has always been very accurate. Everyone who comes to Delicious for the first time will choose to eat in the back kitchen.

It's so weird!

Su Chen continued to work.

He first turned on the stove to a high fire, but there were no kitchen utensils such as pots on the stove.

Wang Wenquan's brows have begun to frown.

I always feel that this boss Su is just being mysterious, sometimes measuring cylinder, sometimes turning on the empty stove, what on earth is he trying to do?

He was about to ask.

Su Chen took a semicircular spoon and then dripped a few drops of chicken oil into it.

The iron spoon was slightly roasted on the high fire and then left the flame. He shook his wrist lightly and slid the little chicken oil evenly on the inner wall of the spoon. Then he took a prepared measuring cylinder and poured all the egg liquid in it directly into the spoon!

The wrist was still in the same motion as before, just shaking it, and the egg liquid in the spoon was evenly smeared on the inner wall. Su Chen's right hand did not stop for a moment, and almost immediately put the spoon back on the fierce fire after the shaking ended.

In just two seconds, the spoon left the fierce fire again.

Everyone's eyes could not leave the spoon for a moment. Although the time was short, the high temperature on the fierce fire made the egg liquid in the spoon solidify almost instantly!

And Su Chen, at this time, took a small basin next to him, scooped out some green stuffing from the basin with a small spoon and put it on the solidified egg liquid in the spoon.

"Is that shrimp stuffing?" Li Wenkui whispered.

Wang Wenquan nodded, "It can be seen that it is made of river shrimp, but I can't guess what seasoning is used."

These are all ingredients prepared in advance, and naturally they can no longer be seen how they were prepared at that time.

After putting the shrimp filling into the spoon, Su Chen took a pair of chopsticks and carefully made a small opening in the egg skin along the edge of the spoon. Then, starting from this opening, he slowly lifted up the egg skin bit by bit until half of it was completely covered with the shrimp filling.

He pressed the edge of the egg skin slightly with the chopsticks.

He put down the chopsticks and slowly took the wrapped egg siu mai out of the spoon with his right hand.

Because there is chicken fat on the bottom of the spoon, the egg skin is not very sticky to the surface of the spoon, so it is not a big problem as long as you are careful.

A complete egg siu mai appeared in Su Chen's hand.

He placed the egg siu mai in the bamboo steamer, and then started the second one.

The third one.

The same action and skills were repeated twenty-four times before a steamer was filled.

"This is egg siu mai, which is a common dish in Huaiyang cuisine."

Wang Wenquan explained to the boss Li Wenkui.

"Oh? Is this dish so difficult? I remember that we had this dish on the menu before, but the customer response was not very good at that time, so we withdrew this dish."

Li Wenkui knew the operating conditions of all the buildings in the State Guest House.

Wang Wenquan nodded, "Yes, customers generally responded that this dish is no different from the Cantonese shrimp dumplings, but it doesn't taste as good as that one."

Everyone present knew cooking skills.

After hearing what Wang Wenquan said, even the Jiang brothers nodded silently.

This is something that cannot be denied.

The egg siu mai in Huaiyang cuisine is made of egg skin made of liquid egg, and then wrapped with shrimp stuffing made of river shrimp. The seasoning here is the refined salt and ajinomoto added when mixing the stuffing, and there is also a little chopped green onion.

On the other hand, what about the shrimp dumplings in Cantonese dim sum?

The skin is made of boiled rice noodles, and some lard is added when kneading the noodles. This is the first step to enhance the flavor.

The preparation of the shrimp stuffing is even more particular.

The shrimp is not chopped, but just slapped, and it is important to have a large grainy texture when eating.

Ginger rice is added inside.

In addition, a stuffing of pig fat is mixed, and finally the two are mixed together before wrapping it in the skin.

The meaty aroma of the pig fat and the fresh aroma of the shrimp are all mixed together. After steaming, the shrimp dumplings are crystal clear and plump, with fragrant stuffing and thin skin, which is naturally delicious.

In comparison, the Huaiyang cuisine egg siu mai is a bit bland.

So when Su Chen put the steamer on the fire and started steaming, the Huaiyang cuisine masters present were all worried for Boss Su.

These are the dishes that others have removed. You took them out directly in this occasion. Just the momentum is inferior!

But Su Chen didn't seem to hear their conversation just now. He was really very focused when cooking.

After the egg siu mai was steamed, Su Chen started the second dish.

Take the chicken wings from the 1.2-pound bare chicken, and keep the rest frozen for other uses.

Twenty-four chicken wings were put into the oil pan according to the method in the practice room and stir-fried for about four minutes, and then the next step began.

When Su Chen put soy sauce and sugar into the pot.

The brows of the Jiang brothers and Wang Wenquan twisted almost at the same time.

Wang Wenquan couldn't help asking out of curiosity, "Is this reasonable?"

Jiang Wusheng didn't understand, "It seems unreasonable."

Jiang Wensheng sighed for a long time, "Generally speaking, the unreasonable things that Boss Su makes us feel will eventually become our own unreasonableness, just watch."

Others also have their doubts.

Let's say that the order of cooking is generally: add oil to the pot, stir-fry sugar color, and then add ingredients to stir-fry and color them.

And now, Su Chen has completely reversed this step.

