As soon as the system's prompt sound fell, a circular wheel about the size of the last primary lottery roulette appeared in front of Baimu. It was also divided into thousands of grids, and each grid was almost half a fingernail. Cover size.

Baimu took a closer look again. The ingredients, kitchen utensils, and the last time are different in that this intermediate draw has some more skills, such as knife work (intermediate), temperature perception (intermediate), and secondly, there are methods like beef marinating Things like that, all in all, it's not a star and a half better than the primary lottery.

"Start the lottery."

Baimu gave an order to the system, and immediately, the pointer on the roulette began to turn, and Baimu didn't stare at the pointer, waiting for the system to inform him what he had drawn.

[Ding dong, congratulations on getting Sweet Whole Fruit X2. 】

[Sweet whole fruit: from the world of 'Captive of Food', capture level: 10, introduction: Sweet whole fruit, collectively referred to as "the fruit house of the earth".It looks like a pair of giant cherries.In fact, it is a fruit that gathers the sweet essence of cantaloupe, watermelon, apple, mango and other fruits.It has an unparalleled sweetness of fruit, and it is a rare high-grade ingredient in the market.Because the growing area is very rare, it is also very rare, and the price on the market will be super expensive. 】

"Oh? This looks good."

The result of this lottery surprised Shiramu, the sweet whole fruit... He remembered that this was something that appeared in the food island when the prisoner of gourmet and One Piece collaborated. If my memory is correct, this fruit looks like a cherry. Very similar, the size is tens of thousands of times the size of normal cherries, and even normal people can sit directly on it. It doesn’t look huge in appearance, but I didn’t expect that I would pick this thing up this time.

"System, if I don't extract it, where will the ingredients be stored?"

Baimu looked around his dormitory. Although the room was not small, he probably wouldn't be able to pass by if he had to put down two Gantian Quanguo, so he could only ask the system in his mind.

[Ding Dong, the host has an exclusive food storage space, which can be opened by paying a minimum of 500 points per month. The food space in the system is divided into two types: 'time lapse' (500 points) and 'no time lapse' (900 points). The space with time lapse is suitable for pickling, brewing, and fermented dishes. The space without time lapse will retain the state of the ingredients when they enter the space, which is suitable for ingredients with high freshness requirements. 】

"Then turn on the time-lapse effect first. By the way, if I put the fruit here, will it go bad after a long time?"

[Ding Dong, the host's exclusive food storage space (with a time-lapse version) has been opened, and 500 points will be deducted. 】

[Ding dong, because the captive world of food is very different from the environment of this world, the sweet whole fruit stored in the food space with the effect of time lapse will deteriorate faster. 】

"How fast?" Shiroki asked.

[Ding dong, the whole sweet fruit will gradually begin to deteriorate within 72 hours, and the rotten state will reach the highest level after 240 hours. It is recommended that the host use it as soon as possible! 】

"Are all ingredients like this?"

[Ding dong, due to the differences in the geographical environment and the level of ingredients between the two worlds, the deterioration of ingredients will vary with specific ingredients. Generally speaking, ingredients with higher capture levels are less likely to spoil. 】


Chapter 031 [*]. Far Moon Resort [four more]

031. Yuanyue Resort [four more]

After putting the sweet whole fruit into the system's food storage space, Shiroki stood up and walked out of the door.

It's almost nine o'clock now, and I should be able to have lunch when I arrive at Yuanyue Resort. Baimu walked downstairs all the way, and didn't see anyone during the whole process, but Isshihui was wearing that hot eyed one early in the morning. The fruit apron was busy in the vegetable field. Shiroki greeted him and rode his bicycle to the school gate.

Although I didn't meet Erina this time, Shiroki had some pocket money, took a taxi at the school gate, and arrived at Totsuki Resort before noon.

He had already made an appointment last night. The Togetsu Li Palace, which is known as 8 yen a night in the Totsuki Resort, has all kinds of leisure and entertainment facilities. Of course, the future accommodation training will also come to this hotel. Shiroki is also considered to have come over to investigate the terrain in advance.

