Food Customizer

Chapter 275 Preparations before the Banquet

According to the past practice, the first thing Su Chen had to do was to make the soup base.

There are clear soup, milk soup, soup, red soup, and chicken soup. The methods of making these soup bases are similar, but because of the different cooking times and added seasonings, the effects they play during cooking are also different.

This is the most time-consuming thing, and it will not be reflected in the finished dish. Almost all of it is used as a condiment during the cooking process, so it must be prepared in advance, and there is no need to worry about it going bad because it is not used in time after preparation.

Cui Yu divided several people to place the processed ingredients in front of the signs classified as: clear soup, milk soup, etc.

Su Chen couldn't help but sigh.

From this point of view, it is actually quite easy to be a chef for a state banquet. You don't need to process the ingredients at all, you just need to start cooking.

At this moment, the back kitchen on the 19th floor is like Su Chen's practice room in reality, but in the system practice room, Su Chen can summon the ingredients with just a thought.

Here, you need to move your mouth before someone will put the ingredients in front of you.

The action was very quick to cook all the soup bases. According to the task allocation table, each soup base must have a chef watching it all the time.

After Su Chen was responsible for adjusting the heat, the chef who was watching only needed to watch the time. When the alarm rang, he quickly called Su Chen to come over for the next step.

The soup base began to cook, and then some ingredients that needed to be processed in advance were prepared.

For example, some water-soaked ingredients need to be soaked in water in advance, some need to be soaked in cold water, some need to be soaked in warm water, and some need to be washed repeatedly after soaking to ensure that there is no sand or dust in the ingredients, otherwise it will hurt your teeth when you eat it, and it will be all over.

In addition to the soaked ingredients, there are also ingredients that need to be cooked in advance.

For example, the beef in the dish of Dengying Beef needs to be dried in advance, but there is no Dengying Beef in this banquet.

At the same time, a new charcoal grill was added to the kitchen.

At the beginning, Su Chen was more opposed to defining Beijing cuisine as Beijing roast duck.

When it comes to eating duck, Beijing roast duck is actually a relatively common way to eat it. On the contrary, smoked duck in Sichuan cuisine and duck set in Huaiyang cuisine are both more palatable ways to eat.

But Su Chen's objection is useless.

In Zhang Maolin's words, 'You can't give the old man and the old lady two fried dough rings and a bowl of bean juice each, right? Shabu-shabu mutton is not suitable for this kind of occasion, right? '

In the end, there was no good way, and the dish could only be determined as roast duck.

When it comes to making roast duck, the people in this room don't understand. Zhang Maolin sneaked into the kitchen at some point, and brought a VIP, Li Wenkui.

As one of the management of the banquet service team, Li Wenkui came here for a very good reason: if I'm not here, these people will be difficult to manage.

"For roast duck, shouldn't we invite a chef from Quanjude? If we invite him now, there's still time." Zhang Maolin's first reaction was like this.

Although Quanjude is now very commercialized, and even many people go there and eat roast duck that's just so-so, but that's just ordinary people.

If a well-known person goes to Quanjude to eat, what he eats is different from what ordinary people eat.

And the best roast duck chef in the whole capital is undoubtedly in Quanjude!

Li Wenkui also agrees with this statement, "Every profession has its own specialty. Whether it is Quanjude or Bianyifang, there are good roast duck chefs. If our restaurant makes these dishes, we will invite people from there."

This is not a shameful thing.

When the chef of Quanjude roasts duck, he must always focus on the duck and make specific countermeasures according to the real-time situation of the duck. Su Chen has to make so many dishes now, and it is impossible to be comprehensive.

Moreover, roast duck is a craft, and it depends on experience. Zhang Maolin has never seen Su Chen make this dish, so he had such an idea.

"That's not necessary." Su Chen waved his hand, and the little helper brought three lively ducks from the back, "We have to try the heat first today. This kind of hanging oven heat is not so easy to control. It's easy to do once you get the heat right."

The three ducks were thrown on the chopping board in the corner of the kitchen, and the knife fell!

Using the boiling water next to him, Su Chen quickly plucked the duck feathers and cleaned them, which made Li Wenkui and Zhang Maolin dumbfounded.

"The way he handled it doesn't look like a man who has never cooked ducks!" Li Wenkui gave a direct conclusion.

Zhang Maolin took a breath and nodded, agreeing deeply.

Only Su Chen always felt that something was wrong with what Boss Li said, but because he was busy, he couldn't spare the time to think about what was wrong.

He simply changed the subject, "Is this duck okay? Is it an authentic stuffed duck?"

Zhang Maolin looked at the processed duck and said, "Don't worry, this is the real white duck raised by our Beijing. When Moscow was breeding, it was this kind of duck. There is nothing wrong with it."

The characteristics of this kind of duck are that the newborn chicks are all yellow, and the feathers turn snow-white when they grow up. They have short wings, long and wide backs, well-developed chests, and very short legs.

