Food Customizer

Chapter 280 Buddha heard that Qi Chan jumped over the wall

Su Chen was confused, and everyone in the kitchen was also confused.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→ᴛᴡᴋᴀɴ.ᴄᴏᴍ]

It's normal for customers to cause trouble in restaurants, after all, everyone can do it.

But this is the occasion!

Although it is not as high-level as the state banquet of a real international event, it is still a banquet held for the exchange of food between countries. The people who come here to eat can no longer be described as either rich or noble.

But they are all people with a certain status in the culinary field in their respective countries!

Just such a group of people, at such a banquet.

Are you telling me that they are making trouble?

"Let's go! I'll go take a look!"

Lu Yongliang followed Su Chen, "Just take a look, what are you doing with the knife?"

Su Chen threw the knife on the cutting board in embarrassment, and straightened the corners of his clothes, "Forgot."

Then he turned around and walked out.

At the same time, in the banquet hall.

"President, it happens every time! I just feel like the delicious taste I just ate is gone, and now I start the next dish. How can I taste it if it stays like this?"

"Yeah, I'm obviously here for tasting. But every time I just taste the specific taste, and I stop when I'm about to feel it carefully. How can we taste it like this!"

While the aunt wearing a headscarf was talking, she did not forget to dip her fingers into the small plate, then put it into her mouth and slurped it several times.

‘Tea leaves, trees, burnt aroma, these natural flavors are mixed with the duck, it’s really magical! ’

In fact, she didn't want to argue about this matter in her heart. It was really just because she didn't enjoy it!

Such a delicious duck, but everyone only gets three pieces of it!

Let’s not talk about the roast duck just now. Although it is delicious, it is something I have eaten before, but this tea duck is so delicious!

The duck skin is fried very crispy, and I don’t know what kind of cooking process is used. It actually tastes like chewing potato chips?

But the duck meat wrapped in duck skin is not like that. Every bite is full of sincerity and juice. The duck meat juice flows along the mouth and every taste bud, accompanied by that wonderful natural taste. !

If she hadn't known that this was made in the back kitchen of this restaurant, she would have really thought that this duck probably grew up in some primitive forest, right?

This aunt’s protest was recognized by most people.

Although everyone didn't understand each other's language, it didn't stop them from chattering and making noises, which made the translators very tired.

"Where's the chef? I hope to meet the chef here. I really want to ask him why he is so cruel and only gives me three pieces of meat for such a delicious duck!"

"If the boss here wants to make money, I won't object. I am willing to pay for my lunch, but there is a prerequisite that I must be provided with a sufficient lunch portion!"

The leader of Huaxia felt his scalp numb as he looked at the noisy and hyped guests. He turned his head slightly and said a few words, and the translator beside him immediately cleared his throat.

"Everyone, be quiet! Be quiet!"

"Because our activity today is mainly about the exchange of food, and our kitchen has prepared a total of twenty-eight dishes for everyone!"

"Everyone has just tasted the third dish now, so please don't be anxious! In addition, our chef will be here soon, and he will explain further to everyone."

The words of the translator were somewhat useful. As the translator beside each guest bent down and muttered for a long time, the hall gradually became quiet. Ling Shuyu on the side was also constantly explaining to the audience in the live broadcast room. With this situation.

"It seems that because the Zhangcha Fat Duck just was too delicious, these guests are a little dissatisfied that each person can only eat three pieces of duck meat. They are strongly requesting for a few more pieces of duck meat to be given to them."

"Looking at it so far, the most dissatisfied guest seems to be the distinguished guest from Eagle Country. He is making famous gestures with the translator next to him. It seems that he wants to go to the kitchen to have a look?"

In the live broadcast, the man in black dress was really talking to the translator next to him.

The eagerness and excitement on his face made it look like a person who had never eaten good food was eating real delicious food for the first time.

Most of the viewers in the live broadcast room were laughing behind the screen and watching with gusto.

At this time, Ling Shuyu's words drew everyone's attention away from the guest.

"Huh? Boss Su is really here. I don't know how Boss Su will deal with this situation."

The camera panned, and a young man walked in at the door of the banquet hall.

