Food, Gambit, And God Tongue Swap Body

Chapter 279 Which granddaughter are you planning to marry?\r

After inviting Senzaemon in.

Qin Ran was a little fortunate.

Fortunately, he and Erina have been swapped back.

Otherwise, he'll have to play Senzaemon's 'granddaughter' today.

The two sat on the sofa.

Senzaemon looked at Qin Ran with relief.

"Thank you, Qin Ran.

Qin Ran was at a loss when he heard this.

Why did the commander suddenly want to thank him?

"You must be wondering why I would suddenly say thank you to you.""

"Lord Qin Ran, perhaps Erina has already told you."

"When she was very young, Nakamura Thistle raised the name of 'God Tongue'.

"Extremely educated Erina."

"As a result, Erina's character has also changed dramatically."

"At the time, I didn't realize that Nakamura Ji was so paranoid in the creation of cooking."

"By the time I discovered Erina's change, it was too late."

"After driving away Thistle Nakamura, for a long time. 35

"Erina has carried out her father's education completely and has no reverence for cooking.

"But then because Hisako grew up with her.

697 "Erina's character has been partially corrected."

"But the one who really let her get rid of her original education completely and made her look brand new is you."

"When I heard that Erina now has a completely different attitude towards Nakamura Tsukuru."

"I knew it was you who brought her back to life."


Qin Ran touched his nose.

In fact, he was the one who hated Nakamura Thistle at the time.

As Qin Ran's most disliked person in the original book.

He hates Nakamura Thistle purely because of instinct.

Of course, there are also reasons for not venting for Erina.

Unexpectedly, it caused Senzaemon's misunderstanding.

"Chairman, Erina has a very tough heart.""

"The shadow brought to her by an overly radical education left a lot of trauma in her heart.

"But I believe that Erina has found the right direction.

"Next, she will also understand what she should do."

Nodding his head, Senzaemon said:

"She's still dealing with various school backlogs.""

"To Erina, Tōtsuki Gakuen is a very special existence."

"Just stay in that mood and keep going."

"I believe you people will definitely bring a new dawn to Tōtsuki Gakuen. 35

On the sofa, Senzaemon sat upright.

After he finished speaking, he still stared at Qin Ran.

Those wise eyes seemed to see through everything.

Since he came to this time.

I have never been observed by an elder like this before.

How should I put it... Qin Ran felt a little weird.

He couldn't help but smile and said:

"Commander, do you have anything else you want to tell me? 55

"It doesn't matter, as long as it's about Erina, I'll take it to heart. 99

"If you have anything else to say, just say it."

With that said, Qin Ran sensible poured a cup of tea for Senzaemon.

He picked up the teacup and blew it twice, about to take a sip.

At this point Senzaemon finally spoke.

"Kin Ran, I want to know more now."

"Which granddaughter of mine are you planning to marry?"

Pfft...cough cough!

Qin Ran almost choked to death on a sip of tea.

What? Marry what?

When I saw Senzaemon's overly serious expression.

Qin Ran realized that he wasn't joking.

Although he has always been open-minded in his feelings.

But after all, Erina and Alice, one is Senzaemon's most valued granddaughter, and the other is his most beloved granddaughter.

If he knew, he fell in love with Erina and Alice at the same time.

From the perspective of the elders, you will definitely be unhappy.

Senzaemon looked at Qin Ran suspiciously, then (bcbj) asked:

"Mr Qin Ran, can't you answer this question?"

"Could it be... by the way, there is that little girl from the Arato family.

"Erina, Alice, and Hisako."

"Which of the three girls do you like more?"

Qin Ran really didn't even dare to drink tea.

He now feels that no matter what he says, he may not be able to escape this disaster today.

So Qin Ran simply told the truth.

"Commander-in-chief, it's not that I can't answer the question you asked."

"It's just that my answer may make you feel very unhappy.

"Because whether it's Erina, Alice or Hisako.

"They are all very lovely, beautiful, and very good girls.

"However, I don't have that kind of affection for Hisako. 99

"To me, Hisako is a good friend."

"But to Erina and be honest, I like them a lot."

"But if I had to choose a favorite.

"Actually, I can't choose, because in my heart, the feelings for both of them are the same.

After listening to Qin Ran's words.

Senzaemon had an expression of sudden realization.

And Qin Ran felt dry mouth inexplicably.

Hearing these words, as the elders of Erina and Alice, it is definitely unacceptable.

He felt that he would definitely be punished in the next second.

Who knows at this time, Senzaemon spoke again.

"In other words, are you planning to marry Erina and Alice in the future?"

Qin Ran's expression froze.

He now answers yes and no, no and no.

Who knows the next second, Senzaemon laughed.

"Mr Qin Ran, your eyesight is really good.

"Both Erina and Alice are my proudest granddaughters."

"Apart from you, I really don't know what kind of boys can be looked down upon by them."

"You are very special to you and Alice. 35

"If you do get married in the future, will you call me grandpa with Erina? Or will you call me grandpa with Alice? 35

Qin Ran was simply stunned.

He thought of a lot of how Senzaemon would react.

But he had no idea that he would say such a thing.

Senzaemon agrees with him and Erina and Alice?

After making it clear.

Senzaemon brought up Nakamura Thistle again.

"I know you have already taken countermeasures.

"There were a few phone calls that came to my office."

"Alice represents the Nakiri family and has cooperated with many groups, restaurants, and catering factories that operate cooking resorts."

"Although I don't know what you were going to do at that time.

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