Just from the processed appearance, it looks very strong. And unlike ordinary ducks, the muscle fibers of white ducks are mixed with white fat, and the meat is red and white, delicate and fresh. After roasting, the meat is pink and white, and the meat tastes tender and not sour.

So the reason why Beijing roast duck is famous throughout the country is not only because of the craftsmanship, but also has a lot to do with the quality of the raw materials themselves.

This dish is one that Su Chen has learned for a long time in the practice room.

The main reason is that the slaughtering process is a bit complicated.

It is divided into eight steps: slaughtering, scalding, dehairing, pumping, evisceration, washing hooks, scalding and sugaring, and drying the skin.

And each process has its own unique meaning, and it is not a process in the literal sense.

For example, in the step of scalding the skin and making sugar, Su Chen held the duck hung on the iron hook in his left hand, and held a spoon filled with boiling water in his right hand. He first poured a spoonful of boiling water on each of the two wings of the duck, and then poured it from the hook. Place a spoonful of it down.

When the duck is scalded in boiling water, its pores shrink and it immediately appears white, tender, shiny and smooth.

And the amount of water is also very particular. Su Chen only poured about two and a half spoons. If it is more, the oil will start to flow out from the pores of the duck skin, which will also cause the areas where the oil flows to be difficult to apply. The color of the roasted duck is uneven.

After pouring water on the duck, use the method just now to pour three spoons of sugar water on it. The master in charge of frying the sugar water is an apprentice of Cui Yufen. The making of sugar water in Shandong cuisine is quite professional.

After pouring sugar water, the three ducks were hung aside to dry, and then poured again. This is the secret to the crispy skin of the roast duck.

The hanging stove I bought imitated the authentic hanging stove as much as possible. It was made of bricks, square on the outside and round on the inside. The left, right, rear walls and top of the furnace are all closed. Only a small rectangular door is left in the middle of the front wall. There are two iron beams in the upper and middle positions of the interior, on which the ducks are hung for roasting.

Su Chen put the burned fruit wood in the stove, poured sugar water over the duck that was almost dry, and then used a small thin tube to stuff into the back of the duck and started pouring water.

Then he poured in 70-80% boiling water through the incision in the duck's right armpit, and then hung the duck into the brick oven.

"A duck of this size only takes thirty or forty minutes to roast. Maolin, you are in for a treat today. You have to eat earlier than the guests."

Zhang Maolin had already been salivating when he saw the plump duck. Now he was a little embarrassed in his politeness. He rubbed his hands and stared at the fireplace, "That's so inappropriate. Today we are going to Want to try all the dishes?”

Su Chen shook his head, "No. Roast duck is special. You need to light a fire to roast it today, and keep the fire later to maintain a balanced temperature in the oven, so that tomorrow's roast duck will be more delicious. So, If you find it tastes ordinary later, don’t blame me."

Zhang Maolin waved his hands and said no, no, thinking that even if the taste was a little bad, after all, it was made by Boss Su, how could it be any worse?

So on the surface Su Chen cooked three roast ducks, but in fact the purpose of doing all this was to moisten the oven.

After studying in the practice room, Su Chen discovered that the main reason why the roast duck is extremely crispy is due to the action of internal boiling water and external heat. The external heat source does not entirely come from the firewood at the bottom.

The temperature emitted by the firewood at the bottom must be refracted into the furnace, allowing the entire hanging furnace to reach a very balanced temperature. The surface of the duck must be roasted directly. Only in this way can the roast duck be uniform in color and shiny. .

Therefore, the temperature of the stove must be adjusted one day in advance, so that it will be much easier the next day.

After the roast duck was put into the stove, Su Chen walked around the kitchen to make sure that everyone was working in an orderly manner. After all, in the last few days in the practice room, Su Chen almost completely understood the scene in the kitchen today. Several personal simulations were conducted.

What everyone should do at this time and to what extent they should do it, there is no need to look at the task list, they have already memorized it.

A young man in the crowd saw Su Chen was about to come to him, and he took two deep breaths.

As the chef of a Sichuan cuisine restaurant, Lin Hai has always been responsible for cooking a few spicy dishes. Now that he can join the chef on the 19th floor, the young man is so excited that he can't sleep for several days.

What was assigned to him at the moment was the 'boiled cabbage' that their Sichuan cuisine often shows up at state banquets!

Lin Hai once prepared this dish with his master Wang Shijun at the State Guesthouse, so he was familiar with it. However, after getting Boss Su's task list yesterday, he discovered that the dishes specified by Boss Su were completely different from what he had made before.

In the past, this was how boiled cabbage was cooked: first cook the cabbage, then put it into a bowl with the clear soup, add cooking wine and refined salt, and steam over high heat for four to five minutes. Finally, decant the clear soup, pour in the special clear soup, and serve.

But what I am doing now is a bit outrageous.

