Therefore, even if they want to compete for customers, these students can't think of a good way for a while. The new rules seem to broaden their income channels, but in fact, when such an unreasonable 'monopoly' 'When they appeared, they also couldn't find a good way to deal with it in the first place.

Fortunately, God bless, that first-year transfer student didn't know why his head cramped...

After the first day of business ended, I took the initiative to apply to the organizer of the school festival to change the business method of the store, and the restaurant was changed to a reservation system, and the restaurant that could accommodate [*] people...

Over a hundred sets of tables and chairs were removed out of thin air overnight, and now only fifty people can be accommodated at the same time.

"Thank God, in this way, tomorrow's turnover should be no problem..."

A third-year female student stood in front of the cooking table with her hands folded, looking at her appearance, she did not have any expectations for improving her cooking...

After all, the set of menus used in the restaurant is the final result of her careful consideration for a month, and it is difficult to further optimize the taste or appearance. The reason why her shop is losing money is entirely because of the originally reserved customers, all They were all taken away by Baimu, and miraculously, none of them came back.

Students who can successfully advance to the third grade in Totsuki have no problems with their own cooking skills. Students with problems have long been eliminated in various rigorous practical courses. Although this time the school Ji temporarily changed the rules, which caused a lot of students to complain constantly, but obviously, the group of people who complained did not include them. Most of the students who can confidently open a store in the Linshan area are those who are located in the upper level of the pyramid. , If someone told them before today that you would lose money on the first day of the school festival, [*]% of the people would scoff at it.

For the students in the lower grades, this year's Moon Festival is an asura field and a place of competition, but for them, it is just a slightly challenging stage where they can fully express themselves.

So far, many people still feel as if they are living in a dream.

It sounds like a fantasy to fail in a ceremonial event like the school festival, or even face the possibility of dropping out of school.

"Ahaha... The seniors in the third grade look so embarrassed."

An untimely voice suddenly sounded in the corridor of the cooking classroom, followed by a burst of hurried footsteps, and a male voice that sounded impatient.


"It's so annoying, can't you say a few words less? Those guys lost money on the second day of the school festival, and now I think they are more anxious than anyone else... Really, they would be forced to do this by a first-year guy. At this point, the level of the third grade is only this level...Aah, what are you doing, Ah Fan? Let me go!"

"No loud noises in the hallway...especially this kind of superfluous gossip."

"That... I think it's better for you to apologize to the seniors..."

"Hahaha, it's really like what Xiaolian would say!"

Several people talked about the topic of the school festival without hesitation in the corridor, and this arrogant attitude undoubtedly angered the third-year students in the cooking classroom. Many people opened the door directly, wanting to see Who dared to mock them so frankly, but the speed of these people was not slow. When these third-year students opened the door, the corridor was already empty, and not even a single person could be found.

"Damn... the guy who has the guts to say that he doesn't have the guts to admit it! You must never be encountered by me!"

A high-ranking student who could even be ranked in the third grade clenched his fists and looked at the depths of the corridor with gnashing teeth. His name was Yamashiro, and in previous years' school festival, he was able to compare with the shop of the top ten. The high-ranking students, but this year is not good, they just opened the store on the only way to the restaurant where Shiroki is located, and then... the original seed player, now hovering near the passing line, it can be said that he is completely lying down gun.

The students who spoke and mocked quickly walked out of the cooking building, and a young man with a killer hairstyle suddenly stopped, as if he had thought of something, turned his head and asked his companion, " By the way... what's the name of the first-year student who made a big splash at the school festival today?"

"It should be called Baimu, right?"

Another female student with a single red-brown ponytail responded, "It seems to be the same person Eisan-kun mentioned last time?"

"Tsk, that bastard Eishan... can't even handle the first grade?"

The yellow-haired youth pouted, "The one called Baimu... Indeed, I have been able to hear his name quite often in the past six months, just in time, I heard that 'that lord' is about to return to Yuanyue, such stubborn elements definitely need to be eliminated. The number one goal, let me do it... by the way, let's test the strength of the first-year students."

"But, the ten heroes from Zhonghua Research Institute..."

"Let them go. It's just for fun anyway, right? Don't forget, whose side they are on!"

Ask for flowers, ask for rewards, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for collections, ask for subscriptions, ask for monthly tickets, all kinds of requests~

Chapter 254

254. The beautiful Subaru who is keen to die

The second day of the school festival.

Based on the business experience from the previous day, all the students' preparations for the opening of the store went very smoothly today. At the entrance of the school festival, which is open to the outside world, several students from the Information Department are distributing the school festival store navigation manual that was just released today. ,Compared with the first edition of the manual, the new edition of the manual has increased the ranking of several popular stores yesterday, and each store has also attached some comments from specially invited critics. Which store's taste should not be missed, let People can see at a glance.

"Huh? There seems to be a very remarkable store that appeared yesterday?"

A female college student in lavender casual clothes opened the school festival navigation book in her hand, and what occupied the front page was a picture of the queue with no specific number of people, and then the restaurant introduction, dishes photos, and business operations. information such as person data.

The companion next to her immediately turned her head, glanced at the photo, and sighed, "Really, these dishes look too delicate?! But the Linshan area... I remember the restaurants over there, most of which are not Are they all by appointment?"

"Yeah, it says that today has been adjusted to the reservation system... What a pity!"

The female college student who spoke first shook her head regretfully, and then turned to the next page of the navigation book.


When they saw the contents of the navigation book on the new page, they both had surprised expressions on their faces at the same time...

The female student who was flipping the book directly turned the pages back to the first page, looked at the photos of the dishes printed on it, then turned to the pages at the back, compared the photos of dishes in another restaurant, and was surprised to find...

The dishes of these two restaurants are actually the same in appearance?!

"Misaku Subaru's molecular restaurant? This restaurant's cuisine... how is it exactly the same as the restaurant in the Rinzan area?"

"Is it a printing error?"

"...It's really strange. The shop is located in the central area. It's not far from here anyway, so let's go and have a look."

Like the two of them, there are many guests who have doubts after seeing the new version of the navigation book in the morning. Although Totsuki Academy is quite strict in selecting guests, except for some VIPs who are related to Totsuki Resort, other guests If they want to enter the Linshan area, there are not only economic obstacles, but the most important issue is whether they can make an appointment. It is a restaurant that VIP customers have to visit despite the long queues. It is impossible to imagine how delicious the food is.

However, after thinking about it, Baimu's store suddenly changed to an appointment system. There are only fifty appointments every day, which is not even enough for those VIP customers to compete for. Where can they get their turn.

And just when most of the diners were desperate, there was an identical shop in the central area. Let's not talk about the relationship between the two shops, but just looking at the identical menus and photos of the dishes in the two shops, many people I also want to try it out in the past, just to join in the fun.

"This is really beyond my expectations..."

After resting all night in the mountain area, Alice, who had fully recovered her physical strength, flipped through a booklet in her hand, and while she was reading, there was a look of interest on her face.

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