Liu Maoxing looked at the tofu, turned around and waved to Kawashima Rei:”Beautiful lady, can we start now? Tofu can’t stand the test of time.”

“Oh. Then……”

Just as Kawashima Rei was about to speak, a cute girl with pigtails who looked very honest came up to the stage and handed her a piece of paper, then left the stage in a hurry with a red face.

“Hmm? A new piece of news, the referees for this Shokugeki competition have changed. The number of referees has changed from five to three, except for Ms. Erina Nakiri and Mr. Roland Chapelle, all other referees have been replaced! The third referee is a mysterious guest!”

“The familiar ones were replaced, and the grudges were kept.……”Liu Maoxing’s expression is a bit broken

“The referee, please come out quickly! If you delay any longer, the quality of the tofu will decline. Anyway, I don’t care who it is.”Kuga Teruki said

“Then please invite the referee to come out.”

The light shone on the third venue entrance.

Under the light, Nakiri Erina entered the venue full of pride, followed by her secretary.

“Miss Erina!! Lady Erina……”The venue was filled with the howling of crazy fans.

Erina walked to the judges’ seat, flicked her hair, and sat down.

The second person to enter was Mr. Roland Chapelle.

He walked in with a clean and tidy chef’s uniform and a stern face.

The crowd in the venue that was still howling instantly turned into loyal dogs, sitting upright, all of them were good students.

At this time, the third person came out.

He was wearing a tea green kimono, wooden clogs, with fierce eyes and full of majesty.

If all the audience dared not move when Mr. Roland Chapelle came in just now, then after this person came in, their breathing became heavy and their eyes were bloodshot.

Kuga Teruki was also stunned.

Damn it!!

Why is this person here?

“The third referee was actually… the headmaster of the academy! Nakiri Senzaemon-sama! How surprising! In the past, even in the official shokugeki competitions between the top ten, the headmaster rarely appeared in person to referee! Could it be… could it be that this is a top-level shokugeki duel that exceeds the level of the top ten? Or does Liu Subaru have the strength comparable to the top ten?”

Kawashima Rei directly said what was in the hearts of all the audience present.

“Yeah. Interesting.”Liu Maoxing nodded, not nervous at all.

Kuga Teruki glanced at Liu Maoxing, took a deep breath, and regained his composure.

Then the ten who were originally going to be judges and the ten who came to join in the fun came out with folding chairs and walked to the stands to put the folding chairs. They sat in rows.

“I just want to say that you must bring out the best dishes. Now, the duel begins!”After Nakiri Senzaemon took his seat, he announced the start of the match.


Liu Maoxing and Kuga Teruki looked at each other and turned to their own cooking tables.

“While the two contestants have already started cooking, I will read out the content of their duel. The theme of their cooking is Chinese cuisine!! The main ingredient is tofu! The cooking time is two hours. If Liu Maoxing wins, Senior Kuga Teruki’s Chinese cuisine research will be renamed Sichuan cuisine research association”

“Huh? This is a slap in the face!! This is like saying that Senior Kuga Teruki can’t cook Chinese food!! He smashed the sign in public! Did he go there to challenge the master that day?”The stands were in uproar

“If Senior Kuga Teruki wins, Liu Maoxingjun will drop out of school in public, never set foot in the Land of Sakura, and finally… never be a chef again.”


The whole place was silent again.

“Hey…isn’t this too unfair? If you win, the other side just changes the sign. If you lose, you won’t be a chef anymore. The conditions are too different! It’s not fair! It’s not fair at all!” The audience in the stands were talking.

“It’s not fair! It’s not fair at all!” Yuki shouted from the stands.

“That’s right! It’s not fair! It’s not fair! Can the top ten take such a big advantage?”The people in the stands roared together, and the crowd was furious.

The top ten in the stands covered their faces and lowered their heads. They couldn’t bear to watch, this idiot


Liu Maoxing’s voice came from the speakers. Kuga Teruki also stopped.

“”Eh? When did you take my microphone away?” Kawashima Rei found that the microphone in her hand was gone.

The audience fell silent.

“The last point is actually meaningless. If I really lose this Dragon Country Food Battle, I will not be able to continue to be a chef. I will never lose to any foreign chef in cooking Dragon Country food! You must not lose to Sakura Country food. In the following time, please watch our performance quietly and respect us. The microphone is back to you!”Liu Maoxing said, and returned the microphone to Kawashima Rei.

The audience did not say a word and watched the game silently.

“This guy is quite good at canvassing votes. The commander-in-chief raised his eyebrows.

“Acting pitiful.” Erina muttered


Teacher Roland Chapelle crossed his arms and said nothing.

“You can continue now. Liu Maoxing said to Kawashima Rei

“Then let’s continue watching! Senior Kuga has already started to process the tofu!!”

Kuga Teruki took out a kitchen knife and started to cut the tofu methodically.

His knife was steady and decisive, and the tofu cuts were all the same size, without any damage to the edges.

“”Yeah. Your knife skills are very good. Your mentality is very stable.” Liu Maoxing said, touching his chin.

“Do you still have the heart to watch me cook? Are you looking down on me?”Kuga Teruki turned around and said

“”Yeah. You’re right. It’s time for me to start.” Liu Maoxing reached into the food box and took out a knife.

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