Wearing a crisp suit, he stands 1.8 meters tall with his chest raised and his head raised, and he walks with wind in his step.

Su Chen had appeared in public live broadcasts several times before, but at that time, Delicious Food was not very popular, and the number of live broadcast viewers was only tens of thousands, which was completely different from the millions of people watching at the same time now.

When Su Chen appeared at the door and walked in, there was a momentary blank on the barrage of millions of people!

Obviously, many people were a little surprised by Su Chen's appearance.

"Is this Boss Su? No. Shouldn't Boss Su be an old man? Why is he a young man? Is this Boss Su's son?"

"Such an awesome company, such awesome dishes, but it turns out that it was made by such a young chef?"

"Even if you are young, you are still handsome."

"A person so young can make top-notch dishes from 28 provinces. Can he learn these skills from his mother's womb? Why don't I believe it?"

Su Chen's appearance really shocked the audience in the live broadcast room.

Also shocked were the people waiting at the scene. When the guests saw Su Chen entering the venue, they stood up one after another.

Of course, all due respect to the makers who provide them with a wonderful lunch.

After everyone nodded in greeting, Su Chen stood in the middle of the banquet hall. The venue gradually became quiet, and then he spoke.

"I understand everyone's needs, but I still regret to say sorry to everyone."

As soon as these words came out, the venue suddenly exploded again.

"what's the situation!"

"Why? Are you inviting us to the event and not even giving us enough to eat?"

"I just want to be full! Oh God. I really just want to be full. Having a full meal in a developed country like China shouldn't be a problem, right?"

"Oh my god, isn't this chef too stingy?"

In the face of everyone's doubts and dissatisfaction, Su Chen didn't panic at all. He raised his hands and pressed them down, still smiling and taking his time.

"Please listen to my explanation."

"I believe everyone knows before dining that our restaurant has prepared a total of 28 dishes for each distinguished guest today. Even if each dish is just a bite, I believe everyone will be full!"

"In this case, why should we always linger on the dishes in front of us? Instead of lingering on the past delicacies, it is better to look forward to the next delicacies, don't you think?"

After speaking, Su Chen smiled and clapped his hands.

The waiters had already received instructions from their headsets and were heading to the meal preparation station outside the door.

Each of these waiters was wearing a red cheongsam, their hair was tied up, and they were wearing very standard light makeup. If you look at them from a distance, you can't tell who is who.

After a while, the first waiter who walked out came back.

Her hands held a small wooden plate with a small cup on it.

The surface of the ceramic cup is engraved with the totem of China - the five-clawed golden dragon. The golden cup gives it a feeling of wealth.

"This is a famous dish from Chinese Fujian cuisine, Buddha Jumps Over the Wall."

Su Chen was not in a hurry to leave. When he left the kitchen just now, he had already given instructions for the next work. In order to stabilize the scene, he would stay here for a while longer.

Just as Su Chen said and thought.

When the new dishes were brought to the table, no one was dissatisfied that they couldn't eat enough camphor tea fat duck. Everyone looked at the small cup in front of them curiously, and several impatient guests had already opened the cup directly. He put his nose close and started to smell.

"Buddha jumps over the wall, there is another name called Fushouquan."

Su Chen spoke unhurriedly, and the on-site director was also very helpful. He immediately waved his hand, and an interpreter took the microphone and started the translation work.

"It is said that this dish was developed during the Daoguang period of the Qing Dynasty. During a literati banquet, the lid of the dish cup was opened, and the aroma of meat overflowed. Someone impromptuly composed a poem: The altar opened and the fragrance of meat floated around, and the Buddha heard that he abandoned Zen and jumped Come on."

"From then on, this dish had the name Buddha Jumps Over the Wall."

"Later, considering the issue of faith, the dish was renamed: Fu Shou Quan."

Through the translator, the guests nodded after learning the origin of this dish, and even subconsciously opened the lid of the cup in front of them.


as expected!

When everyone opened the lids of the cups, the aroma of meat overflowed, and the unexplainable aroma of meat immediately spread throughout the banquet hall!

Even the filming and other staff who had been standing around couldn't help their throats trembling, and they looked longingly at the small cups in everyone's hands.

