Chapter 142 Blind Vegetable Showdown?

Hearing Eina said to help them Arato get ahead,

Arato Misako hurriedly said:

“Miss Eina, you misunderstood!~

“The other party didn’t use any small tricks behind the scenes.”

“Although I’m very unwilling to lose to a junior, my husband told me that this time, he was convinced that he lost.”

Nagasaki “Like the newly appointed helm, although young, his attainment in making medicated dishes is really extraordinary.”

The mother will certainly not deceive herself,

So Hisako was a little stunned at this moment.

So her father, was he defeated by the opponent righteously?

Now, what should I do now. Get better?

At this moment, Erina also said something that was not rhyme to the police.

If it is really defeated by the opponent in the halberd,

Then she couldn’t intervene in this matter.

Just when Eina was thinking hard, is there any other way to help “Arato”,

Suddenly, she heard Qin Ran’s voice:

“Mother mother!

“What kind of halberd meal did the father and the other party have?

“What is the theme?

When Misako heard 04’s “daughter” question, she shook her head slightly and said:

“I don’t know the specifics.

“But I know that my husband was convinced that he lost.”

“However, this matchup was lost, and Arato lost half of his industry directly.

“The relatives at home are making trouble now.”

“It was said that my father was overconfident, which always caused them to suffer so much loss.”

“Actually, your father is not at home at all right now. He will go there to appease those relatives.”

“If you want to ask for more specific information, just wait until he welcomes you.

“I’ve already called my husband and learned that Miss Erina is here, so my husband must be on his way back.”

Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived,

Misako’s voice just fell,

Outside the wooden door, there was a sound of hurried footsteps.

“Miss Erina, I didn’t know you were here.

“I’m sorry, please forgive me!”

Hisako’s father is Arato Masao,

Qin Ran saw his face clearly at this moment.

Wearing glasses, Sven’s.

It looks a little elegant.

No wonder Hisako came out of such water spirit,

Her parents are not bad looking!

Seeing Masao Arato apologizing to himself, Erina hurriedly said:

“Uncle Arato, please don’t worry about these little things.

“Obviously it was me who came to visit rashly and disturbed you.

“Hopefully I can provide some help with Arato’s troubles.

“In this way, I can be considered a worthwhile trip.

After Erina said these words, Arato Misako looked at her man and said:

“Husband, I have already explained everything I encountered during the interview to Miss Erina.”

“But when it comes to more specific information, I don’t know.

“Why don’t you and Erina-san describe it yourself.”

Arato Masao looked at Erina curiously:

“Miss Eena, what do you want to know?”

Emonet pondered for a moment, then slowly said:

“Uncle Arato, I heard from Aunt Misako that you had a meal with Nagasaki Jing, the newly appointed master?”

“It’s hard for me to imagine that you would lose.”

“I have some doubts, whether the other party is doing something behind his back.

A trace of embarrassment flashed in Arato Masao’s eyes,

To be honest, he was actually quite embarrassed when he lost to a junior in the halberd.

However, if you lose, you lose, no matter how embarrassed you are, there is nothing you can do.

After all, it has become a fact Akatsuki.

“Miss Eina, I’m really sorry for disappointing you.”

“I, I did lose this halberd.

“Well, what I lost was convincing, and the other party didn’t use any dirty tricks in the duel.”

It can only be said that Nagasaki is like the newly appointed master, a seam in the sky.

“Although I am young, my attainments in the field of medicinal foods are indeed above me!”

Even Arato Masao admitted it himself,

From this point of view, this meal is absolutely fair and just.

Seeing Hisako’s expression of hesitating to speak, Qin Ran thought about it, and quickly guessed that the little girl wanted to ask, ha,

So at this moment, Qin Ran took the initiative to ask:

“Father, can I find out the specific details of your duel with your opponent?

“I want to know something more detailed.”

Arato Masao glanced at his daughter “”, and then said helplessly:

“The theme of the showdown is medicinal food.

“The prescribed form of cooking is porridge!

“The rules are the same as the halberd-eating rules you know. The only special thing is that Nagasaki and I are like the master, and we have a blind vegetable duel.”

Blind showdown?

Hearing this, Hisako froze Akatsuki.

Alice on the side asked curiously:

“Uncle Arato, what does this blind vegetable showdown mean?”

“Alice, the blind dish showdown against 253 is actually the same as blind chess in chess.”

Eina did not wait for Arato Masao to speak, and took the initiative to explain to Yun:

“If there is a blind vegetable duel, the chefs of both sides of the duel must close their eyes!

“It all depends on the chef’s familiarity with the kitchen and familiarity with the ingredients to cook.”

“I understand Akatsuki, is it because Uncle Arato is not used to blind dishes, so he lost the game?”

“The new director of Nagasaki Statue must be good at this field!

Erina thought about something in her heart,

If Arato Masao is not good at blind dishes, then it is understandable to lose the duel.

As a result, something that Erina didn’t expect happened,

Arato Masao, who was sitting opposite, shook his head slightly after hearing Erina’s guess:

“Miss Erina, you are wrong.”

“Actually, the blind vegetable showdown is precisely one of the areas that I am very good at.”

“You know why I feel like I’ve lost my heart?”

“Because, I’m not only good at blind dish showdown, but the place where the showdown took place was my own kitchen!”

“Occupy the right time and place, but I still lost a crushing defeat.

“The young leader of the Nagasaki team is really amazing.”

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