Chapter 66 One dares to recruit, one dares to apply! I’m just a small restaurant, don’t have to roll so much!!

Liu Chuan made braised meat first.

Braised meat is found all over the country and comes in a wide variety of varieties.

Until now, it has reached the point of no meat and no brine.

No matter what kind of meat, as long as it is in the brine soup, it can be arranged clearly, but today Liu Chuan is going to make braised pork rice, so only pork belly is prepared.

Of course, other meats can also be marinated.

Liu Chuan can try to do it when he is not busy in the future.

Before you get started.

Liu Chuan first boiled a pot of eggs.

Since it is braised pork rice, there must be marinated eggs in it.

When boiling eggs, Liu Chuan did not idle.

Cut the purchased pork belly into large pieces and put it in a pot and blanch it.

Blanching water clears out impurities in the meat and odors in the pores.

And after blanching.

Pig hair can also be better cleaned up.

After blanching the meat, clean it up.

Start cutting the meat.

Cut the pork belly into one-centimeter-square pieces.

After the eggs are boiled.

Put in cold water.

This will make it easier to shell.

After all the preparations were made, Liu Chuan began to make the most important step of braised pork rice.

Fried shallot crisp.

Shallot crisp can be said to be the soul of braised pork rice.

It is also a condiment commonly used by Takarajima people and Southeast Asians.

Add the shallot pastry to the marinated meat.

There is a wonderful finishing touch.

Some people even say that braised pork rice without shallot crisp cannot be called braised pork rice at all.

Liu Chuan peeled and washed the shallots he bought today and cut them well.

Shallot crisp is best made with shallots.

The taste is even more beautiful.

Transfer to a bowl, sprinkle with a handful of corn starch and mix well.

In this way, the shallot crisp becomes crispier and adds to the taste.

Add lard to the pan, melt and pour the shallots into it, simmer over low heat.

Li Yong and Li Yingjie were simply stunned by Liu Chuan’s smooth movements.

What’s going on?

Ogawa, but they grew up.

In the past, Ogawa would only make egg fried rice at most.

How did you become so good at cooking now? The two looked at each other.

I’ll have to ask Ogawa later! Is this really Ogawa???

This chopping and boiling lard action.

It’s like a teacher.

Wait until the shallots in the pan are golden brown.

Wait for the moisture to dry and remove it.

Then spread it out on a tray to cool.

In this way, the sweetness and aroma of shallots can be retained to the greatest extent. Next, Liu Chuan began to make marinated meat.

First put some lard from the fried shallots in the pan and save the base oil.

Because the amount of stewed meat made by Liu Chuan today is good.

So you don’t need to add too much rock sugar.

But fry the sugar color first.

The resulting braised meat is not only rosy in color.

The taste also has a hint of sweetness.

It is not difficult to fry the sugar color, just fry the rock sugar in the pot.

But it’s not easy to fry well.

Because this is very particular about heat and stir-frying.

First of all, the fire should not be too large, the fire is easy to fry the paste, the sugar color will have a paste taste, and the color is also black.

And after the rock sugar melts.

Use a spoon to stir constantly in the pan.

When the sugar color turns jujube red, it is considered successful.

Pour the meat into it and start stir-frying.

The pieces of meat put in at this time are good.

Liu Chuan didn’t have to work hard.

But if you want to serve braised pork rice later.

If you fry dozens of pounds of meat.

Liu Chuan suddenly felt that he couldn’t hold it! And there is a lot of fried meat.

It’s easy to roll over.

Liu Chuan seems to understand the difference between the qualified level and the perfect level.

Previously when rewarding perfection-level skills.

Liu Chuan has never worried that he will overturn when he makes it.

Now I feel a little overwhelmed.

Wait for the diced meat in the pan to gradually be stir-fried to make oil.

The marinated meat oil used to make braised pork rice should not be too much, and it is easy to get greasy.

Liu Chuan carefully scooped it out with a spoon.

Add ginger slices, cooking wine, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce and star anise leaves in turn.

No other spices are used.

This made Liu Chuan a little surprised.

This is when making spicy hooves.

You have to put a dozen spices.

Obviously, everyone uses marinated soup.

There are too few spices in this braised pork rice!

Is this also the difference between the qualified level and the perfect level?

After that, if the braised pork rice is served with spicy beef hooves.

Then prepare two different buckets of brine soup.

The only ingredient that hasn’t been put in now is shiitake mushrooms.

Liu Chuan diced the freshly soaked shiitake mushrooms.

Pour into a pan and stir-fry with the meat.

Then add water to cover the pieces of meat and start simmering.

When the water in the pot is boiling, pour in the shallot pastry.

Cover the pan and let the meat simmer in the pan.

Simmer for twenty or thirty minutes.

Liu Chuan carefully poured the meat in the pot into the casserole, and even the meat and soup filled the entire casserole.

Liu Chuan tasted it, the taste was very light, the aftertaste was slightly sweet, fragrant and delicious.

Although the salt has not been put yet, the fresh aroma of the broth is already very strong.

