"Did you make this 'beef set meal'?"

Guan Shouping looked at Bai Mu who was standing behind the cooking table, and couldn't help but ask, "This 'beef set meal' is up to the standard of serving both in terms of quantity and quality. Why didn't you serve it on the table?"

Shiroki, who was cooking the 42nd beef set meal, took a moment to glance at Chef Guan Shuhei who was standing in front of him, and replied casually, "The beef set meal is a little defective in taste, it is my 'trial work', so it can't be served on the table. ."

"Trial work?"

Guan Shouping, who received this answer, squinted his eyes, and took a careful look at the 'beef set meal' in front of him... There's nothing wrong with this dish, it really exudes that kind of dread that makes him shudder. Imposing, this is the first time he has felt this kind of imposing manner in a dish. The rest of the dishes, even his 'must-kill dishes', can't convey this mysterious feeling just visually...

Out of curiosity about cooking, Guan Shouping picked up chopsticks from one side and put a piece of beef into his mouth.

His actions did not arouse the suspicion of other students and diners, because Guan Shouping just now tasted the students' dishes all the way, and then strictly checked and eliminated unqualified dishes.

It wasn't until the first mouthful of beef that the unremarkable dish burst out with its own power.

If Guan Shouping's perception of this 'beef set meal' just now was just a dish that looked a little weird, then the moment he tried to taste this dish, the minions hidden in it were completely exposed. come out.

A sense of weightlessness suddenly came from the soles of his feet, and when he realized it, his whole body began to fall down at an unknown time, and everything around him...

The Yuan Yueli Palace, the accommodation training, the second assessment, and the students in the kitchen, all seemed to be his hallucinations, completely disappearing from his eyes, and what appeared in front of him... was endless darkness!

"What, what?!"

Guan Shouping looked around, sweating profusely, but no matter how he looked, there was a pitch-dark scene all around him. Only the weightlessness from his body reminded him that he was falling from a very high place.

I don't know how long it has passed, all the time has become chaotic, all consciousness has become muddled, and a faint dim light suddenly appeared in the originally dark environment.

Guan Shouping looked down subconsciously, only to see a dark red door like the teeth of a giant beast appeared under his feet.

Ask for flowers, ask for rewards, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for collections, ask for subscriptions, ask for monthly tickets, all kinds of requests~

Chapter 103 [*]. The Feast of the Flame Demon [two more]

103. The Feast of the Flame Demon [two more]

"Jie Jie..."


There are countless ways, like the strange laughter from the monsters in the hell, into Guan Shouping's ears. Before he could realize what it was, he was completely engulfed by the hideous gate of hell. It plunged into the dark red liquid below.



The scalding solution kept burning his body. In less than a second, his body was completely turned into a skeleton. However, even this did not resist the erosion for a longer period of time. Even the only remaining skeleton was completely submerged in the scalding magma.

Although his body was destroyed by the magma in front of him almost instantly, Guan Shouping's consciousness stayed strangely on the magma. Witnessing the whole process of the destruction of his body was undoubtedly very shocking to him. , and just when his brain was still in a state of shutdown, and he didn't react at all, an overwhelming dark shadow had already shrouded his head.

This is a real visual effect. Guan Shouping, who was still in a state of soul, looked up and saw that a huge monster with a new life had appeared on his head... The monster's head seemed to be on fire. The bull's skull, the body is pitch black, is shrouded in the scattered black mist, it is difficult to see the true face, and the strange sounds that I heard just now are from the body of this monster!

The appearance of the tauren monster is just the beginning. After that, more and more dark shadows continue to appear around. These creatures seem to come from hell. They are shrouded in fog and cannot see their faces. Compared with them, Guan Shouping felt like an ant. As long as any monster settled here, he would dissipate in an instant, leaving no scum.

Aren't you in the Yuanyue Li Palace to assess the students?

What exactly is going on?!

Feeling the real pain in his body, and the feeling of being reborn like a rebirth from ashes that could not be ignored from the beginning, Guan Shouping was completely lost.

He had never heard of it, it was completely beyond his cognition to taste this effect just by tasting the food, and it was not even considered a blind spot of knowledge, but to the extent that it completely subverted the world view. The induction from the body, and the feeling of the body being destroyed is too real, as if I really fell into the lava hell just now...

Wait, you didn't really accidentally fall into hell, did you?

Just when Guan Shouping began to have doubts about his life, one of the shadows hanging over his head suddenly moved.

The Taurus-shaped flame demon stretched out a hand, and its sharp claws cut his soul into two halves without saying a word. The black shadow behind Jie Jie smiled and stretched out the giant tangs from the abyss.

Guan Shouping only felt that his soul was twisted for a while, and he wanted to resist, but he couldn't do it at all. He could only watch his transparent body being cut by countless melons, this feeling...

Can't resist at all!

It was like a rabbit who couldn't escape under the siege of dozens of lions.

At this moment, Guan Shouping really believed that he accidentally fell into the abyss of hell when he was assessing the students, and then inexplicably became the prey of these flaming monsters.

However, for some unknown reason, he could clearly feel that his soul, which had been torn into countless pieces, was sent into the mouths of these flame demons, and at the moment when these monsters were chewing, a flood of delicious food Ju Liu, instantly uploaded from his taste buds!

With the chewing action of the first Balrog, this indescribable delicacy that can make his soul tremble instantly swept through his body from his taste buds, followed by the second and third...

Guan Shouping, who could barely keep his sanity in the first place, had only given up thinking until the fifth Balrog started chewing.


No, that's not enough to describe how he feels right now.

This is like the taste of completely crushing consciousness, making people unable to even think of resistance, just want to sink completely in such an abyss!

Guan Shouping, who was swept up in his body and mind by the smell of this trembling soul, spent a long time in chaos like this.

Until a voice that seemed to come from outside suddenly appeared in his consciousness.

"Chef Gatekeeper, I have finished the 'beef set meal' for 50 people."

Everything in front of him faded away as quickly as the fog dissipated, and the one who reappeared in Guan Shouping's eyes was the unremarkable student just now.

"What, what..."

Before Guan Shouping's head turned around, he stared blankly at the hot kitchen around him and the muscular men queuing for food, and asked with an expression of amnesia.

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