Chapter 138 System Upgrade?

Hisako was a little moved,

It was the first time she heard that Miss, she comforted her in such a gentle tone.

If swapping bodies can enjoy such good treatment, it is not unacceptable.

In any case, Hisako’s mood is really improving now.

Alice sat on the side unhappy, muttering incessantly,

Qin Ran, the goddamn villain,

It only takes advantage of girls all day long.

I really want to break this Damn it guy’s leg if I can,

Then tied in the house.

I’m so sick of it, when will the key be a head in this day of swapping bodies!

Thinking of this, Alice couldn’t help but glance at Qin Ran,

The next second, she said in a bad tone:

“Hey, you guy, are the SWAT officers happy now?”

“That’s all right. Let Erina and I see our presence, and now even the little secretary has fallen into your claws.”

It is estimated that “you are still excited now!”

Hearing Alice’s words, Qin Ran showed a SWAT officer speechless expression:

Alice “, you really wronged me late.”

“You think I want to swap bodies with Hisako.”

“Isn’t it impossible?”

“I really hope this kind of thing will continue to happen in the future.”

“Otherwise, I’d be bored to death myself.”

In fact, Qin Ran really doesn’t want to swap bodies with the police now,

Although the reward is very rich, it is very troublesome.

After swapping glands with Hisako today,

Qin Ran’s winning prize is awesome,

Chen Bangling’s “Life Menu: Medicinal Diet!”

Who is Chen Bangling?

Fame is really loud.

In the world of “China One”, she has a nickname called Fairy Abe.

As a young mother, Chen Bangling can be said to be a legendary existence.

As a woman, she became the supreme dragon chef of Chinese cuisine,

What magic Mapo tofu, tofu trio, she invented the rhyme.

She has always believed that cooking can bring happiness to people. Along the way, Chen Bangling’s cooking can be said to have conquered one diners after another.

Although the best cuisine is Sichuan cuisine, due to Jiu Xiao’s traveling experience, Chen Bangling has a very familiar understanding and research on all kinds of cuisines from all over the world.

The one that I drew this time was all the “medicine diet recipes” that developed rhyme in Chen Bangling’s life.

Because it is the first lottery after swapping bodies,

So the reward is automatically upgraded to the full level,

That is to say, Qin Ran obtained not only Chen Bangling’s medicinal diet,

At the same time, there is also the chef, about the experience and thinking of making medicated dishes!

In addition to the traditional prizes drawn,

What shocked Qin Ran the most was that his traditions had been upgraded.

The task of forcing a decent exchange once a month is still there,

It’s just that compared to the past, his complex has one more function.

As long as it’s you and the girls who have exchanged decently, you can freely choose to exchange decently with them again.

You can fix the target of the swap body, but in this case, you can’t get any rewards.

To be honest, this new rhyme function after the traditional upgrade has some help,

But Qin Ran is looking forward to seeing if the traditional system can be upgraded again, will there be any hope of canceling the task of “mandatory body swapping once a month”.

After the traditional upgrade, in addition to a new function,

At the same time, I also sent Qin Ran some post-upgrade information.

If you swap bodies yourself, you can only swap with girls.

In addition, he also understood how Fantong was upgraded.

After changing the body with 3 girls, the attack will be upgraded to level 2.

After changing the body with 6 girls, the traditional will be upgraded to level 3.

And so on and so forth.

After changing the body with Hisako today, I just met the upgrade conditions for upgrading the traditional system to level 2.

In addition to the description of the data, Qin Ran also calculated a detail by himself,

That is, if you turn on body swap, you will give priority to swap bodies with the girl closest to you.

I just don’t know if the details I calculated are accurate or not.

After all, Qin Ran is just guessing.

Just when Qin Ran was thinking about the system upgrade,

Suddenly I heard Alice’s voice:

“Hello, Qin Ran Qin Ran?”

“I’m talking to you, why don’t you answer me?”

“Are you really not secretly giggling?”

“How do I feel, you seem to be very happy…”

Qin Ran raised his head, just as he was about to answer Alice’s words,

Suddenly the next second, Qin Ran’s face became very ugly.

The originally rosy face lost a little blood,

The most uncomfortable thing is that my stomach hurts so much,

Damn it, it won’t!

Is it possible

Obviously, the three girls in the room also noticed Qin Ran’s strangeness.”

Seeing Qin Ran holding his stomach, his forehead was in cold sweat, and he looked very weak.

Eina and Alice immediately stood up nervously and walked over.

“Qin Ran, Qin Ran, what’s wrong with you?”

“Qin Ran, are you alright!”

Ewuna and Alice quickly supported Qin Ran,

Qin Ran bit his lip and said:

“I-I don’t know.”

Suddenly, “Suddenly my stomach hurts.”

“Does your stomach hurt?”

Alice hurriedly picked up her phone:

“I’ll call the doctor now.”

“Qin Ran, you must hold on.

Totsuki Resort has emergency personnel,

After receiving Alice’s call, two female doctors came here immediately.

“Doctor, what’s wrong with me?”

“Suddenly my stomach hurts badly.”

“I, am I sick?”

Looking at Qin Ran lying on the bed, the female doctor showed a helpless smile, and then she said softly (Did Zhao):

“It’s nothing major, it’s the source of the menstrual period.”

“Have you been together too much during this time and haven’t had a good rest at all?”

“And I should have eaten some irritating food.”

“So now the response is going to be a lot bigger.

“Lie down and take a rest, and then drink more hot water.”

“If the reaction doesn’t ease after a while, then you can take a painkiller.”


Hearing these three words, Qin Ran’s whole body felt bad.

No, not going to!

Did you actually encounter such a thing?

For a moment, Qin Ran wanted to cry him a little,

Look at Alice and Erina again,

This girl, after being absent for a short time, is now hanging her mouth, looking like she is about to burst into laughter,

It’s just that there is a doctor here, and they refrained from laughing around there.

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