“Good morning, young apprentices.

A middle-aged French man wearing a white chef’s uniform and with neat short blond hair walked into the classroom.

When the teacher came, Tanaka’s legs softened and he burned out again.

“Good morning, young apprentices. French cuisine teacher Roland Chapelle said with a straight face.

“Good morning.”The classmates in the class greeted collectively

“Listen carefully, the moment you step into the kitchen, you must take the responsibility of making absolutely delicious food! And this has nothing to do with experience or position.……”

Teacher Chapel still had a straight face and said calmly,”Any dish that doesn’t get an A in my class will be judged as an E. You must remember this.””

“Hmm. It seems that I was wrong in one respect. The teaching staff of this school is still very good. I was also very angry and generalized.”Liu Maoxing touched his chin.


The other students looked at me speechlessly. So you want it to be even stricter?

“Don’t talk when I’m talking, and don’t let me remind you a second time.”

Teacher Chapel said.

Liu Maoxing nodded apologetically.

“Today’s menu is beef stew in Burgundy red wine. It is a classic French dish. I will write the recipe on the whiteboard. The time limit is two hours, and the groups that have finished will hand it in for grading. So… the timer starts now. Commence zacuire (Begin cooking!)”

Teacher Chapelle continued the lesson.

“Yeah. Let’s start.……”

Liu Maoxing looked at Tian Suohui, and this elder sister was burning out again.

“My luck is so bad!! The first class is actually… Mr. Chapelle! In a class last year, he gave an E to all 50 people in the class! And 18 people in our class were expelled because of his class. The teacher with the strictest grading in Totsuki… Everyone calls him (the chef who can’t smile).”Tadokoro Megumi was thinking wildly, and her mentality was exploding

“”Tanabe-san? Are you feeling unwell?” Liu Maoxing pushed her.

“Ah… I’m fine.”

Tian Suo Hui woke up and took a deep breath:”In short, we have to do it. Be calm… Be more solid… Besides, Liu Maoxingjun and Soma-kun are so confident, compared to cooking skills……”

“Liu Maoxing, Burgundy… What is Burgundy?” Yukihira Soma asked


“Huh? Soma-kun, you’ve never made this dish.……”Tanaka Hui’s face turned pale and asked

“Huh? No. I mean, it’s like beef stew.……”

“It still doesn’t work.……”Tanaka Hui’s mentality exploded on the spot

“Don’t worry, there will always be a way out. I’ll go check the menu first.

“It’s over… I still have to do it myself!!”

“Beef stew in Burgundy red wine, also known as Burgundy beef stew, is a traditional French dish that originated in the Burgundy region.

This must be the dish that best represents the cooking skills of French chefs in the world, even foie gras, truffles, snails and the like are not as good.

However, the current Burgundy beef stew has undergone certain improvements for the sake of sales, but if you want to say the most delicious, it has to be the old-fashioned Burgundy red wine beef stew that doesn’t look good and is stewed black.

The taste is really great.

When I went to France and stayed overnight in a country house, an old French aunt made it for me.

The black dish when it was first served scared me, but after taking a bite, it gave me the ultimate surprise.

Liu Maoxing nodded and smiled, slowly pressed the beef that was handed down and said

“This student has a good vision. The traditional method of stewing beef with Burgundy red wine is indeed not suitable for the table of top restaurants because of its appearance. But a student who knows this must have some deep understanding of French cuisine. It seems that he is not a brainless and arrogant person.”

After listening to this, Teacher Chapel thought

“Ah. Liu Maoxingjun, can you do it?”

“Haha, forget about the traditional method, it will take at least six hours to complete, not to mention the long marinating process to let the beef material absorb the flavor. So, just follow the recipe. I’ll go check out the seasonings and you can just start cooking. This kind of country cooking is your specialty. Follow the recipe, nothing unexpected will happen, you will be fine, I believe in you, just do it with peace of mind. If you have any problems, come to me and I will solve them.”

As he cut the beef, Liu Maoxing patted Tanosuke Hui’s shoulder and left.


Tian Suohui nodded and was stunned for a long time:”Eh? The beef is cut? When was it made? Aren’t we chatting all the time? Liu Maoxingjun!!”

“”Yes. The side dishes are ready. I’ll leave the cooking to you.”

Liu Maoxing came back with a plate of chopped onions, carrots and other things in his hand.

“Liu Maoxingjun, did you bring back the vegetables that someone cut?”


Liu Maoxing tilted his head

“Uh… Liu Maoxingjun, you are too fast.”Tan Suo Hui understood

“Come on. I’ll look around again.”

Liu Maoxing felt embarrassed. Who are you talking about?

A girl shouldn’t just say a boy is too fast!

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