Chapter 111 Encounter with Dojima Gin

Every exam room exudes a tense atmosphere.

Just when all the candidates are struggling to cope with the assessment,

Qin Ran, who was wearing a bathrobe, has come to the hot spring hall.

Still cool in the hot spring!!!

Is there any interest in taking a bath and rubbing your back during the assessment?

Just because the assessment rules of the No. 1 examination room were disclosed to the research institute, Qin Ran dared to make the decision to leave in advance.

He will entrust Tadokoro Megumi with the “important task of facing the assessment”,

Not because he was afraid that life would make things difficult for him, let him cook a molecular meal.

The thought of “being lazy is real.

I want to help Xiaohui build up her self-confidence” is also true.

As for whether Xiaohui could successfully pass the assessment, Qin Ran never worried about this.

After all, she is also one of the heroines of destiny, so even Xiaohui must have this anger.

This girl’s strength is not “180” poor, and the woman still “likes” her so much.

Therefore, Qin Ran is very clear that the first round of assessment Tadokoro Megumi is basically a question.

Because everyone was busy at this time, Qin Ran was alone in the hot spring hall.

In an extremely quiet environment, Qin Ran can also think about some things.

Now I am good at molecular cooking, but this skill is too impractical.

The equipment for making molecular cuisine is as expensive as

He couldn’t afford one, so he couldn’t borrow something from Alice every time he cooked.

Godmother, she said that she would send herself a complete set of molecular equipment.

But Qin Ran refused Xiao.

Mainly because he didn’t want to accept this favor for nothing.

Even if he needs to use molecular equipment in the future, he hopes to buy it back himself.

During this time, Qin Ran insisted on learning traditional cooking techniques from Erina.

Alice often said that Qin Ran is too lazy to be like a pig and sleeps until noon every day. In fact, the real reason is that Qin Ran comes to the kitchen by himself every night after the two girls fall asleep and continues to practice hard cooking. .

If you want to be an excellent chef, you must not only have solid basic skills, but also

It is also necessary to enrich your understanding of the discipline of cooking by constantly cooking.

Cultivate a tacit understanding with the ingredients, cultivate a tacit understanding with the kitchen utensils in your hand,

These can only be achieved through the daily accumulation of medicine drop by drop.

Now, the ability to cook traditional dishes by yourself is too weak.

Must be in a hurry to upgrade the bank.

Although he has Gold Finger, Qin Ran will not slack off his efforts.

A two-pronged approach is the way to go.

Society relies on Gold Finger, which is too poor.

Just when Qin Ran was making a training plan for himself,

Suddenly, footsteps came from outside.

“Huh? Is anyone here already?”

Dojima Gin, who was wearing a bathrobe, was stunned.

He is a little stunned now.

“Dojima-senpai, good afternoon!”

Seeing that it was Dojima Gin, Qin Ran smiled and greeted him.

Dojima Gin came over and asked curiously:

“Are you a freshman coming to take the dormitory assessment?”

“At this point, you should be assessing, why are you here?”

“Could it be that you have already failed the assessment, Akatsuki?”

According to the previously established plan,

Every new student needs to take two assessments today!

The first is to use the ingredients collected in nature to cook.

The second game is to complete the strength assessment of 50 dishes within the specified time.

Dojima Gin looked at the time on the wall clock, this time, f*ck,

The end time for the first examination has not yet arrived.

Does anyone come here to take a bath at this point?

In addition to voluntarily giving up the assessment or being eliminated, Dojima Gin really can’t think of a second reason for being late.

Hearing Dojima Gin’s question, Qin Ran shook his head:

“I didn’t give up the assessment, my partner is still cooking in the examination room.”

“I’m training her and helping my partner build confidence!”

Qin Ran’s answer, show to Dojima Gin.

After he sat down in the hot spring to dry, he asked:

“Help your partner build confidence?”

“What does it mean?”

Qin Ran looked at Dojima Gin and explained:

“Dojima-senpai, my partner is a girl, and her cooking skills are actually very good!

“But every time she was assessed, she was at the bottom.

“The main reason is that she lacks self-confidence, and will be extremely nervous when she encounters a formal assessment.”

“In order to make her feel confident, I made the decision to let her “complete the cooking by herself.”

Dojima Gin understood,

He asked curiously at this moment:

“Then what if your partner fails the test?”

“If it’s a double grade, you’ll be kicked out of school with her!


Qin Ran nodded indifferently:

“If my partner really doesn’t pass the exam, then if they are dropped out of school together, they will be dropped out of school..”

“I still have that level of trust.

“Otherwise, where would such a decision be made?”

Qin Ran’s unconcerned appearance made Dojima Gin’s heart feel slightly rippled.

So “trust” the partner.

What a deep bond it is.

Because he didn’t know Qin Ran, Dojima Gin never thought that Qin Ran was “wanting to be lazy”.

What he could feel at this moment was the heavy trust Qin Ran gave to his “partner”.

This guy is a nice guy.

It’s just that doing this kind of thing in the assessment, some risk disappearing.

However, this child is quite satisfied with himself,

Dojima Gin felt that he “appreciated” Qin Ranxiao a little.

“Junior, what’s your name?”

“Dojima-senpai, my name is Qin Ran.”

“Qin Ran???”

Dojima Gin always feels like I’ve heard this name somewhere,

The next second, when he reacted, he was a little surprised and said:

“Are you the Qin Ran that Mr. Chapelle said?”

“Are you good at molecular cuisine?”

Qin Ran nodded 3.9:

“The person Chapelle said is me.”

After Dojima Gin heard Qin Ran’s affirmative answer, Lu Yunwan gave a gentle smile:

“It was you.”

“What a coincidence, I didn’t expect to meet you here.”

“I had dinner with Teacher Chapelle yesterday, but he gave you a very high evaluation.”

“I also said that if you have the opportunity, you must see and experience the molecular cuisine you make.”

“It just so happens that our resort has a molecular kitchen.

“Is Mr. Qin Ran interested in showing us a hand?”

Qin Ran thought for a while and said:

“Senior Dojima, I’m taking a bath now, so it’s not appropriate to say that.”

“When I have a chance later, I will cook a few molecular dishes. How about asking Dojima-senpai to comment on it?”

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