Food, Gambit, And God Tongue Swap Body

Chapter 207 Xiaolin Gentian's Curiosity\r

Seeing that Qin Ran handed him a thick stack of documents,

Xiaolin Gentian was stunned for a moment,

After a few seconds, a small smile appeared on her face:

"Hey, so many files?

"What is written here.

Qin Ran glanced at her and replied:

"Sister Kobayashi, just look at it and you'll know.""

"There is an agreement that I specifically wrote out to want to cooperate with senior. 95

Why did you find Kobayashi gentian,

Mainly for two reasons.

First of all, Kobayashi Gentian has a more straightforward personality. For her, emotional thinking is sometimes stronger than rational thinking.

She is not the kind of girl who is two-faced, and once He Qi reaches a cooperation, she will never reveal this matter to Eizan.

Moreover, this person is easier to talk to and get along with, and it is not so troublesome to communicate with her.


Kobayashi gentian is very popular,

Although Eizan has many supporters in the Elite Ten Council, in fact, he and those supporters are just an ordinary cooperative relationship.

But Kobayashi gentian is different,

She has real friends in the 12 Elite Ten Council.

First seat, Eishi Tsukasa!

The fourth seat, Akakubo Momo!

That is to say, as long as the support of Kobayashi Gentian can be successfully obtained,

It is equivalent to getting the support of the first seat and the fourth seat.

Qin Ran, who is familiar with the original work, actually knows enough about the character of every member of the council.

Ning Ning, the sixth seat of Ji Zhiguo, has a more stubborn and conservative personality, and will not worry too much about things that have nothing to do with her.

Therefore, if he started to deal with Ruishan, Ji Zhiguo Ningning would most likely hang up on his own.

Most likely, I will abstain from voting.

And the eighth seat is a long time, I follow the rules, this man is not pleasing to the eyes of Eisan,

If someone wants to deal with Eizan, even if it has nothing to do with their own interests, he will definitely step on them.

Well, even if you don't take advantage of people's danger, it is absolutely impossible to help Eizan.

So now,

The most crucial point is to convince Kobayashi Gentian.

If you want to get the support of Kobayashi Rentan, you must first find out what kind of cooperation she and Eizan have had.

In fact, don't look at the first seat Eishi Tsukasa, the fourth seat Akane Kubo Momo, their strength is very strong,

But in fact, they also have very weak places.

This weakness is "not good at communication and management."35

Maybe they immersed all their minds in cooking, and over time, they began to become less good at dealing with "others".

Eizan provided them with a good peripheral service.

Responsible for finding cooperative merchants for them and taking care of a series of operations for them.

This is also the fundamental reason why Eizan was able to enter the Elite Ten Council.

In the information Qin Ran gave to Xiaolin Rentan, this incident was also described very accurately.

After reading this information handed by Qin Ran,

Xiaolin Gentian threw a chewing gum into his mouth, and then spit out a big bubble.



The chewing gum was blown up.

Xiaolin Rentan looked at Qin Ran and said with a playful expression:

"Lord Qin Ran, can I call you that?"

"To be honest, senpai, I'm a little bit shocked now. 35

"I didn't expect you to investigate the details of my senior sister so clearly.

"I understand what you mean."

"You want to replace Eizan and take care of our business affairs instead of him, right?"5

"However, I have a few questions to ask."

"I wonder if Qin Ran can clear my doubts for me?

Qin Ran nodded:

"Sister Kobayashi, if there is any problem, please say so."

Seeing Qin Ran agree, Xiaolin Rentan said directly:

"My first question was, why did you find me?

"Apart from me, there are several people in the council."

"Why didn't you try to convince them first?"

Qin Ran looked at Xiaolin Gentian and smiled slightly:

"The answer to this question is actually quite simple.

"That's because, Kobayashi-senpai, you are the most suitable to be a lobbyist! 35

"To put it simply, I have learned about it in private,

"Kobayashi-senpai, Eishi Tsukasa-senpai, and Akokubo Momo-senpai have a good relationship."

"Although they are very capable, they are often indecisive in other matters.

"I think if I can convince Miss Kobayashi, she should be able to help me deal with these two people.

"This is also the main reason why I wanted to win over Kobayashi-senpai in the first place.

Hearing Qin Ran's answer, Xiaolin Rentan is really curious now:

"Huh? Qin Ran-kun, have you even investigated this?"

"I understand, it turned out that the first person who came to me was not just because he wanted to win me over, but his fundamental purpose was to make me a lobbyist!"5

"Okay, then I'll ask the second question.""

"Lord Qin Ran, look, the thick stack of information you gave me is the specific content and agreement of the cooperation.

"But from my point of view, the essence of working with you and with Eisan seems to be the same. 99

"He now helps me with things other than cooking, and he does a good job. 99

"If that's the case, why did 660 suddenly give up on him and choose to cooperate with you instead?"

"It seems that you haven't brought me any special benefits."

After listening to Xiaolin Rentan's second question, Qin Ran said with a slight smile:

"The essence of doing business is that both parties continue to negotiate and find common ground of interests."

"Isn't the reason why you asked Kobayashi-senpai to talk about this?"

"Senpai Kobayashi should also have something of interest. 35

"So I want to ask my senpai, what should I do so that you will give up Eisan and support me instead. 35

"I've known Senior Sister, Senior Sister is a girl who likes to pursue excitement and pursue different things.

"You should have something you want too."

Hearing Qin Ran's words, Xiaolin Gentian looked at Qin Ran curiously while blowing bubbles.

Hey, why is there such a strange feeling,

The younger brother in front of him seems to know himself very well.

That's right, Kobayashi Rentan's character is just like a cat, full of strong curiosity about all kinds of unknown things,

Why would she support Nakamura's usurpation in the later period,

It is because she is bored with this calm and peaceful life, and wants to pursue a sense of freshness and excitement that is different from others.

And this is exactly what Nakamura can give her.

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