You need to remove the side leaves of the cabbage, get the cabbage heart, and then start changing the knife.

The key is that Boss Su just drew a sketch, and there is nothing wrong with modifying the cabbage according to the sketch. However, Lin Hai changed several cabbage sums one after another, but still couldn't figure out why he had to change the cai sum in this way.

Seeing Su Chen approaching him now, he tried his best to calm his breathing and finally mustered up the courage.

"Boss Su!"


Su Chen stopped and took a look. The young man in front of him was handling the cabbage hearts.

Picking up a piece of cabbage heart, the spiral knife technique on the surface is almost the same as the sketch I drew. Moreover, the preparation method of this dish has been mature for a long time, and almost no amount of improvement can make it to a higher level.

And Su Chen also discovered a particularly interesting thing.

The dish of boiled cabbage is probably the only S-level dish that anyone other than myself can make.

First of all, the selection of cabbage is very particular. Secondly, this dish is no longer about the cabbage itself, but the soup that has been repeatedly cooked.

For such a mature dish, what else can be done if it wants to be further improved?

So, Su Chen thought of a way.

He held the cabbage that the young man had cut, observed it repeatedly for a few times, and took the knife from Lin Hai's hand, "Your cutting at this position is not very good, I will correct it for you and see."

Su Chen picked up another piece of unprocessed cabbage heart, first cut a cross in the middle, then gently broke the outer leaves, cut the middle cabbage heart in half again, repeated several times and let go, and the outer leaves quickly wrapped back.

At this time, put the cabbage heart in a large bowl at hand, "Didn't you ask me why I did this? Bring some boiling water."

Lin Hai excitedly ran to get the kettle and handed it to Su Chen.

Just now, I mustered up the courage to ask, but I didn't expect that Boss Su was so easy to talk to. He actually answered my question on the spot. This movement also attracted many people to come over to see what happened.

Su Chen picked up the kettle and slowly poured boiling water into the middle of the cabbage heart in the basin. With the pouring of high-temperature water, the hard leaves gradually became soft, and the soft leaves on the outside began to collapse toward the outer circle.

Layer by layer.

The collapse speed was very slow, but Lin Hai's heart began to beat wildly.


Until all the leaves collapsed, Lin Hai's eyes widened and pointed at the seedling leaves, "How did it become a lotus!"

Su Chen put down the kettle, "That's probably what it means. Tomorrow, the cabbage heart will be boiled first and then blanched in cold water. After blanching, keep the original shape and put it in the bowl. Then the broth and cabbage heart will be served separately, and let the guests pour the soup themselves."

Just saying this, Lin Hai even thought of that scene.

Because the cabbage heart that Su Chen used for demonstration just now was raw, it took a long time for the boiling water to start to collapse, but the cabbage heart will be cooked when it is served tomorrow!

As long as the broth is poured from the top. No, not just from the top, no matter from which angle it is poured into the bowl, the cabbage heart will naturally scatter along the position of the knife edge.

Originally a seedling of ordinary cabbage heart, when it touches the soup, it will automatically scatter in front of the diners and become a lotus with white leaves and yellow core!


This scene, just thinking about it makes people shudder.

Even the diners have become a part of the cooking process!

Lin Hai looked at Su Chen's back as he left with his hands behind his back, and couldn't help but clench his fists.

You have to work hard!

It was this scene that seemed to open up the Ren and Du meridians for the other young chefs present.

"Boss Su! Boss Su, please help me take a look at this. Why do we need to process this pork belly like this?"

"Boss Su! Hehe, I just can't figure out why I have to chop this chicken mince much thicker than I did before?"

"Boss, I really want to ask you, what do you mean by "it should be loose but not loose"? Why can't I get this effect after trying it several times?"

Su Chen was not in a hurry, nor was he impatient.

He stood in the corridor, answering every question, and sometimes he would even directly demonstrate to the kitchen helpers how to do it best.

Several old chefs looked at this scene and looked at each other.

Lu Yongliang's expression was complicated, "I remember when I was learning the craft, the master would not let me touch the oil pan without cutting vegetables for a few years."

Cui Yufen sneered, "Those old guys want to keep a trick, and what happened in the end? I think Xiao Su is doing very well. Only in this way can we pass on better skills!"

When Wang Zhijun said this, his face was slightly red standing by.

Yes, there are some tricks that old masters always keep in reserve and are reluctant to pass on to their apprentices until the last moment.

Wang Zhijun looked at the slices of meat he was processing and suddenly became distracted.

What's the point?

Zhang Maolin, who was also very touched by the scene, sniffed hard, and Li Wenkui next to him joked, "Why? Are you moved?"

Zhang Maolin shook his head, "Not moved. I mean, do you smell anything?"

Li Wenkui also sniffed, frowned at first, then turned his head following the smell, and his eyes naturally fell on the hanging oven in the corner.


I roast duck! (End of this chapter)

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