First, stir-fry the chicken wings until half-cooked, and then add soy sauce and sugar to the pot for coloring, which directly leads to the surface of the chicken wings being only stained with a layer of light red.

It doesn't feel very good in coloring.

It even gives people a feeling that as long as you add some water, the color of the surface will be diluted immediately.

But Su Chen doesn't seem to care about it. He continues to put the chicken wings in the casserole in an orderly manner, and scoops a few spoonfuls of stew from another pot.

From the surface of the pot, you can still see the pork and chicken bones inside. The soup base is slightly milky white, which shows that it is cooked with high heat.

After adding the braising soup, Su Chen used a spoon to skim off the floating foam in the casserole, then covered the pot and turned to low heat to simmer.

After only two dishes were made, Wang Wenquan saw the operation that completely subverted his decades of kitchen experience. At this moment, he had only one thought: When can I eat it? I must try this subversive operation. What is the purpose?

Could it be that so many old men in our chef world, who have studied cooking for a lifetime, are still not as good as a young man who can do a few tricks?

When the chicken wings were simmering in the casserole.

The time for the steamed egg dumplings over there is about the same.

Su Chen immediately started the pot on the stove!

Chicken soup, Ajinomoto, refined salt, wet flour!

Under the high heat, the four things instantly became a thick milky white soup.

Su Chen quickly dripped a few drops of chicken oil into it, "Shuyu, tableware."

Ling Shuyu asked He Shuting and others to take out tableware from the kitchen, and said to everyone, "Please take a seat first. I'm sorry to let everyone eat here. Let's start now."

Zhang Maolin couldn't wait any longer!

He sat down in the seat closest to Su Chen without any hesitation, "This egg siu mai will be ready soon. Let me see how it compares to the crystal shrimp dumplings!"

"It stands to reason that each has its own merits. It all depends on personal taste." Li Wenkui said with a smile.

This is a very clever thing to say. I just said that Egg Shaomai was removed from the menu of the State Guesthouse not long ago, and now I say that each has its own merits. Regardless of whether it is true or not, it sounds very comfortable anyway.

On Su Chen's side, he used his chopsticks very lightly to add the siomai in the cage to the tableware brought by Ling Shuyu.

Because of the way of dining this time, the tableware chosen is a small bone china bowl for each person.

Put the egg siomai into a bowl, then use a spoon to scoop the "cowboy sauce" from the pot and pour it on top of the siomai.

After that, several people from Ling Shuyu carried these small bowls and placed them in front of the guests who came to taste them this time.

In fact, this seated meal system is still very popular among some guests.

First of all, this way of dining must have dedicated service personnel standing by to provide services, giving people a very considerate feeling.

And then there's just a little taste.

If you think the dish is to your liking, nod your head slightly after eating, and the waiter will immediately bring another one.

If you feel that the taste is not very appetizing, just leave the bowl there and leave it alone. When the next dish is served, the waiter will naturally take back the previous bowl.

There were not many people dining this time.

People from the State Guesthouse included Li Wenkui and Wang Wenquan, and from the association were Zhang Maolin and three other colleagues.

Although the national chefs who came from the delicious food were very jealous, they couldn't sit down and eat on this occasion.

Wang Wenquan looked at the small bowl in front of him.


He didn't feel anything when he saw Boss Su making siomai before. Now that the siomai appeared in front of him, he immediately saw the difference.

"How do you say it?" Li Wenkui asked in a low voice after noticing Wang Wenquan's surprise.

"This siomai is wrong, this color"

Wang Wenquan picked up the siomai and looked at the light, "Isn't the egg skin too thin?"

This was just the first bite of the first dish. No one was in a hurry to eat it. When others saw it, they also picked it up and looked at the light.

"Isn't this too thin?"

"There is no stuffing, so you don't have to look at the light. It's completely transparent!"

"Hiss!!! Look!"

A member of the association tore off a little bit of egg skin from the edge with his hands and held up a small amount of egg skin in his fingers for everyone to see.

Viewed from the side.

The thickness of this egg skin

“It feels like it’s not as thick as the diameter of a human hair!”

"No. How on earth did Boss Su manage to be so thin? Is this something a human can do?"

When Su Chen made the siomai just now, the egg skin had just matured, and although it looked a bit transparent, it was indeed light yellow.

After more than ten minutes of steaming, the light yellow color has completely disappeared, and it looks like a transparent skin wrapping a ball of shrimp filling that has turned into bluish white.

And when everyone was immersed in how the skin was so thin.

A person on the operating table.

"Okay, hehe, okay, okay!"

Ling Shuyu frowned tightly. She didn't say anything, but silently walked to Su Chen's side, brought another small bowl, and placed it in front of Mao Lin.

In my heart, I did have some complaints.

There are only 24 siomai in total.

There are 6 people eating!

On average, that's four per person.

As a result, while others were still observing the egg skin, there were five empty bowls piled in front of Zhang Maolin!

Ling Shuyu's repeated pacing also attracted the attention of others.

Li Wenkui and Wang Wenquan were still observing the siomai and egg skins in their hands, when they looked along where Ling Shuyu was walking.

Both of them were a little confused.

No. Mr. Maolin.

What's with the five empty bowls in front of you?

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