Walking up to ‘Qin Ran’, the chef said to Miyoko who had swapped bodies with Qin Ran:

"Mr. Qin Ran, it's really thanks to you today."

"I didn't expect your cooking skills to be comparable to Miss Miyoko. 35

"After seeing the egg fried rice you made, I felt that my research on Chinese cuisine was not enough.

"That's why during this period of time, the loss of customers in the store is so fast.

"It's all because the Chinese restaurant next door has a new chef."

"The dishes made by that chef are famous for their freshness, hemp and hemp. 35

"I thought I could come up with new Chinese dishes to attract all the guests back.

"But today I just realized that my cooking skills are no longer comparable to your Tōtsuki~ students.

It was the first time Miyoko saw the chef's helpless side.

She didn't recognize her at all before, and in this world of the kitchen, there are some dogmatic chefs - adults.

There is a sense of powerlessness on the face now.

Miyoko didn't know what to say for a while.

Qin Ran suddenly said:

"Then now, it's time to start innovation."

Body swap once a month.

Although it is quite troublesome for Qin Ran.

But it's not without benefits.

This time Qin Ran was after the swap.

Still the same as before, the reward is drawn.

And this time Qin Ran got the reward: the life menu of the little master.

Only those who have watched "China One".

Shouldn't know who the little boss is.

The absolute protagonist of "China One".

And his life menu is almost a collection of Sichuan cuisine.

Have this life menu.

It is equivalent to knowing the system of Chinese cuisine Sichuan cuisine like the back of the hand.

Even if it can be used for 50%, it can make diners linger.

And because it is the first lottery after the exchange body break.

When Qin Ran draws the life menu of the junior master, this reward is directly upgraded to the full level.

It can only be said that the Chinese restaurant of Hōjō's family met him this time.

Really lucky.

At this time.

The chef and all the staff in the store looked at Qin Ran with shocked eyes.

"Miss Miyoko, do you know what you're talking about? 35

"Yeah, how can you say that innovation means innovation in a Chinese restaurant that the chef has been sticking to for so many years?

"Even if you are Mr. Hōjō's only daughter, things in the store cannot be decided by a girl.

Originally, I thought that the chef Nakaxia Xincun had some recognition for her.

As a result Miyoko was hearing this now.

The bright colors gathered in his eyes dimmed again.

The head chef has taken the chefs in the back kitchen to continue to study new Chinese dishes.

They hold out hope that they will be able to compete with the Chinese restaurant next door.

When alone, Miyoko suddenly called out to Qin Ran.

"Student Qin Ran, actually, I have one thing I want to ask you.

"But I'm afraid you won't agree.

"I also watched the battle of eating halberds between you and Eizan-senpai."

"The 'elastic beef balls' you made are typical Chinese dishes."5

"I will never forget the shocking reactions of General Manager Nakiri and Chef Dojima that day when they tasted your 'elastic beef balls'.

"So I thought, let you help Hōjō's Chinese restaurant make changes."

After listening to Miyoko's request.

Qin Ran was a little curious and found it particularly interesting.

Because this is the first person to ask him for help.

Needless to say, Erina doesn't have the word begging in her dictionary.

Alice is not willing to suffer any loss.

When she let him go to Northern Europe with her.

Attitude can be said to be very righteous.

However, no matter how arrogant the little girl is, she is afraid of the kitchen knife.

In the end, it was not because he showed his strength in the field of molecular cuisine that he was actively subdued.

In fact, even if Miyoko didn't mention it.

Qin Ran will also help her.

Because he had read the original book and knew it well.

This 'on-the-ground practice' is not as simple as it seems.

If they're just doing pointless work in the store.

In the end, you will not get the desired result.

Qin Ran smiled and said to Miyoko:

"Miyoko, don't worry.

"We're two partners now.

"Since it is a partner, then I will definitely help you.

・Seeking flowers・・

"But I don't know yet, what is your relationship with the Chinese restaurant next door. 95

Miyoko looked at Qin Ran gratefully.

She did not expect that the other party would agree to her request so readily.

No wonder Erina and Alice, the two eldest ladies of the Nakiri family, treated him differently.

Because Qin Ran really has a sense of security that ordinary people don't have.

And this 'sense of security' comes from his own powerful strength.

Miyoko was quick to explain to Qin Ran the problems their restaurant was facing right now.

The Hōjō family has always been known for authentic Chinese cuisine.

Hōjō Miyoko's father, Hōjō Xiong, also worked hard for this Chinese restaurant.

You must know that every Chinese restaurant in Yokohama Chinese Food Street has a strong strength.

But there are many ways of maliciously vying for diners and slandering each other.

In the past, because of their cooking level, this restaurant was much higher than other restaurants.

So there is always a steady stream of customers in their store.

It has never been so depressed as it is now.

Unexpectedly, one day, a new chef suddenly came next door.

And the new chef not only launched a variety of exciting dishes.

It is also blindly compared with Hōjō's restaurants.

Many menus are identical.

This is not friendly behavior, there's even a jargon called 'smashing the field'


And because of this, it originally belonged to the diners of the Hōjō family.

It was also gradually snatched away by the neighbors.

Not only that, but the new head chef of the Chinese restaurant next door is also very ambitious.

"I want this Chinatown to be renamed Xicun."

"Sooner or later, I will let Yokohama Chinatown only have a Chinese restaurant in Nishimura's house.

This is malicious competition.

"What a big breath."

Qin Ran really admires the new and hurtful head chef of the Chinese restaurant next door.

Those who can say such things are definitely not real cooks.

but ambitious capitalists.

In the face of such a bright provocation of the West Village Chinese Restaurant.

The Hōjō family didn't take it to heart at first.

Who knows with the various new dishes launched by the Chinese restaurant next door.

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