Ten exam papers, a total of 1,000 questions!

Answers need to be completed within five hours

1 point per question, each paper needs to get at least 95 points!

If the above two conditions are met, the assessment content of the second round of assessment is completed.

Heard the request made by Director Rena

Anne, who was sitting in the audience, breathed a slight sigh of relief in her heart.

To be honest, the second round of the special executive promotion assessment is really difficult!

Anne remembers that not long ago, when she participated in the second-class executive promotion examination, there was only one paper for the theory test.

If you reach 90 points or more, you are considered passed.

The time is 2 hours!

And the theoretical test in the promotion assessment of special executives, directly increased the difficulty by more than ten times.

It’s just that Annie knows Chen Fei very well.

She felt that Chen Fei’s theoretical skills were very strong!

If it was just a theoretical test, Chen Fei should have no problem.

Although the time is short, Annie believes that with Chen Fei’s ability, she will be able to successfully pass this round of assessment.

I don’t know if I sensed Annie’s inner thoughts

Clarion looked at Anne and showed a hint of a charming smile:

“Little Annie, do you feel that the second round of testing is relatively simple now?”

Anne looked up at Krajiu and replied

“The difficulty of the second round of the test is very large, and I feel that the difficulty is more than ten times higher than the theoretical test I took when I took the second-class executive examination.”

“However, if it is a theoretical test, I still have great confidence in Brother Chen Fei.”

“When he took the theory test for promotion to first-class gastronomy executive, he got a perfect score.”

“Just now, Director Rena said that each test paper only needs to get 95 points.”

“This, I believe that Brother Chen Fei can definitely do it!”

Hearing Annie’s answer, Clarion burst out laughing

She looked at Decora and smiled

“Little Annie is really simple and cute!”

Hearing Clare’s words, Annie froze:

“Krajiu, what do you mean by that?”

Krajiu winked at Anne charmingly:


“Little Annie, it seems that you still haven’t understood the real difficulty of the second round of testing!”


Seeing that Anne was a little puzzled, De Cora smiled charmingly

“Krajiu, don’t tease little Annie.”

“With her level, she is still very tender.”

“Little Annie, do you think that Brother Chen Fei only needs to score above 95 in each test paper to pass the second round of tests?”

“That’s not the case!”

Annie’s heart suddenly jumped, and the next second, she looked at Decora and asked eagerly

“Decora, what do you mean by that?”

“Could it be that the second round of theoretical tests is behind other secrets?”

De Cora raised his head, and his gaze swept deeply from the five examiners

Then, the expression on her face began to become serious.

“Little Annie, before asking these words!”

“You have to figure out one thing!”

“What is now presented to you is the promotion assessment of the executive of special cuisine!”

“Do you know what the birth of a special executive means?”

“Special executive, it can be said that he is the supreme master sitting at the table!”

“It’s world-class accolade!”

“The highest honor that any foodie in the world can receive!”

“To get this title, you need not only strength, but also the ability to make everyone recognize you!”

“If you want to gain everyone’s approval, how can you do it so easily?”

“The original words of Director Rena just now are as follows:”

“Within the specified time, each paper has a score of more than 95 points, even if you have completed the assessment content of the second round of tests.”

“You remember, Director Rena used the word finish, not pass!”

“Whether Brother Chen Fei can pass the second round of the test is not just based on the score, but on the final review of the five auditors.”

“Let me explain it to you.”

“If Brother Chen Fei has 9 test papers and gets full marks, and 1 test paper gets 99 points!”

“With this only wrong answer, the examiners have the right to give him the right not to pass!”

“Now, do you understand the crux of the matter?”

Decora explained in detail

After listening, Annie’s whole body stiffened a little.

It turns out that behind the second round of quizzes, is there such a secret?

In this way, the difficulty of the second round of the test has directly increased from ten times to a hundredfold! ! !

Now, Anne finally understood the real meaning behind Decora’s words.

Suppose, with a total score of 1,000 points, Chen Fei got 999 points.

Out of 1000 questions, he only wrote 1 question wrong!

However, because of this only wrong topic, the examiner can give Chen Fei’s evaluation that his “theoretical skills” are not solid enough, and “such a simple topic can be written wrong”.

So behind the second round of quizzes is,

Either full marks!

Or fail!

After perceiving the real difficulty, Annie’s heart tensed up again for a moment.

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