Food, Gambit, And God Tongue Swap Body

Chapter 163 Woohoo, still be obedient!\r

Five-color porridge!

It is a medicinal meal made by combining five different types of porridge.

The "white porridge", which exudes a fresh fragrance and looks slightly sticky, is actually not a grain of rice.

Seeing the crystal-filled "rice grains" in this bowl of "white porridge", a trace of doubt flashed in Takeuchi Reiyu's eyes:

"Normally, if a porridge dish wants to be thick, it is necessary to boil the rice so that its nutrients can fully penetrate into the porridge.

"But looking at this sticky state, why is the rice grain still intact.

Hearing this, Qin Ran had a mysterious smile on his face:

"Miss Takeuchi, the grain of rice you see is not the grain of rice you understand.

"You'd better try it yourself."

"Too much explanation will greatly reduce the sense of surprise."

Hearing Qin Ran's words, the Takeuchi judges did not hesitate too much.

Soon, she picked up the small bowl and scooped out some "white porridge" from the white casserole!

I saw that the hot mist from "white porridge" slowly penetrated into the tip of her nose.

Just smelling this breath, Takeuchi Reiyu couldn't take it anymore.

So delicious!

This scent is really charming.

This kind of breath is definitely not something that rice grains can create.

What is this white porridge made of?

He opened his mouth gently and took a sip of the "white porridge" in front of him


When that trace of warmth flows on the tip of the tongue,

Takeuchi Reiyu only felt that there was a sharp blade that penetrated her soul!


Incredible fragrance!

After entering it, she could feel the charm of this smell more clearly!


This really isn't rice porridge!

Qin Ran, he turned yam into the shape of rice grains!

This whole dish is actually made with yam as the main ingredient!


Takeuchi Reiyu really doesn't know how to describe it.

It looks sticky, but the taste is unexpectedly smooth.

Like a reverberation around a beam,

There was a faint trace of sweetness that slowly wrapped around her heart along the blood vessels.

Mellow even the soul can melt!

Really let myself, I don't want to refresh at all.

Judge Watanabe, who was sitting next to Takeuchi Reiyu, had a more exaggerated reaction after drinking the "white.|| porridge".

He felt the heat inside his body,

There seemed to be flames burning every organ in his body.


It seems that even the scalp is excited by the smell!

What the hell is going on with this indescribable impact!

Why, why would he be so uncontrollable.

gritted teeth,

Feeling the accelerated blood flow in the body, the judge Watanabe said nothing,

No way, if he was a little distracted, he might scream uncontrollably.

At this time, Qin Ran's words drifted slowly and fell into the ears of the five judges.

"Actually, medicated food is really a very knowledgeable industry.

"In our Celestial Dynasty, there is a saying at twelve o'clock."

"These twelve o'clock correspond to different organs and different meridians in the human body. 99

"for example!"

"From 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm, it is the unitary hour!"

"At this time, the kidney meridian in the human body is running, and the corresponding organ is also the kidney.35

"Through a conversation before. I remember that the judge Watanabe said that most of the time, he stayed up until 1-2 in the morning before going to bed.

"1-2 o'clock in the morning, it's ugly time! It's the liver meridian in the human body that is running!"

"If you haven't slept at this point, you will be overly fatigued, which will lead to high blood sugar and impaired liver function!"

"So I can tell from this that the liver meridian in Mr. Watanabe must be seriously damaged.

"Since ancient times, liver and kidney have not been separated."

“If the liver meridian is damaged, it will become weak along with the kidney meridian.35

"Why is Mr. Watanabe down?"

"It is for the above reasons!

“People who often stay up late will lead to a lack of yang energy and other phenomena. 95

"Take yam as the main ingredient and boil it into porridge, which can invigorate the kidneys and astringent essence, remove cold and invigorate qi, and supplement the Zhongyang in the human body!

"This white porridge has a silky texture because I also put some ground mother-of-pearl powder!"

"Mother-of-pearl powder can calm the liver and yang, soothe the mind and improve eyesight.""

"It can make a tired body feel better in an instant.""

"In addition to the aroma of the yam itself, the soup for cooking the white porridge is made from dried lilies.

"The fragrance of lily can stimulate the appetite very well, and the boiled soup can also play a strong role in strengthening the body.

"The white porridge in the five-color porridge is very suitable for people who often stay up late."

"But taking 10,000 steps back, no matter how much you eat, it's better to go to bed on time."

"." The role of medicated diet is only tonic, it does not bring immediate changes to the body! 35

Not just porridge!

In this "five-color porridge" dish, the other colors of porridge are also medicated diets made by prescribing the right medicine.

The main ingredients of white porridge are: yam, lily, grated mother-of-pearl!

The main ingredients of red porridge: a five-red set composed of amaranth, red dates, wolfberry, red beans and red peanut kernels, and the final taste is carved with old brown sugar.

The main ingredients of yellow porridge are pumpkin, corn, treats, and millet! The broth for cooking yellow porridge is stewed with shark fins.

The umami is strong and the aroma is charming!

It can be said that the five-color porridge made by Qin Ran, except for the "black porridge",

Every other color of "porridge" brought a great impact to the four judges!

Judge No. 5 Morita Osora saw the food of the seniors, and was so greedy that his saliva was drooling:

"Qin Ran...Brother!

"Why...why don't I have bowls and chopsticks.

"That...that...I (Wang Liaozhao) also want to try other porridges that you have made.

Seeing Osora Morita looking at him with pitiful eyes, Qin Ran explained:

"Your taste nerves are the more sensitive ones."

“It is not suitable to eat too many foods that taste too delicious too often. 35

"To make your anorexia not recur, I have a suggestion for you.

“From now on, set aside one meal for three meals a day, and eat some coarse grains boiled in water. 39

"This allows your tongue to relax occasionally.


Morita Osora cried.

Why is this so!

too much,

Apparently he just regained his appetite!

Obviously, he has just found the beauty brought by food.

As a result, Brother Qin Ran actually said that he couldn't eat more and wanted to give his tongue a good rest.


I am still obediently obedient!

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