Chapter 58 A Horrifying Scene (1/10)

“No…………No, just some…………Can’t react!”

After hearing what Nakiri Alice said, everyone knew that Nakiri Erina must have known the situation of the ingredients to dare to say such a thing, but they just didn’t react at all.

“Okay, Alice, after all, it’s normal for people to think that the food that suddenly appeared in this place, and in this color, is poisonous.”

Erina Nakiri shook her head. This was a normal reaction. After all, not everyone knew her situation and would choose to believe her at the first moment.

“Although the capture level of Gaba Gaba mushrooms is not high, it is still food that can fill your stomach. Let’s collect some.”

Unless it is absolutely necessary, Erina Nakiri will not take out food from her own space, so it is not bad to collect some gaba gaba mushrooms as dry food now.

When everyone heard this, they immediately started to act. After all, they didn’t know how long they would stay in this place, and they didn’t know if there were any more Gaba Gaba mushrooms in other places, so it was necessary to store some now.

After collecting a lot of Gaba Gaba mushrooms, everyone tasted them. The mushrooms with unique taste were indeed very good. Taking these mushrooms, the group continued to move forward.

“There are many branches in the cave, it’s like a maze. What should we do next?”

After a while, they came to a fork in the road. There were five different entrances.

“Even if you ask me, I don’t know.…………Wait, what is that?”

Nakiri Erina was a little helpless. She was really not good at reconnaissance, but soon she saw a flash of light in front of her.


When everyone heard this, they kept looking forward, but they couldn’t see anything. Their eyesight was not as good as Erina Nakiri’s.

“I just saw a flash of light and I was going to go take a look. What do you think?”

Nakiri Erina didn’t think she was wrong, so she planned to go over and investigate, but now she still needed to seek everyone’s opinions.

“At this time, it doesn’t matter where you go. If you really see the light, then you might meet other classmates and teachers. I agree to go and take a look!”

Isshiki Hui thought for a moment and said, in this situation, it doesn’t matter whether we stay where we are or move forward.

And maybe you can run into other classmates, so it’s okay to go over and take a look now.

When he said this, the others nodded.

After everyone reached a consensus, they walked towards the passage where Erina Nakiri saw the light.

“This road seems to be going down!”

Not long after entering the passage, everyone discovered that the passage led downwards. Just as everyone was hesitating whether to continue going down, Nakiri Erina suddenly heard a scream coming from the front.

She knew very well that someone else might be in danger, so she didn’t think much about it and used her hair to lead the others to the direction where the sound came from.

The speed was so fast that the others didn’t even have time to react before they were swept along.

There is a reason for bringing them along. There is danger ahead, but there is no guarantee that there will be other creatures coming from behind. If Erina Nakiri goes alone, then the safety of the group cannot be guaranteed.

And if she has problems, then the others will not be any better, so it is better to bring her along to protect everyone.


Being carried forward by Erina Nakiri, she was suspended in mid-air, and Erina Nakiri was very fast.

This feeling is like riding a roller coaster, and the key is that the environment around the roller coaster is completely dark, which is even more exciting.

So much so that everyone screamed, and only Xinhu Hisako and the others were better, but they just didn’t scream. Their bodies were also tense at the moment, which was caused by nervousness.

After turning a fork in the road, before Erina Nakiri could reach the source of the sound, the sound disappeared, replaced by a bunch of rustling sounds and gnawing sounds.

After getting a little closer, Erina Nakiri smelled a strong smell of blood, which made her face look very ugly.

Obviously, the people who screamed before must have died. After all, in such a dark environment, plus there are those special creatures around, the probability of survival is not high.

Just like them, they also encountered a giant centipede at the beginning. Although the giant centipede is not poisonous, its huge size can easily kill a normal person.

If Erina Nakiri hadn’t been there at the time, Alice Nakiri and the others would have undoubtedly been torn to pieces by the giant centipede.


When Erina Nakiri led everyone to the scene, the scene in front of them when the flashlight was shone made everyone gasp.

At this moment, in front of him was a group of very strange-looking creatures, like enlarged versions of cockroaches. As for the ground, there were a lot of bloodstains and broken limbs.


At this moment, not to mention the others, even Erina Nakiri couldn’t help herself and vomited

In addition to the blood and broken limbs in front, there are also some signs of corrosion, which can be said to be extremely disgusting.

Even Erina Nakiri, who had been through other space gates before, couldn’t stand it. After all, she had never seen such a bloody scene.

“These guys are scorpion cockroaches, and the capture level has reached level 7. This guy is different from the previous giant centipede. It is highly poisonous, and most of the time it will choose to directly inject venom into its tail stinger to melt the prey and then swallow it.”

Liu Kai quickly told Erina Nakiri the news, and now it is completely certain that it is a beach cave.

He had actually seen the light that Nakiri Erina had seen before, after all, he had been paying attention to the outside world. That light was emitted by the Umifirea, but the Umifirea only appeared for a moment before flying away. Nakiri Erina was attracted by the screams coming from here and turned from another fork in the road, so she did not chase the Umifirea.

The capture level of sea fireflies is level 1. They usually live in the sea and occasionally appear on land. The light they emit is ten times brighter than that of ordinary fireflies.

It has no edible value, but has high ornamental value.

“Level 7, not bad, not difficult to deal with, just be careful of the venom in the stinger”

After calming down a bit, Erina Nakiri breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was not a difficult creature to deal with.

But her face looked very bad now. After all, countless people from Totsuki died here.

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