
Shiroki looked at Yoshino Yuki a little strangely, but what he didn't see was that when Yoshino Yuji said these two words, the faces of Tiansuohui and Ryoko behind him couldn't help blushing.

"What kind of hallucination?"

Shiroki approached Yoshino Yuki and asked curiously.

Unexpectedly, Yoshino Yuki, who was still rolling on the bed with too much energy just now, suddenly blushed when she heard this question. Since her originally carefree personality became twisted at this moment, she murmured to her fingers.

"Ah...that's...that...that...that's pretty much...how to say..."

She stammered for a moment, and then quietly lowered her voice, "It's... Shiroki-kun said to me, 'Please be my bride'... that kind of hallucination."

After saying these words, Yoshino Yuki's expression became a little nervous, and he glanced at Shiroki in front of him a little nervously, as if trying to test the other party's reaction.

To her surprise, there was no abnormal expression on Baimu's face, instead he pinched his chin and said, "So... did you agree?"

"Huh? This... I, I... Of course I am..."

Yoshino Yuki staggered her eyes in a panic, and finally lowered her head with a blushing face, and lightly nodded her head twice.

There is no room for her to refuse in the face of such deliciousness!

Ask for flowers, ask for rewards, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for collections, ask for subscriptions, ask for monthly tickets, all kinds of requests~

Chapter 106 [*]. It's actually Guan Shouping [one more]

106. It's actually Guan Shouping [one more]

After a lot of trouble, everyone went back to their rooms at about ten o'clock.

At nine o'clock the next morning, Shiroki came to the cooking room he was assigned to on time.

But to his surprise, what he saw was not the expected Shinomiya Kojiro, but...

"Everyone, good morning, welcome to today's third assessment, I'm Guan Shouping... I believe everyone present has seen me yesterday."

Standing in front of the stage, Guan Shouping looked around at the students below. When he saw that Bai Mu was among them, he seemed to be stunned for a moment, but he quickly adjusted his mentality and continued, "Today's exam question is ' Sushi' As long as you can make sushi that satisfies me, you can use the ingredients here as you like."

"This assessment will not be divided into groups. Each of you will submit a dish to me as a unit. The time limit is one hour. What will happen to those who do not complete it within the specified time? I don't need to elaborate on it, right? Now, what else is there? Problem?"

The students below suddenly fell silent.

"Very good, then let's disband!"

Chef Guan Shouping gave an order, and many of the students who had already prepared, immediately dispersed, rushing to the back to pick the freshest ingredients. Almost instantly, only Baimu was left here.

"Master Chef, may I ask you a question?"

Looking at Guan Shouping, who seemed a little wrong because of his staying, Baimu asked his inner question.

"What, what's the problem?"

"Can you tell me... where is the examination room in charge of Chef Kojiro Shinomiya?"

"Four Palaces?"

Guan Shouping, who thought that Baimu was going to ask some questions about the subject, was stunned, but he didn't hide it, and pointed directly at the door, "I remember what he said in the cooking room opposite... What? something?"

"That's not true. Then again, why do I feel that you are avoiding me on purpose, the head chef?"

Baimu looked at Guan Shouping, who even came out with honorifics, with a puzzled face. In his impression, the other party was normal until yesterday. Why does it seem like a different person today?

"Yes, yes? Hahaha...Is it your illusion?"

As soon as he was asked this question, Guan Shouping quickly touched the back of his head and laughed awkwardly, but he didn't even notice it. The name of Baimu was changed to honorific without knowing it, and his back was already wet with cold sweat. , I don't know why, as long as he sees Baimu, he will inexplicably recall the feeling of being completely dominated. He is obviously only a first-year student, but he, a famous chef for many years, can't raise any resistance. Heart, this, even he himself did not have time to think about the reason.

And his subconscious action undoubtedly made Baimu feel even more confused. When did he become so terrifying, even the senior graduates would show the same expression as those students when they saw him?

Thinking of this, Shiroki tentatively tried to die.

"Chef Gatekeeper, I think it's enough to pass this assessment at my level. Why don't you let me pass?"

If it is an ordinary student, as long as he dares to say such words in front of graduates, he will basically drop out of school on the spot, but after Baimu said this, Guan Shouping did not immediately refuse or order him to drop out of school, but He sweated profusely for a moment, and then nodded.

"...That's right. It seems that this kind of assessment is really unnecessary. Then I will consider you to have passed..."

I go?!

real or fake?!

After hearing this, Bai Mu's first reaction was whether Guan Shouping's head was fooled by yesterday's cooking, or did his cooking really have a mind-bending effect?

The other party actually agreed to such a request?

You must know that he made this request with a sloppy mind and a sloppy mind. Purely did not want to waste extra points on the exchange of cooking cards. In his estimation, even if Guan Shouping really had an abnormal mind, he agreed. This proposal should also take a lot of verbal effort, but I didn't expect to agree so easily?

Is it really the role of the halo of lowering wisdom?

In any case, since Guan Shouping had promised to open the back door for himself, Bai Mu was naturally not polite, and while no one noticed him now, he quickly slipped out from the front door.

And seeing Baimu finally leaving here, Guan Shouping also felt that he was finally relieved. It was really good. If this big devil doesn't leave, he will feel that he can't stay in this cooking room any longer.

On the other hand, on Shiroki's side, after he walked out of the cooking room, he stood at the door of the cooking room opposite to check the time... At [*]:[*], it is estimated that Shinomiya Kojiro's side is still just starting, and he will undoubtedly break in at this time. In an instant, it becomes an irrelevant person and is kicked out, so it's better to wait and find an opportunity to sneak in.

I waited outside the corridor for a while, and people came out one after another in the surrounding cooking rooms, some with ashes on their faces, while others were lucky to have survived the catastrophe. You don’t need to think about other classrooms. examination is not easy.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Shiroki directly followed the students who came out of the gate into the cooking room opposite, and as expected, Kojiro Shinomiya was sitting on a luxurious chair very arrogantly, judging the students below like an emperor. Dishes served.

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