Chapter 88 Maybe what you need is not soup, but a happy mood, a place to be valued!!

But the facts in front of her did not allow her not to believe it.

Could it be that she didn’t eat anything to milk today! She didn’t drink a single bite of the crucian carp soup prepared by her mother-in-law.

Even before, drink every day! It doesn’t work!

How come you have milk today?

Is it really because of the pressure I had before?

Is there no milk?

After eating egg fried rice.

The mood became cheerful.

Just through milk? It must be so!

With surprise and excitement on her face, she tapped on the screen of her phone and edited the text.

[Dear friends, I have good news for you, I finally have milk, and the milk has wet my clothes. My baby finally has rations, and I don’t have to worry about him going hungry anymore. 】

[Skin egg mother, you still said in the group yesterday that you couldn’t get milk for a long time, and it didn’t matter what soup you drank. ] Suddenly milk on such a big night? Did my husband try it? How the hell did you do it? Kneel for a solution. 】

Li Shanshan saw the unorthodox conversation in the group.

Also drunk!

Are you all so open after becoming a mother…

[Is it really my husband to try?] If it’s true, I’ll come right away. 】

[Kneel for solution +1.] 】

[Kneel for solution +2.] 】

I saw that everyone’s discussion intensified. Everyone is @her, to pass the milk.

Li Shanshan also immediately shared her experience.

She knew that Bao’s mother had been anxious to pass milk.

Li Shanshan: I just ate egg fried rice packed by my mother-in-law, ginger lotus root and a bowl of seaweed egg soup.

I think the egg fried rice and seaweed egg soup are so delicious.

Let me forget all my worries at once, and then feel good, and the milk will naturally pass. (PS: Egg fried rice and seaweed egg soup bought by ten shops called “Liu’s Restaurant” on the center street of the old town)

[I saw Liu’s restaurant the day before yesterday, it seems that there was a long queue a little later, and I didn’t see egg fried rice and seaweed egg soup at that time! ] But because the line was too long, I had to queue up and left. So, I’m a treasure…]

【Your mother-in-law bought you egg fried rice?】 What kind of fairy mother-in-law is this. My family doesn’t let me eat anything except confinement meals, and I want to vomit every day when it’s time to eat. How can this be in a good mood…]

[I have been to Liu’s restaurant, and everything there is delicious. It’s just that there will be a long queue a little later, and if you want to go, you have to be early. 】

【An egg fried rice? I’ve been drinking fish soup for almost a month, and I don’t necessarily have more milk, so you eat an egg fried rice, which has so much effect? Skinny mother, are you sure you’re not teasing me? 】

[Maybe what you need is not soup, but a pleasant mood, a feeling of being valued. 】



When the mothers saw Li Shanshan’s words, they were speechless.

It seems to be really like Li Shanshan said.

Since the birth of the child.

Everyone revolves around the child.

But no one cares about what they do as pregnant women.

Some pregnant women do not have milk.

Just listen to Li Shanshan once.

A dead horse is healed as a living horse.

Think about the old town center street is not very far away.

Although it’s a little late now.

Or let the husband try his luck.

Maybe you can even buy things from Liu’s restaurant.


Since everything is delicious.

And in the confinement center confinement mother Xia Yan, she also moved this thought.

Who let her half a pound of meat not fight, delay the milk! Ay!

It’s not easy to be a mother, and I cherish it with tears! Thereupon.

She picked up her mobile phone and sent a voice message to her husband Zhang Peng.

“Husband, are you still working overtime? Why don’t you go to Liu’s restaurant on Center Street near your company now, and pack me an egg fried rice? When you finish overtime, bring me the confinement center. I tell you, it must be egg fried rice from Liu’s restaurant! ”


The phone dinged.

It was Zhang Peng’s reply.

Click to listen.

“Okay, wife, I’ll go over and buy it for you now, and then I’ll send it to you.” But it’s past eight o’clock now. I may not be able to buy egg fried rice when I go. I’ll buy whatever I see!! ”

Zhang Peng works near Center Street.

Naturally, he knew about Liu’s restaurant.

Many colleagues around me say that the food there is delicious.

Zhang Peng also went once last time, but only halfway through the queue.

Everything is sold out.

So I didn’t eat it.

However, how did my wife know about Liu’s restaurant? How suddenly you want to eat.

But he didn’t ask that much.

Since the birth of the child.

Basically, the wife is taking care of it.

And also limited by the elders in the family, this restriction and that.

And Cheyenne did not ask the reason for this kind of question from her husband, so she directly agreed to the attitude.

It was quite satisfying.

At least my husband didn’t neglect himself because of the birth of his child.

I feel like I’m not marrying the wrong person!

Then she will now sit and wait for her husband’s packed supper.

At this time, a knock sounded on the door. Then her door was gently pushed open.

Walking in was the milkman.

“Mrs. Zhang, how are you thinking about it? If you think about it, I can help you open your milk right now. ”

Cheyenne: “Thank you, but I don’t need it at the moment. ”

“Mrs. Zhang, your current situation is more serious than ordinary people. If you continue to block it like this, you may get mastitis, and severe cases will develop into lumps, and you will have to undergo surgery to cut the inside. ”

Cheyenne naturally knows what serious consequences will be if it continues to block.

But she’s only been in labor for just over a week now.

And she’s not completely without milk.

It’s just that there is not enough milk.

But this milkman is now running here to be alarmist.

Isn’t it a bit excessive.

After communicating with some moms in the group.

Cheyenne will not be too flustered.

After all, I haven’t reached that level yet.

She is also looking for ways to do it.

And after listening to the group, finding a milkman is not so effective.

Cheyenne showed an awkward but polite smile: “Thank you for coming over to remind me, but I want to try something else.” So it’s not needed for the time being. ”

Milkman: “Mrs. Zhang, what kind of method?” ”

Cheyenne: “Nothing, just a recipe from a friend.” ”

Milkman: “Mrs. Zhang, the food you said won’t be those soups and the like!” Although drinking more soup does have a certain effect. But that’s for ordinary people, your situation is more special, I suggest you still…”

When Cheyenne heard the words of the milk driver, the fire suddenly came, and he was also angry and said: “I don’t need it for the time being, I will contact you again if necessary, I want to rest now, trouble you to bring the door.” ”

This is an obvious eviction order! Yes!

You ignore my love now, and I’ll see how I fix you later!

The milkman knew that it was useless to talk more now, so he had to leave first and obediently close the door

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