I saw Yoshino Yuji looking at Chen Fei with bright eyes

Tashoe hurriedly explained:

“Yuuhime, it’s not like that.”

“This….. This kid is not my brother. ”

“You misunderstood….”


Tian Suohui explained in a low voice, and the friends of the Polar Star House figured out Chen Fei’s “origin”.

Yoshino Yuji looked at Chen Fei and said with some concern

“Little friend, it turns out that you were separated from your family.”

“Xiaohui made you a bowl of udon noodles just now, didn’t she?”

“So, have you eaten enough?”

“If you haven’t eaten enough, my sister still has some snacks there, I’ll go and bring them to you!”

After saying this, Yoshino Yuhime planned to go upstairs to get a snack

But before she could take a step, Chen Fei spoke

“No need to get snacks.”

“I’ve eaten enough.”

“However, I still thank this sister for her kindness.”

After saying this, Chen Fei set his eyes on Tian Suohui.

To be honest, being watched by Chen Fei, Xiaohui was a little nervous

She didn’t know why Chen Fei looked at herself with such eyes.

After hesitating, Tashoe asked softly

“Yes…. It’s the dish I just cooked, no… Isn’t it to your taste? ”

Chen Fei shook his head:

“No, I think the bowl of udon noodles just now tastes pretty good.”

“It shouldn’t have reached the level of self-defeat.”



Tasho’s fair and pretty face turned red in an instant.

It was clear that she heard the meaning behind the “word”.

If it weren’t for the large number of people here, she would really cry out in shame.

Forget about your own poor strength

But the words he said about “self-defeat” were actually heard by a child.

Myself, I really made a shameful example!

Seeing Xiaohui burying her head without saying a word

A very gentle-looking girl with burgundy hair asked

“What does self-defeat mean?”

“Xiaohui, did something happen just now?”

Xiaohui didn’t dare to raise her head to look into Ryoko Sakaki’s eyes:

“Didn’t… It’s nothing. ”

“Just….. It’s just that I just …. Did a very humiliating thing. ”

Yoshino Yuhime looked at Tashoe a little strangely

After a long time, she said softly:

“Xiaohui, you shouldn’t be alone, and you said something self-defeating.”

Seeing that Tashoe buried his head deeper

At this time, the friends of the Polar Star House instantly guessed the answer.

Because they live in the same dormitory, everyone here knows the situation Xiaohui is facing now.

The result is the lowest in the grade

At any time, you are in danger of being expelled from school.

Because he has been repeatedly criticized, because he has been repeatedly warned

Megumi Tasho often hides alone in a corner, worried about her future.

This has happened more than once.

Looking at Tashoe, Ryoko Sakaki hesitated and said softly:

“Xiaohui, you must not be discouraged.”

“We actually think you’re good.”

“It’s just that when you face the assessment, you are too easily nervous.”

After Ryoko Sakaki said these words, Yoshino Yuhime also followed and said:

“Yes, Ryoko is not wrong at all!”

“Xiaohui, your cooking is really great!”

“I actually love your cooking!”

“I can’t forget that gentle taste until now.”

“You just didn’t play out when you faced the assessment.”

“You only need to adjust your mentality, with your strength, you will definitely be able to stay in this academy.”

Several of the boys who stayed by Polestar also said similar things.

After getting along for so long, they are more or less emotional.

No one wants to see Tasshoe abandon himself like this.

Being able to get everyone’s encouragement, Xiaohui really feels very happy and happy in her heart

But…. But is his own strength really as everyone says?


Chen Fei took out a tissue and wiped the corner of his mouth:

Then, he looked at Tashoe and said calmly

“I’ve had a lot of delicious food.”

“However, I rarely compliment others.”

“In my opinion, the cuisine you made by this sister is indeed very distinctive.”

“Not to mention the taste, at least, I can feel the value of your cooking skills in your cooking.”

“So, there’s no need to beat yourself up now.”

“As a chef, if you don’t even trust your own dishes, how can you be recognized by others?”

“These things need to be understood by yourself.”

“However, this sister, you really entertained me today, and made me feel satisfied.”

“I owe you a favor.”

“If something happens in the future, I can help you once.”

“This promise will be valid until you graduate from this school.”

“Well, it’s not early, I should go back.”

“So whether you have to keep working hard and persevere, or give up on yourself, please make your own decisions.”

Hearing what Chen Fei said,

The friends of the Polar Star House were all stunned.

What did this kid say just now?

Owe her a favor? What’s the matter, he can help Xiaohui once?

This promise was valid until Megumi graduated?

Can say such words, who is this child?

“Ryoko, how do I feel, this little friend seems to be very promising, do you know him?”

Hearing Yuhime Yoshino’s whispered inquiry, Ryoko Sakaki shook her head slightly:

“I don’t know, I haven’t seen it at school…”

However, Marui Zenji had been staring at Chen Fei all the time, always feeling as if he had seen him somewhere.

Just when the atmosphere in the room was a little delicate,

Suddenly outside the door, there was the sound of a car’s horn.

Hearing the car’s horn, Chen Fei stood up and walked in the direction outside the house:

“The car that came to pick me up has arrived.”

“We’ll see each other again.”

“I hope that next time, I can see this sister change your mentality.”

“I’ve never always been sure that there are dishes that have value.”

Seeing Chen Fei go out the door, Tian Suohui hurriedly chased them out

I saw a black sedan that was stopping at the gate of the Polestar House.

“This car, how do I feel like I’ve seen it somewhere?”

Yoshino Yuki looked at the black car in a daze

In the next second, Daigo Aoki and Shoji Sato were a little incredulous and a little nervous

“This… This one…. It seems to be Erina’s car by Erina. ”

“What, this is Erina’s car by Erina??”

All of a sudden, the people of the Polar Star House were all frightened.

In the eyes of everyone’s disbelief, Chen Fei got into the black car.

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