"Welcome, Mr. Shiroki."

As soon as I walked into the hotel, the waiter at the door recognized Baimu. These people have received special training and have already memorized the appearance of the reserved guests. At this time, a well-dressed waitress walked in front of Baimu. , "Your room is ready, please come with me."

This surprised Baimu a little. The hotel in his world before crossing the road didn't have such attentive service, and even remembered the appearance of the guests in advance, but this may be a special product of Yuanyueli Palace. Baimu didn't say anything, and followed. The waitress came to the hotel, and while walking, Bai Mu looked at the interior decoration of the hotel. The carpet under her feet was very soft, just like walking on water, which made people feel light and airy. The reception desk or the door of the room are resplendent, and there is indeed a feeling of 'from the palace'.

"This is your room. If you have anything, please press the red button in the room. Our waiters are always on call."

Walking to the door of one of the rooms, the waitress handed the key to Bai Mu and said goodbye with a smile on her face.

Walking into the door, Baimu turned on the lights in the room, and suddenly, a luxurious atmosphere rushed to the face. Although the decoration in the room is simple, the atmospheric color matching and the most advanced bedding seem to know that the price of accommodation is not high. Philip.

[*] yen per night only refers to the accommodation fee. If you want to truly enjoy yourself here, you have to pay far more than this amount. If it wasn’t for the accommodation training at Togetsu Academy In this hotel, Baimu really might not choose to make an appointment here. This is completely an act of taking advantage.

However, since everyone came here, he had to enjoy it anyway. Shiroki decided to take a bath in his room first, then go to experience the hotel's special massage, and then go to the restaurant for dinner.

He did what he said, and soon, Bai Mu, who had changed his outfit, walked out of the room again, but he met an unexpected person in the elevator.

The girl with long blond hair and a princess dress was standing in the elevator with a cold face. The moment the elevator door opened, she was stunned for a while, then suddenly she stepped back and stammered while pointing at Baimu. said, "You?! Why are you here?!"

"I seem to have heard what you said yesterday." Baimu looked helplessly at the girl in front of him, they were really destined, and they all happened to meet, "But forget it, I came out to relax today, how about you?"

After being said so much by Shiroki, Erina also packed up her emotions, folded her arms around her chest, turned her eyes to the side, and said, "Poor, about the same."

"Oh? I thought someone from this hotel asked you to try it." Shiroki looked at Erina in surprise.

"You seem to have misunderstood something. Although my God's tongue can perfectly distinguish between good and bad cooking, it depends on my mood whether I accept the work or not." Speaking of cooking, Erina seems to have regained some confidence , the tone of speech gradually became colder.

While the two were talking, the number on the elevator had jumped to the second floor, and Shiroki waved at Erina who was behind and walked out of the elevator, "I'll see you later, I wish you a nice day, and it's okay to come out and relax occasionally. It's good."

"Much, mind your own business!"


Chapter 032 [*]. The burger shop is closed [one more]

032. The burger shop is closed [one more]

Baimu walked into the special massage room on the second floor with the bathrobe provided by the hotel, and there were already two hot masseuses waiting there.

"Welcome, it's Mr. Shiroki who made an appointment just now, please come in with me."

One of the masseuses greeted him warmly and took Baimu to a separate room. As soon as he entered the door, Baimu smelled a refreshing fragrance.

As expected of the massage service from Togetsu Ligong, this massage room is as big as a guest room. Shiroki is lying on the soft massage bed, enjoying the feeling of the beautiful masseuse's vigorous hands pressing on his back.

At this time, the shopping street

Early in the morning, when it was just dawn, the outside of a shop was already crowded with people, not only diners who had deliberately made a detour, but also many reporters from food magazines or TV stations. However, these people stayed in Hamburg early. At the door of the store, after waiting for a long time, I didn't see the burger restaurant open, but the surrounding stores were almost open.

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