The meat in the casserole was still gurgling and stewing, and Liu Chuan turned off the heat and put the peeled eggs in.

Liu Chuan specially put more eggs. Because Xuanxuan likes to eat marinated eggs the most.

This can be saved for her to eat when she comes back from school.

At this time, the fragrance wafts around…

Sister Li Ying and Li Yong couldn’t stand the smell for a long time.

Liu Chuan has been asked four or five times.

Is this braised pork rice good in the end! They can go crazy.

Wait until eleven.

The marinated meat is finally ready

Liu Chuan first loaded a copy for Li Yingjie and Li Yong.

A bowl of rice topped with a layer of sliced meat and scalded greens underneath the meat.

After marinating and soaking in the brine soup, the pork belly has been thoroughly flavored.

Plus simmering halogen.

It makes the meat juicy and watery, even the lean part is soft and juicy, without the dry and woody taste of ordinary lean meat.

As for the rice in the bowl, it is even more absolute.

The rice is wrapped in a marinated soup full of umami flavor.

The oily texture and fresh taste.

Instantly sublimated the whole bowl of rice.

Sister Li Ying and Li Yong were already delicious.

This is the best braised pork rice they’ve ever had.

It was also the aroma of this braised meat that caused the old Zheng Lao Yang and the two who walked around, and couldn’t help but push the door in.

Before entering the store.

Lao Zheng and Lao Yang both noticed the recruitment notice posted at the door of the store as soon as they entered the store.

Lao Yang said excitedly: “Boss Liu, you are finally going to start recruiting, after this manpower, we will buy soup dumplings in the future, it should be easier, recently buy a soup dumplings, it’s like a war, almost can’t grab it.” ”

Lao Yang said that he did not forget while smelling the fragrant smell of brine meat that permeated the air.

Finally, I saw Li Yingjie and Li Yong sitting on the side.


Is that braised pork rice?

That aroma came from that meal.

This Uncle Yang is very idle on weekdays.

Come early every day and buy it.

But when I went out at home again, I was delayed by something! Come later, then the iron will definitely not be bought.

So much for every meal sold.

What’s more, there are more and more people now.

The chances of being able to buy it are even smaller.

He and Uncle Zheng now have to solve almost all of their three meals a day at Liu’s restaurant, except that they are not in line.

He is happy that his favorite store is liked by more people.

But in my heart, I don’t want so many people to know the existence of Liu’s restaurant.

The more people know about this treasure shop.

That means more and more people queuing.

Sometimes you can’t even buy it in line.

It’s both happy and sad.

However, Boss Liu is now hiring.

Does it mean that after recruiting, the supply of various dishes will increase, then everyone is really happy?

Just now, when Uncle Yang and Uncle Zheng pushed the door in.

Liu Chuan was also surprised.

Logically, he usually hung up a sign that he was temporarily closed and was outside.

Generally, no customers will come in.

It turned out to be Uncle Zheng and Uncle Yang.

Presumably, the two old men came in to inquire after seeing the job posting.

So Liu Chuan responded with a smile: “I’m already hiring.” With helpers, the amount of this and the new products will keep up. ”

On the side, Uncle Zheng also noticed the braised pork rice.

Is that new?

Are you going to be on today? But now is not the time to focus on braised pork rice.

He had more important things to tell Liu Chuan.

That’s right.

He took a fancy to the job posting.

To be precise.

He fancy the “three meals” on the job posting.

Uncle Zheng asked eagerly, “Boss Liu, what do you think of me?” Liu Chuan looked confused! ”

I couldn’t react for a while, what does this Uncle Zheng mean? Uncle Yang also looked at Uncle Zheng with a questioning expression.

Lao Zheng, what is your situation?

Liu Chuan and Uncle Yang, who had not yet understood what Uncle Zheng meant, were stunned.

Liu Chuan asked puzzled, “Uncle Zheng, what’s the matter?” ”

Uncle Zheng smiled happily, but there was an imperceptible expectation in his eyes: “Your shop is not to recruit people!” Do you think I can do it? ”

Ha? Apply?

The former chef of your six-star hotel came here to apply?

Uncle Yang’s mouth couldn’t help but open wide, enough to stuff a duck egg! Old Zheng, you… You don’t talk about martial virtue!

You apply, who will accompany me to play chess in the future!!! In other words, he is also applying now, is it still time?


Liu Chuan looked at Uncle Zheng in surprise.

Uncle Zheng was dressed in a straight Zhongshan suit, and his hair was combed very seriously, without a trace of messiness.

But the silver white hair still appeared so clearly among the few black hairs.

The eyebrows and beards are a little gray.

But his face was still red.

Although Liu Chuan has only been here for a few days.

But it’s still quite Li Datong said.

This Uncle Zheng was the head chef of a six-star hotel before his retirement.

The former chef of a six-star hotel works for him?

It’s still a very face-conscious thing to think about.

But isn’t this Uncle Zheng disgusted with the price drop? For that little salary that I opened myself…

It is estimated that it is not half of Uncle Zheng’s previous half.