Isn’t this too greedy?

It can be said that every Chinese has heard the name of the dish Buddha Jumps Over the Wall since childhood, but not many people have actually eaten it.

Although some pre-made dishes called "Buddha Jumps Over the Wall" have begun to appear in many supermarkets, they are just a big pot with a pot of soup frozen in it. The soup probably contains many ingredients.

But as an out-and-out Chinese, we often sneer at this kind of thing. Everyone will have this idea in their hearts: I can eat pre-made spicy hotpot, but you, the Buddha, jump over the wall and play with pre-made, this is just a joke. .

At this time, Su Chen was equivalent to taking over Ling Shuyu's job.

"There are many ingredients used in this dish, including shark's fin, fish lips, sea cucumbers, scallops, abalone, fish maw, flower mushrooms, ham, fat duck, fat hen, pig's hoof tips, chicken gizzards, lamb knuckles, Pork belly, winter bamboo shoots, pork trotters, radish, eggs.”

Su Chen reported more than a dozen ingredients in one go. The guests were dumbfounded and the translator next to him was confused.

Boss Su, I won’t argue with you about reading ancient poems just now. Is it embarrassing for me to do so now?

You want me to lose my job?

The audience in the live broadcast room also laughed happily.

“Boss Su’s announcement of the names of the ingredients is as easy as speaking.”

"Should I say it or not, any of these ingredients can be taken out at will to achieve the effect of improving freshness. If they are used together at once, why should we take off from the same place?"

"Can any living Hu Jianren tell me whether Fu Shou Quan really uses so many ingredients?"

"I'm Hu Jianren, and I can prove it: we don't get to eat this stuff normally!"

In the minds of foreigners, gourmet food means wonderful food, and generally speaking, they cook with variations of a single ingredient.

For example, beef can be made into stewed beef, roast beef, fried beef, or boiled beef, but few people cook it by combining various ingredients.

Two or three types are normal, but doing more than a dozen at once is a bit outrageous!

Not only that.

Su Chen stood here and said confidently, "The various ingredients must be classified and processed, and then simmered over low heat for three hours."

"Each cup must be guarded by a dedicated person. If you are not careful, the ingredients in the cup will melt."

“Not only that, what you have in front of you is just the appetizer of this dish, please start tasting it!”

After finishing speaking, Su Chen clapped his hands again.

The waiters repeated the actions just now.

This time, what they held in their hands was no longer a cup, but a round plate on a wooden plate.

The guests who had been preparing to eat now all looked at him curiously.

The various ingredients vaguely visible on the plate were placed together, and several well-informed gourmets were mumbling something to each other.

"Shark's fin, ham, scallops?"

That's not all.

After the girls put down the small plates, they immediately turned around and left the hall. When they returned again, they had another plate in their hands.


This time, even those foodies who claim to be well-informed are confused.

There are as many as a dozen kinds of ingredients on the plate. It is difficult to see the full picture of each ingredient, but you can feel that they are lying there and emitting an alluring fragrance.

Fu Shou Quan, is this how you eat it?

The guests who had not been able to eat enough before looked at the two plates in front of them and finally no longer complained at all.

"On behalf of the delicious food company, I would like to wish everyone a happy meal!"

After Su Chen finished speaking, he turned and left.

When he returned to the elevator, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Grandma, I'm still a little nervous."

Zhang Li raised her hands to squeeze Su Chen's shoulders, "Boss Su, you are doing so well! If it were me, I would be so nervous that I would pee my pants!"

Su Chen felt the comfort coming from his shoulders.

"It will be good if you exercise more. I will let you go next time there is such an occasion."

The force coming from the shoulder immediately became stronger, "Don't! I will just silently beat your legs and squeeze your shoulders from behind~~~"

Su Chen smiled and shook his head, "Okay, let's go. Yes, I said it so well, why didn't anyone applaud?"

Zhang Li took out her mobile phone and said, "Applause? What are you looking at!"

Su Chen took it and watched the live broadcast on his phone.


More than twenty people were all immersed in the show.

Aren't you afraid of getting hot? (End of chapter)

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