Food, Gambit, And God Tongue Swap Body

Chapter 156 The helplessness of the old man\r

Evolves the "God Tongue" possessed by his granddaughter,

Senzaemon was really intimidated by Qin Ran's strength.

How long has it been since?

Qin Ran's strength has grown to such a level?

To this day, Senzaemon vaguely remembers the first time he tasted "Qin Ran" cooking.

At that time, the dishes he cooked were still a little immature.

But what about now?

For some reason, the word "genius" popped into Senzaemon's mind.

Qin Ran's growth rate is really scary.

"Erina, since you have confidence in Qin Ran, I won't say anything more. 35

"You go out first. If you see Qin Ran, remember to tell him to work hard. 35

"I'm here to rest for a while, and I'll go over and watch it with you when the duel begins "June 23".

Hearing Grandpa's words, Erina stood up and replied, "I see."

When leaving this small room, for some reason, Erina felt as if she saw a haze in her grandpa's eyes.

Something is wrong, why does Grandpa seem to be feeling a little unhappy?

The evolution of his own tongue and the strength of Qin Ran are clearly a good thing.

But Erina didn't think about it, and after closing the door gently, she went back to the ring.

In fact, Erina's suspicion before leaving was not wrong.

Senzaemon was really in a bad mood after learning about the evolution of Erina's tongue.

As the biological father of Nakiri Mana,

Senzaemon knew more about the tongue of God than Erina.

The evolution of the tongue of God can be said to be a double-edged sword.

Every time the tongue of God evolves, its owner can catch more subtle changes in the taste of cooking.

But if the tongue of God continues to grow, sooner or later, it will face a situation where there is no food to eat.

The tongue of God will instinctively remember the taste of every taste,

No matter how delicious it is, it will greedily want to taste even better next time.

If the tongue of God cannot be satisfied for a long time,

it disturbs the mind of the owner,

Make it irritable, irritable, or even irritable!

Now Mana's child has become the point of relying on nutrient solution to maintain his body.

The "tragedy" that happened to my daughter!

Senzaemon really didn't want it to happen to his granddaughter again.

Damn it!

When I think of the kind of "suffering pain" that my daughter faces


Senzaemon felt very sad.

Mana, what should I do!

Erina's tongue, finally began to evolve.

What should I do to prevent the tragedy that happened to you from happening to her?

Just as Senzaemon was sitting in the small room, thinking about his thoughts,

In the venue where the duel is about to start not far away, a group of uninvited guests suddenly appeared.

Surrounded by a group of bodyguards in black suits, a girl wearing glasses slowly entered the venue.

Seeing this girl, many spectators present were instantly stunned.

"Why did she come here?

The girl ignored the attention of the audience and slowly walked to the ring, in front of Qin Ran and Nagasaki Hayato:

Hayato Nagasaki bowed gracefully and said:

"Welcome, Miss Takeuchi!"

The girl who was called Miss Takeuchi nodded slightly and greeted Hayato Nagasaki, then she looked at Qin Ran and introduced herself:

"Hello Mr. Qin Ran, let me introduce myself."

"My name is Takeuchi Reiyu, and I'm a first-class food executive from wgo.

"Today's showdown, wgo sent me to be the lead auditor. 35

"Hopefully, in the future, I can play against both sides with you and get along very happily.

wgo, Qin Ran knows this organization,

It is an organization that can rate all restaurants and cooks, similar to the World Culinary Association.

Wgo is the holy place that all cooks around the world yearn for, and many cooks work hard for the ultimate goal of getting the WGO rating.

Inside wgo, food executives are divided into four levels.

Third class, second class, first class, special class!

It is worth mentioning that Erina's mother, Nakiri Mana, is the only chief executive in wgo.

I remember not long ago, in a theory class at Tōtsuki Gakuen,

Qin Ran learned a lot about "wgo"...

In this world, restaurants and cooks can actually apply for ratings.

One star restaurant, two star restaurant, three star restaurant!

One star chef, two star chef, three star chef!

Shinomiya Kojiro said that his next goal is to strive for a three-star rating for his restaurant, and he also hopes that he can become a three-star chef.

Looking around the world, the number of chefs who can be rated as three-star can be said to be very few.

Every chef with a three-star logo is a well-known big coffee in the industry.

Whether it is a three-star rating for a cook or a three-star rating for a restaurant, wgo will send five first-class executive officers to conduct the assessment at one time.

Only when these five first-class executives are recognized at the same time, will wgo officially give the other party a three-star rating.

The teacher who took the class at that time also said that there are less than 50 restaurants in the world with a three-star rating.

There are only 60 or 70 chefs who have received a three-star rating.

By the way, in fact, above the three-star, wgo also has a rating called "special".

Whether it is a super restaurant or a super chef, so far, no one has been able to win this honor.

Qin Ran also listened carefully at the time, what to do to get a "Super 1.9" rating.

It must be approved by all the first-class gourmet officers of wgo, and the chief executive officer personally approves.

To get that "supreme" honor.

At that time, Qin Ran was still thinking, Erina, her mother is a bit of a genius, and after so many years, no one can get a special rating in her hands.

It seems that Dojima Gin and Saiba Seiichiro are both three-star chefs.

Erina's sand-sculpted father, who has some pitiful daughters, should also be a symbol of a three-star cook.

Just when Qin Ran was thinking about these messy things, he suddenly heard the discussion from the audience around him.

Like his opponent, this guy named Hayato Nagasaki,

With a wgo two-star chef rating,

Got it last year.

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