After all, the whole country.

There are only two six-star hotels.

One is in the imperial capital, and the other is in the magic capital.

I can imagine what a powerful character Uncle Zheng is!

So Liu Chuan immediately vetoed the unrealistic idea in his heart.

It really doesn’t work.

At least not now.

But this Uncle Zheng definitely won’t come for that salary.

However, Liu Chuan couldn’t help but make up for it.

Can such a rich and famous master wash vegetables? Can you brush the pot clean? Even if he could!

These things, used to be in hotels.

Uncle Zheng should have commanded others to do it!

Seeing that Liu Chuan was slow to speak, Uncle Zheng thought that Liu Chuan was worried about his ability.

“I have 20 years of experience as a chef in a six-star hotel. Not to mention helping the cook, I decided to be competent. ”

When Uncle Yang heard Uncle Zheng say this, he quickly recommended himself: “Boss Liu, I also have 30 years of management experience, I can also register cashier or waiter, I can do it.” ”

Liu Chuan: “…”

Uncle Yang, what kind of mess are you adding… No more!

I’m a little restaurant here.

Are the applications so rolled!

Uncle Zheng heard Uncle Yang’s words: “Old Yang! What are you doing here! I’m applying seriously. ”

Uncle Yang curled his neck and said, “You old Zheng Tou!” What do you call me blind and what a hilarious thing! You simply only allow the governor to set fires, and the people are not allowed to light lamps, do you only allow your old Zheng to apply, and I am not allowed to apply for the job! Besides, I didn’t rob you of your post. ”

Uncle Zheng heard Uncle Yang’s words.

As if suddenly reacted.


Again not the same position.

Uncle Zheng: “Hey! Old Yang Tou, in the future we will be colleagues again! ”

Uncle Yang: “Yes, yes, yes!” In the future, you stir-fry, I will be a waiter! ”

Perfect Liu Chuan: “??? ”

These two old men, in a few words, gave these two positions to themselves? Are you all so brave?

All ignore the existence of his boss? And Uncle Yang!

Dressed in a Tang costume.

A look at the fabric is not a bargain.

Can you really be a waiter?

Liu Chuan looked at the pair of happy and unhappy families, shook his head helplessly, and politely refused: “Uncle Zheng, Uncle Yang, my store is recruiting employees aged 20-50.” And the ages of the two obviously do not match, so, sorry. ”

Uncle Zheng:????

Uncle Yang:???? Ay!

They can’t change the question of age.

That’s it!

That’s all it has to do!

However, the sadness of these two people is only a matter of a second.

Uncle Zheng: “Boss Liu, I just smelled the aroma of braised meat in your shop. Is this going to be new? ”

After speaking, his eyes did not forget to look in the direction of Li Yong.

Uncle Yang stared directly at the braised pork rice of the two of them.

There is a feeling of wanting to grab it.

Liu Chuan did not hide it, and said directly: “That braised pork rice, today is to test, the taste is not very perfect, and the amount is very small, so I won’t sell it, or the two of you will help me taste the taste.” ”

When Uncle Zheng and Uncle Yang heard this, a look of joy immediately appeared on their faces.

But they insisted on paying.

It is said that Liu Chuan cooks so hard, how can he eat it for nothing!

It’s as much as it should be.

Liu Chuan said that it was his honor to invite two people to try the dishes and help give advice.

At Liu Chuan’s insistence.

Uncle Zheng and Uncle Yang couldn’t resist Liu Chuan’s insistence.

I can only eat a braised meat rice for nothing.

Of course.

Uncle Zheng is worthy of being the former chef of a six-star hotel.

In the process of eating, Liu Chuan’s shortcomings were also pointed out.

It is still not enough in terms of heat mastery and stir-frying meat.

But even so!

They were all full of praise for Liu Chuan’s craftsmanship.

Gulp of rice.

Can’t stop eating.

Who knew that at this time, the system’s prompt tone sounded:

[The host humbly asks for advice and obtains a perfect-grade meal upgrade card, does it use a perfect-grade meal upgrade card for braised pork rice?] 】


That’s how you get rewarded! Happiness came too suddenly.

That must be upgraded decisively!

Because there are only perfect dishes.

Liu Chuan will choose to be new at Liu’s restaurant.

He didn’t hesitate at all.

A golden light flashed in my mind.

Then the system tone sounded:

[The host uses the perfect-grade meal upgrade card to successfully upgrade the qualified-grade braised pork rice to the perfect-grade braised pork rice.] 】


Liu Chuan’s mind was flooded with a huge amount of experience of stewed pork rice.

He finally knew the difference between perfect-grade braised pork rice and qualified-grade braised pork rice, it turned out that the time he had just stewed was too long.

There are also areas for improvement in seasoning… Even the plating of braised pork rice.

After eating the marinated pork rice, Uncle Zheng and Uncle Yang both let out satisfied burps.

Then said goodbye to Liu Chuan and said goodbye in the evening…

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