One of the top ten, the bespectacled girl Ji Zhiguo Ningning, pushed her glasses and said,”In other words, I can’t beat him now. I’ll go back and practice, and then I’ll compete with him.”

“Oh!!”Xiaolin Longdan nodded in sudden realization.

Don’t be too exaggerated.

“Ahem. Saito Somei’s face turned red, and he crossed his hands and stopped talking.

The three referees returned to their seats.

Liu Maoxing took a deep breath, gently put Tieguai Li on the tray, then picked up another piece of white jade tofu and put it into the water tank again, and started carving again.

At this time, Kuga Teruki had already started the operation process of Mapo Tofu.

After a long time

“Phew… it’s finally done.” Liu Maoxing looked at the eight statues on the tray and breathed a sigh of relief.

Liu Maoxing fiddled with it for a while and put the prepared statues into the steamer.

“The next thing will be quick.”

Liu Maoxing set up two large iron pots on the stove at the same time, and started cooking two portions at the same time according to the order in which he took the tofu.

As Liu Maoxing flipped the pots with his hands, waves of different aromas filled the venue.

Sometimes spicy, sometimes sweet, sometimes fresh, sometimes rich, sometimes elegant, sometimes wild, sometimes violent, and sometimes cold. The ever-changing taste made everyone in the audience involuntarily immersed in it.

“What is he cooking? The smell makes me hungry! I’m so hungry! Me too! He’s shaking two large Chinese iron pots at the same time, isn’t that too much strength?”Some of the audience in the stands were drooling.

After a while, Liu Maoxing put the last piece of tofu into the winter melon container with chopsticks.

Then, he reached out to the last piece of white jade tofu, put it on the chopping board and slowly cut it.

Fifteen minutes later

“Okay! Time is running out! Both parties please serve your dishes!!”Kawashima Rei presided over the ceremony.

A few minutes later, Liu Maoxing and Kuga Teruki served their dishes and stood with their hands behind their backs, waiting for the judges.

“Oh! Time is up! Now… please bring your dishes to the table!” said Rei Kawashima.

“”Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!” The audience in the venue cheered again.

Kuga Teruki looked at Liu Maoxing with a serious face.

Liu Maoxing saw it, grinned, raised his eyebrows and smiled

“Phew… Liu Maoxing. You are really awesome! But the winner of this food battle must be me!”

“”Oh. I’ll take it as a compliment.” Liu Maoxing replied.

“I’m just saying something cruel!!”Kuga Teruki jumped up in anger.

“Oh. But, harsh words are worthless, being ruthless is the real skill.”Liu Maoxing touched his chin and said

“All right. Let’s…see for ourselves.”

“”Yes.” Liu Maoxing nodded, full of confidence.

“Can’t you show a little bit of nervousness? I am one of the top ten after all!” Kuga Teruki was a little helpless.

“Cooking is a pleasure for me. It’s such a happy thing, why should I be nervous?”

“This is food wars!”

“Humph. So what? Can I cook better if I am nervous? No. Only by putting my whole heart into cooking can I cook better. Those thoughts about winning or losing are just useless distractions.”Liu Maoxing said, and looked at the judges.


Kuga Teruki glanced at Liu Maoxing, took a deep breath, and looked at the judges. I haven’t been so nervous in a long time…

This guy… is a tough nut to crack!

“First, senior Kuga presented his dish. Kawashima Rei announced that the dishes were ready.

Kuga Teruki walked up to the judges’ table with his homemade tofu dish.

In front of each person was a dish covered with a metal cover.

“This is the mapo tofu I made. Please enjoy it.”Kuga Teruki introduced.

The three judges did not start eating right away, but looked at Kuga Teruki meaningfully.

“Mapo Tofu… Kuga-kun, you don’t think Liu Maoxing-kun is an opponent you can defeat by just making a random dish, right?” Erina said

“Underestimating your opponent is a taboo in food battles.”Teacher Roland Chapelle said

“Before this competition, I did look down on him. But after we started fighting, I no longer looked down on him. He is… very strong. The strength he showed is not comparable to that of ordinary students. He is qualified to fight with me.”Kuga Teruki turned his head and looked at Liu Maoxing.

“Did you hear that? Senior Kuga has recognized Liu Maoxing’s ability! It seems that this year’s transfer students are also really talented!!!”The stands were in chaos.

“Am I bad?” Yukihira stared at his classmates with dead eyes.

“”Show me how to draw your sword first, Yukihira-kun.” Sakaki Ryoko said

“Forget it, that’s simply not something a normal person can do!”

“Therefore, my Mapo Tofu this time is not just any Mapo Tofu, but a new Mapo Tofu that I have improved and created. This is the best Mapo Tofu I have ever made since I started learning cooking.

Judges, please enjoy it!! This is my Mapo Tofu of the New Century.”

After saying this, Kuga Teruki slowly opened the cover in front of the three people, and a red light slowly peeked out along the gap in the cover.

The appearance of the dish appeared, and five pieces of tofu were stacked in a pyramid in the center of the plate, and a small piece of cooked broccoli and red-gold chili sauce were placed on the edge of the plate.

Red! Every piece of tofu is red, but not a deep dark red, nor is it the oily red that is common in Sichuan cuisine, but a fiery red! The real fiery red!

Just seeing this color can make people feel the warmth and power of this dish!

This color is the flame in Kuga Teruki’s heart! This is his absolute passion for cooking!!

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