On the playground, the opening ceremony continues

After the speech of the head of the school, Senzoemon Gate

The person in charge of the opening ceremony held a microphone and said aloud:

“Next, I invite the transfer student representative Kohei Sojin to speak on stage!”

At the moment when the voice of the person in charge fell,

A red-haired boy came to the ceremonial table:

“That, my name is Kohei Sojin…”

“To be honest, I don’t think I’m very familiar with this school itself.”

“Seriously, I didn’t expect myself to enter here to study.”

“But I don’t think I will lose to you guys who have never met a guest.”

“Since it’s in…. I’m going to take the first! ”

“Next, in the next three years of study, please take care of you!”

Kohei Sojin’s “arrogant” speech made the entire playground boil instantly.

Everywhere you can hear someone scolding this guy.

Erinai, who was standing beside Chen Fei, stared at the red-haired figure with a pair of beautiful eyes:

“This man… Why is it here? ”

“He… It is clear that it has not already been… Is it eliminated? ”

Seeing a trace of disbelief flash in Erina’s eyes, Chen Fei smiled and did not speak.

He knew very well why Kohei Sojin was here.

It was the old man who changed his assessment and evaluation.

“Sister, that red-haired boy, it seems to be quite interesting.”

Hearing Chen Fei’s words, Erinai clenched her silver teeth and snorted coldly:

“Interesting? It is clearly just an arrogant and impudent person. ”

Chen Fei was just about to say something

Suddenly his cell phone rang

Take it out and see that it was the old man who called him.

“Sister, I’m going to go with my grandfather to the teaching department.”

Hearing Chen Fei’s words, Erinai nodded slightly:

“Got it.”

“Then I’ll go home first, and then wait for you at home.”


Half an hour later,

The office of the teaching department of Engetsu Gakuen is full of lecturers from various disciplines.

Senzoemon who was sitting in the main seat glanced around

Then he said in a deep voice:

“Now start the meeting!”

“The main purpose of bringing you here today is to introduce you to a new colleague.”

“It’s this one next to me!”

“Chen Fei, you can introduce yourself to everyone.”

In the incredulous eyes of all the lecturers, Chen Fei slowly stood up:

“Hello teachers!”

“My name is Chen Fei, and I am from the Celestial Empire.”

“From today onwards, I will enter the teaching department of Yuanyue Academy.”

“I hope that in my future working life, I can get along with all the teachers very happily.”

After saying these words, Chen Fei sat down

Xianzuoemon said with some laughter

“Is that all there is to self-introduction?”

“Why don’t you say more?”

Chen Fei hadn’t had time to answer the old man

A lecturer raised his hand and said:

“Lord Marshal, this one by your side…. Still a child, right? ”

“Let a small child come to Yuanyue as a lecturer?”

“Is there something wrong with that?”

What this lecturer said was the voice of most lecturers at this time.

No matter from any angle, Chen Fei’s age seems to be a minor.

On the way here, Xianzuoweimon gave Chen Fei a very detailed introduction.

In addition to the General Marshal’s Office and the Yuanyue Ten Masters Council, Engetsu Academy has a total of seven departments, and these seven departments are:

Education Department, Food Production Management Department, Tourism Investment Department, Research Department, Overseas Department, Publicity Department, and General Affairs Management Department

Of the seven sectors, education is the largest and most influential.

At the same time, under the education department, there are more than a dozen sub-departments.

What Chinese cuisine research department, Japanese cuisine research department, French cuisine research department, all included.

After hearing this lecturer’s speech, Senzoemon calmly said:

“Matsushita-sensei, you misunderstood.”

“Chen Fei is not just a lecturer.”

“At the same time, he is also my newly appointed head of education!”

“And from today, this appointment has officially taken effect!”


The head of the education department of Engetsu Gakuen can be said to be the highest position in the education department.

All lecturers at Engetsu Academy, whether guest or permanent, must obey the leadership of the department head.

Appoint a kid who looks like a teenager as the head of the education department?

If what Xianzuo Weimen said at the beginning of the first place, it only caused consternation in the hearts of everyone present

Then the appointment he announced now was nothing less than a thunderclap that suddenly exploded in this conference room!

After a brief period of loss of concentration and consternation

The director of the Japanese cuisine research department stood up:

“Lord Commander-in-Chief!”

“I’m sorry, I really can’t understand this decision you made.”

“Let a teenager be the head of the most important part of the school, the education department?”

“I don’t think any of your colleagues here can agree with this.”

Mr. Chapel, the director of the French cuisine research department, frowned

He looked at Senzoemon and asked

“Is there any reason behind this incomprehensible decision, Lord Commander-in-Chief?”

Senzoemon glanced at the two directors who raised their confusion, and then he said calmly:

“Teachers here, please rest assured.”

“I didn’t make this appointment indiscriminately.”

“Although Chen Fei is young, he is qualified enough to sit in this position.”

Before Senzoemon finished speaking

The director of the Italian cuisine research department asked:

“Lord Commander-in-Chief, is there anything special about this child?”

Senzoemon replied calmly

“He’s the current special executive of WGO!”

“Do you think this qualification is enough?”


The voice of Senzoemon slowly echoed in the conference room

After listening to what he said,

In this conference room, the expressions on everyone’s faces froze.

WGO…….. Current Special Executive?

This… It can’t be!

This kid actually has this background?

At this moment, all the teachers were frightened by Xianzuoemun’s words.

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