Although his cooking method is not the most terrifying among the students (there is a student next door who is performing roti), but his idea of ​​'all-in-one buffet' is definitely the most amazing in the entire exhibition hall.

It's just that peppers, tomatoes... and that green unknown juice, put these things into the dough machine, what exactly does he want to do?

Ask for flowers, ask for rewards, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for collections, ask for subscriptions, ask for monthly tickets, all kinds of requests~

Chapter 117 [*]. Leave us some points in front of [four more]

117. Leave us some points in the front [four more]

10 minutes after the start of the assessment time, the first batch of running water noodles has been released.

Because it is not strictly classified according to the number of servings, Shiragi's running water some noodles are counted according to the amount of dipping ingredients taken. This thing can actually be self-help, as long as it is placed in a mobile hot water device, put it in advance The prepared dipping sauce can be used by the guests. In terms of 'quick' and 'self-service', Shiragi's practice makes Dojima Gindu speak of it.

The other students are only using the cooking buffet, how can you even cook the cooking yourself!

However, even so, there are still a steady stream of customers queuing up at Shiragi's booth.

"It looks so interesting, is it some noodles? It seems that it is about to start, let's go and have a look too?"

Using the interesting cooking form of 'flowing water somen' can attract a group of customers in itself, not to mention that Shiragi's flowing water somen is still a seasoned version.

All kinds of pigments mixed with spices are not only odorous, but also visually like rainbow jelly, which directly attracts the eyes of all children in the exhibition hall and children are attracted, so parents can still run Got it?

"Mom! I want to eat that!"

"It smells so good, and it looks so fun! I want that too!"

“What a beautiful bonsai!”

The nearby children took their parents' hands one after another, and stalked their guardians to the booth where Baimu was located. The parents who came over looked at them... Good guy, the line is almost [*] meters long, right? !

Moreover, everyone was holding a bowl of dipping sauce in their hands, and was a little tangled, but smelling the strange aroma from the booth, they involuntarily went up and took a bowl of dipping sauce, ran to the back of the crowd and started to line up team.

Kanhi Xiangzi, who was in the first row, couldn't wait for a long time. Seeing that the first batch of plain noodles had flowed out of the outlet, he immediately stretched out his chopsticks and caught a large lump of noodles, and couldn't wait to put it into the dipping sauce. Put it in your mouth.

Shinomiya Kojiro in the back was not slow at all, even though he was wearing glasses and looked gentle, the people in the back didn't see a noodle left in front of them after waiting for a long time, all of them stretched their necks and went forward to inquire about the situation. , I didn't expect it to look good if I didn't watch it, and I almost got angry!

I saw the five people in the front row pick up the noodles from the bamboo tube and put them into the bowl with extremely fast movements. Take the opportunity!

When Gan Hyugako took the first bite of noodles, she felt that the fluttering state came back again. The noodles were hard and the dipping sauce that could not taste the recipe at all. Every bite was a new enjoyment. Originally thought that the combination of flowing water some noodles + noodles itself, the combination of the two is the whole of this dish, but when she took the second bite of some noodles... what burst out in her mouth was a new experience!

If the previous group of plain noodles, the hidden flavor of the ingredients in the group was completely covered by the dipping sauce, then this group of plain noodles, from the texture of the noodles to the multi-layered taste itself, has been matched with The dip forms the perfect fusion and it's totally different flavors!

how come……

Kanyakako subconsciously looked at the cooking table of Shiragi, just in time to see those 'domino spices' that were slowly falling down. , and even each bite of the dough tastes different...what a genius idea!

. The most incredible thing is... How exactly does Shiragi calculate the amount of fusion between each spice, and the actual ingredients injected into the automatic dough kneading machine... How much calculation is involved in this, Kanyakako is simply unbelievable. Dare to imagine.

Shinomiya Kojiro looked at those dazzling 'dominoes', and a cold sweat also appeared on his head.

Even if it is to let him do it himself, and tell him the principle of this dish...

He also dare not say that he can accurately calculate the amount and timing of mixing so many spices. The complexity of this is not only an overview of the mixing ratio of flour and ingredients, but also the ingredients and dipping ingredients of the 'flowing water' noodles used in flowing noodles. configuration, and even the soup for cooking noodles...

It is precisely because these all need to be processed by machines, the amount of calculation is more complicated than that of 'handmade' plain noodles. After all, 'handmade' means that the chef can give full play to his previous cooking experience, and the bonus of hand feel and proficiency is great. And if all this work is left to the machine...

Then, as long as there is a slight error in one link, the taste of the whole dish will become completely wrong.

The 'flowing water noodles' in front of me...

Almost every bite can give people a different taste. The most intuitive feeling it gives is that when the diners are still immersed in the previous taste, the next more surprising taste is close. It's like a treasure trove that can't be dug out... It makes people look forward to it, what will the next taste be?

It is precisely because of this that the people in front will feel completely unable to stop as soon as they eat this dish. A steady stream of plain noodles flows down from the entrance, but there is not even a single noodle that smoothly passes through the middle.

After a long time, the diners in the back finally quit.

"What are you doing in front?"

"Even if it's Chef Shinomiya, if you want to eat more, you have to wait in line at the back!"

"You should leave us a little bit!"

"It's too much, we've been queuing for a long time!"

After being reminded by the diners at the back, the talent in the front was shocked to realize that he was constantly scooping noodles from the bamboo tube, eating so much that he forgot for a while that this was at the assessment site...

However, the fun of digging for treasures is too intense, every bite is a new experience, even Shinomiya Kojiro has eaten some noodles that are no less than his 'must-kill dishes' a few times... Unconsciously I can't let go of the bowl.

However, there is still a sense of responsibility as an examiner. Soon, the people in front have consciously lined up at the back of the line, but then, the scene that made everyone dumbfounded happened again.

Ask for flowers, ask for rewards, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for collections, ask for subscriptions, ask for monthly tickets, all kinds of requests~

Chapter 118 [*]. The number of copies rising rapidly [one more]

118. The rapidly rising number of copies [one more]

The people in front of them were finally boiled away. Everyone thought that the noodles could finally flow down smoothly this time. As a result, the new batch of people who stood in the first place ate it...and they were directly addicted!

People who can be invited by Tozuki Ligong as an examiner are naturally very picky with their tongues, but no matter how picky their tongues are, it is impossible for them to be able to enjoy the 'must-kill dishes' of top chefs every day.

There are some noodles in this, but there is a part that even Kojiro Shinomiya thinks is comparable to his 'must-kill dishes'.

Without exception, you will be completely addicted to this taste, not to mention other batches of running water somen noodles, which are second only to that taste.

After all, looking for treasures may also find some useless things, and the 'flowing water noodles' flowing from this bamboo tube is the ultimate enjoyment on the taste buds!

If nothing else, how many people are there who can often come into contact with top-notch cuisine?

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